- Please recommend me a bean.
- Rhubarb
- In Flower on New Years Day
- Things in flower now
- New Year's day flowers
- Flowers in my garden on Christmas Day
- Planting on Boxing Day
- IPSO is a joke
- Re: Oca
- Wot? no Sacha?
- N.I.N
- waterproof led garden lights?
- Freeze broad beans or dry them?
- Inside of a knot
- Wild flower identities?
- More on Composting
- To compost or not?
- Ignorant Asda - tomatos
- Snowdrops
- First daffs of winter
- Re: Malus Profusion not fruiting
- Serious woodlice damage on celeriac
- Serious woodlice damage on celeriac
- American>English again
- Wireless
- Scaffolding Boards in the ground.
- Storm Barney
- Automatic watering systems
- Hardy fuchsia -- please identify
- Buttercups
- News.individual.net - Bit OT
- Outdoor tomatoes
- A new Leek pest?
- ID please
- Blaby tomato
- Wych Cross Garden Centre,
- Dealing with Allotment Grass on Plot
- Sheffield Park Garden autumn colour.
- Lily stem curiosity
- Ever get the feeling you should just give up?
- OT - computer question
- Watering Can
- cymbidium division
- OT Facebook
- Green tomatoes?
- Omething is eating my pansy flowers
- What to do about overwintering cuttings
- Begonia southerlandii
- Ferrous Sulphate query
- Free wildflower seeds
- Re: Masonic rituals with dead pigs.....
- Ping David Hill
- growing onions/red varieties
- Re: Cymbidium report
- my supermarket peas
- Mulberry
- Wanted: egremont russet apple tree
- Well, I'm back
- Climber ID please
- What season is it?
- Apple Tree cultivation - pot size
- Re: Climbing bean or runner beans?
- Re: Climbing bean or runner beans?
- Gardening glove problem
- Re: Climbing bean or runner beans?
- Re: Climbing bean or runner beans?
- Re: Climbing bean or runner beans?
- Do you remember when?
- Cymbidium coming into flower again
- Help pleas with penstemon cuttings
- Ivy roots
- Re: where can I get a 'ballbarrow' ?
- OT spiders
- Re: where can I get a 'ballbarrow' ?
- Ping Sacha
- where has everybody gone?
- Roundup Gel - how much to use
- Change of name
- What a weird year
- Storing seed potatoes
- Pea seeds
- Apple ID?
- x-hose
- Relocating Pear Tree after a few years.
- Poundland
- Origin of garden verse
- Lithodora Giffusa problem?
- Killing ivy
- Identify slow growing climber please
- Recommendations please - replacement tree
- The Exotic Garden
- Preparing ground for new lawn
- Planter
- Begonias in Hanging Baskets
- Saved Pea seed
- Wyvales seed sale
- Making a sempervivum sphere- wet or dry foam core?
- Cape Gooseberies (Physalis)
- What can i grow?
- RHS Wisley Flower Show
- Weedol 2
- Die-back in a holly hedge?
- Garlic.
- Watch out!
- Seed saving warning
- Zantedeschia
- Removing roots of bushes
- Drying Onions
- Onions
- Wisteria
- Lawn resurrection
- Antipodean sunflowers
- Polytunnel Zips replaced with Velcro or some fitting
- wallflowers
- What kind of critter in the pantry leaves these deposits on the shelves near the window?
- Transplanting a plum tree - ??
- Blueberries
- orchid oddity
- Germinating Sequoia seeds?
- Feeding plants: a broad question
- how is my invention about gardening goods
- Gardening Survey
- perlite and mice
- Courgettes - not good
- Tomatoes: broken shoot - mending - grafting
- (More) Runner Beans
- Any use for overgrown courgettes?
- Wasps
- Caught in the act
- Fine marker pens for labels?
- You know you have been gardening too long when ......
- weedol vs roundup?
- Still no runner beans
- Replacing lawn?
- Anchoring down aluminium frame greenhouse.
- Handy Dahlia tips from TNDC
- roundup UK contact?
- Elephant garlic corms
- placing large flat stones around base of young trees
- What do I do about my lawn?
- Wild Flower Identity
- Will it work?
- Stone garden update.
- Loganberries
- Stone Garden
- Grape vine urgent help needed
- Walking about with Hard Wearing Soles
- Paint for garage door?
- No runner beans
- Pruning dead branches off pear trees, good idea or not?
- Small sunflower heads
- I want a tree.
- mystery bulbs
- Bumper apple crop this year?
- Problems with variagated ceanothus
- Plant Identification.
- Can you take cuttings from an Acer?
- Fuchsia cuttings disaster
- Tropical fruit seeds
- "Dusty Miller"
- Trying to ID this knee-high perennial
- Avocado plant
- Sweetcorn failure
- trees in the park
- Titan Multi-tool - Screwfix Deal - Is Titan Kit Quality Stuff ?
- Recovering winter jasmine
- Bligh****ch and tomatoes
- Instant bedding now?
- Leaf - Tree Identity
- Visitor to the garden.
- Any idea what type of bee this is?
- Sunken Trampolines, anybody got one?
- Dragonfly resting
- Pots in a pot
- Plastic Garden Sheds - Does Anyone Have Experience of Them ?
- Mouse in worm bin
- The year without a summer
- Great Dixter
- Cherries pierced
- Wake up you fools
- Potatoes under polythene
- OFF TOPIC smart phone query
- Gardening motivation survey - Will you help?
- Little beetles
- Help please to identify this Penstemon
- Pansies/violas
- oxygen saturation in water butts
- Cross Pollination
- Raspberry 'Heritage'
- Sorry folks, I am still alive!!!
- They grow big in Pembrokeshire
- Rhubarb query3
- Rhubarb query No. 2
- 100 Foot Expandable Garden Hose
- Rhubarb query
- What plant?
- Prizehook
- Problems with radish
- planting trees in bracken
- Is this annual meadow grass?
- What could I put in here
- New visitor today
- Pohon Grass
- Begonia Rex plants for charity
- Tomato plants
- Lord of the freemasons (satan) having a feast (update)
- Potato Flowers
- Flower identification
- Storing and harvesting onions
- How do plant frost blankets work?
- Strimmer/brush cutter for under low trees - is there such a thing?
- Please advise on these apple trees
- cheap but powerful patch weedkiller?
- Connecting garden hose to Plastic Container
- Glyophosphate and Braken
- ...15 years later
- Feeding Runner Beans?
- To kill a pine...
- Building up a lawn
- Broad bean woes
- Courgettes
- Peas - netting - pollination
- Gate made of hedge?
- luring insects into my greenhouse
- intermittent feed?
- Indoor plant ID
- training squash
- Frost!
- Brush!
- Flowering Cymbidiums
- Mony's planted outdoor tomatoes
- Teak garden furniture advice
- Re: Eleagnus Out Forsythia In
- Re: Tree grafters near Newcastle?
- Re: Salt as Weedkiller
- Any ideas what this is?
- Re: Salt as Weedkiller
- New mown grass for mulch
- Wher have all the swallows gone?
- Transplanting Carrots
- Recommend a screening shrub/low tree?
- Growing Oca.
- Chinese (or Red) Toon
- Query: Wild flower meadow
- picture sharing site
- hepatica query
- Teasels - carnivorous
- Advice on using leaf mold and grass clippings
- Shelf life
- Strawberry Plant Problem