View Full Version : United Kingdom
- Broad and ruuner beans
- Preparation of land prior to laying new turf ...
- Evergreen climbers
- Wild 'Herbs'
- Unexpected benefit, some re-planning to do though
- Elderberry Cutting
- Fence preservatives and climbing plants
- cheap new mower or good second hand
- Bird problem (off topic)
- Lily Beetles
- Another tomato query
- My funny foxglove.
- What's Eating My Gazania Flower Petals?
- Pruning Taxus Baccata
- Unexpected benefit, some re-planning to do though
- Aloe Vera
- pineapple
- potatoe growth i think touched by frost?
- Plant ID please
- Strange bugs
- New here !!!!
- Waterbutt offer
- what will take duck eggs from nest
- plant id - the drum skin like thingy
- yucca with sentimental value in trouble!
- What's Eating My Laurels?
- Re: waterfall
- Rose News
- Freesias - Growing Question From Newbie
- Plant identification please (a grass?)
- Bananas!
- Tomato mystery
- The Common Woodlouse...
- When can I put out tomatoes and sweet corn?
- clover
- Bread on compost
- Re: Shot in the Foot!
- Off topic, World Books
- Mantis Tiller
- Tomato Plantl
- Suffolk Punch Mower.
- Tomato Plant
- My apologies
- Jersey Sunrise tomatoes
- Hail damage
- Articles and photos
- Re: Chemical weed killing under conifer hedging?
- Westwood Gazelle W16 - which battery ?
- Hosepipe Question
- Sterilising compost?
- TOXIC Problems with Roundup Weed Control
- Monsanto's Toxic Roundup
- Nantes Carrots, Lady Christal Potatoes
- Annual events listings anywhere?
- Browning wisteria
- Hose reel
- ADD: Good prices on Weed control matting!
- Excellent Roundup sprayer
- Beautiful Plantings in the Colonies
- Chelsea
- Acer Palmatum
- Wood block paving
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Potatoes question
- Wish me luck!
- Private addresses
- Melons, how to plant out seedlings
- Rejunvating straggly/floppy weigla
- Franz Heymann
- Strawberry newbie questions
- Dahlia tubers in hot water
- Tree suggestion for shaded corner of garden sought
- gooseberry fruit frop
- Bougainvillea
- Grass trimmer recommendations please
- hanging baskets out of fashion?
- Silly Question About Bird Boxes
- Sick Hebe
- onions yellowing
- Making holes - more advice
- When are potatoes ready?
- Dr Avery replies :-(
- Kale - Grey Aphids - Predators ?
- Tulips
- hovaria
- Help requested with afflicted Holly trees
- Dichorisandra thyrsiflora
- eleagnus
- ATawny Owl
- tomato suckers
- gooseberries - smug post.
- metposts walloping
- Hose connection question
- Best Wheelbarrow
- Can I feed salami scraps to birds?
- Vine tomatoes?
- Foliar Feed - recipe ?
- OT supermarket cut flowers
- Champion 25cc petrol strimmer
- strange plant
- Cat problem..
- couple of simple chili questions...
- Rhododendron lost the urge to flower
- Small hedge
- January perennial maintenance
- hydrangea
- Fennel Fern?
- OT great catalogue
- Briggs & Statton mower broken start cord
- Bark Chip and Shady Plants Suggestions
- Seed preparation
- Re: A plea to the Hymenopterists amongst you...
- carrot shaped turnip?
- Cheshunt
- Nettles - lots & lots
- Resiliance of a pelargonium seedling
- New turf
- Re: Birch Tree Question
- Nicotiana affinis
- Waisted tomato plants
- Suggest some alternatives?
- How much water in a cubic meter?
- Garden sheds
- Can I take water from dykes?
- Patio fruit trees
- Standard Wisteria
- Please help my beautiful black bamboo
- chinese rhubarb
- New Lawn Problem - Potatoes !
- Re: Here it is. The smoking gun.
- Ah well
- Shrub ID please?
- Timber-frame builder?
- Those blueberries
- Bluebells
- Bird's nest
- Daisy, Buttercup, Dettles and Doc.
- mint
- Help with Hedge
- Grafting
- Self-set Allium problem
- Another plant pot and gravel question
- Mail order plants
- Bindweed
- oak garden furniture
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Parthenocissus - henryana
- Heavy soil
- leather jackets or cutworms
- Can I put gravel on top of compost in a plant pot
- It's probably been asked before, but:-
- It's probably been asked before, but:-
- Halooooo people! Got some great news
- Whitefly or Aphid infestation? Help
- Horsetail.
- Salvia Coccinea : "Lady in Red" question
- Trouble germinating Scotch Bonnet pepper seeds - any advice?
- Sickly rose...brown core to stems..HELP!
- Box Blight
- Seed Swap.
- Garotta Liquid?
- tadpoles
- re air rifles,
- Kochia
- Yellow leaves on clematis
- Why is nothing growing?
- First grass snake of the year
- Malvern show
- sick rose
- Dealing with unwanted grass by Blackberries and Rasberries
- rip off or not
- Flower identification
- Plum/Peach aphid leaf curl
- Grape vine care.
- 20 tons of topsoil - help!
- Mower stalling - help!
- ash from wood fire
- Strimmer starting problem
- Air rifles
- Japanese maple flowering?
- any asparagus experts out there?
- Black water
- Rude awakening - lawn holes
- Tonight & tomorrow night (10th & 11th)
- Dianthus
- Greedy Wood Pigeons
- pH Measurement
- HELP. Aloe Vera turning brown. It looks like its dying. Help
- Apple variety recommendation
- Clubroot in Brassicas
- wisteria....
- controlling cordylines
- Yet another Japanese maple question...
- Citrus compost
- Going to lose some I think
- Acer (Japanese Maple) source of seedlings ?
- Supplier of Window Boxes?
- New lawn now 2", leave trimmings on lawn?
- attack of the gardenbanters! (OT)
- Introduction and a few general questions :)
- Clematis gunge
- Qualcast Lawnmower £10.00
- Garden accident
- Cast aluminium garden table and chairs @ .99p
- Plant (Crop) ID Please
- charity plant sales - plant licences?
- Garden Room
- brassicas in raised beds
- Climbing Hydrangea
- Cordyline problem
- senator spades and warranty (repost due to news server error)
- Senator Spades and warranty
- europe
- What's are these seedlings?
- F1 All Female Cucumber
- Lilly beetles
- the wonder of libraries (only slightly OT)
- Does anyone know this bird?
- Envirofleece
- Gardening Structures
- Plant Tubs, -constructional info
- Frost warnings
- how tall?
- Which is the best patio heater? (Gas, electric)? has anyone any ideas
- Garden News Magazine Order
- Lilies Cats
- Re: Temptation for the Scottishurglers
- Sweet Peas - again!
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- looking for a name of a plant
- Runner beans and moles
- Dead rose
- aliums - repeat flowering or not?
- Stony ground / top soil - newbie question
- hebe with an ugly black sooty coating
- Sunflowers and stakes.
- Trimming apple tree.
- Runners up fences.
- pond and bamboo
- bamboo flowering
- Droopy rose
- raised bed edging
- Rare Plants Nursery Lost Order.
- Honeysuckle Mildew
- cardiocrinum giganteum seed germination.
- tomatoes in in pots growbags
- Annual cuttings ?
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