- What is this plant
- Looking for moss killer and general advice.
- Which Clematis?
- Composting Confiers
- Heathers - when to prune, how to maintain?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: grapefruit
- Plant disease to Skimmia
- Turf cutter
- Re: broccoli
- What can I do to improve compacted soil?
- planting time for a new border
- Fenitrothian
- Re: bananas
- An open letter to Dr Avery of RSPB
- Feeding ericaceous plants
- Butternut Squash.....How To ?
- Mini tiller - opinions?
- fence (maybe OT)
- Rejuvenating leggy tired-looking rhododendron
- annuals in pastel colours
- What won't grow for you?
- Gardener in Normandy
- Which liquid to clean my patio stone slabs
- List of bedding plant for Diamond wedding anniversary in late May
- Diplodemia - what is it ?
- Camellia Colours
- Pansies
- My intro and questions!
- Productive Day in the Greenhouse
- Cheese Plant
- Growth rates (Rose Kiftsgate, Halesia monticola)
- Cordoned pear trees
- Grass seed germination time ?
- Re: Searching the group's archive
- decking, paving, block or concrete?
- Agapanthus
- Mallorcan peach? Re-post
- Counting sheep? No!
- New High Hedge Law comes into force June1st
- Fate of the Suppliers and References FAQ
- prunus kiku-shidare-sakura in a pot?
- Pocket Handkerchief Tree
- Buddleja problem revisited
- Cordyline Australis
- Plague of frogs
- How & When to Overseed Lawn?
- Re: Plant identification please
- A new garden.
- chrysanthemum cuttings
- bind weed destruction
- How DOES one obtain a billiard table surface prior to sowing a lawn?
- Ch4 Great Garden Challenge
- Bromelia / Bromeliad
- Gardenmaster 80 Cultivator problem
- Ladybirds galore
- Beginner question - weeds all over my lawn
- Topsoil needed ! High Wycombe/Bucks area - any pointers ?
- Re: So how was your weekend?
- Taming the garden...
- An early night tonight !!!
- Fence/ shed treatment bargains?
- Bosch shredder auger damaged ?
- Slightly OT. Building permission. Long
- Fastigiatising
- "Scented Double Roses" (old-fashioned type) in Van Meuwen catalogue
- plant pot soil add sand to the clay soil ?
- Greenhouse staging renewal
- red currants
- plants to compliment a heather bed
- Two bushes with dead bits problem
- Moving nerines
- Basic free-standing 2-teir shelf sold anywhere?
- whats with this gardening lark :-)
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Illegal garden substances
- Question - Feeding Rhodedendrons
- Question - First Mow Of Season
- Ideas for a woodland garden
- germination rates for old seeds.
- greenhouse sump hole stopped working
- Do 'Nortene' still exist?
- New big Hosta update with pictures.......
- Hi Guys. First Time Poster
- Gazanias have over-wintered
- Leaves of Jasmine plant turning brown
- Houseplant for low light?
- Frogs in Pond
- Digging up my garden!
- Vehicular access
- Just to say.. Hi
- Grow Your own magazine
- cottage gardens
- lawnmower question
- Brussel tops
- Snowdrops in the green
- Re: A question for the group on posting adverts.
- heathers and lavender
- sparrows
- Japanese has serious influence
- professional gardening is quite different from that of your back garden
- another great English tradition
- Bexrose Newsletter
- Please help - lawn
- Hestercombe clematis days
- Siting our new greenhouse - options?
- In a panic!!
- Take a Crash Course In Plants and Plant Basics!
- Re: 4 bed rotation to 3 bed removing brassicas for space?
- Plug Plants
- Dripping silver birch
- Query for Charlie Pridham
- Rose recommendation
- guinee rose - pruning requirements
- BEF growers pots
- Vermin Cats. Update
- Euphorbia info. needed
- Cheap source of low voltage garden lighting wanted
- Red baron onion sets when to plant,starting to sprout.
- Greenhouse ?
- raspberry pruning - again
- Low decorative hedging
- onion foliage
- Is trellis 'seasonal'?
- Ponds & Water Gardening
- Whats the best aerator to buy (budget 120)
- Mahonia advice needed
- Winter Flowering Pear.
- How many grow bags for tomatoes/ cucumbers
- AD 2005 Garden Design Course Dates
- Asparagus ...in a polytunnel?
- The Slipper Orchid Forum
- The Slipper Orchid Forum
- Forcing bluebells to flower earlier. Is it possible?
- Help with Crossword
- Beautiful Day!!
- Returfing a lawn
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- New hedges
- FS : Lavender and Thyme Seeds.
- I reversed over my rosebush
- Urgent source of Espalier Pear trees
- agapanthus
- keeping seeds
- Soft fruit in acid soil
- In Aldi today
- Are electric cultivators any good? (250 watt)
- Name of restored garden?
- The dishonesty of the RSPB
- Smell of sulphur from pot rosemary
- Just for the record, first frog spawn this year
- Rose Cuttings
- Raised beds: railway sleepers, crossing timber
- Re: plum recommendations
- Re: peach cancker ?
- Lesser Celandine: friend or foe
- Gardening in Glasgow
- Asparagus crowns
- FA: Very strong cable ties
- Fatsia japonica
- Who's been eating my daffs?
- Pebblesl for paths
- Air-cleaning plants for indoors?
- Wasps!
- Flamboyant tree
- The frogs are at it ...
- min/max temps
- Noob help
- Mallorcan peach??
- Berry bearing small shrub
- Shredded PAMPAS GRASS leaves. Are they any use?
- Honeysuckle Disease??
- lily killer??
- Rats in the compost!
- lotus
- Patio fruit trees
- What is this then?
- Raised Bed for Veggies
- how to turn alkaline soil to acidic
- Staghorn Ferns
- Re: RHS seeds and plants
- Greenthumbs
- Whats the best "PEAT Substitute"
- Office proof plant?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Clematis vitalba
- Veg patch edging boards.
- Another plant to name./Mothers day
- Has ntl news servers packed up?
- test
- Hornbeam hedge, fence & rabbit challenge!
- tomato seeds from tin
- cold greenhouse propagation
- Gardeners World
- Please name this plant
- rhubarb
- NOTHING to do with gardening, but
- Pumpkin Pie
- Mantis tiller - opinions please.
- Plant stand help
- Detestable Cats :-))))
- What is it?
- Greenhouse heating
- Faithful Friend
- Camellia Coronation - known?
- Slightly OT (well it's still botanical!) Has anyone been to The Eden Project?
- House plant identification?
- Clementines and potatos
- Pruning Pothos...
- Rosa moyesii from seed
- Climber for wall
- Hosta-photos
- Re: salt resistant plants for coastal areas
- Is this a Japanese Apricot
- Can you grow chillie plants from the seeds of chillies bought from the supermarket?
- rhubarb
- broken switch on a bosch hedge-trimmer
- Escallonias
- can cold do this??
- snowdrops
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Seed potatoes going soft
- Could someone identify this plant?
- Old bulbs.
- Cactus - Any hope?
- polythene pots
- growing potatoes and onions from seed
- Betula Pendula
- Horror - shock!
- Waterbutt With Overflow Outlet - Obtainable /
- Recommended dwarf pear trees
- Planting in the snow?
- Why did Janet move?
- Woodland Trust's misleading advert
- Floppy Crocus?
- Need Ivy for an external wall.
- Sweet Peas question
- Garotta
- Rhododendron Propagation and Pruning
- Worst winter in the last 10 minutes?
- chicken s--t.
- Seed germination temperatures
- New greenhouse.....
- Dung!
- Pruning Scindapsus aureus...
- greenhouse recommendations
- Pumpkins
- The joys of...