- Cannas .........large tubers can i split them ?
- potatoes
- Cannas .........large tubers can i split them ?
- Garden Hoe
- Camelia flowering - lack of!
- Garden Hoe
- Camelia flowering - lack of!
- More berries mean a hard winter - old wives tale?
- Are squirrels OT?
- Compost for veg bed
- Raised beds over concrete?
- Raised beds over concrete?
- Pink Fir Apple
- feed
- hedging plants - chestnuts & golden hop?
- tree stump
- Cardiocrinum giganteum
- URGLers in Wales... (Ferryside, Carmarthenshire)
- New Online Database of Flowers
- URGLers in Wales... (Ferryside, Carmarthenshire)
- URGLers in Wales... (Ferryside, Carmarthenshire)
- Can I save my plants n shrubs?
- canna lilly
- canna lilly
- potatoes
- Purple Spouting Broccoli - disappointment
- fast growing shrub suggestions please
- dry dry dry
- Raised beds/drainage
- Pussy Willow
- Pussy Willow
- [More]HELP PLEASE:Black Spots and Holes in leaves
- HELP PLEASE:Black Spots and Holes in leaves
- Ivy and stuff
- Coal Ash help please.
- Caterpillar help
- Caterpillar help
- Help with growing stuff
- Help with growing stuff
- Dicksonia
- Forgoten daff bulbs
- Dicksonia
- Wanted - Flower Ideas For Sunny Position In Front Of Hedge
- Forgoten daff bulbs
- Re: Helianthemum 'Ben More'
- I may have murdered my lawn..
- Plant ID, anyone?
- Railway sleeper raised bed for wheelchair access - ADVICE plz
- Helianthemum ‘Ben More'
- Wanted - Flower Ideas For Sunny Position In Front Of Hedge
- I may have murdered my lawn..
- Plant ID, anyone?
- Railway sleeper raised bed for wheelchair access - ADVICE plz
- Ornamental grasses
- Daffodils
- what to plant in an old shallow sink?
- Stone Chips
- Helianthemum ‘Ben More'
- Ornamental grasses
- Daffodils
- what to plant in an old shallow sink?
- Wanted - Flower Ideas For Sunny Position In Front Of Hedge
- Wanted - Flower Ideas For Sunny Position In Front Of Hedge
- Daffodils
- I may have murdered my lawn..
- Plant ID, anyone?
- what to plant in an old shallow sink?
- Railway sleeper raised bed for wheelchair access - ADVICE plz
- Railway sleeper raised bed for wheelchair access - ADVICE plz
- Helianthemum ‘Ben More'
- Daffodils
- Daffodils
- what to plant in an old shallow sink?
- moving apple trees - postscript
- Greenway walk?
- Monkey Puzzle Tree advice needed
- moving apple trees - postscript
- Greenway walk?
- moving apple trees - postscript
- Greenway walk?
- WTD: Rhubarb plants
- Pruning Fruit Trees
- McCulloch self-propelled mower info needed
- Pruning Fruit Trees
- Pruning Fruit Trees
- McCulloch self-propelled mower info needed
- McCulloch self-propelled mower info needed
- McCulloch self-propelled mower info needed
- Cordyline
- Lawn Mower Recommendations
- Battery powered strimmers
- How much top soil
- Rose cuttings
- Anyone going to the Capel show this weekend?
- chicken manure
- First lawn weed and feed of the year - when?
- total absence of worms...
- Cow muck?
- Replacing bird habitat?
- Howard 350 Rotovator
- free
- Frog Spawn and...?
- Frog Spawn and...?
- lelandii, any good for compost
- Damage to Chusan Palm
- sticky citrus problem
- Compost
- Sick plum tree - probably silver leaf
- How deep can ground elder survive?
- Best way to protect cherries
- Best way to protect cherries
- Sweet Peas
- Frogspawn and cats?!
- Re: Advice on its possible uses?
- Garden News this week
- Suitable bagged soil for fern
- Advice on its possible uses? (IMG ATTACHED)
- Advice on its possible uses? (IMG ATTACHED)
- Mizuna/Mibuna seed
- UV?
- Vine Weevil Vs Asiatic Lillies
- Re: Soil mystery.......... A thought to ponder on
- Flavour and tomatoes
- How do I attract butterflies
- cards for shows/layout
- Brown Leylandii
- Suggestions
- cold frames
- Better to shoot cats...
- Soil mystery
- cold frames
- Better to shoot cats...
- Better to shoot cats...
- Soil mystery
- Soil mystery
- Soil mystery
- Which Maple tree?
- Fast growing SMALL tree?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Any suggestions how to stop blackberries taking over?
- Actinidia Cutting advice
- Transplanting Mountain Ash
- Slug & Snail Control with Nematoads..How?
- Slug & Snail Control with Nematoads..How?
- Climbers
- Climbers
- Climbers
- Climbers
- FS Quality runner seed.
- FS Quality runner seed.
- FS Quality runner seed.
- FS Quality runner seed.
- FS Quality runner seed.
- Brugmansia (Non-poisonous) Substitute?
- Advice on Fence/Gate repair
- Advice on Fence/Gate repair
- Help identify red leafed plant?
- Re: Seed help please
- Seed help please?
- Rose "Kiftsgate"
- Bird Song
- Is Trelixir an organic product?
- Bird Song
- Is Trelixir an organic product?
- Bird Song
- Is Trelixir an organic product?
- garden and plant photos
- garden and plant photos
- garden and plant photos
- Blackthorn hedging
- Fuchsia magellenica from seed?
- concrete garage and sheds
- Copyright on plants?
- concrete garage and sheds
- out of frying pan and into fire?
- Ride-on Accessories
- Copyright on plants?
- Plug thingies
- out of frying pan and into fire?
- Propagators
- Mantis Cultivator Tiller
- screening ideas...
- Ride-on Accessories
- Spinach
- Any smallholders out there?
- Anyone identify this plant?
- Mandevilla
- Plug thingies
- Propagators
- concrete garage and sheds
- concrete garage and sheds
- Mantis Cultivator Tiller
- screening ideas...
- Geranium Supplier
- Spinach
- Any smallholders out there?
- Anyone identify this plant?
- Mandevilla
- Copyright on plants?
- Copyright on plants?
- out of frying pan and into fire?
- Geranium Supplier
- out of frying pan and into fire?
- Ride-on Accessories
- Ride-on Accessories
- Ride-on Accessories
- Plug thingies
- Plug thingies
- Propagators
- Propagators
- Plug thingies
- Mantis Cultivator Tiller
- Mantis Cultivator Tiller
- screening ideas...
- screening ideas...
- Spinach
- Mantis Cultivator Tiller
- screening ideas...
- Spinach
- Any smallholders out there?
- Anyone identify this plant?
- Mandevilla
- Any smallholders out there?
- Anyone identify this plant?
- Mandevilla
- Geranium Supplier
- Geranium Supplier
- Geranium Supplier
- Geranium Supplier
- Geranium Supplier
- Geranium Supplier
- Olive Tree care in NE
- Hebe and honeysuckle (earnest) pruning?
- Recommend 3ft hedge?
- syngonathus mikado (ikea)
- Chilli's
- Bluebells
- Bluebells
- jasmine for mother's day - help!!!
- jasmine for mother's day - help!!!
- Light-ish gardening gauntlet type gloves
- travel tips
- FWD: RESULT : Create uk.rec.gardening.allotments FAILS 12:26
- Light-ish gardening gauntlet type gloves
- travel tips
- hose in hose?