- Re: woodlice
- Ground Nest
- Re: Ida Red
- root grow
- New Member
- Re: toad in greenhouse
- Re: Ida Red
- Pernettya
- Help wanted (somewhat O/T)
- Re: toad in greenhouse
- Storing bird seed
- Best packaging for posting plugs?
- Removing Ivy "Residue"
- source for "bin loader"
- Grass seed
- When is the best time to mulch beds?
- Sickly looking sambucus racemosa
- Busy Lizzies - couple of questions
- Hydrangea in a Pot
- Petrol Blower/Vac?
- Stihl HL Hedgecutter
- Winter Density lettuce seeds not germinating at all
- laurel
- Nematodes to control fruit flies in compost bin?
- Other peoples cat's
- Can't Have it All
- Pros and cons of this milde weather
- Acer Shirazamanum
- What to do with shreddings
- gooseberry
- Canna question
- worm killer
- Just Returned
- Jalapino Chillies
- pyracantha
- Hydrangeas
- Hydrangea
- roses
- Stopping squirrels getting at my nuts ???
- brick / block shed info please
- watering african violet
- storing apples
- Getting rid of Wasps Nests
- Wireworms
- potted basil
- how do I kill worms in my lawn
- Visiting EDEN 2006?
- Canna
- virginia creeper thru trees
- Last word on fuchsias
- Top of my plant 'fell off' vine weevils again?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Plant ID please?
- LINDA WEST of CHIPMAN UNITED VAN LINES likes to commit Fraud & Forgery and she likes to put peoples names on moving contracts without there Knowledge. Caton Mayflower Moving & Storage Movers & Relocation Dublin,ca & concord,ca 925) 876-7441, 925-887-
- Aconitum
- Identifying plant
- Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' - growth/habit
- Re-Invigorate wallnut tree?
- Identifying apple
- Electrical garden shears or the old fashioned ones?
- RHS seeds
- garden lights
- bricks in garden retaining wall going green
- Dahlias
- winter border
- Question about Persimmon Trees
- asphalt in garden
- Bizzy Lizzys
- Spinach Query,please.
- How do I grow FIGS from seed ???
- Growing maincrop peas organically
- keeping plant in water
- Are slugs and snails eating phormium?
- Dahlias?
- Soakaway
- Mountfield M1 Gardener Rotovator
- Bramley Apple Tree
- Relocating old aluminium glasshouse (New glass seals?)
- How to remove Rhododendron roots.
- Figs not ripening?
- grr !! Monty Don perpetuating compost myths ....
- Cherry tree distance from property
- Hi from Spain
- excavations in my planters!
- Wotsit? Volunteer flowers...
- Butts
- Fragrant White Climbing Roses
- Digging it up and starting again
- Verbena Claret Seed?
- lavatera (shrubby mallow) - too woody?
- acer under a canopy - watering?
- roses
- pond questions
- Interesting article on potatoes
- Problems with Thuja Smaragd
- Geoff Hamilton's Garden Designer
- Bullfinch damage.
- Robomows - anyone tried one ?
- Fuchsia again
- Hand/Manual/Reel Lawnmower.
- Petrol Lawn Mowers
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Pelargoniums outside all winter?
- sweet william
- dividing grasses
- injured cactus
- Re: Another Stinker- Great Group!
- So what needs planting from seed this month
- Great group!
- Great group!
- Temporary/Plastic greenhouse
- Planting Gunnera Manicata
- runner beans finished
- Sand, gravel and dust - what to grow?
- cutting a 'wild' lawn
- Lawn Toadstools.
- Best online Fruit tree Suppliers??
- germinating lawn seed in a bag
- Apples for Scotland: late or early ripening?
- Buying mature ilex aquifolium
- Moles In Grass-What Can I Plant?
- Silver Birch trees
- Silver Birch trees
- Advise on buying trees please
- help needed
- The ups and downs of our new allotment
- Rowan Worry
- A big walnut tree - clear up advice
- Wintering an Acer Palmatum Dissectum
- bay tree winter
- Old rose garden syndrome?
- Wierd Strawberries
- Protected Trees
- Novice at choosing bushes
- Garden furniture care thru winter
- What worm?
- When to plant soft fruits
- Carlingford Potatoes
- Newby container planting questions
- ostespermum cuttings worth it?
- Tomato plants rotting?
- Moving a Conifer
- Get the bubble wrpa ready!
- honey fungus
- honey fungus
- The power of the rain
- Borettana onion
- HELP- Minimum depth of soil for lawn
- Long-storing apples
- Does clematis attract flies?
- Grape Vine
- Viburnum Tinus suckers
- Pruning Willow
- Mini wildlife pond
- Mystery Plant
- lawn seeds
- Pruning an acer palmatum
- african violet
- re; raised beds
- Ideal aspect for greenhouse
- Interactive keys to the flora of Italy
- "The importance of being ..........." sort of OT to the 'Owners'
- Japanese onions
- Farewell England
- Farewell England
- Fuchsia problem
- Minarettes
- Disc hiller for garlic?
- Squirrels and tomatoes
- identify plants please ?
- Surface Roots
- Hosta-photos
- Dierama AKA Angel's fishing rod
- IDing and Pruning a Plum Tree
- Buying a bit of my neighbours garden
- What's eating my shrubs?
- Belated apologies-apple pips
- how can i kill a tree stump?
- Removing dog mess from garden
- nettles
- Building a raised vegetable bed
- Harvesting grapes
- disappointing pyracantha berries
- Identify plant please
- Tennessee Sweet Potato Squash
- Which red poppies for wild grass area?
- Another squash question
- hydranger
- native hedging
- RE: Squash Question = Shazzat
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Jasminum Officinale
- Poor drainage?
- Dahlias and viruses (?)
- Pick axe-type implement for helping to dig pond?
- Melianthus question
- Breaking Concrete
- For all you cat lovers
- Vandals again!
- Plant ID please
- onions in a pickle
- Overwintering dahlias
- buying a large shed/workshop
- lawn edges
- Weeds and Rubble
- Can anyone identify this grass?
- ginko seeds
- Reduce the size of hydrangea
- Source of Dawyck Beech trees
- Purchasing plants online
- OT ;-)
- Joe Pie Weed
- New lawn - advice
- Pop up sprinklers
- scarify, aerate, top dress ?
- Identifying a plant
- Solanum ID
- leaf mould
- 'Aristocrat' shallots
- Potatoes and mice/voles
- pruning a pear tree
- good quality top soil
- Spare part for pressure spray
- Ornamental Gourds
- Pampas grass
- Greenhouse
- Digging pond - can I use spoil for banking?
- Mantis mini cultivator - clay soil/lawn aeration
- Pruning a laurel
- Suppliers Of Garening Sundries
- seaweed!
- Damaged lawn - tumbleweed
- Squash question - update
- depth of topsoil
- Kidney Beans
- Lawson Cypress
- Hanging Baskets - overwintering
- Rhubarb
- Roses from ground to pot
- Foxtail lilies - help required please!
- cobaea scandens over winter
- Cape Sundew
- Tomatoes not ripening
- Heritage Seed Catalogue - Thomas Etty Esq - ADVERT
- Pond Underlay
- Grape vine move