- Rats in Compost Bin
- Nothing to do with - Re: Soft soap
- Weeds!! Help!
- japanese maple - atropurpureum
- Stihl FS45 - any thoughts?
- Mildew on Lupins
- cats and their deposits
- Open Day - North West Leeds -13th July
- Re: Blanket Weed (long post)
- Thuja Plicata
- Balcony gardener seeking advice
- Opium poppies
- Plant problem :-(
- Viburnum tinus Spring Bouquet
- Small Somerset Damsons- What are they?
- Do the blades need sharpening?
- Finally I have the desired result.
- Vandals Update
- Phygelius weevils and well pump...
- OT was Re: Scab-resistant potatoes?
- Hand SCYTHE wher to buy
- Phygelius weevils and well pump...
- OT was Re: Scab-resistant potatoes?
- Hand SCYTHE wher to buy
- Pruning Plum Trees
- Pruning Plum Trees
- Pruning Plum Trees
- Hampton Court Flower Show: photos from the 2003 show
- Weeds on lawns and in flower beds.
- Virginia Creeper
- Squash
- systemtic fungicide update
- tibouchina
- Re: Big Bertha Thing blogs (huh? what?)
- is there such a thing as...
- More slug and snail woes
- More slug and snail woes
- pruning laurels
- Sacha's Seeds
- Advice Wtd Laying Flags
- Sweet Peas
- Pak Choi
- radish for kicks
- Cabbage white hatch time?
- Away from kitchen garden in August
- Re: Activists Seek Changes at Slaughterhouses
- Mandrake, Mandragora Officionalis, Germination
- Request from pond owners
- Watermelon
- Help - My Gem Squash Again!
- (fake) rockery stones/bricks
- Brown Tomatoe Bottoms...
- gold-leaved cyclamen
- Blanket Weed
- Finding a property with a Big Garden
- gold-leaved cyclamen
- Blanket Weed
- Finding a property with a Big Garden
- Live WebCam - Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
- linocera - grey mould on leaves - help!
- Slugs
- linocera - grey mould on leaves - help!
- Live WebCam - Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
- plant ID please
- Scab-resistant potatoes?
- Yellow courgette
- Questions on my mind
- Downy mildew?
- Nettle-choked garden - advice and suggestions welcome
- soil preparation + cultivators
- Clematis and rose
- Chrysanths.
- Growing GHERKINS
- Beetroot
- Cucumbers
- looking for seeds
- Best way to do a shed...
- Re: compost activator
- Potatoe Woes
- what is it? (shrub)
- Ant Problem Near Garden Pond
- Compost
- laurel shrivelled new leaves
- Compost
- what is it? (shrub)
- Ant Problem Near Garden Pond
- laurel shrivelled new leaves
- Compost
- what is it? (shrub)
- Compost
- Ant Problem Near Garden Pond
- what is it? (shrub)
- Compost
- Ant Problem Near Garden Pond
- Potatoes with Wilt?
- garden gate - north wales
- Potatoes - early or main crop?
- Arum Lily (Black pearl)
- Animal dropping identification - hedgehog?
- Is it too late for Potatoes
- insurance
- Re: Friend or Foe? Strange Insect...
- Goholistic
- Lavender cuttings for smell
- Mushrooms & my new lawn...
- Vandals
- Vandals
- Question about Lavender
- Propagate Jasmine?
- Vandals
- plant identity
- Petrol mower - cleaning
- Sprouting sweet cherry pits
- Maincrop or Early Potatoes
- Broad Bean Woes
- Lily problem
- OT paging SHANNIE!
- Lily problem
- Stagnant water?
- Mecanopsis Huntfield
- Garlic
- got gooseberry plant, but when to pick
- Grape vines cuttings
- Garlic opinion
- Fruit trees to buy
- Is it too late to plant potatoes?
- New spuds
- Trees to survive in the scottish islands
- Mystery of the reappearing clematis
- Giant Hogweed
- Greenhouse Runner Beans
- Hawes watering can
- Climbing Hydrangea 'Petiolaris'
- Thanks
- Hedges
- smokebush buds but that's all...
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Black Fly
- Potatoes flowering
- Downy Mildew , Onions
- Re: Growing Clematis from seed? Then read this
- How can I feed my lawn at a sensible price?
- Pickled walnuts - how?
- chilli flowers keep dropping off
- Stihl FS400 strimmer, its me again :)
- Growing Clematis from seed?
- Disinfecting tools
- Toadstools in new lawn
- clover in the lawn
- Cats
- Seed catalogues
- Re Zones
- Lowering a cupressus
- OT(?): Squirrels And Ultrasonics
- Dragon's Gate?
- Tiny Weevils - I think there's a plague of them eating my garden - please help
- Bay Trees
- Wooden fence(Best place to get materials)
- Deadheading Clematis
- cats
- advice for twitch infested lawn
- Frogs are dying?
- Frothy water in my Butt
- manure with wood shavings
- Is it just me...?
- Deep red Acer Palmatum dying before my eyes
- Fence Posts
- where are all the ladybirds?
- Burton on Trent Area/ Plant Sale if anyone interested
- Managing the Broad Bean harvest
- Minimal pond for frogs
- Territorial Tomatoes?
- House with superb garden for sale in Croydon/Surrey area
- Deadhead lupins?
- Dahlia ID please
- Can you teach an old dog?
- gardening chat on IRC
- Azada anyone?
- brown conifers
- brown conifers
- Strawberries in tub split??
- Shrubs for a screen
- What is eating so many of my plants - and a tree?
- Fly paper,
- Cinders
- Hedging with hornbeam
- green covering on pond
- Re: Woodlice and now also earwigs
- Advert/Announce - Shropshire based nursery now online.
- Fencing supplier?
- planting fir trees in the back garden as a screen
- Hand water pump
- mice - traps a danger to birds?
- Feeding Robins
- Feeding Robins
- Bunching onions
- Woodlice
- garden design
- Lettuces UNder Fleece
- Goooseberries look mouldy
- Test
- Has anyone tried breeding a rose?
- Newbie: Small tree suggestions please
- Surfinia
- Gathering worms
- Surfinia
- Gathering worms
- Can I recommend Sorrell to you?
- Fuschia Cuttings, when to plant out?
- cucumbers grow well then die!
- Limestone chippings - kill plants?
- How do I get rid of green covering on pond
- fs billy goat vacuum
- Re: Pumkins - funny mistakes
- new allotment
- grape vine
- lychnis chalcedonia/coronaria - difference?
- Black Spot and Sodium Bicarbonate ???
- Re: Rose not growing! - update
- Hollyhocks
- newbie allotment help please
- cat grass
- Looking for a Hoe
- meadow conservation
- Turnip Oasis
- strawberry runners
- Lawn murder
- Parched rosebush
- Small weevils invasion!
- Leaf Miners
- Non-greenfingered type planning to massacre garden!
- Zones?
- Gherkin flowers
- mini lean-to greenhouse
- planting a slope
- Old petrol lawnmower
- Plant identification needed and a few questions!
- Bees making home in my flower pots
- Re: New Zealand yam
- Looking for Sheffield Garden Services
- Bay Tree Cuttings
- Half Price Seeds + Wyevale
- Pumkins in the greenhouse/garden?
- Your critiques
- help! for yew trees with yellowing needles in New England
- Hollyhock`s
- Copper Fountains