- Re: Early autumn.....?
- swap
- What does it take to get seeds to sprout?
- Re: Exeter 27th
- A new hedge required but which one?
- 747 Lawnmower ?..............Yes, this is real, a flying Lawnmower
- ball-type courgette?
- Rowan Tree problem
- swap
- Re: metrosideros umbellata seedlimgs, what next?
- is it too late
- Clary sage, slugs, salt problem
- Romneya coulteri
- Runner beans having a problem.
- Re: flower id request
- Re: flower id request
- My own back
- Syd Barret dies
- Miss Lucy Lilly help
- Help please peas!
- Best resources for plant info?
- Re: metrosideros umbellata seedlimgs, what next?
- Re: For Biscuit
- clematis macropetla in a pot
- oak barrel
- honeysuckle
- Water lily taking over pond !
- opening passion flower
- Please Help me with the RAT/MICE problem
- Bay Trees
- Aubergines: how often to feed?
- Planting small fruit orchard
- Hampton court great and very honest people :)
- dead clematis from wilt, should I compost ??
- Anyone identify this Please
- Rhubarb leaves
- When will this Clematis flower ?
- Competition - if anyone wants to Win a Polytunnel
- Waterproof furniture
- Info!
- Lawns
- who loves nettles
- Paving slabs for edging raised beds.
- grub with tail - id please
- The"June Fall" re apples
- Re: water butts
- Close Encounters of the Tree Rat kind
- Adding Value
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Re: So says
- Re: Babelfish?
- Re: Good Start...Excellent mince!
- Qualcast mower
- Hi - I'm new here
- Plant ID if possible
- Four Oaks Trade Show
- Website
- Problem with Olive tree
- Morning Glory not flowering?
- Convolvulus cneorum from cuttings
- Strawberry vine
- Leaf cutter bees
- Hampton Court Flower Show
- Cheap Chinese Les Pauls...
- tomato problem
- Heavy watering cans are inefficient and bad for your back
- Re: Lamey gets gold watch
- Re: Chinese restaurants
- Ancient Tools Found in Garden - Cartoon By Clangnuts
- Is this eelworm in my 'Anya' potatoes?
- Strawberry vine?
- Removing acanthus
- Celebrities who garden ?
- Poinsettia
- Some sort of disease maybe? - Hollyhocks
- Telephone conferencing
- Recommendation Please
- When is someone you belive is a troll not a troll but an abuser?
- Why do troll troll ?
- Group trolling hits your groups!
- Daylily bug???
- Re: water butts
- Water Butts Part 2 :-))
- Garden Intruders
- Re: water butts
- Instructions for making roses from radishes?
- Replacing Old Lawn - Best Way To Do It?
- Bottlebrush cuttings
- Black butterfly
- Re: water butts
- Re: water butts
- Carrot leaf eater?
- Tomato Advice
- Wanted - Does anyone have any spare Drumstick Primulae Seeds
- Are professional gardeners supposed to take the prunings etc away ???
- Ride-on mower query : Lawnflite 908 or Yardman NH5200 ?
- Storing Manure
- Rose Pest?
- Best way to treat a lawn that is ahred with guinea pigs
- Lily ID needed
- Damage to plant leaves irretrievable or not?
- Appalling cruelty
- Early bird
- Gardening 'conditions of contract' or 'supply of services' ???
- Plant ID, please help
- urgent ...pls help
- White flies on plums.
- Tree with birds nest - chopping it
- Bamboo in pots?
- Make Microsoft angry
- wilting tomatoes
- Hailstones the size of marbles in Bristol
- Bees nesting in a plant pot ?
- Re: Help please: are these weeds?
- Crickets in Bolton
- insect i.d. please
- Bokashi composting
- sickly plum tree
- Re: Dogs Versus Women
- Acer Pink Flamingo
- Plastic bag keeping-opener
- Plany nursery
- Compost is Crap Cartoon
- Dog pooh
- Rose Identification
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Disease of rose?
- Recommend a rose for low trellis
- Re: Do Mice eat Strawberries?
- Lemon Tree
- Duckweed
- strawberry tubs
- Old Man's Oatmeal
- Another plant id please
- re: too late to grow fruit or veg
- Plant ID please
- Re: Care in the community.
- Honeysuckle Leaf loss
- Low Voltage Garden Lights
- Hampton Court Flower show
- Horse flies
- toad lily
- Toad Lily
- moving rosemary
- shrub recommendations
- Rose Buds
- Bugs in water butts
- Cherry Tree lopped in June
- shallow soil - plant recommendations
- Growing exotics and global worming
- How much to cut top off hedge ??
- Meeces
- Identify weed/fruit
- Bronze Fennel
- Too late to grow fruit or veg?
- Do Mice eat Strawberries?
- Where is the FAQ?
- Where to buy retail quantity of quality grass seed for overseeding.
- Snails & their eggs
- OT postings
- rose query
- composting and nutrition
- Carpet v Weed Membrane
- Re: bird feeding
- baby snake
- Help with bed design please
- Cladrastis sinensis
- Privet
- Problems with tomatoes and broad beans
- compost full of black fly :(
- Olives grown in Devon?
- Re: bird feeding
- Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon
- Runner beans
- Re: bird feeding
- Re: bird feeding
- Re: bird feeding
- Re: bird feeding
- Mulching question
- tomato photos
- Garden Fountain
- First Attempt to Make Compost
- How to Stack Log Pile?
- Propagating Vitis
- grass against a north facing wall
- pyrocanthus not flowering
- grape vine
- Don't know whether to laugh or cry!
- homeopathic remedies for plant diseases
- Propagating fuschias
- Slugs regulate their own population.
- Growing Oregano
- One of those days..... or nights
- What to do with redcurrants
- Planting flowers in July? With dark clouds in the sky?
- Outdoor Cyclamen
- little white round eggs found ??
- Black potatoes
- wildflower plugs
- Eryngium in trouble
- Runner Bean Management
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Deadheading roses query
- Re: ID the beastie?
- Wilted Pumpkin
- Glyphosphate accident
- Sorbus Cashmiriana
- New urgler : Vivek.M - from Bangalore, India.
- Plant ID please
- courgettes
- Lupins in the wild?
- For anyone waiting for their Blackwall / Recyclenow / Straight / Local Council water butt or compost bin...
- topiary shears
- House Plant Identification
- Re: Duck weed
- Morning Glory - leaf problem?
- Different fertilisers
- Weight of concrete block
- Re: Duck weed
- Tomorite?
- maintaining heather bed - advice needed!!
- an apology and explanation
- Re: Pond snails
- Re: Pond snails
- Phormium Tenax
- 50:1 fuelled petrol strimmer
- Re: Pond snails
- Re: Pond snails
- Re: Pond snails
- Re: Duck weed
- Re: frogs
- Re: Pond snails
- Re: Duck weed
- Re: frogs
- Weed ID Please
- Re: Recent rants
- Re: Recent rants
- A bit behind this year.
- Weed Identification Request- Uploaded Pics
- Garlic
- Mushroom question
- Compost
- moving strawberries now?
- greenhouse tomato
- Is there a trick to putting up pean and bean netting?
- RHS 2