- Newbie...Honey Fungus & Edible gardening
- Wildlife
- Sweet Potatoes
- Rose recommendations
- Pampuss Grass
- Spring bulbs
- Huge Blue Butterfly - further ID
- Is it possible to grow Carrots in containers at this time of year?
- Emptying large paddling pools
- Pond insect identification?
- Shady, Damaged Lawn
- Easy care pets?
- Veg to come
- Parsnip seeds
- What would you do. (OT)
- Why plant veg in rows?
- Passiflora advice please.
- Whats the best way of getting rid of Yarrow from lawn ??
- Advice sought on pruning very large spreading conifers ??
- Yet another identification required - TIA
- Converting a Jungle to a Garden
- Can anyone identify this plant ???
- Naff potatoes disposal ?
- Re: OT, releasing books into the wild
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- brambles or blackberries
- OT Hungarian goose down pillows
- Cornus controversa variegata
- Adding feathers to the compost heap?
- Spary on lawn feed and weed for large acreage?
- Chafers, what treatments for 1.5 acres??
- Leylandii
- Re: Little Marloes Farm (in Pembrokeshire) - 349 birders needed
- Spray bans broken
- Support for a tayberry
- OT OT Very OT!
- Screening hedging in shady area?
- Reducing height of Cordylines and Yuccas
- Leaf Clearance
- Wine growing in England FA
- Eucalyptus ficifolia seeds
- Asparagus question
- plum tree hard resin on branch
- East Ruston Old Vicarage
- killing Equisetum Arvense by injection
- our baby snake
- Weather forecast It could be cold/hot/wet/dry
- Late Sowing Lawn Seed
- Composting Grass Cuttings ??
- Wakehurst Place
- Strange creatures
- double digging
- Bosch shredder giving out?
- Madeira trip
- Pruning - soft fruits and figs
- Biodynamics
- Practical Lawn Craft Sports Turf maintenance FA
- Pond Q
- Birches
- Reprise of Devon meet idea
- Asparagus advice please
- Plant by Moon phase
- Any Ideas For this Strip of Land??
- Leeks
- Solanum crispum ( Chilean potato vine )
- re: Dierama pendulem?
- Will next year's sunflowers grow from this year's roots?
- only some leaves on hibiscus turned yellow.
- Tomato problems?
- Hazelnuts
- which ride on mower
- Cuttings for Fruit trees/grapes needed
- re:Mustard - What is it good for
- yellow lawn
- Fuchsias Advice Needed
- tomato weight
- Garlic bulbs
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- will it just die ?
- why does wood change colour in the rain?
- Asparagus
- Mustard - What is it good for
- levelling garden
- Spreader problems
- Good supplier of dwarf fruit trees?
- Nasty thing in the soil
- Re: hedges: which one?
- Re: hedges: which one?
- Re: hedges: which one?
- Re: hedges: which one?
- Pimientos
- Coirpith
- Tripoid apples
- When Wallflowers?
- raspberry bushes
- ailanthus altissima - really
- Lawn spiking. Does anyone know What & where we hire one from?
- mouldy laurel
- white flies on hibiscus inside house
- Grass problems
- Apple problem.
- Tips on planting out - wisteria and Japanese maple
- My grass
- Early primrose
- Botanists grow plants from seeds gathered 200 years ago
- Planting Crocus Bulbs
- Re: TV in car.
- Who are these urglers?
- Ailanthus altissima: "toxic tree of heaven"
- fluorescent plant stand 2
- Turnips/Seed suppliers/Flavour
- Re: Tidying up the garden
- Lawn from seed.
- Cymbidium
- blackberries by road / 15th sept
- Planning - Pond In Field ?
- Unusual potatoe crop
- Palm sedge question
- Re: Wiring a Plug
- Rose cuttings
- URG meet 2007?
- Amulree Exotics sale
- mole answers
- tradding clematis seeds
- fluorescent plant stand
- Hydroponic kentia (howea) appearing sick...
- lavender and grass
- Help Identifying tree/shrub?
- Pruning budleja - best time?
- Unknown creepy crawlie
- Tricyrtis
- Re: Tidying up the garden
- advice on laying turf
- Bulb Questions
- B&Q Strawberries
- Unknown tree
- Garlic
- Taunton nursery for sale
- Grapes to wine
- Downhill trend of this ng
- Fruit flies
- Huge blue butterfly
- Our Salix seems to have an intruder!
- Protecting plants over winter
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Crocus online - anyone used any feedback
- Budleja - best planting time
- Ground protectors
- what is this plant.
- madonna lillies
- Rotten, I know ...
- Re: ANOTHER " A Moment of Silence...... "
- Baptisia australis
- canna lillies
- Full Shade Bed
- Plant Finder Software?
- Plants for home security
- Walnut identification ??
- Computery stuff - no interest to gardeners here
- Exbury Nursery
- Crane flies, daddy long legs and leatherjackets
- Walking stick cabbage
- On the subject of allotments
- Cost to gravel garden
- Passionflower from seed ?
- Tree ferns-- New exceptionally Good Resource
- Errors of new allotment gardeners.
- GDI is a "Top 50" Inc500 Listed Company...Are You Tired of Working Hard to Make Someone Else Rich?
- Sweet Corn
- Jade lost its composure
- weeds in driveways
- Tomatoe blight
- Surplus Runner Beans.
- Butternut Squash?
- Syringa afghanica
- Aggression
- Apple Trees - What Size Stake?
- Pond Sludge - To clear or not to clear?
- Re: Apples
- Beautiful wrought iron flower pot,Pedestal From Cason Creating
- Light Rail 3.5 Hydroponics Light Mover Used it 6 Months
- HELP-Railway sleepers wanter- North West area
- Does a hebe benefit from pruning?
- Stunting Grass Growth
- Re: greenhouse insulation
- Re: Apples
- Squirrels
- Blanket Weed Controllers
- Re: Apples
- When is a shredder not a shredder - when it's a crusher!
- Tannalised dtimber, raised beds and veg
- Acer
- Purple Hazel - Are the nuts edible
- topiary bear
- Rhubarb
- greenhouse
- Re: Stonehenge this afternoon
- Plant suggestions for a dry, shady border
- Lavender Care
- Camellia japonica
- Too warm to plant tulips?
- Re: greenhouse insulation
- Problem Cherry Tree.
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Oh Bliss!
- Hedge help!
- Mare's tail
- Things to do in the greenhouse over winter
- Cold Compost
- Non Invasive Bamboo
- Re: parasene soil cables
- Are my apples ripe?
- Tea Tree oil on indoor plants?
- Hedgehog Diseases?
- Reveals the Secrets to Growing Perfect Orchids
- Apple Tree Data - Where to Find?
- Diseased courgette plants
- country value seeds
- Tomato problems
- trailing fushias
- Melons
- Buddleia colvilei
- Verbena identification
- garden maintenance
- Mole Ceasefire!
- Big Tree
- Best time to move apple tree?
- Cleaning up strawberry plants
- Yucca advice please
- Paint
- tree for young children to climb in
- Unrotted Manure
- confused about greenhouse heaters
- Turfing a new lawn
- Elephant garlic.
- Time for ........
- Advice Needed: Moving Roses...
- Tree near house
- Wild V Cultivated
- Apple tree recommendations?
- Suggestions for plants, please
- Bloody foxes
- Slugs
- Anemone de Caen? shade
- large scale carrot weeding
- just aquired a new allotment
- Cross between leek and garlic?
- Scottish mushrooms
- Cleaning to start from the scratch
- Conker Trees