- New Compost Bin in Operation!
- questions on garlic
- Re: Electric or pertrol cylinder mower?
- Some seed merchants ....
- onion fly?
- Edging
- correct depth to plant garlic
- o/t Pergola - advice please
- Advice please for balcony plants.
- Moss
- wanted Rotorvator / Cultivator
- Re: "City Gardener" last night and Miscanthus
- Freshwater louse - good or bad?
- Ornamental Grasses
- Bought the Atco Viscount
- chilli plant grown with chilli seeds
- Pyracantha ..overdue for pruning
- Cat Litter (can it be used on my flower beds)
- Brassica Seedling problems
- Gardening gloves for small children
- Conservatories
- Birch species differences
- Another unusual poison warning - this time for dog owners
- HELP! Poor drainage
- OT but good for gardener bird lovers
- Cooked my venus fly trap...
- Moving Young Fruit Trees
- moss
- pigeon problem
- Unwell Chinese Windmill Palm
- Pear Problem
- Where's the rain?
- pruning a choisya (sundance)
- Black & Decker lubrication query (another try)
- Brassica transplanting
- Sowing Lawn - Staffordshire Area
- Garlic planting
- What's wrong with my lucky bamboo?
- Trillium
- Power Scythe
- Re: Garden suitable for children && dog
- favourite conservatory plants????
- Garden suitable for children & dog
- Slugs or no slugs
- Seeding a lawn
- Jiffy 7s
- poppy seeds
- How critical is the oil/petrol ratio for a 2 stroke engine?
- Ill-looking Osteospermum
- Solar-powered water features - any advice?
- Growing fruit Cherries
- Are Datura Harmful to Hens? Any Other Plants to Avoid?
- Electric in the garden'
- Can anyone recommend a good hose/watering online supplier.
- Pests in Verbena and Rhododendron
- Composting
- Wild garlic
- Weigela
- help please STEEP hillside garden
- Passion Flower
- Public Space - Meadow - Nature reserve - Help - Free seeds
- A picture
- Lawn sweepers
- Garden that floods
- O/T Warding off Midges etc.
- Earthworms
- Spring has definately arrived in our garden
- Mahonia disease - any ideas?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- New Broom?
- Small weeping trees
- Cheap mixed bulbs online?
- Growing water lilies
- Blueberries in Containers
- Slate Mulch
- sweet blackcurrent
- Will my clematis sieboldii survive?
- Seedlings going mouldy
- Million Bells
- Toads
- Wild Thyme and Waxcaps
- Spanish broom questions
- laying poison.
- when's the latest for (re-)planting 'snowdrops in the green'?
- gardening.telegraph
- Help Please
- which grass seed? Wilkinsons own brand?
- Kilmarnock willow tree
- holly berries
- Newspaper seed tubes?
- Sunflowers in containers
- Fresh sawdust as soil amendment???
- Will The Wren Be Frightened
- Garden News
- Salix Caprea Pendula? (Weeping Pussy Willow)
- Atco Rear Roller Rotary Mower
- Slug pellets and chickens???
- Garden Pictures
- Questions about flowers:
- Ercilla volubilis (was: Clematis montana)
- Garden Pictures
- Camellia
- Can anyone recommend a good plant to use in rather strange circumstances
- Strawberries
- Broad Bean "Red Epicure"
- Holly problem revisited: Gerneral request
- Gunnera (sp?)
- Passionflower Cerulea
- Planting under an apple tree
- When to move a Clematis?
- Re: Killing a tree without chopping it down
- Re: poppy seeds
- test
- pots/soilheater
- Re: Favourite Hedera?
- Keukenhof Gardens and Amsterdam
- slug pellets?
- The Archers
- Camellia Pest
- Hanging baskets plants!
- Acuba Picturata a pleasant surprise!
- Broad Bean Problems
- Garden Shows/Holidays anyone?
- Clematis Mrs Chomondley(?) pruning
- Cat owners need to see the light.
- Mazda
- Caterpillars and Butterflies
- Which tree and where?
- Replacement battery for B & D lawmower
- Re: Electric in the garden'
- Holly Problem
- Atco Lawn Mowers??
- Transplanting Leeks
- Transplanting Leeks
- Will Escallonia and Pyracantha Survive?
- Whats a "Troll"
- Hoax?
- 1st comma
- Stella Cherry in a pot
- Readers Holidays
- blind bulbs - newbie question
- green covering on surface of greenhouse soil
- Re: Mazda (was Another of Andy Mabbets ISP accounts for trolling)
- plantago major varigata
- Umbrella plant
- Re: another sad Troll to my BSL
- Bosch shredder, poot.
- RHS Research
- Leek seeds
- Lily beetle again
- Vine weevil preferences
- Tomato Feed
- Advice! Plants beneath sycamore?
- Drainage for garden in London
- 1st lacewing
- hardy geraniums - id and germination
- tree lupins and slugs
- University of Cambridge now taken to trolling?
- Today Elinor has mostly been planting peas.....
- fruit trees
- Compost bins
- Veg rotation
- I'm burning tonight!
- Ailing Rosemary Officianis
- Howard rotavator spares - where?
- Algae in water butt
- George where are you?
- What Insect infestation do I have
- Bless him he's passed out, nite, nite Bodger, dont let the bedbugs bite.
- Lawn leading down to stream - how to repair?
- Pictures on the web again
- Re: camellia flowers getting smaller
- tomatoes
- I'm in need of help with electric mower
- spring onions(try again)
- Sandpit Sand
- Re: birds/ Red Kites
- Re: Would you all like to get rid of Gorgeous George? Could you get shot of Saddam at the same time
- Performance Power Chainsaw
- Pruning and birds
- Would you all like to get rid of Gorgeous George?
- Garage and holes
- Do mulcher mowers work?
- Bumpy lawn+lots of moss!!
- Moving a winter clematis
- First Ladybird!
- Little round beads
- Stuff I've been doing this week!
- B & D lubrication query
- Vine Weevil Larvae in outside soil.
- Plum Tree Die Back
- When is grass cutting time?
- pond liner
- Araucaria angustifolia?
- Re: Camellia Debbie
- removing pollen
- Erica Carnea Springwood Pink
- Colour themed gardens
- A Wicked Garden
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- questions about peppers
- Bumpy lawn
- Chitting potatotes - a problem?
- Plugs
- Daffs have no flowers
- Clematis montana - (lack of) hardiness?
- What to grow in crap half of veg plot
- Well, that's Summer been and gone!
- Viburnum tinus disease? - re-post
- Where can I buy large-ish trees mail-order?
- cultivator
- How to be a Gardener
- Siting a grape vine
- Re: Fixing Bird Box
- spring onions
- Potatoes
- Re: Beverly Nichols - Merry Hall
- Mantis cultivator or alternatives
- identifying plants etc
- Which tree?
- Berberis problem - Repost
- Plants online
- Scented plants
- disturbing sedum
- Sweetcorn
- sdf
- Parking on grass?
- Pruning Beech
- small holes in pyrocantha leaves
- Hard water and Rhododendrons on London balcony
- Potatoes
- Mantis cultivator or alternatives
- identifying plants etc
- Re: Plants online
- Re: Hard water and Rhododendrons on London balcony
- Advice please Leylandii hedge / hawthorne part 2
- Bronze fennel seed
- can I plant now?
- Ivy problem!
- Does anyone feel like me?
- Howard Rotivator
- Clay Clay and More Clay
- Counting frogs
- Chilli Seeds
- Canna braziliensis
- West Cornwall show
- greenhouse heater fuel