- Garlic
- Falling leaves. Partner's hobbies
- Gage fruit...
- Shrinking lawn - how to build it back up?
- Hydrangea colours
- Gardening at your own conveniece
- Re: Anyone want a greenhouse?
- Falling leaves
- red spider mite - what plants are immune ?
- Re: 2nd try for Berberis help - Thank you N/M
- Feeding roses
- green on tomatoes
- Mysterious predator eats fish heads
- Butterflies
- Re: Weeding a lawn
- A Honeysuckle problem
- Which fruit trees from cuttings please?
- It's south facing - not north
- Suggestions for hanging basket planting for now
- Golden bamboo goes walkabout
- Can you grow sweet potatoes please?
- Odd stuff in soil
- North facing fence
- Pruning Stuff
- Re: Best lawn weedkiller?
- Plants growing through the floor slab
- Fungus in Lawn
- Why won't my tomatoes turn red?
- 2nd try for Berberis help
- Stainless steel drum (was part of 2 questions)
- Help - Carburetor adjustment instructions Punch 30s
- Lawn weed n feed question
- Re Roundup
- Transparent hedge in winter
- 'Gardeners' Wilt'
- Apple tree questions
- Garden 'donkey' / carry sheet / tarpaulin
- Re: Fat Balls
- Mystery city vine...
- Re: Re: Gardening - test - Names
- Chilli Peppers
- Vine weevil or what
- summerhouse plans or designs
- Plague of flies
- mystery plant
- Rotting green peppers
- Resilience of perennials
- Holly problem
- Mystery plant
- Plants for new garden at this time of year?
- Brian E Re: Long term absence
- Gardening - test
- Horticultural Show insurance?
- Howard 350 rotavator - throttle linkage question
- Curly hoses
- New turf, and a dog...
- Large Flowered Eryngium
- Dahlias
- The fig thread returns!
- Re: Why won't my Peppers ripen?
- 2 questions
- Honeysuckle Problem
- Oldie but goodie (off topic but not quite)
- Shrub roses
- Dahlias
- Hedge trimmer
- Does compost need turning in a dalek bin
- Raspberry Problem
- Snakes
- Raspberry Problem
- Snakes
- what is this flowering plant?
- Cordyline puzzle
- Rhododendron
- large shed required
- Barbeque recommendation
- Re: Borage (Off Topic - Top Posting discussion)
- Berberis help
- Bindweed problem
- Borage
- Inula magnifica
- Very tall hollyhock
- Very tall hollyhock
- Help Needed : From A Newbie
- Chrissie The Gardener
- Gravel in soil & Kids wonderland????
- glyphosate and vegetables
- seated mower advice?
- Something's eating our Rattes!
- on-line suppliers of Bamboo in UK?
- Standard bay trees
- Above ground swimming pools
- When must i pick
- Rose sticks
- Pond Lily problem
- sunday noise
- Re: Pump Ideas !!
- Re: Dog used lawn as toilet - and the smell!
- Wisteria
- Ants
- Garden Hose wall mount
- Please help Screen neighbours from me
- Sticky problem!!
- Blackberry problems
- Seed of Chives Crossing?
- Boltonia Asteroides?
- glyphosate and vegtables
- sorbus aria (whitebeam) pruning
- Treating Railway Sleepers
- Garden Shredder
- growth inhibitors?
- Poorly Rubber Plan
- stupid tap/hose question
- Late butterflys
- Solar lighting
- Advice re Chocolate Cosmos please
- Damaged Fruit
- CAD for gardening?
- Re: Shrubs -cuttings when to take them
- Eucolyptus tree be shedding bark
- 2 parts - hedges and wisteria
- Mahonia mildew and die back
- Bean crop set problem
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: Catching Snails? revenge?
- fast growing large leafed ivy
- Fleece
- OT Re: Web page help please
- Web page help please
- Early potatoes
- rhododendron emergency
- Early potatoes
- rhododendron emergency
- Re: Why won't my tomatoes turn red?
- Salvia Divinorum
- Sickly Weeping Willow
- Rose question.
- storing potatoes
- Rooting Ivy
- Push mower rollers
- Re Toadstools and lawn - many thanks
- Brown Leilandii Confiers!!
- Balckberries where raspberries grew
- Al-Ko hooby rotavator problem
- Brian E Re: Long term absence
- washing water
- Conifer?
- International Vegetable Guide?
- Ideal plants for conservatories
- Capsicums
- Sacha's Seeds Part 3
- Sacha's Seeds Part 3
- Capsicums
- lawn care for rookie
- Iceas for
- clematis cirrhosa freckles
- Caterpillars (possibly?)
- Leek spacing?
- Toadstools
- Herbs for a warm indoor room year round
- pampus grass
- Nuts !
- Rhino greenhouse
- Getting allotment soon - What to do?
- Re: Seed sower (piggyback)
- Lupin
- Trouble with a willow tree
- Seed sower
- Comfrey as prophylactic? ;-)
- New lawn on clay
- Kew today - I missed you !
- Growing plants from seed: advice?
- help please with chilli plants
- chilean fire bush
- Chilean Glory Vine from seed
- Acer 'Crimson Queen' Advice
- Lots Of Shallots
- Knowing when to pick sweet corn
- What looks good growing on brick?
- Long term absence
- 'Gloire de Dijon' Climbing Rose
- Philadelphus 'Virginal'
- tree protection
- If only
- horseradish plant
- Pruning Holly
- Newbie Question
- Coal in the garden
- What veggies plant now?
- Great Dixter
- replacing conifers
- New Lawn on clay
- Foxglove seeds question
- bamboo?
- sweet pea pods
- Storing early potatoes
- Bindweed and nettles
- growth inhibitors?
- Drip feeding from water butt
- Shreddings
- Rosemary looking ill
- Large bamboo poles
- Catching Snails?
- I don't believe it!
- Disaster!
- Re: 2 solar garden nightlights for £14.99
- What Weed 2
- short runner beans
- loosing begonias
- Greenhouse - wot now?
- holly problems
- HDRA Competition; printing error
- Considering Mountfield SP460R Mower - any advice ?
- Black mould spots again
- lawmower (petrol driven)
- What Weed?
- hebes
- Border - security and visibilty
- Need something really smelly
- Sickly Silver Birch (SSB) Betella Penduls
- red currants
- peterborough area
- Hedging to protect vegetables
- OT? Mail order
- Any Plant sales
- Chillies
- Funny hat site?
- Irritating Neighbour's Water Feature
- iris Pseudacorus
- Runner beans
- 2 piccies Re: Capel Summer Show - London
- New Lawn on clay
- Cordyline - Which one?
- purple poppy?
- Re: Banned Herbicides &&&& Pesticides
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Gem Squash fruit dropping off?
- Re: can I still plant? Vines?
- azada handle
- Help with apples?
- cucumber problem
- can I still plant?
- Empty bean bed
- Tropf Blumat adjustment
- Slow conifers
- Penstemons
- Adding sugar in water for tomato plants
- [OT] and thus a little acorn began to grow
- Stihl strimmers
- How to tame a virginia creeper?