- Risk of frost?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- keeping seeds
- Wild Garlic/ ransoms
- Talking of horse manure!
- Allium
- When to plant out runner/french beans?
- Asparagus
- Electric strimmer recommendations wanted
- large width horticultural fleece or mesh?
- Chillis lagging behind
- Newbie: Potting Zinnias, Plants Now Poorly
- Re: Who is Responsible for the Size of Our Troll Population?
- Mystery bulb (orchid?)
- Climbers to cover a wall
- Does anyone know of any good garden centres / retailers that sell "BLACK BAMBOO" (in Yorkshire)?
- Musa bananarama
- Sowing new grass seed, roll or don't roll?
- Re: Daft place for daffodils?
- Pond
- Mower Deck that NEVER rots - and mulches?
- Lawn Care
- greenhouse staging display in the Midlands
- Why do plant pots have a wide bit at the top?
- Gladiolus question...
- Cornus alba 'Siririca'
- Can someone diagnose my plant problem please?
- Climber/shrub
- Dextrose and plants
- Garden Centre!
- Historical adivice on wild flowering british plants not found in switzerland!
- rat control
- Slightly OT
- Allotment advice
- Dog spoilt grass, help.
- Laying turf on weedproof membrane
- Seaweed and beach sand?
- Plant swap web site. can anyone remember what the url is?
- New garden - how to excavate and prepare site?
- nuisance footballs
- Bluebell rescue!
- irrigation pump
- Tomatoes
- Hey there
- Daddy long legs/maggot investation - killing grass
- Daddy long legs/maggot investation - killing grass
- Clematis Armandii Snowdrift
- OT computer query
- Web sites for identifying plants?
- Who is Responsible for the Size of Our Deer Population?
- nuisance footballs
- Venus Fly Trap
- Keeping chickens in your garden
- Keeping chickens in your garden
- What is it?
- How long does weedkiller stay "active"?
- spiked tree collars
- Waht IS this thing?
- Children and Weedkiller/Lawnfeeder
- Alternative to Lobelia
- A clean slate.... or at least how to get there!
- Mulching Lawnmower - Recommendations Please
- Re is this jasmin?
- For Mary Prince
- Horseradish
- Lawn Re-seeding Bare Patches
- Painting real trees?
- growpots in growbags?
- Vine Weevil
- hedge for hen-run
- Conference Pear
- Why is it?
- Chysant cuttings
- Catipllar Control
- Loquat problem
- tomato from last years seeds
- eucalyptus pruning
- is this jasmine?
- New flowerbed & Garage wall advice sought. Worried about footings.
- I hang my head in shame
- Replace my lawn
- Swarm of small flies
- Overwintering Peppers
- Smyrnium Olusatrum - Alexanders; how long to stratify?
- Perfect Bed
- garden claw - opinions?
- fertilizing help needed
- What to do with Parsley?
- Made my own levelawn and it works!
- "Cropping well" already ;-)
- Blitzed Magnolias?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Restoring garden chairs
- German translation?
- lawn overseeding
- gardenbanter vs others???
- dove droppings suitable for compost heap?
- CJ Indiustries scarifier attachment
- re pricey pots
- Re: Lonicera identify?
- Posts?
- Evergreen shrub type plant for under leylandii?
- Perlite vs Vermiculite
- What are you doing with early grown tomato plants?
- What is this tree?
- rescue my tomato cutting
- Re: Apples: which ones to grow?
- Non-flowering daffs.
- Leylandii hell!!
- Bush tomatoes - best way to grow?
- When to take cuttings?
- Growing Vegetables In Containers
- Bay Tree
- This gardening lark is damned hard work!
- Cycad
- compost
- rooting powder
- Do cut lettuces keep on growing?
- Can someone tell me if this hedge is dead
- Tree/Shrub Identification
- ants in plunge bench
- Punishingly Pricey Plant Pots
- Plant name ?
- What to do with my removed turf
- West Coast conifers: winter-wind burn?
- Murray ride on mower-problem
- Advice on pond pump & filter (from a beginner!)
- Peat free composts
- Advice on pump & filter for Koi pond (from a beginner)
- Rare Plants Fair
- RHS Seeds
- Transplanting Freesias
- runner Beans
- How to grow radicchio for seed?
- Ground Cover, Front of Hedge
- Bat tree problem - ants?
- Cheap "wrap-around" pots
- Brambles
- Cat problem
- Gardens open near Ludlow 9th and 10th April
- BBC Gardeners' World Live
- Climbing Plants
- Lawn waste after treatment, compost?
- Vigrous Climbing plants
- Lawn care helper
- new to this - plus advise for evergreen climbers please?
- Lawn Rehabilitation
- mower engine mounting - only 3 bolts - is this OK??
- Filling A Hole...
- Fatsia
- Cyclaman help
- Lurker Delurks
- Lily of the Valley 'Pips' planting advice
- Renovating / renewing a concreted and patioed garden
- honeysuckle help
- Keeping pavioured drives clean
- Summer Hanging Baskets - Part II
- Lawn Care helpers
- Summer Hanging Baskets
- Geraniums from Aldi
- pieris location - sunny?
- How does one kill ivy?
- Where to buy rose
- Slugs in my compost
- help! where to buy seeds and plants online?
- Fuel Stabilizer
- Concrete slab/patio cleaner ?
- Seeking supplier of very dwarf/bonsai prunus and weeping willow
- Introducing myself
- Pruning Passion Flower
- Baby tomato plants wilted after potting
- Box pox
- olive tree
- Garden centre recommendation
- Garden Groom hedgetrimmer
- sprouting grass seed before sowing
- How do I "nick" seeds.
- Gift vouchers
- Re: Yukka hits the roof...
- Liquid Feed And Wormeries
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- What to plant on the side of house to discourage kids & their footballs!!
- Divorce proceedings !
- green on surface of seed trays
- Very old seed germinating
- Newbie Question: Planting out Echinops
- Old Fat Lad herb
- Lawnflite drive
- Acanthus
- Chinese Gooseberry and cats
- Moving a Camellia.
- Blueberries...how?
- Alan Broom
- New Zealand site to visit
- Lawn Sweeper/Vacuum.
- A newbie asks: Where's the cheapest place to buy Phormisol
- Actinidia Arguta - pleeeeeese ?
- Single handed shears - recommendations?
- Mediterranean orchard - progress report
- Ipomoea indica
- Testing 1 2 3
- Old Tree Roots
- Lawn
- Gone cold again!!!!
- Magnolia suggestions
- Husqvarna cultivator/rotovator/tiller
- Petunia surfinia supplier?
- Growing hop in my garden
- What is eating my clematis?
- Eden Project, visiting
- Tropical houses
- Re: waiting for the seeds to come.. :(
- Cauliflowers
- Old Potatoes
- Salix Contorta
- onions/garlic
- Identify Morning gGlory please
- Actinidia Arguta
- Miltonia orchid
- Kiwi fruit
- alkaline soil in a bag
- calluna vulgaris
- Gardening book recommendation
- 1at post, egg id needed,new to gardening
- cleaning greenhouse with pressure washer ?
- Re: Temporarily planting bare-root roses
- trachelospermum jasminoides
- calla's outside ?
- Allotments
- Just sowed my tomato seeds
- Great News on Roses
- Will you name my dwarf conifer?
- Garden bonfire ashes of any use?
- Why do seed packets have so many seeds
- Lawn Sand query
- Was turf cutter - how to level lawn
- What was this cat carrying? A bit OT
- GQT giggles
- Lawn spiking gizmo
- Building effect on garden?
- Floppy Dianthus
- Name of shrub
- hyacinth bulbs
- sempervivum
- Bought some J Arthur Bower's Farm Manure compost today
- How often to turn a composte heap?
- Milky / Cloudy water in pond
- Shed question (may be OT)
- Sunflowers
- Please ID soil-living creature