- Berberis darwinii regrowth after pruning
- Intro from novice :-)
- New mower.. anyone tried it?
- Open letter to the RSPB
- nematode questions
- Shade tolerant hedge, screen or climber
- Ride-on Mowers
- Blackthorn
- Hayter Mower Service
- Lily Beetles
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Newbie
- Streptocarpus cuttings?
- Hosta pictures from new Hostas........
- Re: Paper log maker
- Big moss problem
- What can I use ash for?
- On the way to buy some seed potatoes!
- Do you want to go shopping for garden furniture in Amsterdam?
- Freesia bulbs and the weather
- Gertrude jekyl
- fruit tree for shallow soil?
- Moss
- Shredder identity - Scheppach/AL-KO
- test
- Bees
- Can 'dead' raspberry canes be revived?
- TVO and Carrots.
- Min & Max temps to chit spuds?
- Vermin Cats
- Beech Hedge overgrown
- News server?
- Greenhouse electricity used question
- Clay soil garden woes
- Nematodes :-(
- Re: Power to the People
- HELP-Bamboo Hedge- What Plant?
- Garden
- Botanical Greeting Cards
- Acer problem
- Moving rose bushes
- Amaryllis not flowering
- OT - Early birds
- over-tall plum tree
- dogwood clippings
- ramsons and ivy
- Magnolia seiboldii
- Garden shredder recomendation
- Maintenance free potatoes?
- Plymouth area compost
- If you're asked to help
- snowdrops
- Growing peas the old way
- Cornflowers With Weak Stems?
- Compost worms
- Slate chips
- Comparing flowers open today with last year
- I've got a bog
- Crocus flop disease?
- Bexrose Newsletter and 2005 diary of events
- Advice on plants for new evergreen hedge
- Composting Shredded Paper
- Do nematodes really work?
- windy day
- Beer gardening
- Are holly berries toxic?
- Lawn on top of blackout
- Name that Plant - Please
- North north west facing garden - perennial border ideas
- redwood
- Hardiness of Heptapleurum sp. or Schefflera sp
- Most econimical way to heat 10x 8 greenhouse to 15c/59f min?
- Blatent Advert!!!
- Need some advice re shrubs please.
- Slightly OT? Could someone ID a shrub (tree?) from a description?
- Turning concrete and clay into green things!
- Bananas from seed, and overwintering
- re: evergreen shrubs
- re:Alpine plants in Scotland
- re:online garden centre
- re:Good creepers for front porch
- Eye Colours...
- re:Ground Cover
- Propagating bougainvillea.
- Algea growth in the gab inside polycarbonate for greenhouse
- Toads
- Ceanothus flowering
- Euphorbia Wulfenii. Strange flower behaviour!
- Fence post holes
- Seed prices
- Hellebore sale Much Hadham 12th
- Eccremocarpus scaber - how does it climb?
- Wanted: Teasel seeds
- Garening Classes
- Abbey Garden Nr. Swindon
- Does anyone know when the best time is to take privet hedge cuttings.
- Greenhouses
- Gardening Advice for Novelist
- Anyone ever cut a Lawn mower Cable?
- How much grass seed?
- Looking for help on garden sheds!!!
- Looking for help in the study of garden sheds
- Greenhouse Peppers
- Gardeners' Book Society
- Home Butterflies!
- bottled gas greenhouse heaters?
- dual cherry
- how stupid am i ? re heron (not crane)
- Feed the birds - except pigeons!
- Pruning - Hydrangea, buddelia, sedum?
- quarry fines
- newbie greenhouse questions
- How to blow up moles and slugs ? ? ? ?
- hamamelis arnold promise suckering
- Trachelospermum
- Broad Beans
- Test
- Planting in chalk
- Box hedging advice.
- Re : Blueberries
- Blueberries
- Raised veg beds, best cover
- Seeding a lawn
- Potatoes - slightly off topic
- Mistle Thrush
- sowing a lawn
- What is best make/model leaf blower/sucker?
- Sweet Chestnut Regal Online?
- Sulphur Candle
- Why are my crocuses such a flop?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Spraing
- Too late to prune roses?
- Dipladenia
- New "Grow your own" magazine, any experience?
- "Sow Direct"
- Raised bed / Container - soil and worm query
- mini greenhouses
- Planting flowers on the ground with pots and all
- Resurrecting a totally abandoned lawn?
- Starting Off Begonia Tubers
- chaenomeles
- Sharpening Lawn Mower Blades.
- fig seedlings
- Advice on spraying my apple trees needed.
- Transplanting Magnolia Stellata
- Hormone rooting compound ?
- Grass cutting
- Fish tank waste on compost heap?
- Root sizes...
- Ideas for 'Persian carpet' coloured plants
- Old compost
- Bird houses
- "ComposTumbler"?
- Midget plum variety?
- aubergines
- Tomatoes in Greenhouse
- Potatoes sprouting in storage.
- online herb course.
- Magnolia Berries
- white fly again
- peat
- Pruning - plum trees in particular
- potato in bag
- Cats - in pots...
- Pernettya
- Jasminum Officinale
- Any suggestions on home made house plant leaf shine?
- What's best to 'dry' a soggy garden?
- Catalogue deals
- Antirrhinums
- cottoneaster
- Getting colder?
- Wasps in January?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Orchard ideas please
- Windmill.....Help!!!
- Schisandra chinensis common name
- hollyhock seeds
- Gleditsia triacanthos broken at base
- Manure
- "Cottage garden" bed suggestions
- Bulky Plant
- slightly OT - de-mineralised water and de-ionised water re watering houseplants.
- tea bags
- right-handed digging.
- Globe Artichoke - advice on growing S Wales
- Traditional seed varieties - help needed
- back grass
- OT - AOL users
- Finally cleared the tomatoes!
- Another stump query please?
- Removing a tree stump
- should I compost apple prunings?
- eucalyptus copse
- eucalyptus copse?
- liverwort control
- Planting Hawthorn
- nasty prickly anti cat anti burglar hedges
- Garden question
- BBC SpringWatch
- Waving from Worcester
- Relative description query.
- A Closer Look At Trees
- what edge
- damp patch
- wormeries in Winter (plus keeping cool in Summer)
- new to site not to gardening.
- Ring Barking
- Viking HE715 Hedge cutter
- Leaf mould advice for a newbie
- Leaf mould advice for a newbie
- deterent for moles - advice please
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: OT for night-gardeners: aurora borealis
- Floury new potatoes
- test
- test
- test
- Helleborus x hybridus planting
- window bird feeder
- Moving north: need recommendations for hardier veg
- High Hedge Law
- Composting Fears
- Primroses....
- Winter Jasmine
- Cabbage Tundra
- Roses and seasons
- emrys-spam and what not
- What is this?
- Jersey Royals
- Worm casts
- truffle trees
- Tips on moving clematis
- Sickly Ceanothus
- Concrete fence
- Collared greens
- OT Unusual birdsong
- Itea ilicifolia
- parasene weed wand
- How do you deal with whitefly in a sunlounge over winter?
- cheap wild flower seed supplier?
- Grass as a weed
- Climbers for shade
- Any reccomendations for garden design software?
- United Kingdom of Eurabia-Commie Livingston kisses sheiks arse
- garlic
- Globe thistles
- Brambles border