- Leaf spot on strawberry plants - should I destroy th lot?
- Ashes question
- Tree fern
- Bona art
- Lawn care
- Re: Four-legged friend or foe? Dog walking displaces native birds from natural areas
- Which? reviews seed suppliers
- My Dog Keeps Killing My Lawn
- How to use a daisy grubber ?
- Anacharis Aqua plant
- Something is digging up my bulbs
- Australian Weed
- Chil(l)i con whiteflies
- Its my lucky day!!!
- Free plants (Cambridge) - last chance
- bananas (musa)
- Wormeries - are they worth having?
- Re: Can the squirrel problem be solved?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: You'll shut your mouth!
- Can anyone identify a gardening book.......?
- Michaelmas daisy
- Roundup and home pets
- Pineapple anyone?
- Plant ID please
- Growing Plants the biotech way
- Speakers for new Gardening Group
- Oxalis identification.
- Re: FMD petition
- Rusty Chives
- Are there subtitles in the DVD "The private life of plants" ?
- Roses from seed?
- Advice wanted: dealing with an unloved garden- where to start?
- two novelties this autumn/winter.
- Using fish blood & bone fertilizer ...
- acanthus mollis
- Seed swap site
- Can I design something that will be useful while gardening?
- Ray Brown/Plant World
- Re: PING Old Codger
- Overwintering Musa Basjoo?
- Can compost be too old to use?
- Tall screen planting
- Lemon Tree in Pot.
- Gladioli
- Cultivator
- Whats next after picking seeds
- Propagating possible daylily from bulbous roots
- plant recommendations for damp shallow and acid soil needed
- fencing panels
- Phalaenopsis
- Trees destroying my home?
- Windy situation - evergreens
- Plants and medicine
- Clearing a field of nettles
- Ex Japonica
- Butternut Squash
- OT Premium Bond ..... AVON Calling
- Good Time to plant an Acer?
- Trim Privet Hedge ?
- FA Flowers & Trees of Palestine 1929
- Ping Charlie Pridham
- Pine needles going yellow ...
- Roots - Getting Rid Off
- Autumn Raspberry
- A Short History of Banking
- Good Morning I am new here today
- Blue Tit activity
- Raised bed sizes for climbers.
- Who has a taste for rubber?
- felling chilly
- rockery
- Rose Cuttings (Again)
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Cauliflower
- Growing Francis E Lester as a standalone shrub....
- Pruning Perennial Plants Question
- Gardening Which report on seeds - the good and the bad
- old copies of "The Garden"
- parkside leaf blower
- Plants from around the world
- Moles - to trap or not to trap
- Unknown tree and shrubs
- yay you're still here.....
- Scarifier
- Raised beds
- fuschia help.
- It's been a crazy year in the garden
- Ericaceous compost warning
- Rabbits again
- Buddleia
- flowers in May
- Another plant ID please
- Blueberries
- is wood ericaceous?
- Advice onSoftwood buddleia Cuttings
- Plant ID Please
- Question for all urglers
- Plant ID please
- e-petition for pensioners
- Hydrangea petiolaris
- Less gardens, more gardening?
- Plant ID please
- OT Micro planet newsreader
- Spacing of rows for raspberries
- Conventional Wooden - V - Plastic Dalek Compost Bins
- Cistus ladanifer
- Coreopsis?
- Sloes/damsons (slightly OT)
- Growing apples as columns or supercolumns
- Re: What the hell *is* this object?
- Re: You know who you are...
- Re: What the hell *is* this object?
- Re: You know who you are...
- Hi! New to the group.
- >Y<>O<>U<><>C<>U<>N<>T<
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Winter vegetables
- Re: You know who you are...
- Onions
- Winter vegetables in UK
- Hello where's that unhelpfull idiot slone ranger gone.Must have gotfed up of abusing people
- .F.U.C.K..M.Y..C.U.N.T.
- japanese maple
- [OT] Return after a while to find chaos! On topic - frosts and tomatoes.
- leaving parsnips in the ground
- preserving (canning) fruit and veg
- What a year!
- The Absolute Worst Flower for Your Garden
- Rose Cuttings - What now? (bit long)
- >> F I S T I N G C U N T S <<
- >> C U N T F U C K E R <<
- How To Build Auto Lawn Sprinklers
- 24 Outdoors & Backyard Tips
- Plant ID please
- Re: filtering crap etc.
- Just showing off
- Billy goat bag fix
- Perennial lobelia - autumn treatment
- A tree has fallen on my garden!
- Re: I BLAME Sacha and the lurgatious Malcolm Ogilvie The Stalker Pedant for this troll fest. How can we stop it all?
- Totally off topic
- EcoSci compost
- Rose Tanostar
- Raising Plants from Seed - sow now or Spring or greenhouse?
- Planting density - new herbaceous border
- The best thing .........
- Unlikely Marrow
- Dahlia/Delphinium supporting suggestions anyone?
- Himalayan giant blackberries as SEEDS
- NGS Gardens
- Coo. I've caught a troll
- A Wainwright Coast to Coast Keld
- Invasive elder trees?
- Conifer hedges can be interesting
- Madeira
- how does oak react to cutting?
- Re: If you don't stop crossposting...
- Zucchini
- OT. Help filter the crap
- OT just wondered
- Brussel Sprouts
- Re: Anyone?
- Alan & Joyce Holmes
- Hybrid tree dahlias
- Gloriosa flowering again!
- Anyone using Ryobi Expand-it range?
- Autumnal garden thoughts from Devon
- Roasted broccoli
- preparing the lawn for winter?
- How much force to pull out a 4 inch dia beech tree ???
- Gardening groups? (hampshire)
- Gardening groups? (hampshire)
- Gurt Beetle
- Holes in the lawn
- Looking for liriope
- Another problem
- caterpillar
- Hidden Valley Gardens - Lostwithiel - Cornwall
- Cherry Tree Problems
- moss
- Snails and more snails
- porky pigs are getting their own back
- planting a conifer tree
- Re: uk.rec.gardening
- Beetle ID
- More on Asparagus
- When is the latest you can pull rhubarb?
- Rose bush
- Greenhouse insulation
- Crocus ...
- stealing from Garden Centres
- Suggestions for a first planting in new raised beds
- Re: Funnies
- Re: Libel
- "Why wont my apricot and peach seeds sprout?!?!?!..."
- Asparagus
- Bluebell bulb suppliers
- Hollow Tine Aerator
- Concrete Base for a Greenhouse
- Plants on eBay
- Who .....
- Chinese made gardening tools
- Geranium cuttings
- Tomato blight & Growbags
- Fern question
- Asparagus berries
- Cobnuts!
- growing plants on driftwood, can i ?
- Re: This needs to be said!
- Re: Walnut tree?
- Topiary
- A Hipcrime Flood
- Tomato Skins
- Filthy language
- trimming roots on small conifer bushes
- to shorten or not repotted bamboo plant?
- Re: This needs to be said!
- Mystery Plant identified!
- Why is there so much animal rights post in this newsgroup ?
- Book on show preparation?
- Ping Farm1
- Ceanothus expired
- Winter flowering plants
- Hmmm - caulis
- Hmmm -raspberries
- Replanting a shrub bed
- Use of a fruit cage ?
- Pleant ID please
- Rhododendron in bloom again!
- Rudbeckia seed question?
- TreeFern
- OT Re: The fascinating story of Barbara Moore, M.D. of London,Breatharian
- plants suitable for kitchen
- OT, OT, OT Are you carrying the World.......
- When to propagate blackberries?
- Walnut tree?
- Re: Oooops!
- Gardens to visit; An anthropological study
- to late to sow rudbeckia fulgida goldstrum
- Balcony Gardening!
- Butterflies galore
- Tulip tree - not looking happy
- Beetle thingy
- at wits' end ...
- Another try....
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- tiny black bugs,like snail eggs?