View Full Version : United Kingdom
- Scarifying
- automatic irrigation for greenhouse?
- Doggy poop disposal
- flea beetle
- Re: Virgin seed grower (hello group!)
- Shade Lovers
- Getting rid of those aches & pains
- Beetles, Acers and well
- re: keeping the cat off the seed beds ??
- Re: tomatoes, tubs with no drainage
- keeping the cat off the seed beds ??
- Rainwater Butts
- Re: Virgin seed grower (hello group!)
- 1st Tumbler Tomato
- Free weed killing device
- Big Plant Labels
- Shortening a Bannana Plant
- Bare-legged hebe
- Hoster
- Doesn't anybody......?
- Taking the P*** ?
- Wysteria problems
- New Gardening Forum with Image Gallery
- New Gardening Forum with Image Gallery
- volcanoes ?
- young pear tree - to let fruit?
- Honeysuckle support?
- What kind of tree is this?
- tomatoes, tubs with no drainage
- Propagating from an olive tree
- Runner Beans and Rat Bait
- support for peas
- pure soap
- flowering bamboo
- Re: drive/patio
- OT peanuts and birds?
- runner bean tubers!
- leggy seedlings
- Small lean-to greenhouse
- Whacker plate on garden???
- collecting clematis armondii seeds
- Halesia monticola :-(
- nasturshalems
- garden bench
- Hosepipe ban oversimplified on TV?
- Pond - fish - cats
- Good quality turf OK for dog ?
- using slug pellets on veg patch?
- 2 colourful types between 2 and 3 foot tall
- Using old moss killer - OK or not?!?
- Dead shredder
- Growing strawberries
- Any hope for me, or my garden
- Orchids
- Lawn re-seeded
- cleome from seed
- Salix Caprea 'Kilmarnock'
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Steve's Allotment Diary
- tame garden birds
- Slug / Snail control
- compost for home delivery
- triggers for death of annuals
- Steamroller
- options to screen out fence and annoying neighbours!
- Garden tool transport
- Gardening Britain -- Flickr photo sharing group
- looking for supplier of large amount of log edging
- When to plant out toms ?
- Head Gardener for Gardener's World wanted
- Rose named Sarah
- Weed'n'feed application disaster!
- Sparse flowering Bergenia
- help - blasted squirrels
- Leggy Courgettes
- Hayter Mowers?
- cropping asparagus
- Tomatoes, growbags and compost?
- Lupin variety "Myrtle Rosemary"
- Cashing in on the Birds & the Bees
- Roadside embankment
- Wormeries !
- Salix Cottetii (Willow Tree)
- re; weed swamping my garden
- Moso Bamboo
- Shredding addiction
- Cornus Alba - to prune or not to prune
- Spam on these forums
- UK Lawn advice
- Blind Daffs.
- when to plant leaks
- for pots..dry weather..
- Wilkinsons
- Grape hyancinths
- ... images of ordinary uk gardens
- Growing avocado
- list of poisonous plants
- quince (cydonia) - edible?
- weed swamping my garden. help appreciated
- Patio Construction
- Small tree??
- Reccommendation of nice UK bougainvillea-type climber?
- Plant ID please ?
- Brand New Gaming Site! Exclusively for casino players! Free Games--Win Real Cash Prizes!
- feed for a veg patch
- weeding a veg patch
- Cats again and lack of grass!
- Pampas Pink Dwarf
- bulb planting
- How to plant a Hybrid Tea Rose
- Re: Shred this
- HELP- Apple Tree Protection What Next ?
- Green beans: cheapo support options using twine
- Greenies gardening
- Liquid compost as a foliant spray (innoculant)
- New Border
- Hinomayo
- Capsicum, when to plant on...
- Extremely old compost
- Handbags
- attaching rambler to house
- "Garden compost in minutes"
- Cat Problems
- Loss of hardy pot plants
- kale/purple sprouting germination problem
- An unpleasant experience with T&M
- Building raised bed - advice needed please
- Oh dear, new gardeners!
- chitting potatoes how long do last last ??
- Lidl growbags, checkout and bad backs.
- re-doing the compost
- Apple trees from seed
- norfolk island pine
- outdoor power
- Recyling garden waste (quick moan)
- Apology
- free seeds from Daily Mirror
- Ivy Roots
- What chippings
- Rhododendrons
- Overwintering Fuchsias
- Leeks -blanching.
- Yellowing laurel - disease?
- Hello everyone I am a newbie and don't like lurking...
- Garden Camping - a bit OT!
- Sick Jasmin
- Ultrasonic Mole Repellant
- Rotting manure - crap comments appreciated
- lawns returfing
- Plant Ident and advice please
- garlic mustard
- Rasberrry shooting from base.
- problem with an acer?
- Mulberry gender issues
- desperate for daturas
- huge stumps
- stripy leaves on daffs
- GW - In remembrance of Geoff Hamilton ?
- sweet basil & tumbler toms
- Seed potatoes?
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- This Weeks Update
- Fungus on waterlily plants
- Honey Fungus
- Blind Daffs :(
- Ants in Compost Bin
- planting peppers too early?
- scented clematis
- Magnolia x Alba (White Champaca)
- FloralDays - ouch!
- Re: Delphinium cuttings
- Gladioli
- Mowing estimate needed
- Flaming ivy
- Weed killing in a Box Hedge
- Full size Nictiana - any sightings in garden centres?
- Dying!
- New Allotment Website
- Sungold Tomatos - Damping Off?
- Hayter Harrier 56 Variable Speed
- Bedding plant Q
- hardening off
- lowest temps for toms?
- nettles in strawberry beds
- Dead Lawn ??
- Potato Sprouts
- buying seeds online
- Your garden and wildlife
- Site for florists
- House plants outside during holiday ??
- Sowing in the Greenhouse
- Rare plants
- ornamental tree for small garden
- Greenhouse heater required in April?
- Advice needed re: Rosemary
- Butter beans and Chick Peas
- Cat Poo
- potatoes - when to earth up ?
- Colliery garden preparation/improvement
- micro-irrigation systems
- discounted water butts
- OT how can one get in touch with the Red Arrows
- Incinerator?
- New to site, just a couple of questions...
- Dwarf Rhododendron planted in Neutral soil
- Hardwood furniture oil?
- summer planting ideas for top of terrace wall?
- Need help identifying plants please
- RHS membership con :(
- Spot application weed killer
- FA Stihl 039 chainsaw body for spares 8 hours keft
- Garden Banter and email addresses
- Brussels sprouts by fence
- tomato yield and cordon height
- Neglected Apple tree
- Pathclear Ultra
- Homebase Ripoff?
- what depth added soil to lawn?
- What do do with shredded waste?
- Quick-acting nitrogen feeds- how often?
- What to do with a redundant Yucca?
- Weather forecast accuracy - scary
- ever been had :-)
- Ryobi petrol strimmer
- Neighbours trees shading garden and house ???
- New Probiotic Plant fertilizer
- Potatoes under black plastic
- summer bulbs
- Drainage for a lawn on clay soil
- Good Climber for greenhouse that has fruit to eat???
- Bamboo shoots to cook
- strange holodiscus behavior
- Cement residue in pond. Advice needed please.
- Levelling a lawn
- posted some raw pictures of Fairy Holler to give everyone an idea
- Suitable Fence Paint
- Recommend a tree to grow in a pot?
- Vines and other fruit
- Builders merchant bulk bags
- new lawn advice needed please
- digging up fruit tree's
- What do you think of my statues, pots and garden ornaments?
- watering high plants
- Steep bank and new to gardening!
- Stuffing our environment
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Silver birch Problems
- First Mowing Of Season Question
- This Weeks Update
- Wild Garlic??
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