- Spring here already?
- Watering cans from Tesco
- Tibouchina
- Help ID plant
- Tadpoles ?
- Apple tree problems
- Acer leaf scorch - what to do?
- Tomatoes (yet again) - cropping
- splitting tomatoes
- potato blight
- potato forks?
- Beechgrove garden programme
- Hi all - Newbie here - Can anyone help identify this plant please?
- Can anyone help me identify this plant? Need help ASAP!
- no flowers
- Tamarix Parviflora
- Clematis on a gate
- Wallflowers
- Moving a Hibiscus syriacus 'Hamabo'
- Planting up a big planter
- Runner Beans ... on and on and on and .....
- Sambucus Nigra "Black Lace"
- RSPCA Abuse
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- What kind of worms?
- Green House dismantling
- The Peacocks SNUK
- Seed Potatoes
- Father, it has been three weeks since my last rainfall....
- Snails in the Water Butt. (Part Two)
- Carrots
- Figs propogation
- Propagating heathers
- Oh joy, another crop-specific pest
- OT Stacey Lawrence
- Coriander seeds
- Tomatoes (again)
- Cruising OFF TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Removing carrot fly protection
- nectarine jam recipe.
- Typical eh?
- Advice needed, glasshouse or polytunnel
- What Kills Bees
- Snails in the water butt
- Badgers got my sweetcorn
- Veg
- Damson gin
- Re: Lily beetles
- Re: Good foliage plants for flower arranger?
- Re: Toad lily/trycyrtis
- Re: Guelder roses
- Re: Guelder roses
- Re: Good foliage plants for flower arranger?
- Toad lily/trycyrtis
- Guelder roses
- Good foliage plants for flower arranger?
- Root problem
- What is this plant ?
- Garden coach tours
- green peppers / capiscums
- For Sale
- OT but Topical
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Water pool in garden
- Re: Best way of growing bulbs
- Best way of growing bulbs
- Strelitzia operation!
- Ping :- Sweet pea experts
- Identity help
- Tomatoes dropping
- Using pond liner under mulch
- my garden.
- Butternut Squash
- Cutting off old stems
- OT(ish) - what would you do with two bin bags full of Rosemary cuttings?
- Shady and not that moist bed: perennial recommendations?
- re growing blueberries
- Bloody runner beans!
- Should Runner Beans be finishing already?
- mustard
- Advice needed on growing blueberries.
- Re-pot a chili plant - is now a good time?
- Gertrude Jekyll Rose.
- help needed with some ID, please
- Bark chips UNDER plants, or not?
- My water butt is empty
- Potatoes - Leave or Lift
- weed infested lawn
- mechanical
- mimosa pudica
- cabbage
- OT - have the swifts and swallows gone already?
- Thinking of buying Parasene Pro - Weed Wand (with trolley) 563 -DONT!
- I have a small Damson - but whats its name ???
- Are Tree Peonys grafted?
- Rhubarb - Can it be True?
- Judith in France
- Al-Ko Shredder Problems
- bolting rocket
- Veg - Pea "Bloom" and Further Planting
- tomato seed
- billit
- Pears
- Return of the Plums
- advice required
- Gardening neighbours
- World Championships (Athletics)
- No Subject
- Dahlia Question
- 3D Gardem design for PCs
- Edible fungi?
- Harvesting Comfry
- An unusual year
- More tomatoes
- tomatoes - again
- Duck weed
- Re: For sale?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Is this a takeover?
- Plum surgery
- mint IDs
- Book suggestions please
- Hozelock Ultra 12
- Remove Laurel / kill stumps
- is the Homelite HL454SP Petrol Rotary Mower
- turf
- fruit trees
- Cutting haulms off potatoes
- Hozelock automatic watering
- Compost bargain.
- I am not winning :-(
- Controlling flag iris in a pond
- sciarid flies and Nicotiana
- Dogs on lawns :-(
- glyphosate and councils
- Lawnmowers
- Salix "Erythroflexuosa"
- Strelizia question
- Sacha Tomato Problem
- not a Geum (ping Kay)
- Rat-eating plant..
- storing tulips bulbs before planting
- heathers
- fruit pruning Qs
- Tomatoes Going Black
- Victoria's Secret
- Tip of the day
- What to do with windfall apples?
- Asparagus warning
- Isotoma axillaris
- Regarding the flurry of troll activity
- Plums- When to pick?
- Tomato Problem
- I Made a Wasp Trap
- Sacha's Tearoom
- Raymond Hubbard (over 6', ex-Para and boxer)
- raspberries
- Bullrushes
- Conifer eating bugs....HELP!!
- killing Buddleia
- and our children .......
- Runner Beans Yellow, Soft and Dwarfed
- Raymond |Hubbard
- Composting old raspberry canes?
- Thick strimmer cable?
- Pelargoniums not flowering
- growing medium for winter containers
- wallflowers vivaldi
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Runner bean question
- Runner bean Q
- Gardeners world right now :::Question.
- Can anyone tell us what this insect is....
- Slugs
- Gardeners' Weekend at Birmingham this September
- More mini beasts (bees this time)
- Terra Preta, our own version
- Bees
- Ping Mike
- Fuchsias
- Bees
- Ripe toms
- Trachycarpus fortunei would famous in UK ?
- There's a what?
- Lawn care; Scarifying puzzle.
- pollination of runner beans
- Agapanthus seedees....
- Hover flies.
- petrol strimmer help
- SILVERLINE rubbish garden tools!
- Runner Beans
- shallots versus onions
- Aminopyralid ban
- GardenBanter.co.uk
- Re: Mike Clayton?
- Cherries
- weedkiller and lawn (maybe a silly question...)
- Jigsaw Maker OFF TOPIC
- cross pollination of vegetables
- Terra Preta and Biochar
- <Sacha> red grouse shortage
- Trolls .....................
- Wild Bird seed what do you use?
- Ping PeteC
- Re: Garden pond
- Happy Birthday
- Feeble Radishes
- Suggestions please
- Parasene professional type weed burners any good?
- Identification: small plant with clover-shaped leaves
- Gordon H is a nitwit
- Tree-Heathers: ALSO shallow-rooted?
- Killing Acanthus
- The trolls :-(
- Advice ! (new member)
- Agapanthus question
- grubs
- Broad beans
- Hedge Trimmer
- Nettle fertiliser
- New scam which looks genuine
- Ping Sacha - OT
- Laurel Problems
- Potatoes for christmas
- Now I can thank Everybody!
- Getting the definition right
- Field bindweed in lawn
- OT YOUTUBE: BNP Arthur Kemp Great Speech!
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Can anyone ID this climber?
- foliar feeds
- sheen x300 flame gun
- butterfly garden
- Cherry plum pics
- Plant ID please
- YOUTUBE: BNP Arthur Kemp Amazing Speech
- ID
- Petunia problem
- Plant ID please
- Cherry tree control
- contaminated manure
- Introduction of benzalkonium chloride
- Plant ID please
- Bligh****ch
- hydrangea
- 50% OFF ALL Plants, Trees & Shrubs - Starts 07.08.2009
- Bird Seed
- Seeking variations of alder for breeding alder as a grain crop.
- Bees
- Finds garding