- White Polythene and Lean To's
- greenhouse recommendation
- Phoenix theophrasti
- Plants for a Future
- Weekly Gardening Tips recorded information line
- Neighbour's tree encroaching
- theiving scrotes
- theiving scrotes
- Daphne bholua 'Jaqueline Postill'
- Composter/Wormery
- Composter/Wormery
- Cactus identification needed
- OT Thanks for the forum -- was: Lifting our forum@
- compost question, massive dose of wood shavings
- compost question, massive dose of wood shavings
- Import live plants from USA?
- Liquorice problem
- Damp, wet and shaded (in the winter) lawn: help!
- Electric heaters revisited
- Building a greenhouse advice
- i need mini and maxi veg plants not seeds!
- ATTN: Kay Easton
- Spuds
- smashing up a concrete path
- Unknown plant
- Where to buy 'tall' english laurel for hedge
- Vegetable Recommendations
- Trees From Norway
- Quick vine question!
- Loveage
- Layering
- parasene parafin heaters
- Hanging basket liners
- Banksia rose
- Garden is now a pond
- Boundary Shrubs, suggestions please.
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Lifting our forum@
- 2004 Gladiolus Catalogue Mailing Now...Limited Supply
- Roses
- Garden for a disbled person
- Hanging Baskets
- Lemon Verbena
- Garden Storage
- Desmodium
- Strawberries
- Re: Luffa Gourd
- Lakes or ponds?
- killing moss in winter time.
- Update to Web Site for Rose Growers
- Callistemon citrinus (Bottlebrush) problems
- Update to Web Site for Rose Growers
- Callistemon citrinus (Bottlebrush) problems
- Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - again
- Grafting Questions
- Sorrel
- Spare seeds for anyone who wants them
- nursery recommendations
- squirrels and bulbs
- Leylandii roots
- Prune blackcurrant bushes
- Prune blackcurrant bushes
- Row 2 Bed Converter
- Lakeland's plant ties???
- Lakeland's plant ties???
- Hamamelis problem!
- killing moss in winter time.
- Please don't feed the trolls
- Windbreak/Hedge
- Re: killing moss in winter time.
- wildflowers or weeds?
- Composting question
- Re: Colchicums! - Conversion Table
- Help with Plant identification ?
- Fold down washing lines, found one at last!
- A site for conifers?
- RHS site - updated plant search
- Colchicums!
- Special spades
- Pond Hose and Blagdon Pump
- Rose Society is now setting up a web site
- Garden birds
- Are they toad eggs?
- Privet Hedge
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- What grows in a Shady patch
- What grows in a Shady patch
- Re: Sites near Eden Project
- CGS/HPS Seed Distribution
- CGS/HPS Seed Distribution
- Celeriac, what am I doing wrong?
- Acer Palmatum whip
- Germination of Gentians
- Hedge trimmer recommendations
- garden news
- buying veg seeds - where from?
- Wysteria
- Wysteria
- Gardening Telegraph weekly email
- Gardening charges
- Growing brussels sprouts in containers
- Are they dying?....was discolouring junipers
- Growing brussels sprouts in containers
- Are they dying?....was discolouring junipers
- Propagator?
- Wasps !!!
- Outdoor Melons
- Old bulbs in supermarkets
- Old bulbs in supermarkets
- Mesembryanthemum selfseeding
- Alternatives to Pendulous Sedge?
- Alternatives to Pendulous Sedge?
- Can I prevent the spread of moss in my lawn in winter?
- OT how to stop cross posted messages
- Cutting back a beech hedge
- Cutting back a beech hedge
- Leylandii
- Cat nip
- can I move crocus now?
- Best trays to use in a Propagator?
- Re: WARNING Help with growing vegetables
- Blooms Garden Centre
- Blooms Garden Centre
- Fig tree dying - help!
- Help with growing vegetables
- I need some advice:potted palm
- Re: wildflowers or weeds?
- Is this a political forum or a gardening newsgroup?
- Pyracantha Hedge
- No Garden!! Help!
- A trip to Woolies
- Cannas
- Discolouring of Junipers
- tub potatoes
- begonia planting
- Laying a lawn in January?
- Is the existence of the Woodland Trust justified?
- In praise of Jersey Kale
- The Eden Project
- Online interactive garden design?
- Rhubarb
- The things people do.
- Rhubarb
- The things people do.
- Conservatory vine
- Shredder recommendations
- Re: Sloping and Small (Long reply with solution)
- Honda F410 rotovator
- Mould!
- Briar Roses
- Roses and Tar Oil Winter Wash
- Sloping and Small
- GM crops linked to rise in pesticide use
- Flashing lights
- Re: O.T my dumb mate again
- Freezing seeds?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Was: Moss/Lichen on roof, now we are into pollution.
- aesculus Good idea?
- Where do red spider mite come from?
- Re: Moss/Lichen on roof
- Moss/Lichen on roof (was:victorian/edwardian houses or new houses?)
- Moss/Lichen on roof (was:victorian/edwardian houses or new houses?)
- What has happened to Totally Tomatoes?
- Tomato varieties and Greenback
- 300% survival
- Straw from farm as mulch?
- Grape vine/kiwi fruit?
- Apple tree treatment.
- Dog mess
- Eryngium Alpinum Seeds
- Magnolia soulangeana seedlings
- Any rose experts here?
- Is this true? If so, it gives me an idea
- Classic Roses
- Growing watermelons in the UK?
- Cheap Seeds
- Container Advice Please!
- Spent mushroom compost
- Sowing Ericaceae
- lawn seed for shade
- Transplanting a holly bush
- OT A simple lesson in life
- Spent mushroom compost
- Sowing Ericaceae
- lawn seed for shade
- Transplanting a holly bush
- patio design help
- Pots & Plants advice
- Got me seeds today
- Got me seeds today
- National Botanic Garden of Wales
- Conspiracy
- I wish these people would stop ..........
- National Collection of Diascias
- Planting snowdrops
- Acid soil/raised beds
- ficus family disaster
- Snowdrops
- Edible plant taxonomy
- Daffodils
- Daffodils
- "Carrot Juice is Murder"
- Blue Poppy
- Unkillable Flower
- Re: Sooty growth on holly
- Gorse (Ulex Europeaus) as a garden plant
- National collection of Diascias
- National collection of Diaschias
- National collection of Diaschias
- Gargoyle Wall Plaques/Masks
- Daphne
- Daphne
- Re: Quince fruits (Recipe - long post)
- Phormium Tenax
- Re: Who were "Emily Mckenzie" & "Jean Marie de Montague"?
- Not just plant photos
- Disease Resistant/Mildew Resistant Tomato
- Argyranthemum plugs
- Argyranthemum plugs
- Sim Garden?
- Fruit Trees Online?
- lawn treatment
- Incompletely composted leaves
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Robin on picture rail - OT, but need help
- Thank you
- Cuttings in general
- And in the New Year Garden......
- Ashes
- Syringa in a pot?
- patio
- Flowers for table decoration in June
- AD: New web site from a small village nursery
- Rosemary cuttings
- Fruit Trees needed
- Helleborus & Frost
- Fly Away and similar carrots supposedly resistant to root fly
- Emotions and Gardens.
- Quince fruits
- Emotions and Gardens.
- Happy New Year
- Balcony plants query
- Re: Boundary crossing deterrents(was tree cat damage)
- Builders' sand for drainage?
- Ivy Roots - Help
- Cleaning a Polytunnel
- Trapped!
- Dahlia query
- tree cat damage