- Greenhouse width considerations
- badger damage to grass
- using Microsoft Project
- Re: where can I get a 'ballbarrow' ?
- Happy New Year
- Foam in wheelbarrow tyres then become flatproof ?
- Which herb in which bath!
- New Year plant hunt
- First crocus
- Climbing beans etc.
- Dwarf phalaenopsis
- Leaf fall this year
- The RHS and Sheffield Uni research
- Rabbit Fence
- Storing parsnips
- Arctic wasps?
- Carrot fly
- Chicken Bedding litter
- Plant torture
- Prunus rusty red leaved cherry tree NOT dropping leaves
- spring bulbs: late or temporary planting?
- Aspargus and Rabbits
- Sweet Pea Germinated
- First Daffs
- Early Alliums
- Pheasant Berry seeds
- Japonica chutney redux
- Tree Peony, moving / aftercare
- Future television programs
- Compost Bin Advice
- I've just gone off weed control fabric :(
- Phaseolus and blackfly
- new lawn this year?
- Tree ID
- Use shreddings to fill cracks in clay?
- Leylandi question
- Climber ID - solved
- Apple Tree Problem
- Lemon Aid please
- Garden multi tool
- Volcanic soil
- Yacon.
- Best time toCut back philadelthanksphus/mock orange blossom bushes
- seedling stem colour
- Potted chrysanthemums
- Managing thick grass in overgrown orchard
- storing vegetables
- Sweet corn devastation
- Can slugs swim?
- Rain on the way at last for East Anglia
- Flowers and Plants for Autumn and Winter
- Busy Lizzies - why?
- 1mm galvanized wire suitable for training espalier-styled fruit trees?
- Prune Rosemary bush?
- Re: gernerator
- The end of the line?
- Bizarre sources of firewood
- Treating Wood in Garden
- Bosch hedge trimmer
- how do I get rid of this?!
- Bizarre field crop
- tomato/potato blight 2016?
- Dahlia's
- Shredded conifer mulch
- Why doesn't my Spindle bush have berries?
- Plant ID?
- Does boiling water really work?
- B&Q compost
- Best light petrol rotary mower nowadays
- Blackberries
- Victoria Plum Woes
- Climber ID
- Re: Germinating Judas tree seeds
- Cosmos plants being debarked
- Verbena bonariensis turned hefty
- Brown Turkey figs ripe :-)
- Cutting the tap root of a small plum tree grown in a box
- Growth rate Runner Beans
- Planting two semi-dward pear cultivars in a confined space
- Pollarding Flowering Cherry Trees
- Facebook question
- Plant Shock
- Re: Have My Bees Gone?
- Burning hedge cuttings etc
- What's the proper term for this?
- what plant might I help to grow wild on the Isle of Lewis?
- pond weed problems -advice.
- Sumer at last? Lawn mowing.
- Butterflies?
- Hosepipe to fit these taps
- Box privet yellowing tips?
- Lack of watering for large pots - musings
- Identifying a Clematis which does not flower
- Fence stuff?
- Elaeagnus hedging leaves turning yellow
- Proper name
- Houseplants causing damp!
- beans and bees
- Tibouchina semidecandra virus
- Bignonia capreolata virus
- Planting a fountain, so that it drips with colour!
- Of mice and seeds
- Topsoil for a raised bed - whats best?
- Transplanting an 8ft apple tree in midsummer?
- Blight or Blackleg
- Missing gooseberries
- vitax q4
- something eating Eleagnus Hedging
- lawnmower: 41cm or 46cm
- Ivy, Ivy & more ivy
- Badger climbs fence
- Tiny little bees?
- Collapsing Rogersia Pinnata
- Larch disease
- Knotweed
- onions: first time growing, need advice
- Backpack/knapsack strimmers - any experience or recommendations?
- Wasps !!!
- Growing buddleia in pots
- Rainwater Substitute
- Commercial Aquaponics Course
- Whats that wild plant?
- Plant ID
- ~41cm powered rotary petrol mower?
- Pruning a Magnolia
- New Magnolia Yellow rain arrived with spots what are they?
- Clematis vitalba lifetime
- Worth the wait
- Tall lily
- Not more on glyphosate
- Cloning tomatoes.
- Cleaning 8cm square plastic pots
- slug attack
- "General purpose compost" or "Potting compost"?
- Our new garden.
- No bees
- Liquid lug killer?
- Plant ID please
- Chives
- ID tree please
- aminopyralid in manure again - damage to tomato plants
- Ivy on Silver Birch
- Bees in Loft
- Re: Growing determinate tomatoes.
- Low maintenance hand push mower?
- Chillies.
- Timed roses
- Glyphosate again
- Flowering Currant and other shrub problems
- Pruning clematis montana
- Unusual cotyledon behaviour
- OT - tadpoles
- Aquilegias completely missing this year?
- wallflowers from seed?
- OT(ish) - shop bought tomatoes and germinating seeds
- reseeding lawns
- ID a flower
- Strangest thing you have done in the garden?
- Every cloud has a silver lining...
- Screening plant
- Little Gem (Gem/Rolet) woes
- Plant for heavy clay soil
- App for independent Nurseries
- drainage again
- Flower Identity
- Spanish slugs
- lawnmower advice
- Only one small drainage hole in a planter: "obstruct" with stonesetc., or no?
- When should one plant crocuses, tulips and bluebells?
- Getting lawn-mower out of raised PVC door-frame?
- West-facing evergreen climber?
- Broccoli and aphids
- RHS and lawn feed
- OT - tits and string
- Pond Pump Won't Start
- Ophiopogon root nodules
- Re: Almost dead shrubs - what to do?
- Mahonia
- Hanging basket ideas
- Container Perrenials.
- Question for Ammonium Sulphate users
- Glyphosate and the EU
- Plant ID please
- Suttons F1 Sungold
- Beechgrove Garden on tomorrow morning
- Large mice or rats attacking my peas
- mind-your-own-business or baby's tear drops
- clematis
- Daffodils
- lawn alternatives for damp clay soil in shade ?
- Poorly Phal
- onion sets mystery!
- Hardening off
- Daily Mail week end magazine
- raised bed boxes
- Storm Katie damage?
- Country Gardener magazine
- Easter
- List of UK nurseries need our help
- Carrot fly and parsnips
- Mis-shapen veg
- Moss
- The price of Shallots
- Vegetarian human poo in the veg plot?
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wissel's Saguaro'
- Laylandi and weed killer?
- Outdoor plants that can be particular;ly successfully grown indoors
- Verdun Oaks
- Lillys and E coli
- where is everyone?
- Seedfilms
- Just checking
- Le Chameau boots
- Costo's selling big Orange and Olive trees
- Resuscitating a neglected indoor cactus - propagate cuttings?
- Spring lawn treatment?
- Monty Don's plant supports from 6mm by 2m steel rods.
- Drooping greenhouse
- Strawberry bed looking pathetic
- Moving an azelea
- Sweet peppers in the greenhouse
- Poorly lemon tree
- Which composter?
- When can you go out and cut the grass?
- Glyphosate spray
- Wet socks wearing Wellies...why?
- what, or whom, is digging up my onion sets?
- Killing Ground Ivy
- Finally some frost
- soak hoses watering
- Grass advice
- Everyone blown away by the gales?
- Disappearing lawn
- Holly in shade?
- It's been too warm for too long
- Orchid Flower life
- Dahlias
- Which rose I wonder
- OT - Still having computer problems
- Our strange winter
- Prunus cerasifera
- Bean's Trees and Shrubs
- A Bit OT - Net Curtain Perimeter?
- VAT on tea?
- Replacing a tree
- Mineraly enriched soil?
- Can't identify conifer
- Thinning out Iris plants
- Glyphosate in winter