- Winter Growth
- Wallflowers - what do I do with them?
- Weeds (was Getting rid of ground elder)
- propagator or soil cable?
- P.O.D seed cat.
- Sweet peppers (Ramiro)
- Moving a rose bush
- Pieris
- Mushrooms!
- Canna lilies
- RHS Vegetable book
- RHS seed list
- Nesting box question
- my new toy
- Dig-it gone bust
- New plant images
- Source for Mushroom Logs?
- Trees in churchyard
- Chickweed
- Getting rid of ground elder
- Apple Tree Question
- leylandii hedges for 'the chop'
- Romanseco
- Cuttings in water
- Toms & Straws in baskets
- Tibouchina
- Sources of rhubarb varietes please?
- Importing from USA
- Eucomis bicolor - overwintering
- Bloody Advert was____ Re: Advert
- Building a greenhouse
- Free Call Ducks
- Grafting
- Where to buy mushroom spawn?
- Vegetable garden
- Watercress Wally World
- Moldy lupins - help!
- Bare Root Stock - Good or Bad?
- Pyracantha Scab
- Moving a Rhododendron
- Watercress Wally World
- Sign of the times
- In Praise of Filed Beans
- what to do
- Minarette fruit trees
- Green masonary paint - want to tone down a garage wall.
- Hibernating Frogs
- Tomatoes and cold weather?
- Danger to pets
- Eucalyptus Tree Cuttings.
- motivation
- green manure?
- Fork Sharpening
- plants and pots totally wrapped in plastic
- Disappearing poo
- Hedge layering
- New webiste now with adress
- visit my garden
- cyclamens coming up
- Good old Monty
- What's this fruit?
- To cover or not
- Garden club-Devon
- The problem with ponds
- botrytis on indoor vines
- Delivered Manure in Plymouth, Devon?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- White 'flies' on my tomatoes
- Advert
- OT - house spiders
- Using blowers on leaves
- When to replanting Orange trees
- Chestnuts
- Re: looking for a seed trade? refer to the answer of the same question that you asked 29/9/03
- gardening
- Fruit trees
- To plant or not to plant
- Moving a conifer? (novice!)
- Storing crocosmia corms
- Sealing a pond
- Flowering snowdrop
- GM crops giant Monsanto pulls out of Europe
- looking for a seed trade?
- Cold Snap for the UK
- Sowing Grass Seed
- Agricultural land used as garden ? Was Rotovation
- insulating pots from the cold weather
- Blackfly Control
- Multi period wedding feast
- money plant
- OT - pheasant behaviour
- Sweet Peas
- More fairy ring identification please
- Lawnmower advice
- Lawnmower advice
- Tree choice?
- An Englishman's home is his castle!
- Rotovation
- Gourds
- which compost for rockeries
- Does ivy harm old houses?
- Grape Vine
- Norwegian Pickled Cucumber
- Fast Growing Evergreen Climber??? Any suggestions
- New Member Saying Hello
- Herb Q re ebay
- Suggestion to All
- Moving Leylandiis
- Focus again
- Blackbirds
- tree identification
- Tree Ferns
- Re: 'margaret' or 'mother'---thanks
- Problems with neighbours? (slightly OT)
- Autumn-planted crops
- Sarracenia purpurea: gardeners dream or growers hype?
- Clematis cuttings
- Help with Garden Design
- Garden Design
- Autumn/Winter Flowers - Suggestions Please
- Marshall's Experimental tomato; blight resistant?
- Westonbirt Acers
- Swiss Cheese Plant advice requested
- funny fungus on compost (passion flower)
- Wall trailing plants?
- help identifying this plant
- Announcement: Plant Centre Opens this Sat. Freightliners City Farm
- Diminishing Dahlias?
- kenty testing sorry
- Any ideas??
- Growing coriander
- Barking Mad...
- Californian Poppies
- Planting Bulbs?
- Wisteria Root
- OT - sort of. New use for Lobelia?
- Opinions
- Surplus pots...
- The Plant Hunter
- Star Gazer Lilies
- Dilution of urine in compost
- Caterpillars eating Tomatoes
- Toadstools
- my order with 4seasonsbulbs
- Perennials
- Pansies & violas
- Garden Manager
- Pressure washers
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Magnolia Seeds .....how to grow?
- houseplant reproduction - how?
- Witchy plants
- Manure rotting quantity question
- A day in the life of a dog who happens to be born in China.
- 'margaret' or 'mother'
- Silver birch dilemma
- herbs - another question (sorry)
- Organic remedy for tomato blight ?
- Sharpening spades
- Which is right..?
- Peak wind speeds
- Beauty of Bath
- Something Nasty behind the compost heap...
- What a rip-off!!!
- Storing Potatoes?
- Outdoor tomatoes still cropping
- Renardine
- Forsythia growing next to house wall - threat to foundations?
- Request for 'Veg Out' series on Sky Digital starting Friday
- place to buy rusty garden tools
- Composting With Worms
- Fairy Rings
- Planting Cotoneaster Simonsii
- those composting products..
- Australian Tea Tree - Manuka?
- Is my Silver Birch Safe?
- overwintering
- Kerria Japonica - bad year?
- Strawberries
- The Amazin Scotsman
- The Summer of doom
- Garden Design
- mushroom compost good or bad?
- Spring afternoon, after pruning
- Overwintering
- Woohooh, I got my photo up
- Rhododendron
- Timeline: Labour and hunting
- Many thanks
- Still eat meat, think the farmers care about their customers or the public? Sheep farms' pesticide t
- Many thanks
- Felco Scateurs
- Cambridgeshire weed (unknown to me )
- Re: Try this link
- help in identifying my passiflora passion flower
- Heron
- Tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa) verdict: worth considering
- Thanks all, heres the photo
- Plant ID
- Slow release feed
- Can someone host a photo for me
- growing fir cones and horse chestnut?
- Re: Squirrel Digging Up Bulbs (and badgers...)
- If not a Flowering Cherry then what?
- Aluminium greenhouse glazing clips.
- Neighbour Probs - Gardening Related
- Clothes make the man........
- Pruning St John's Wort
- OT help
- Advice on Bulbs
- Cold Frame advice needed.
- Plant identity needed
- Grow houseplants
- Westonbirt Maples
- grass for lawn bowls
- fs billy goat vacuum
- George Cave apples
- Dahlias
- Advice for Autumn Potatoes
- Surely there must be alternatives...
- Pointed shovels ,where ?
- human urine as fertiliser
- Sick choisya
- Overgrown Forsythia
- Magnolia stellata seed
- Horse manure
- Slugs !!!!!!!!
- peat
- Greenhouse - bringing back into use
- Woodpeckers?
- Recommend good plants for autum colour
- cuttings
- Re: The topic line vanished for some reason
- I don't know why the topic line vanished
- Squirrel Digging Up Bulbs
- Dead heading
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Acer nursery in Hants/Dorset
- Alligator saw - valid alternative to chainsaw ?
- New Zealand Palm...Cabbage Tree..
- National Botanic Garden of Wales
- Can i upload pictures to this group.
- Re: BLOOD-RED HARVEST - The new pheasant shooting season -Calling Derek
- My stand about GM plants/crops
- Re: Glyphosate && its side effects
- Japanese Anemone
- THE PHEASANT INDUSTRY Factory farming meets shooting gallery
- Garden Books for Winter
- Stale Pot soil?