- Soil Chemistry
- Rabbit Control (plus other pests)
- My lawn
- frogs over winter?
- Travelogue
- Madman loose on Dartmoor!
- HImalayan Birch
- My roses are terrible
- Cardamoms anyone? (Was Oxalis Tuberosa)
- bare-rooted hedging plants
- Karen Mountford in hospital
- Re: fennel
- What's in bloom?
- Re: Blackcurrent "Laxron's giant"
- Re: Advice on Japenese Money plant
- Re: Runner beans - freezing?
- Runner beans - freezing?
- Re: Cleaning fleece
- Cleaning fleece
- Its cold up north, erm well is it?
- Caterpillars are amazing!
- Cuttings guide wanted
- What's in bloom?
- Oxalis tuberosa anyone?
- Pampas Grass
- Growing Thistels from seeds
- Recs for shrubs? shaded, clay soil...
- OT for Vera re Karen
- Sites on nematodes, slugs, wireworms etc.
- OT Was [Re: hey you lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- OT, slightly odd but very genuine plea for help
- bald lawn
- supporting new fruit trees
- re raspberrys
- Sycamor suskers
- Passion Flower versus ivy
- Leaf mould
- Leave it !
- Slugs and potatoes?
- Buying Osteospermum
- Orietals ?
- Soil pH...I am totally confused
- Re: Hedging
- Passiflora 'Sunburst'
- Fruit Tree Supplier ???
- Moving raspberry canes
- Mail Order Fruit Trees
- Transplant a flowering plant
- Honeysuckle
- Re: Kay- unusual apple varieties
- Chestnuts - any use for anything?
- Problem lawn
- Dwarf Lilac - seem to have killed it?
- help a new gardener
- Leeks
- Hardy Palms - long (wasRe: Trachycarpus Fortunei Palms)
- Honey Fungus
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: Moving Roses.
- Potatoes - no earthing up?
- Acidanthera Murielae
- Seakale!!
- Re: Wasps nest in the attic
- Growing Roses through Beech hedges
- athamanta turbith
- Old Wives and Cultivators
- Aeonium 'Schwartzkopf'
- Oh No
- I've found a good web site for water gardens and ponds
- potentilla care
- celandine bulblets for swap
- Leftovers From Stump Grinding
- Coral Spot
- Wild srawberry but with yellow flower
- Plants and gardens
- Home again!
- Indian Strawberries again
- Trachycarpus Fortunei Palms
- Trollius Seeds and strange nasturtium
- Pansy Black Spot?
- leaf mould
- what's the name of the shrub that has marble sized.shaped white fruit?
- Need electric self propelled lawnmower
- using an angle-grinder to cut down live Leylandii
- potting up shrubs now?
- Online Encyclopedia
- Horse Manure When can it be used
- Azalea
- Homework question for college
- Non-sprouting garlic
- Should I cut down now?
- Out of season flowers again.........
- Weird flat fungus?
- Newbie to this group - Courtyard Help!
- Passion Flower Fruits - really tasty!
- child friendly climbers
- Getting road of Mushrooms/Toadstools
- Rose
- Beginner needs help !
- Gardening With Young Children
- Cordyline
- Hidden Gardens: maintaining a flowery mead
- Re: Crocus speciosus/heav
- Pruning Shears & Saws
- Laying Turf
- Removing algae from concrete path and slabs?
- Disfigured bramley apples.
- wild garlic/onion.
- Lithops problem!
- Trees in pots
- OT Chestnuts.
- Dahlias plus
- Garden Kneelers
- lisianthus
- Gardening & Spiders
- SOS - Tahiti Lime
- Christmas is coming!
- Boggy Grass
- do I need a greenhouse?
- old mama
- Garden Lighting by Design
- Where can I buy a tonne of shells in the SW
- Germination of Banana seeds
- Moving Melianthus
- Use of heatmat in greenhouse
- Slug-resistant potatoes
- What about growing things indoors?
- Mushroom garden
- Virginia Creeper (?)
- christmas trees
- Re: Crocus speciosus and UK gardening.
- Musings on Compost Heaps (and the things you find in them)
- Coral Spot
- Orchid ID - Help required
- coldframe heater
- Gardening or Equestrian?
- Great find
- rose buds
- Dandelion digger on a TV programme this morning??
- Crocus speciosus
- Peanuts for Birds
- Beer dreams
- old mama
- Fungus
- winter potatoes
- RHS Sterling Flower Spoons
- Wormery
- passionflowers & overwintering
- Anyone want any Cowslip seeds?
- what is this plant?
- Fatsia from seed?
- Mole deterrants
- What flower is this?
- Miiserable fuchsias in pots
- Oldland Horticultural Show, Bristol.
- leaf mould
- angelica seeds
- Selling Plants for charity
- Winter possibilities?
- Any ideas ?
- greenhouse door
- 'New' landscape style - website suggestions?
- Indian Strawberry
- for the summer bbq
- Antique Flower??
- Shredder
- Pampas grass
- Xanthoceras - a rarity?
- Idea - blue rose
- Idea - Identifying trees which cause problems
- Sometimes, all the pain is worthwhile
- Flower Border Design
- Pampas Grass
- gardeners from hell
- Out damn weed !
- Pinching Mums
- Magazines
- Query
- Plant or a Weed - ID Please
- Help
- Elaeagnus x ebbingei banquet?
- Good idea?
- Paperwhites - anyone an expert?
- late flowering cherry - care
- Kilmarnock willow -- care of ?
- new group for wildlife gardening
- orchid (houseplant) help!
- cactus in London
- Anyone want some Ipomea seeds?
- Herbs in pots - any probs?
- Mice
- Miniature Dahlias
- What is plant with miniature potatoe flowers/berries
- White mushrooms/toadstools in lawn
- bees
- Lavender & Rosemary
- Lagerstreomia plants
- Re: Greenhouse painting
- FAQ List - FAQ List - FAQ List
- Greenhouse door
- Re: Horticultural photography and garden site
- urgent help lizards/newts
- Re: Paulownia problem
- Re: Autumn pruning
- Good tree for smallish garden - scots pine/mountain ash/aspen
- Re: Papaya
- Re: Take care of Hedgehogs at Bonfire Time!
- Landscape
- Greenhouse repairs
- Strange plant ID ???
- Re: next year I must ------
- Bare Rooted Hazel
- Re: greenhouse door
- next year I must ------
- Re: leaves and small black flies
- leaves and small black flies
- Re: Glowworms as biologcal control
- Take care of Hedgehogs at Bonfire Time!
- Re: Book clubs, pt2
- Bulb Planting
- Raspberry choice? Autumn Bliss?
- Plant identification please
- Plant identification book required
- Plant identification
- Hardiness measurements
- Difficult cuttings
- UK garden in Australia.
- Planting a fig
- Attire of a Gardener in 1935!
- Thoughts about the war?
- mimosa
- unidentified azalea care
- Exhibition leeks
- Re: Do Garden Vacs Work?
- Leaves as mulch
- Small sit-on mower advice, please?
- Sloes and recipe query
- Tree/shrub to fill gap?
- Re: Arran trees
- Can I now plant Lavender and Rosemarbush?
- My greenhouse moved!
- Couple of gardening software links
- Emergency Tree Help Needed
- High hedge for coastal garden
- Re: Another 12 sq ms . . . .
- Nut falure on hazel
- Re: identity required - is it a weed....
- Re: Hyacinth bulbs
- unusual apple varieties