- Bronze birch beetle
- Who's eating my potatoes
- Water Lillies not flowering
- Who is Eating My Laurels?
- propogating and rooting mermaid vine
- Allotment cash crop advice
- OT Writing references / interpreting them
- Geraniums and Ivy
- Tomato side shoots
- Outdoor Beef tomatoes in UK?
- Nepanthes - old growth...
- Would you believe it?!!
- Weed suppressing fabric
- Removing leyland hedge - risk to property?
- Blue Poppies
- Advice on Rabbits v Bamboo ???
- Slug bait kills earthworms too
- Slug poison kills earthworms too, which in turn kills birds.
- Save our Slugs
- slug deterrent the friendly way.
- British gov't to protect snails, slugs from pain & distress
- passiflora vitifolia
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- clover in lawn
- Runner Beans not setting
- Slug Killing ....
- Moisture Sensors
- RHS Journal - The Garden
- Is this what I fear it is?
- Petrol V Electric hedge trimmer
- Re: Youngish Birch - growing tips dying?
- Raspberry riddle...
- Re: organic seed supplier
- Re: Purple flowers
- Re: Warning from the owner
- Creepy Crawlies in Raspberries
- Rust on an Acer
- Salix ???
- Plants for dry window box
- Bronze birch beetle
- Re: Water Lillies (large reply)
- Re: Newbie: Help !! Magpie ate my blackbird chicks !!
- Who's eating my potatoes
- Water Lillies not flowering
- Who is Eating My Laurels?
- Re: "Collusion and Corruption in GM Policy" (by Claire Robinson, ISiS, Fri 16-Jul-2004)
- propogating and rooting mermaid vine
- Re: New orchid pictures
- Allotment cash crop advice
- OT Writing references / interpreting them
- Geraniums and Ivy
- Tomato side shoots
- Re: When a fish is caught...
- Nepanthes - old growth...
- Outdoor Beef tomatoes in UK?
- Would you believe it?!!
- Weed suppressing fabric
- Removing leyland hedge - risk to property?
- Blue Poppies
- Advice on Rabbits v Bamboo ???
- Slug poison kills earthworms too.
- Save our Slugs
- slug deterrent the friendly way.
- Re: Slug Killing .... THere seems to be an absence of net nannies today, how strange.
- passiflora vitifolia
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- clover in lawn
- Runner Beans not setting
- Slug Killing ....
- Re: Newsgroup
- Black Raspberry Bush
- White Wisteria
- Pruning Flowering Cherry Trees
- Gardeners critical over slug protection laws HOORAH
- Cress ...
- Parrots in the Gardens, again
- Parrots in the garden, again
- Plague of flower beetles
- Freesia question
- Growers Droop...
- Nicotiana - flycatcher?
- Chillis not so hot
- Re: Maximum floral pong (was Heavily-scented Lathyrus)
- Re: Pete Cr*p /Re: BACKWARD BILL - No extra cash for animal welfare
- Fancy a cotswold stone rockery?
- Toms indoors?
- The good, the bad (but no ugly)
- (V. long) Re: Parrots in the Garden?
- Mid seaon sale!!!
- BACKWARD BILL - No extra cash for animal welfare
- Dying Weeping Willow
- laburnham leaves yellowing
- New Spuds for Xmas
- Best vege to grow in the shade?
- Brassica virus?
- Blueberries
- Mangetout
- Camellia Mary Williams
- Birds hitting window
- sprouting question
- Parrots in the Garden?
- Flowering peas
- Re: Rhubarb in a tub
- Meat-eating [Was: Re: Clarification: Re: HOW YOU CAN HELP stop fishing?]
- Help - Virginia Creeper
- Yellowing Leaves On Raspberry Bush
- Automated Irrigation Control
- When to harvest Asparagus Peas?
- Increase in the snail population?
- Giant Hogweed - Some photos
- Geraniums and Ivy
- Goofy Fertiliser Question
- Compost?
- Mountfield v Honda lawnmowers
- rose or clematis pots
- Tomato side shoots
- Fruit tree problems
- Would you believe it?!!
- Re: Should I set up a killfile for Derek.Moody
- Re: Even chickens get a better life under new animal laws
- Direct drill etc. Planting methods...
- Sunburn [was Re: Clivia/Kaffir Lily]
- Countering Anglers' Arguments - Pisces Information Sheet A
- Pisces is dedicated to fish welfare and banning angling. - Stop the Slaughter of Cormorants!
- All About Pisces The ANti Fish abuse group.
- blackfly
- Re: Bad Lads Army
- plant ID
- Agents wanted - new garden product
- Clarification: Re: HOW YOU CAN HELP stop fishing?
- Moving Astilbe
- Globe Artichokes
- Help with privet hedges
- Turf laying
- clover in lawn
- Runner Beans not setting
- Re: Testing Soil?
- Help getting spare part for pond pump
- deflowering potatoes?
- Re: Moving Astilbe
- Historical Seed Lists
- unknown caterpillar
- Re: Brown patches in hedges
- Cavolo Nero
- Paper bags
- matucana :-(
- spuds for next year
- Anonymous for Animal Rights
- Gardeners critical over slug protection laws HOORAH
- Re: Jonny ee405dca is Forging and Fighting With Himself Again -> was: Re: All About Pisces The AN
- Slugs to be protected
- Jonny ee405dca is Forging and Fighting With Himself Again -> was: Re: All About Pisces The ANti F
- Jonny ee405dca is Forging and Fighting With Himself Again -> was: Re: All About Pisces The ANti F
- Scarify Lawn
- nemesia deadheading
- Re: Vegans are pale sickly people!
- Re: Angling - a cruel bloodsport
- Re: All About Pisces The ANti Fish abuse group.
- HOW YOU CAN HELP stop fishing?
- The R.S.P.C.A.'s policy on angling
- Some Fishy Facts
- Re: Countering Anglers' Arguments - Pisces Information Sheet A
- lucrative
- Heavily-scented Lathyrus
- Goofy Fertiliser Question
- Yellow Tomato Leaves
- Compost?
- Mountfield v Honda lawnmowers
- Help - Virginia Creeper
- Yellowing Leaves On Raspberry Bush
- Re: Agents wanted - new garden product
- Message for Bob H
- Re: Sunburn [was Re: Clivia/Kaffir Lily]
- Extracts from the Medway Report on Shooting and Angling
- Useful Quotes About Angling - Pisces Information Sheet F
- These fingers aint wot the used to be
- mystery pond fish ?
- Which Veg to grow in July
- Save a Maple
- Fungicides and other treatments
- What to kill tree stump?
- more pruning rhododendrons?
- Increase in the snail population?
- Giant Hogweed - Some photos
- Pruning Rhodondendrons?
- Melons
- Cat Dirt - urgghh
- diseased mint and basil plants
- Giant Willow Aphids...
- essential oils
- Floppy Roses
- potato problems
- Advice and thoughts please
- Re: A Good start to the Weekend
- Blackfly?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Where is the BAN?
- How does one root yucca offshoots?
- Apple tree leaf colour change.
- Nettle soup - does it go off ?
- Mayfield Motor Scythe
- Thanks to all for dahlia help
- Clivia/Kaffir Lily
- Here is the weather. South Isle of Wight @ 1515.
- Buddleja Repair?
- 3/4" hose pipe & parts?
- Giant Hogweed
- Hampton Court 7th July
- Snail and slug killer/birds + PS Ants.
- insect id
- Hydrangea colour question
- Hedge growth inhibitor
- pumpkins
- different shredder ways of cutting
- Plant ID?
- Turf supplier in London for small amount
- Bad weather?
- Leggy Petunias
- rose bush very bushy with foliage .. no flowers
- Are these Edible??
- No flowers on Hydrangeas
- The answer is 42
- Re: Exposing the Fake Conservationists
- FS : Wolf Garten Ride-On Mower
- Bloody walnuts - an update :-)
- Rooting hormones
- Yellowing Brugmansias
- French Garden in England 1910
- Chrysanthemums
- Compost
- berberis
- Barton Village Day
- Bannana skins in water butt.
- Phostrogen slow release systemic insecticide pins
- Virginia Creeper
- Thinking Caps On
- Dilemna
- Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum)
- Ant control
- Help needed to identify tree...
- Flower Pics
- Flower shown in
- Mulch or not?
- Hosta deterioration
- Toms Grown!
- tree surgeon
- cleaning waterbutt
- Delphinium question