- Newbie from Manchester - Please help!
- Bonfires
- Marguerite - or not?
- Freezing Mange Tout
- Book on weeds & weeding
- Snapdragons
- Ping Sheila aand the 'white agapanthus seed club'
- Lonicera henryi
- Cotton wool tree??
- Allium sphaerocephalon
- Sweet Woodruff
- Recommend a new mower, please
- Green Manure
- Qualcast RM32 Mower
- Watering
- Cutting lawns - why?
- Family Apple Tree
- Feeding tomatoes
- Ladybirds
- Unknown bugs
- Plant ID Help
- Water tanks and soil born diseases
- White Rot
- Miniaturized nut tree - dried out but not dead... Help!
- Weather change in vane
- Ceonthus Concha dying?
- Re: OT email puzzle
- Another good one!
- Woo Hoo - Got Cucmbers
- Re: OT email puzzle
- Re: OT email puzzle
- Cornish hotel garden
- Cardiocrinum giganteum
- Rose name ?
- water worries
- Huuuuuuge moth
- Is this a Lily 'Pirate'
- Palms in tubs
- Yunan lily
- Who or what is digging in my pot?
- Rose searcg
- Moss Killer
- Titchmarsh's mycorrhizal advice
- loss of text
- Figs
- Can anyone put a name to this plant, please.
- Blanket Weed in the compost heap
- Outdoor tomatoes not setting
- Gardena and Hozelock O rings compatible?
- Grapes
- OT Website connection?
- Sweet pea timings
- Compost ... why ...
- First tomatoes
- Unknown Iris
- Broomrape
- Hard Grass ??..
- Rose id
- And speaking of organic...
- Talking of beans.
- Vinegar as weed killer?
- Runner Beans
- Roses
- Spare plot - veg?
- OT why?
- Maris Bard first earlies
- Crazy
- Useful for newbies
- OT - something to do for an hour in Cambridge
- Bit of rain
- Wine demijons, alternative use.
- Tom Problem
- Plant ID please
- The Iris have landed
- Bird id?
- Re: England and Scotland courts My post to ULM
- Hampton Court July 8th
- Peas and beans - commercial varieties?
- Snap! - another one gone. Stailness or mild steel the best forforks?
- WHY .........................
- Who is this on my property?
- Beechgrove
- Leaf Miners
- striking red hover fly
- Plant ID
- Poorly Beetroot
- New (to me) bug
- Re: compo cam cyclist lectures Police and tries to run away
- First wasps' nest
- Tomatos
- About not feeding birds
- Dwarf Buddleja
- Haws Watering Can
- hawthorn woes
- Someone said recently to eat broad beans pod and all
- Lonicera ID
- Another one six feet under
- Straw for Strawberries
- Greenhouse tomatoes.
- Positioning a Magnolia stellata
- Window box in shade?
- A possible fox deterrant.
- Sorry I couldn't find the Scent setting on the camera
- Lost lable
- Do we spray? Or don't we?
- abutilon roots
- best wormery
- Gooseberries
- Splitting black bamboo
- If you feel ...................................
- No luck with apricot trees
- Bumble bee
- Strawberries. A glut.
- Plums - should we "thin" them?
- Bees
- Onions
- Can you identify this plant?
- One of the Great Mysteries
- GArden spray gun recommendations please
- 4 in one fix.
- Scots Pine
- Deformed rose
- Sowing carrot seed.
- Pollination, some observations
- Polycarbonate greenhouse advice
- Cos lettuce - outer leaves and hearts
- Broad beans. Anybody near podding?
- Plant Feed - some observations
- Compost Quality
- Rosemary Beetle
- Amazed
- Level a lawn with topsoil
- For Sacha - Veddw Incident
- Gardena spares
- Full Smith period - Bligh****ch
- One way to keep cats out of the garden
- Helenium Beetle
- Garden Observations
- Wottens of Wenhaston :-)
- Ptelea trifoliata
- Phew!
- Campanula identification
- Ground Elder removing!
- Simple things to add nutrients
- Allium confusion
- Bud drop on Holboellia
- Talking of Peas
- Ants..
- sweet peas
- Please help identify this plant
- Brassicas
- Cold and damp
- Re: Can I put plants right up to the foot of a new wall?
- which Ilex reanata
- Lonicera etrusca R.I.P.
- Plant identity please
- Coir
- I D Please
- Strange.
- Pomegranate
- Puzzling shrub
- catterpillar ID
- Shop bought courgettes - multiple seedlings
- Okra
- Blueberries
- Should I support my sapling Rowan with a stake?
- Old Rose identification
- Flaming June! Also planting/sowing guidelines.
- Weed killer traces in nine of 10 urine samples of people in Malta
- Coir
- Another Iris question
- Overlook the obvious
- Purple Corkscrew Hazel
- source for irises
- Iris 'Tropic Night'
- Rain and pollen level?
- Automatic Watering
- Cornish holiday
- Cotoneaster query
- Aquilegia puzzle
- Golden Wych Elm
- Washing up liquid
- Mulching fruit bushes
- Blissful!
- Weedkilling and disposal
- Twool
- Source of frost free pottery tubs
- Nearly yummy time
- Michael Thurlow
- bronze tools
- can I prune bronze fennel?
- 7 Natural Foods to Help You Lose Weight
- Camassia and lily beetle
- Charming Rockery plant
- My favourite shrub
- White Foxglove
- Odd marks on leaves
- Roundup 3000 and 450
- That looks cheap!
- Rabbits
- Smallholding. Does anybody here buy from them?
- Plant ID please
- Has anyone had any luck with veg?
- Strange pigeon behaviour
- Id please
- Veddw open
- Alge supprescent
- New Channel 4 Series Offers Gardening Services in London
- Ducks in Garden ,beneficial or a nuisance?
- Please tell me this isn't giant ground elder
- coldest spring in 50 years
- May Mushroom
- Bulbs
- Velcro plant ties
- Birdseed query
- Moving a Rhododendron
- cheapest way to protect fruit?
- Consall Hall gardens
- vegetable growers
- Tomatoes
- plants to cover arch
- Is this Viburnum Maresii dying?
- Flowers? (OT)
- The weekend is over
- Allotment site is busy today.
- Tender geraniums
- Strawberries. A good year?
- Onion sets
- Looking for something different?
- Mulberry tree
- Taking cutting of alder
- Lovely day today.
- One born every minute?
- B & Q
- Beautiful week end!
- Cold, wet and windy.
- Courgettes poorly
- Leeks?
- Container gardening
- Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park.
- Baby Spinach
- OT frog puzzle
- Paulownia
- Heavy Gardening Gloves
- Strimming grass, two questions
- Morning Glory
- Davidia
- Potted Buxus and plant food question
- Slugs - Phosphor Bronze
- Re: Small flowers for top of stone wall