- Removal of vast phormium
- Answer to the straight cut pruning method - for the second time!
- Roots and drains
- Tomatos with tough skins
- Tomatoes and Weedkiller
- Ornamental Grapevine
- Beetroot tops
- Anyone recognize this object?
- Any buxus hedging experts?
- Any buxus hedging experts?
- Agapanthus with lots of leaf and little flower
- Pruning Lilac Trees
- Water Lilies
- How fast do runner beans grow?
- Where to find water features or fountains for garden pond?
- yellow carrot
- decorative lava rock suppliers ?
- McCulloch Trimmac 210 Petrol Strimmer
- Well-behaved trees for obscuring!
- Rhodedendrons/Azalias - pruning and problems
- The scary insects - possibly large marsh horseflies?
- fence/hedge in tarmac
- Runner Beans in Vinegar
- No gardening today cos-----
- No gardening today cos-----
- OT-- Stolen Dog Returned
- Tomato and Potato waste
- Killing Bamboo
- Re: Grey Squirrels:
- Agapanthus
- Straight cut pruning
- clematis armandii cuttings
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Hebe Katrine
- Hi all
- OT - Dog Stolen....help please!
- Beech tree catepillars - Indent required
- Frightening insect - ID Please!
- Cheap lean to greenhouses?
- Courgettes going rotten
- Veg in the winter
- plants for a cold rocky garden
- hedgehogs
- Tomatoes
- Peat ash
- Unwins and Marshalls
- Re: That odd straight across pruning method recently mentioned
- Greenhouse for Sale!!
- Larvae in fruit
- "Cabbage" whites etc.
- paint sprayer/gun for fences?
- Re-siting greenhouse...
- Active Organic Matter Soil Test
- Kiwi Fruit Plants
- Polycarbonate sheets
- monkey puzzle tree
- Re: Happy 80th Birthday
- Levelling the land
- possibility of growing a mimosa tree in the UK?
- spam posts
- Slugs in my house - how to get rid?
- Re: NEW ATi X800 XT 256MB. Free Shipping worldwide!
- When are figs ripe?
- FA: Going Cheap Potted 5' to 6' Bamboo Plants for Patio or Conservatory
- At last!
- Courgettes and similar problems
- caterpillars on nasturtiums
- fruit trees supplier
- Skeletonising of Rose Bush Leaves
- Foot shaped stepping stones
- Dead Conifers
- Poppies and drying
- Pruning and Balance
- Gluteus Maximus
- Duo Fan Pear?
- Hoya plants
- Planting distances for apple trees discovery & sunset
- soggy grass problem
- Newbie - What Next for Veg
- Raising Height of Land
- Absence of 'June Drop'
- turf cutters ?
- Trying to grow a small lawn. Finding it tricky.
- Can I save my fruit trees?
- Propagating Dicksonia Antartica query ??
- Help! Houseplant mildew attack
- Relief from insect stings
- cropping Damson?
- Re: Being Boiled Hurts
- Recomend A apple tree!
- need help to ID these please
- Clermatis "Victoria"
- anthill removal
- anthill removal?
- Freezing Sweet corn
- Agricultural vs Garden use
- Plants feelings
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re Fence Problem
- When is Sweetcorn ripe?
- Sweet peas
- Triox weed killer or similar?
- mildew on scheffleria
- Cats on the lawn
- Lavender
- Fence Problem
- gardening catalogue
- neighbours cat mess
- Where can I buy a summer house with a difference?
- Pot Plant Movers
- Re Whats this plant?
- Acer Palmatum Inaba Shidare
- Gardeners World - anyone tape it?
- netiquette
- My funny garden & birds
- Plant Pot Movers
- What is this mystery plant? (photo)
- What is this plant ?
- Re: Prozac seeping into Brit water supplies
- Re: mildew on tomato
- What's the matter with my oak tree?
- Re: banana
- FA: Qualcast electric cylinder mower
- Free plants (Cambridge area)
- Re: K2B Grand Total
- Figs
- pruning medlar
- Re: Climbers for a North-South facing solid fence
- Pepper plant help please
- Mildew on Peas
- vine weevil resistant evergreen bushes?
- Lilies
- toms
- Re: bird fair - rutland water - suitable for children ? yes.yes.yes
- Renting Land?
- Which climber?
- Starting up a small scale garden centre HELP
- Pruning Pyracantha ?
- Gardeners Delight cherry toms
- contorted hazel
- wasps in oak tree
- P.Somniferum question.....
- cutting a weeping willow
- Hollyhocks
- tamarillo??
- Gluten-free alternatice to Soy?
- rhododendron not looking healthy ..?
- Re: Bog Plants
- what plants will grow in leylandi soil?
- Laying Paving Slabs
- How to tell when my peaches ripe?
- Poorly Willow
- Amaryllis
- Advice re Laurels please
- Insects/wasps and garden furniture...
- Parsley
- Cyclamen
- Wasps are responsible for climate change!
- Brassica caterpillars control?
- Compost receptacles
- A Chinese delicacy!
- Gerberas are looking a bit dodgy??
- Wasps and Willow
- freezing runners
- polytunnel suggestions
- Can someone identify this please?
- No flower on a hydrangea
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Gardena watering fertilizer dispenser???
- Nasturtium reverse flower horn mystery
- A cold frame question
- WTB: rare (sub)tropical plants
- Green tapioca in pond
- Re: A question about speed and size.
- aloe vera
- Hand trowel & fork suggestions
- Supplier for bonsai planters?
- Foxgloves
- Does Holm oak make an attractive shrub?
- Plant Question
- Fruit gluts - recipes and useful sites
- Help: Bamboo advice
- Amdega Bifold Doors - HELP
- Capillary matting bargain
- Vernacular wildflower names.
- RHS refund - Hampton Court
- Daylily Not Flowering
- B&Q Strimmer: Opinions
- (beginners corner) help! weigela out of control
- (beginners corner) help! weigela out of control
- Glut.Max.
- Glut.Max.
- FA: Qualcast electric cylinder mower
- Nursery Beds: location
- Bees nesting under my house
- and who said consultation was pointless?
- What God thought about gardeners
- Pickled gherkins - is life too short?
- inappropriate postings
- No fruit courgettes
- soil heating cables for winter use/heating a greenhouse
- Replacement for Ceanothus?
- Replacement for Ceanothus?
- August Rose Bulletin
- August Rose Bulletin
- Prickley Cucumbers
- Labelling
- Dog friendly plant that will tolerate shade and damp conditions ?
- Autumn/Winter bulb planting
- Suggestions for approach to a path
- Clematis armandii
- Re: Oh dear another deep and fundamental problem.
- Newbie - White Spots on Potatoes
- Harvesting Garlic
- Herb identification and advice....
- Re: Fennel ???
- weedkiller
- WAsps, wasps and more wasps
- Colchicum question
- lichen on concrete paving slabs
- Bumper plum crop
- Gooseberry Bush
- Please help ID this plant
- Wooly Aphids - Help Required
- coffee tree flowering
- MowerHelp
- Question on unfindable plant spores....
- Internet sites
- Hosta leaf problem
- Hello
- hello
- Fruit trees/Grape vine plants to spare
- Re: White fuzz on top of soil
- I want a lot!
- basil
- What to replace hedge with
- Garden abutting BR land and "fly tipping".
- Pruning Lavender
- Japanese Maple
- Apple tree problem
- Bulb Fennel - when to harvest?
- Help save a tree
- Apparent rust on acer pensylvanicum erythrocladum
- Weigela Florida Tango not looking well
- Wisteria flowering again
- National Collection of Crocosmia (and other delights)
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening