- Cat deterrent
- Rain
- Limp or dead potato
- Scale insects
- Bacteria in plants may cause hailstones
- Re: Poly Tunnel
- Blasted rain
- Lily beetle
- test - ignore
- Tomato Querry
- cutting long grass with sickle
- Poorly oak tree
- Tree ID and Advice
- More on my garlic
- Sunflowers.
- Caterpillars!
- Re: Buying bedding plants online
- Turning a concrete terraced yard into a garden
- Blackcurrants...
- Calamondin
- Septoria on tumbling toms?
- Brown patches on lawn caused by dog urine
- Blackbirds and newts
- Chelsea 2011
- Lemon tree remarkable survival - now what?
- wild plant ID please
- Water-pipe under path
- Water Butt Treatment
- Garlic question
- keeping cats away from birds' nest?
- I.D. please
- Pruning a clematis
- Wind
- passion flower donations.
- How can pumkins dissapear?
- Holly
- Wormery juice versus dilute urine?
- Planting "supermarket" potted mint in the garden ?
- clematis montana
- This weekend's jobs
- o/t: free gifts
- Contrary Weather
- Hedging
- Hardening off
- stiga lawn mower cutting head belts
- Sprinkling sugar around tomato plants?
- Time of day to water?
- Creating a garden
- Squash killing grubs
- Need a ready made garden?
- Wormery "Liquor"
- Stachys, or possible triffids
- Plant bargains
- OT but of interest to some Isle of Wight urglers
- New gardening series needs your gardening DIY disasters + dishevelled sheds
- Wildlife gardening - attract butterflies
- Pea sprouts lying on ground - whose to blame?
- Patio cleaner; Hero
- Re: Get rid of foxes by....
- Re: Mud for nest-building
- New apple tree
- what flower
- Disbeliever disproved (Bay)
- Runner bean query
- Still more rain
- Beware the exploding Chinese melons
- Advice Requested Regarding A Garden Pond.
- Re: Weather forecasting...
- Courgette plant looks ill :( HELP !
- Large hardy plants,for shaded corner
- Get rid of foxes by....
- Right time to take the seeds
- upside down bean seedling
- Autumn already?
- Ladybirds again.. to buy or not to buy
- Smokeless fuel for chiminea/firepit?
- Orange honeysuckle
- Orange honeysuckle
- Re: It was in this newsgroup/forum .....
- Re: It was in this newsgroup/forum .....
- It was in this newsgroup/forum .....
- Zaluzianskya?
- Highgrove
- Rain, what rain?
- half barrel pond advice please
- ID please...
- Bumblebees!! To buy or not to buy... That is the question!
- Odd Planting Instructions
- Alpine trough in the shade.
- Plant i.d please
- Low Cost Automatic Waterer for Outdoor or Greenhouse
- Radish root damage
- Billy Goat advice
- Buying bedding plants online
- Eating Japanese Knotweed
- Fuchsia DVDs (2nd try at offering freebies).
- Lack of rain problems. And an odd broad bean
- More on hogweeds
- senetti magenta
- Peony roses and Rhodendron "Cynthia"
- A Couple oif Little Fuchsia-Related Giveaways
- PV panels and Feed inTariff.
- Raspberry Suckers
- Anyone willing to donate some turf?
- Composting
- Lonicera Maakii
- snake gourds
- Thuja "Green giant" supplier in UK
- Unknown Cactus.
- Giant Dandelion?
- Spam from seeds companies
- Dahlias
- OT Buying from Amazon
- Re: Deserted
- Hydrangea devoured
- German parsnips
- Repotting?
- First fuchsias of the year
- Carp fish with pond plants
- Lady smock and bittercress
- Bind Weed, Help!
- Suffolk punch 35dl exhaust
- Hedge from just simple cuttings
- Loud chirping is new behaviour
- Please ID my Tomatoes!
- What am I??
- Slow Worms Have a Bite!!!!
- Figs in UK
- mystery lilac
- Acer help - post deleted
- Ouch! Dangerous weed.
- Plant ID please
- sterility of Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' (Snowball Tree)?
- early flowering rose IDs
- Garden water measure
- Acer problem
- Overgrown runner beans
- Gooseberry Picking
- Laurel Hedge suddenly dying
- blackcurrant and aphids
- rain
- Advice About a Possibly Mutant Acer Please
- Recommend a cheap grass-slashing tool?
- Acer question.
- Plant ID please
- It reminds me
- Soooo much junk in a garden
- Rhododendron Ponticum
- Sandy soil and tree roots!
- Mystery Lilac
- Oops !! Italy
- Best?
- GOT IT!!!
- Really black skies
- More on Lilac
- What to do with old plant pots
- More bees about this year?
- Bay tree
- Bosch & Fedex Service
- Help re Dahlias and frost
- Birds and water
- Alton Greenhouse dismantling advice
- OT Raucous Rooks
- special offer cherry toms
- Photinia question
- Does anybody use TENAX grafting wax?
- A fast climber that looks good all year round?
- Newly planted raspberries
- OK to mix ericaceous & multipurpose composts for general use?
- Tomato Disaster!
- Things I have learned about gardening.
- Very old clematis not flowering
- Very old clematis not flowering
- Frost
- Ants & Pollen / Nectar
- Orchid questions
- OT Osama bin Laden Scams
- Thornless rose ID
- First pea!
- Mushroom Growing Kit - please explain
- mystery plant driving me crazy!
- A very nice but small lunch.
- Bald bamboo - help please!
- Re: Monty Don in Sorrento
- Easy Growing Plants
- Cherry blossom
- Monty Don in Sorrento
- making cloches
- Water storage
- Pea Seed Just Rot
- Tree Fern problem
- How to grow this plant for hedges?
- Duh!!!!!!!!
- Cherry tree trimmimg
- Need advice total beginer to gardening
- From over seas
- humble apology
- courgettes and tomatoes care of
- wedding: what were those trees?
- Dustbin
- How hot should grafting wax be?
- Mystery weed: red stems, gets big
- My very first 'green house'
- Mystery seeds
- Coffee
- diy weedkiller - does it work?
- Conifers - Dying/dead :-(
- environmentally friendly way to clean patios?
- Sodium Chlorate
- Corydalis (or something) ID.
- Privet hedge problem
- Strawberry fungal problem?
- ID please
- Brown leaf edges and curling on Elaeagnus pungens
- Bands on your Fruit Trees
- Why Plant in June?
- Garden Centre/Nursery Sales
- Why waste time cleaning a concrete patio surface and removing all those weeds
- Last year's "hardy" hibiscus
- Sad Fuchsia Hedge
- New to me plants
- Fibre plant pots
- Advice please re Ivy
- Plant identification
- what soil for cytisus?
- Plant identification? Or any How To tips for a numpty!
- Strawberry Fungal Problem?
- Ideas for Planting in an Empty Bed
- Shrubs for poor soil in a windy North Wales garden
- ID plant please
- Warning: "Clover Bark Chips" - a brand to be wary of!
- Wood-eating wasps on the way! How to deter?
- Heathers: should I be trimming them?
- Plastic Water Barrels
- Never underestimate the persistence of a weed
- Drought
- damaged roots when planting lavender
- Vegetable Seeds
- Nesting Birds and the gardener
- Leek .........................somewhat OT?
- Bluetits again
- sometimes those deer are just mean
- Planting a pot
- Strawberry anthers
- Lawn mower cable question
- Top tips'r'us(again) OT
- Labels ... again. *An idea*
- Ash before Oak in for a soak
- Where are the worms?
- Strange eggs in poting soil