- Composting dog doings
- climbing slugs
- Brother Garden Labeller
- Sweet Corn
- Cuttings - Advice for a novice!
- Majorca gardens
- CFV uk.rec.gardening.allotments
- Surfactant
- Odd find...
- Clematis seeds
- Garden Sheds
- Starting a veg patch
- yucca
- weed grass?
- spathodea campanulata sowing
- Gambion supplier?
- Mad azaleas
- Privot
- conifer hedge clipping uses?
- Grass Cuttings
- Garden vac and slate chippings
- Acidanthera
- Which come first, the ripeness or the slug?
- Formula for volume of cone...
- Hedging plant for clay soil
- wild horse radish
- Boot Inn Pumpkin Comp?
- Report on NCCPG plant sale at Blagdon Hall
- HOward Clifford Gem
- Latin name grey?
- Shady Patch with daffs
- help with wisteria, please?
- Runner Bean Recipe.
- Tree Fern
- Runner Bean........
- Lawn grass height
- How to look after Bonsai ?
- levelling the lawn
- old pheasant berry
- Planting depths for bulbs
- Holly hedge - how do you get the hawthorn trees out?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- trendy gardens? gardeninformationgaps?
- berberis propagation
- seaweed as a fertiliser
- Slug Or Giant Catterpillar ?
- Shaggy ink caps
- HELP With identification of this plant
- Collecting holyhock seeds
- ?? African plant
- New Zealand spinach
- Halesia monticola (or advice on alternatives)
- Shield bugs on raspberrys
- Manure!
- Eryseperis - or words to that effect.
- What's wrong with my lawn?
- Where are my potatoes?
- football proof plants / lawn substitutes
- Some of my experiences in my first year of gardening
- Buds dropping before blooming
- Datura
- Raised beds advice
- aeonium schwarzkopf
- Corylus Maxima Purpurea + Corylus Avellana viable ?
- Thwarting blackbirds
- Can anyone identify this plant
- Plums - yellow spot on leaves
- Field guide and drying blueberries
- New Allotment
- Deadline for putting down turf
- Insurance claim at flower show
- 50 ways to kill a slug
- Pear problems
- keeping cats off the garden
- Undiggable Soil
- Lisianthus (Eustoma Grandiflora)
- Laviteria (sp?)
- Sort ot OT - Riverford vegboxes
- moth orchid, phalaenopsis
- Re: Paul McCartney urges PM to deliver hunt ban
- elevation
- Free to all in need.
- OT ? - Gardening in the Dordogne ???
- Re: Shift in GP attitudes - Doctors fear animal experiments endanger patients
- New fig tree question
- Re: Scarifier
- composting weeds
- moving plants
- Greenhouse gutters
- Avocados as house plants?
- aeonium schwarzkopf
- Re: One handed chainsaw
- planting a new hedge
- Economy Tip
- Electric extension to greenhouse
- Tadpoles in september ??
- Wanna turf my garden
- Pruning pyrocantha?
- Slug and snail cure?
- dwarf french bean or broad bean?
- Weeds
- grey dagger caterpillar
- I need a book:-)
- Ping Lynda Thornton, re: Frightening Insect
- top-dressing mix when overseeding a lawn?
- Big caterpillars
- Strange Insect!
- Top Soil in somerset
- Tomatoes with blight: safe?
- chilli plants
- Slugs!
- Re: Screen in shade - suggestions
- Pruning Magnolia Trees
- Family Espalier Pear?
- Ping Franz
- Source of bulbs...
- Rusty Jacques d'Alltrades
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Problems retransplanting a split tropical plant
- Re: Yet more reasons why AR thugs like Pete should be culled
- Buddleia Pleasw
- Monty Don
- "Pebbles" and drainage question
- tractors
- Garden dimensions
- Re: Farmers levelled centuries-old oaks Aug 27 2004
- Pond
- Anyone heard of kiakura grass?
- Toadstools
- Honeysuckle - strange question
- orange rust on underside of raspberry leaves
- Worms
- Problem with a hawthorn tree
- hazelnuts form seed
- Snake Bark Acer
- How can I re-route a venerable wisteria?
- Compost bin
- Unidentified beetle - anyone recognise it?
- Wasps or ?
- fast growing flowering shrub
- New, Cheap and Reliable lawnmower......
- To Tracey and her Fiance
- Slow worms in my compost bin ...
- Rolcut anvil secateurs
- September Newsletter just added to Bexrose Web Site
- gardeing?What is it?
- Hazel
- Agapanthus again
- scented cyclamen
- Senecio
- Lawnmower Advice
- taking seeds from bedding plants...
- cactus grafting
- Any fern growers out there?
- lawnmowers
- Re-using potting compost
- Propogating Broom(e)?
- Germinating tree peony seeds
- Conifer identification
- Papyrus Seeds
- Winter veg
- Becoming Self-Employed Gardener
- OT Little Owls
- Garden Quiz
- Reference "Plant Pot Storage"
- Mountfield Lawn Tractor advice (model 1436H)
- Cheiranthus "Bowles' Mauve"
- Passiflora - preparation for winter.
- Re: Whey powder
- Disposing of soil...
- brambles
- New allotment
- Cyclamen
- Autumn Flowering Crocus
- Pomegranite in flower!
- Orchid Report - All you need to know about orchids..
- Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius Silver Jubilee
- Importing Seeds.
- planning a corner to sit in
- Considered Opinion.....Potty?
- Grass seeds
- New lawn
- Re: Where to prune??
- Poor coverage of wood treatment
- Yellow Sorrel ?
- Re: Autumn colours
- Storing fruit
- moss ??
- re:new and need some advice
- Plantpot storage - top tips?
- Hedges
- Rosemary turning black
- Vines in NW UK
- Moving Soft Fruit
- Gardener
- Purple berries ID
- New and need some advice
- Log roll update
- Passionflowers fruits edible?
- Pointing a patio
- Boggy lawn
- Honeysuckle
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- external pond pumps
- garden shredders - which type
- Microsoft wish to apologise for calendar bug
- sunflower
- Collecting Achillea seeds
- root ginger
- Re: Raspberries - Please help
- Rain battered 'drangea
- training a honeysuckle (ie 'which climber' part 2)
- Silver birch seeds
- Laying log roll
- What's eating my magnolia
- Runner Beans - No Beans !
- Compost Tumbler (R) - any good
- moss on patio
- Delphiniums - help!
- Crab Apples
- Newbie question
- Arley Hall gardens Cheshire
- Ants and aphids mount joint attack on my fennel plant
- Flat wet garden
- Self fertilising cucumber
- Re: Meanwhile in NL
- Is it just me??
- Blanch for 1 min-explanation please
- Real tomatoes are back
- Strawberries from seed
- greengages?
- Wheelbarrow Advice
- Honeysuckle mildew? Can I post a photograph?
- Iresine herbestii
- greengages?
- New guy seeks advice with plant care.
- plant identification
- OT - very Computer assistance
- Fencing Problems, Anyone Help?
- pergolas
- Shallots
- Shrub root removal
- clematis armandii cuttings advice
- allotment
- Growing question, Help!
- Beech or Hornbeam for hedging - is there much difference? Plus, holly hedging opinions please!
- Source of common elder?
- Pruning British Holm Oak
- japenese maple
- Mystrey plant