View Full Version : United Kingdom
- Gardening Pictures
- Help with clematis ID
- Telegraph quiz
- Something's been eating my cabbages!!!
- New Year - New Garden. Thoughts Appreciated
- Bronze Fennel
- "The three sisters" method
- Forcing Rhubarb.
- Petrol Hedge Cutter
- Pruning a walnut tree
- Advice on Polytunnel
- Rusty
- Rusty
- Fenland allotment advice needed !!
- Salsify
- Some brown needles on 'picea omorika'
- Artificial Light
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Rain...Rain....Rain
- Positional posting and pruning
- Garlic
- Need 50 Argyranthemum 'Butterfly' Plugs
- Purchasing Miniature Rose by mail order or online.
- Re: Chilterns Catalogue (was Neighbour Trouble)
- Sea Kale?
- And flowering in the Christmas Day garden........?
- OT Data protection Act
- violas and pansies
- OT Re: Neighbour Trouble
- OT Re: Neighbour Trouble
- OT. Data protection Act
- What did Santa bring?
- Xmas present for everyone
- Happy Xmas
- exchange seeds and give a ways
- UK competitions?
- Roll on spring
- Data protection Act
- Mould on Phlox
- OT Re: Neighbour Trouble
- OT - If the Cap Fits :-)))
- Callicarpa berries, and Blackcaps
- savoy cabbages
- savoy cabbages
- Martin
- Rhododendron nobleanum
- Totally off topic
- Neighbour Trouble Part Two
- Re: Neighbour Trouble Should be Travel spam
- Happy Christmas
- Rhubarb, rhubarb?
- NT Open day at Greenway, Devon
- Bamboo seedlings
- Quotation marks
- How soon can I plant up containers?
- A tree for my firstborn
- New Garden in URG webring
- Cheap Seeds
- kitchen bay problem
- Neighbour Trouble
- Gardening Planning type of Software
- monkey puzzle probelm
- Fatsia Japonica
- sweet chestnut too big?
- Herbs for the beginner
- Collecting convallariaceae
- Growing cherries
- OT; Spam software
- i before except after c was Re: turfed lawn
- Welsh National Botanic gardens
- RHS seeds offer was Re: Gardening Planning type of Software
- Leeks - leave them in the ground or dig them up?
- Pots up North - Pictures
- Root Control Bags
- Gardening Planning type of Software
- Buddliea in containers
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Wood chips use?
- Re: tufted lawn
- re: cutting clematis back
- Growing Avocados in a Kitchen in Dublin.
- Paeonia ludlowii seeds
- Lavender 'the lady'
- turfed lawn
- Purple Sprouting Question
- Harry Lauder,s walki9ng stick
- Storing chillies
- Tumblers
- OT Christmas present - falconry?
- FAO Troy
- Cheap seeds at Focus
- Jovellana
- Welsh Botanic Gardens, this Friday
- Maincrop potatoes full of holes
- kippers to dye for Re: Pots in the North
- composting shredded paper
- Spinach experts?
- Christmas present question
- It said on the packet -
- basil all year
- Best for beds and borders
- D-I-Y peasticks
- Bitter Leeks
- apple trees
- Low Voltage Lighting
- House plant question
- Lavender bush pruning
- Bulb Question
- Anemone blanda
- Re: Lord Chicken
- New photos
- reply at long last
- Problems with wildlife- how to cope, for the none too bright. Foxes.
- Problems with wildlife, how to cope, for the none too bright. Foxes.
- Problems with wildlife- how to cope, for the none too bright. Foxes.
- Problems with wildlife, how to cope, for the none too bright. Foxes.
- Greenhouse heater
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- OT email from africa
- Freezing
- sunset!
- Buddleia ID, please
- Cost of garden maintenance
- Pots in the North
- Advice Please
- orchid Cambria advice
- orchid Cambria advice
- Is this plant buckwheat?
- 25 litre drum composter
- 25 litre drum composter
- Newbie question
- Killing birds for fun and recreation
- where my flowers
- National Botanic Gardens of Wales
- Erysimum/pruning
- O/T Precious Bane - hooray!
- Botrytis
- Moss on tarmac drive
- Diseased Grapevine?
- Greenhouse identification sought
- how deep should a pond be?
- O/T Book Title Question?
- slugs
- Scottish pet shops and garden centres
- Holly ID, please
- Electric greenhouse heaters
- Multiflower hyacinths
- Incense Cedar (Libocedrus decurrens) gardenworthy
- OT Oil Seed Rape
- Bulbs
- Chrysanths
- Tree suggestions please
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Electronic mole repellers??
- Rosemary 'Severn Seas'
- Greenfly....and a solution
- Ideas for this corner please
- Speakers for garden societies?
- Is the fox a pest ? the lie exposed
- Freaky citrus
- The Ruddy Duck cull - the League's view
- Hedgehog Cull Proves Fruitless As 60 Born On North Uist
- Camellia sasanqua
- PEst problem
- FA: Last day to bid on Very Ornate Bras cock crow tap (ideal xmas pressie)
- FA: Last day to bid on Stihl saw and Magnetic Drill / Rotobroach
- Cheap Garden Room
- Re-laying an old lawn on clay
- RHS Plant Finder/Garden Finder
- live christmas tree
- Autumn Fruiting Raspberries
- High Hedge Legislation
- Flowering in my garden
- Flowering in my garden
- that greenhouse thread
- Greenhouse
- Re: Garden of Wales decision time - longish
- Garden of Wales decision time
- Can/should I move magnolia
- puzzling purple bush
- Re: The hunt lobby a laughing stock?
- wildlife gardens for schools
- Bees
- Composter
- Bees
- Mouldy Geraniums
- Allium Bulbs
- Re: Banana plant *
- Jane finds her garden:brick wall question
- Jane finds her garden:brick wall question
- Our pond pix
- Magic mushroom growing mushrooms
- Ornate garden tap
- Banana plant
- Irish Peat
- Re: Christmas tips
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- "Spearwell" spades
- Re: Is it too late to plant bulbs? (Tulips)
- Burning out tree roots
- Pruning Walnut Tree
- eu regulations
- Young cuttings
- Young cuttings
- Working with soil warming cables
- satsuma seed
- How High is Your Neighbour's Hedge Allowed To Grow?
- Dreading the Briars, what to do ?
- Is there anyone there?
- York Stone
- Cutting Flowers
- any help please
- sowing in tubes
- OT (sorry!) Horticulture/landscaping employment agencies in the E. Anglia region
- Horticultural "Fortune Cookie"
- Rosemary
- Trees In Ireland
- Seaside Garden Help please
- OT but please help a fellow gardener
- Seed potatoes
- Butternut seeds
- Substitute for horticultural fleece?
- Elaeagnus x ebbingei: how invasive?
- Dioscorea batatas (hardy Yam)
- Hippeastrum Papilio / Butterfly Amaryllis
- Buddleia
- Is it too late to plant bulbs?
- Bay Trees
- Matching stone chipping colours to stone circle
- Well rotted manure
- Worm Composting System on a budget
- Allotment book
- turf or seed
- Duckweed
- herb fennel
- OT. new antispam laws in the US
- Indoor Hyacinth Problems
- Rose photos
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- time to sort out the trees?
- Chenopodium giganteum magentaspreen
- How does one kill plants?
- Dream Plants for the Natural Garden
- Re: OT threads (loose threads)
- White Lilac Pruning
- Cannabis Growing
- Rosemary pruning Q
- Vegetables in the greenhouse
- Not much happening?
- On Topic post
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