View Full Version : United Kingdom
- Monty Don's Pink and White Tulip?
- Gravelled bed
- Table decoration
- Lost names
- Small flowers for top of stone wall
- I hate to say it, but another unproductive year.
- Black Strawberries
- Roundup or alternative source
- Burying liverwort to kill it
- Allium triquetrum
- Yacon
- Clematis id. and an ex-president
- Nasturtium Problem
- Ping Sacha
- Now is the time......
- Marshalls Seeds - quick check
- Snow!
- Blanket Weed
- Roundup alternative - Touchdown IQ - dilution rate
- Wild Mushrooms
- Query about staking a standard tree in container?
- What for pots? (Or, wot for phats?)
- Malathion disposal
- rotary sieve
- Have you heard about this?
- Chatham Island Forget-me-not
- Natural weedkiller.
- Natural weedkiller.
- Upside down runneer beans.
- Have I made a mistake?
- Help identifying some Unknown trees, possibly Cherry?
- Double-flowered rhododendrons
- OT Title wanted
- OT. Windows 8 emails
- Creosote Substitute
- Big rain, here anyway.
- Redcurrant extreme
- Basic bed maintenance ??
- Nature
- Viburnum Plicata Maresi
- Garden myths debunked
- Pond water product
- Wasps and Pears
- Ping: Jake
- Heavy rain and gales
- Daffs
- I wonder why?
- looking for Acer nigrum
- Espalier Fruit Tree Advice Please
- Mulching with grass clippings
- Moss
- Skimmia post-mortem
- Green and blackfly, already.
- Ericaceous raised bed.
- To ivy or not to ivy, that's the question?
- Identification required please!
- Seed library
- Desperate Times
- Desperate Times
- Caterpillar warning
- indocalamus tesselata
- White edges to cucumber leaves?
- RE: Lily beetles and Snakes head fritillaries
- Blueberries
- dandelions here, there and everywhere
- Lilac flowers
- Bee deterrent?
- Blueberries
- Safe to use Weedol 2 now on my overgown vegetable plot?
- Is it just me?
- Passiflora (hardy)
- wisteria
- Indoor tomatoes - keeping the plants compact ?
- Things to plant in mid June on the allotment.
- How long to pick rhubarb?
- Wood Pigeon
- Magazines...spit!
- Rhubarb
- Impending drought
- Dutch study on insecticides
- Feeding young fruit trees.
- Clematis armandii
- re Pesticides
- Wow!
- Flood reducing grass
- Need to replace lawnmower
- Tomato plants showing blossom
- Plant recommendation please
- ideas wanted please
- Seed site
- OT Bomber Command Clasp and the Arctic Star Medal OT
- Brighten the day
- Tall, narrow plants for south-facing sticky bed
- May be it is not such a bad spring
- Yellow catkin.
- Shrub had bark removed
- Somerleyton Hall Gardens
- Plant ID please
- Anyone planted brassiccas out yet?
- Conservatory climbers
- nurseries/garden centres nottinghamshire
- Potting on seedlings
- It is so dry
- Strange light
- Ping Charlie Pridham again
- Lily beetle
- ping Charlie!
- More EC Tomfoolery
- Vine Weevil?
- OT Warning!
- catching up
- Veg. are comming on nicely now....
- RHS Wisley orchids
- Suppliers of grafting tape and rubber bands?
- Dellortto carb
- Biter bit
- Malvern tcikets
- Pesticides
- Grass in bottom of garden pots
- Best way of keeping snapped orchid stem
- Hedgehogs
- Willow tit
- Starting gardening
- Alternative Veg.
- Sunday morning frost
- Aucuba Japonica
- amphibians
- Kiwi Fruit "Jenny"
- With the good weather come weeds.
- Frost
- Snail problems
- Onion Sets
- exposition for A. giraldii?
- Which vegetables grow well in shade?
- Catmint/cat grass
- Water Survey
- Fresias
- Wind, gusty and then more wind and gusts
- phlox
- Orchids
- Advice on my overgrown garden (inc pics!)
- Advice on my overgrown garden (inc pics!)
- Simple explanation of Thatchers legacy.
- OT a little. From the feeder
- What a strange year!
- Any recommendations for aparagus?
- Windy conditions.
- Winter and Spring in the garden!
- soil temp.
- Migrants (birds that is)
- Giving in. Plug plants.
- I don't know if I should be annoyed or pleased
- Skimmia woes
- first cuckoo
- Monty Don & Gardners World 12 April
- wanting Buy halophyte house plant
- Compost?
- Dark purple blotches...
- which greenhouse? Help very much appreciated.
- Grow it Magazine.
- Suffolk HT Lead
- Road Salt Damage
- Well, thats it, seeded and/or planted.
- Some Firsts
- Mistlethrush
- Weeping Silver Birch problem?
- Cactus in big trouble. Please help!
- Miles of mowing
- Chain Saw Oil
- Part3 Walled Garden Restoration Project Glamis Castle
- Agapanthas (African Lilly)
- Something unusual on the feeder today...
- Copper Beech Hedge
- First cut
- Horse Chestnut & Bleeding Canker
- Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree)
- Clematis
- No M Campbellii this year
- At last
- Reply to thread
- Bosch 2200 shredder (old drum version)
- Buddleia
- beans
- Broad beans and peas.
- Gardening Gauntlets?
- Re: Evergreen viburnum pruning?
- Plants from Sarah Raven
- Mature Beech Tree - Pruning Advice
- Irrigation Tip
- Beechgrove Reminder
- Ping Sacha - The Badger
- Help - quick fix for birds
- Hedges for a newcomer
- Help my husbands shaved the conifer hedge!
- More sun!
- Planting now
- Tomato Losetto F1
- weeds
- Sewing between Runner beans
- Beautiful Acer
- Spuds are planted now.
- Happy Easter!
- Cladrastic kentuckea (Yellowood)
- Who has got what veg. in.
- El;ectric moss scarifiers
- It's snailing, hnowing or whatever
- OT Unknown bird id
- Palmetto question
- Wildflower Gromat
- Blog of good intentions
- Niger Seed
- Runner Beans
- Change in the air?
- Garlic
- What exactly are they adding extra?
- Snow, wind and rain with power cuts too
- Tomatoes
- Just joined
- qvc
- Seed sowing
- Watering greenhouse
- Very quiet today
- Sowing
- Rose Recommendation Please
- Kiwi & frost
- Raymond keeps going!
- Potato planting
- Mahonia "caress"
- Storm damage in CIs
- Pulmonaria Blue Ensign
- Choice of Lilac
- Advice on frog spawn
- Chionodoxa
- Photinia species
- Snow
- Has anyone tried this at home?!
- 3 Pin?
- Top Bible scholar leaves Christianity
- Plant Supports
- Hi, my name is Baz
- Hello, my name is Baz
- Problem solved
- can i plant my lavender now?
- wet wet wet summer
- heat mat for seedlings
- Spot the fruit (please).
- Greenhouse irrigation
- fagus sylvatica purpurea pendula
- who's getting snow?
- Unused garlic bulbs
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