- A hello [again]
- What should Greenhouse temperature be?
- Did they get it wrong on BBC2
- Weeds on Compost
- Rhubarb ?
- Intro - Better late than never!
- Beth Chatto Gardens
- Recent Postings on this newsgroup
- Rhamnus
- vegetables not needing much water
- blackening at base of stem on courgette
- horticulteral grit Vs pea shingle
- Acer Palmatum troubles
- Monkey Puzzle tree
- OT- Pics of Kew & Chelsea Flower Show
- Here comes summer!
- Whats the best way of storing saved seeds ???
- Squirrels
- Re: advice for phytophtora infected pots
- a lawn of weeds....help!
- This evening ...
- Allotment Sheds
- Re: Snails, where art thou?
- Re: Snails, where art thou?
- Hayter Double 3 mower - speed control unit question
- Re: Snails, where art thou?
- next lawn weed
- Re: Snails, where art thou?
- plants for alleyway by the side of my house
- Sorbus leaves going yellow
- mares tails
- Karcherpower washer spray problem
- Waste transfer licence
- Vegetable Spaghetti
- Advice required - Which climber?
- Free pond forum
- Weed or What???
- Rock Salt as a weedkiller?
- Another Compost question
- Some bird education please
- tomato info resources please (for the groups sanity!)
- undeveloped radish roots
- Newbie to Gardening
- Composting question
- Plant IDs please - worrisit ?
- Cleavers
- Moving house and transplanting Pear tree update 3 as requested
- Rose The Ingenious Mr Fairchild
- Beginners web sites.
- what veg to plant at this late stage ?
- Are these weeds?
- Re: online weed directory?
- Tree still rocking
- Mind your own business
- begonias too cold?
- Tree Stumps ?
- Ivy - how do i remove for good?
- Festuca Glauca
- Can Calabrese be grown in GROW BAG's?
- potato plants have flopped
- Do ants eat roots of plants?
- Splitting a Black Bamboo
- New House - Naff Lawn!
- Agave Americana
- hi all, help needed with identifying a houseplant
- Juniperus Communis Arnold
- Lawn Mower Power Plug/Socket
- Black rot on Pear
- Citrus medica
- Replacing dead plants
- Citrus Care
- A Moment of Madness
- garden birds
- Day lillies
- Lemon balm - uses in the kitchen?
- Todays Quiz
- Wigelia - move
- Re: online weed directory?
- Re: online weed directory?
- Re: online weed directory?
- Cherry blossom tree
- Rejuvinating a Holly
- plum tree split down middle
- Lawn advice - dead grass
- I grew an apple tree by mistake! How do I look after it?
- new uk pond forum looking for members
- New discussion group - self supporters
- hacking gooseberries
- Re: What's eating our rhubarb??
- Re: What's eating our rhubarb??
- Re: cistus paunanum
- Large garden centre recomm - N/NE London
- condensation under pot saucers on window ledge
- harvesting rhubarb
- Chelsea show flower problem
- Rusty pulmonaria
- Plant name?
- Re: What's eating our rhubarb??
- Re: What's eating our rhubarb??
- Re: What's eating our rhubarb??
- Red Lilly beetle
- Plant ID please
- Koehlroetia (sp.?)
- Splitting Strelitzia
- Hardiness of 'tender' plants
- Conifers
- new pond and fishkeeping forum looking for new members
- blue
- Vote at the Beeb web site on Chelsea
- Winter Cabbage Recommendations please
- Lawnflite 704 Cutter Belt Path
- Slut Tape: where can I get some
- Dead Tomato Plants ?
- East -West Dilemma
- Steve's Allotment Diary
- Bolted Leeks - Worth keeping ?
- Pear Midge
- Tomato Gardener's Delight
- Laying Turf
- Carrot Failure
- Super Sweet Sweetcorn
- A couple of questions
- leaf cutter uk
- Victorian Summerhouse
- BBC at Chelsea
- Care of fruit trees - spraying ?
- tomato's
- New website
- Chamomile lawn
- advice on laying a lawn needed
- Tomato Plants ?
- Solomon's Seal
- Re: gunnera magellanica
- What is this?
- Newbie tomato grower - possible tomato plant virus?
- A plant survives! Plus question about Datura Ballerina mix
- dash bother blow
- Germination Times
- Re: gunnera magellanica
- Greenhouse & Planning Permission
- Re: gunnera magellanica
- Harvesting chilli's
- carrot disaster maybe??
- Will it never end................?
- chickweed in new lawn
- Runner Beans
- Flowering Thorn - Crataegus Prunifolia
- Chelsea on Tuesday night
- Plant ID please for beginner
- why no weeds on an old ant hill ?
- Ripping the roads in late Springtime
- horse tail
- Lily-of-the-valley
- Re: Mealworms
- Wisteria in a pot?
- Re: Mealworms
- Cordyline Australis Gone Bad
- Garden Fence
- Re: Mealworms
- hardening off why ??
- Plant ID update! Ceanothus?
- bay flowering
- Slug & Snail Shoka Mat
- Gelatinous Blobs
- Mysterious gree stuff
- More Wintery weather - Where's the sun?
- is there a weedkiller I can spray on plants without killing them?
- Strimmer parts
- Chelsea garden show
- Re: Frost warning Monday night
- What, exactly, is the truth about the SE hosepipe ban?
- Plant ID Please?
- Blueberry leaves going brown
- Recommendations for a wood chipper.
- Any ideas on how to age a Yew tree?
- Worcester Flower
- OT computer/newsgroup question
- First Plants
- Which greenhouse heater?
- bay leaves for cooking
- skin-like patches on seedlings
- Improving Drainage on Allotment
- York & Yorkshire food exchange
- Destruction Of A Hardy Perennial
- What's eating my sprouts?
- Peas flowering instead of growing
- Runner beans
- fuschia's - pinching out the tips
- Re: Fungus on wood - to remove it or not?
- coffee compost
- feeding potatoes
- citrus & scale insects
- Acer
- what is it?
- lilac trees in shade
- Overhanging trees
- Nibbled Radishes
- Dragon Fruit - Pitaya - Hylocereus
- Re: Fungus on wood - to remove it or not?
- Re: Fungus on wood - to remove it or not?
- Slugs and snails (but not puppy dogs' tails)
- VERY welcome news
- Help - my lawn's a mess
- What are "Rock Roses"
- Arched back leaves on Hibiscus
- Tomato Plants ?
- clematis cuttings
- drainage holes in growbag for cucumbers
- Which mower?
- Advice on what plant to buy?
- Willow
- Sorbus- Mountain Ash 'stump'
- Gardeners World Live or Hampton Court
- Acer campestre 'Carnival" pictures
- Leaf cuttings
- Flexible Planter Liner
- Dicentra spectabilis leaf discolouration
- Some hay questions
- Compost question
- Moving lilies,advice needed.
- how can I keep our flowering cherries alive?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Thorny plants - pyracantha
- Help with Lawn
- Help With Flower ID
- Marathon Website Update
- Pelargonium disease or pest?
- Yucca pruning
- Weird Growth
- Yet another plant query
- problems with gardeningexpress.co.uk
- Elder Disaster
- Dividing/replanting: OK at the moment
- bonfire ash
- Tomato problem
- gardening forum
- pineapple
- Lavender & Rosemary pest
- Is My Garden a Mess?
- chasing birds off bonsai moss
- herbs and comfrey
- building a garden from nothing!!
- Tadpoles not growing legs
- an intoductions
- Glyphosphate brand question.
- Red ant soil mounds in the grass ??
- Climbing Courgettes
- Re: Ticks