- Natures Predictions
- Does anyone know if it's possible to take cuttings from Chrysanthemum frutescens?
- Wolf Weed Extractor
- Loquats?
- Septic tank pollution testing.
- Anigozanthos
- Intro & miniature rose
- Moving standard roses
- weeds
- blackberries
- blackberries
- Buying a new mower - advice on Qualcast Cobra Quiet 32 Electric Rotary Lawnmower
- Name this Tulip please
- leylandii spacing
- Beech Hedge - Pruning and Cuttings
- Friend or foe?
- Spider plants
- Lawn fertilizer problem
- Pear problems
- Near miss
- Lawn Mower Servicing
- cat problems, again
- Young Leylandii and Lawson conifers, prune and manage
- Little Oak tree in a pot
- in defense of leylandi
- Rasberry problems
- pest on strawberries
- Water retention
- Introducing new gardener.
- swallows are back
- Buying Garden Furniture on-line
- Re: Old Railway Sleeper
- Climbers for a fence
- Tulips not come up properly :-(
- GW Music
- pruning a apple srout
- An odd question
- Compost smeeling silagy
- First aid help req! The heads fallen off our Marguerite tree
- Suggestions for small shady area
- pear identity crisis
- Re: Weigela - tough as old boots!
- Frog Spawn
- Plantfinder
- Leeks, again!
- What To Do With Dirty Weeds
- Protecting my apples?
- Cutting Leylandi
- Gardeners' Question Time factsheets
- Newbie - advice please on whether to buy huge garden!
- Bluebells on the lawn
- Searching for pen friend who love plnting.
- Climber ID please.
- Saving Seed?
- Evergreen Maxi Spreader and Evergreen weed and feed.
- Do I pinch out my seedlings?
- Daffs in a newly rented property.
- Where to buy magnolia trees in hampshire
- New Interest Group on ICQ for Allotment Gardeners
- New Interest Group on ICQ
- sweet pea trials
- Coming up bloomin' lovely
- berberis cuttings
- Begonia rex 'Olympica' - l'escargot
- chamomile lawn
- Extending edge of butyl pond liner to stop leaking
- Extending edge of butyl pond liner to stop leaking
- Extending edge of butyl liner to stop leaking
- pests
- Annual Rainfall
- Sweet Pea Trials+Gardeners World
- Garden design book
- Replacement Pond Pump?
- Watching paint dry
- Mimosa
- Toads or Frogs
- Hostas in pots
- Neglected planter
- Cost of Garden Centres versus Nurseries
- A Lament
- Anemone blanda showing?
- Placement of Compost Bin
- Plastic Greenhouses
- Seedlings?
- Fings apenin in the gardin!
- Recommendations please
- Pruning Jasmine
- Book on garden design and that.
- Blackfly/greenfly cure
- Where to buy microscope for Koi
- birdsong
- disappearing privacy
- Oversprayed with Soap
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- My peas have an attitude problem
- More on Caffeine as a Molluscicide
- Pictures
- Name this alpine!
- GW Tonight
- wanted - old carpet!
- Gardeners World
- fertiliser
- Wild birds
- Asparagus cropping
- Asparagus, when shows?
- Marcory - may be spelt wrong!
- snowberry-help!
- Bamboo question
- Plants on the web
- Ceanothus problem
- Climbing/rambling Rose - Which one ?
- white residue in soil...?
- Re: email address removed
- [email protected]
- Hostas
- can I lift crocus bulbs now?
- Cabbages and Kings
- Primula Cockburniana
- Continental Fence Panel Supplier - East Yorkshire
- Scale Insects ??
- Re: Growth habit of Clematis armandii
- Snow!
- Growth habit of Clematis armandii (was Russian Vine (Polygonum baldschuanicum))
- aquarium water on compost heap??
- A Touch of Frost
- Aubergines
- Grape Hyacinths
- digging up lawn
- daffs with yellow leaves
- PRUNUS incisa 'Pendula' ... where?
- Plum query
- spring onions(again)
- Tomato query
- Compost turning green
- Clematis ID please
- OT For the Larcombes!
- Rhubarb in pots?
- Help identifying weed, please.
- new pond question
- Frost on Arum Lily
- Lawn needs TLC.
- straw bale composting?
- Voles ate Our Daffodils !!
- Turf laying costs?
- North facing aspect
- Hubbard squashes
- Lavender hedge
- Seeds, anyone?
- Re: Ridding a lawn of moss
- Chitting
- chimonanthus praecox pruning
- Hel needed with glazing clips
- fast grower recommendation please
- Re: frost this morning
- Re: Attaching climber support to concrete posts?
- raspberry canes
- Forsythia question
- re : Water Lily
- Creosote or tar on sleepers
- Is it too late to plant a hedge?
- Mower petrol tank leak!
- Is your Regal Lily showing yet?
- Bonfire resistant hedge
- Re: Newbie Question - Pruning a Clematis - Thank you all
- first aid for spring onions
- Hiding a concrete fence?
- Bee Box
- Rhubarb
- When to replant cannas
- Which hedging ?
- Re: ugly mystery tree
- Re: Hardiness of carnivorous plants
- Rosebay Willowherb
- Potato Seeds
- lawn mower museum
- another CameliaQuestion
- Which plants for the shade?
- Stock - newbie question
- Vine pruning - when?
- Which lawn food
- Novices Q on Seeds
- Re: Effects of dog on lawn
- Re: Berberis i.d please
- Rhododendron without petals
- Russian Vine (Polygonum baldschuanicum)
- Re: Viburnum tinus disease/blue 'eggs'
- Re: Caterpillars on Hollyhocks
- Bloomin sheep eating my blooms.
- april gardening diary
- East facing wall
- flowers from Spain
- Sealing the base of a garden shed.
- 'Home Security' plants/bushes
- 'Home Security' plants/bushes
- 'Home Security' plants/bushes
- Re: Bamboo from B&&Q - need info
- Flowers from Spain
- Discovery apple tree
- Large pond revival
- Runner beans
- Cultural notes re Cyperus alternifolius
- Leaf Discolouration - help? (0/1)
- What's the best facing for a garden?
- Viburnum tinus disease (again) - sorry!
- Bells Of Ireland
- TV prog alert
- winter berry plant
- Rotavator repair book ?
- Plants for slopes?
- Garden Design Award
- Apple Tree moving
- Apple tree Pruning
- Chicken Manure. Is it safe?
- dividing strelitzia reginae
- Want to get a lawnmower - which?
- Coloured Greenhouses
- Neighbours
- Chamomile Lawn
- law on boundaries ?
- Camelias
- Best planting media for seeds..
- Bamboo from B&Q - need info
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Hand post auger
- Shrub ID
- Autumn Planted Onions
- Newbie Question - Pruning a Clematis
- Neighbours Help
- Ground elder & plants to grow with it
- 2 questions re big shrubs & trees in containers
- Plug plants by post
- "Why not eat insects?" - was Which tree and where?
- Texel Greens
- Great Horticultural Disasters
- Manual - Suffolk Colt 35s petrol mower
- SkipBag
- New here!
- What plants are harmful to Hen's?
- Which flowers/plants to brighten up colour to a v.dark yard corner
- Which flowers/plants to brighten up colour to a v.dark yard corner ?
- Railway sleepers
- Re: New Compost Bin in Operation - Hotter-Rotter
- araucaria angustifolia in he UK?
- Paraffin suppliers south of Stockport
- Re: Speaking of Hogs, when did you see your last hedgehog?
- tall plants for shallow ground
- Transplanting Red Hot Pokers
- Weed identification