- Is This vine weevil eggs
- Plague of flying things
- self-seeding tomato
- Killing off Horsetail
- Re: Needful things...a repost.
- Red mite in me compost!
- Plant Id please
- fungicide - edible plants
- slowing a cordy
- Mini Gunneras
- Gunnera Plants
- How to slow down a fast growing hedge
- Alien Conservationists
- Waterlogged Allotment
- Growing "Nemesia" From Seed -Problem
- Magnolia (Susan)
- figs (maybe again)
- Help! My first strawberry plant is dying.
- Robinia pseudacacia frisia - green not yellow
- In praise of ..........
- What is this bug and is it bad?
- Tree Peony
- magnolia identification
- aerial roots packed with spagnum moss
- Advise on wind tolerant plants please
- Latest Tesco Shopping Vouchers
- Fennel versus other plants question
- Pollinating peas
- Re: Whats nibbling me greens?
- concrete pots
- blackfly on a standard cherry tree
- Deadheading Rhodedendrons?
- figs
- Tree (I think) ID please
- Aralia elata RIP
- Begonias and dahlias
- Crown Imperial eaters?
- strange little creatures?
- Man Holes
- Moles
- Comfrey Tea
- nettles and weeds in strawberry beds
- Looking for or selling something for the garden?
- diseased hedge
- bush honeysuckle
- Growing celery
- Garden open days?
- Advice needed with Acer Davidii
- pea and bean weevil...Organic Approach?
- Shrub Identification
- Identification request, please!
- Ants go marching one-by-one, horrah, HORAAH!!
- Re: Whats nibbling me greens?
- Lawn advice ... suggestions for a lawn alternative for shady damp area
- Friend or Foe??
- Re: Whats nibbling me greens?
- camellias not flowering
- Thompson & Morgan Complaints
- Dying Cordyline
- small brown 'cacoon' ??
- top dressing lawn
- Shirasawanum update
- Moving house and Pear tree UpDate 2
- How do worms find..
- blueberry not polinating....
- Thorn Attack
- Tomato Early Blight.
- grass bodering
- Bees
- Camellia Problem
- What can I do with the ash from my bonfires?
- Pampas grass
- War against Lily Beetles resumes
- The dreaded tick
- Garlic
- What is this beastie?
- Help identifying plant/weed?
- Just had my annual bonfire!
- tony k
- Interesting worm facts
- Drumstick primula
- yellow climbing rose
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Betula Jacquemontii
- Steve's Allotment Diary
- Best thing to stain Decking
- Recommend a honeysuckle for me please.
- wallpaper paste
- plums ??
- re: compost for home delivery
- Help needed finding a weeping willow
- Ants in compost bin
- structure for growing cucumbers outside
- OT?: Really Big Spiders
- Best Mower for grass runway?
- Back Online
- hanging baskets
- Moving plants from flint wall...
- Flies swarm around my back door
- Seeds are sprouted ... but what do I do next?
- Help - overgrown flower bed
- Plant Recommendations
- Cheap pots and other garden sundries
- Flmo - Replacement motor brush set?
- Lean to planthouse opinions
- Horsetail trimming
- ID of Ceanothus
- spring onion problems
- propagate Cornus controversa?
- Mosquitoes in water butt
- Broad bean problems
- horse chestnut(conker tree)
- Anyone use a Flymo XL500 lawnmower?
- Something that looks like Parsley....
- Soil/Compost for Allotment
- Gardener's World Live
- Seedlings chopped off a soil level ??? Any ideas of the culprit.
- what do you think has happend to the roots?
- Seeds not germinating
- Just Sitting Round the Fire - in the Garden
- Anyone got early turnips bolting?
- The dreaded Tick
- whats this weed?
- OTish Devon County Show
- Acer Orange Dream
- Probably stupid questions about Ricinus communis
- Carrots in a grow bag?
- Elder Tree Problem
- Lawn Care
- Greenhouse Glazing - Rubber Joints
- Re: Trial and error, and silly moves by newbies
- Rhubarb going to seed?
- How do I protect a hedge from the local kids?
- Re: Trial and error, and silly moves by newbies
- Need help with propagating NG impatiens...read inside
- Holly
- Which vegetables tolerate clay soil best?
- bamboo leaves
- Brassica seeds, pots or garden?
- pelargoniums
- Starling Vandalism
- Shrub Confusion
- Growmore - how much per plant?
- Asparagus
- Composting rhubarb leaves
- Helleborus Orientalis
- mole
- Red Plastic
- Alternative to dubbin for waterproofing boots? [OT]
- plant pictures to mobile phone?
- Grass Seed - Germination in Compost?
- Catfish in Pond (Ireland) ?
- Insect/Compost problem
- poisonous plants
- Aphid control- need a rethink
- when to earth up potatoes
- HELP - Leaf Curl on Plum Trees ?
- Fertilizing Peas
- Another Tree to identify (Link to pics)
- Pond & young children.
- Help identify tree in blossom please
- Invasion of pests on Ivy
- ID Please?
- Roscoea cautleoides (vanilla)
- Lawn problem
- Further to the Acer's poor foliage
- Frog Population Regeneration
- Laying a New Lawn - Not sure About.....
- Explain aphid control paragraph for me please?
- Syringa Vulgaris 'Primrose' Lilac
- Hayter tractor mowers
- Kerria Japonica Pruning
- Tap Water Or Rainwater For Mini Plants ?
- wild life
- Whitefly- organic control (if any)?
- Growing stuff in containers on top of a wal..suggestions please
- Automatic watering again
- deadheading
- keeping acer ( orange dream)
- Moving house - transplanting pear tree
- stumps and hard ground problems
- Bulb Identification
- Horse poop and weeds (suggestions welcome)
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Cat Repellent Success
- Privet Question
- rotovator hire around oldham/manchester?
- Plague of wasps?
- Weedy problem
- What is it??
- Flymo Sabre Cut
- Horseradish Thongs
- Freesia
- harvesting rhubarb
- Continual feeding of garden birds
- whats wrong with my japenese red leafed maple?
- what's eating my clematis Armondii
- OT :- Aphids are they edible ??
- Automatic Watering Timers
- Watering
- New to Composting
- broccoli
- minty pests
- Weeping grape vines
- It was a lovely day - but...
- What's biting us?
- Water pump question
- Best pavement for sandy (very!) garden
- Preparing weeded area for turf
- Aphids on me currants...
- Midge Eater
- sweet peas -- pots and wall?
- Re: mulch
- Using 'peat pots' for toms
- When to cut a wildflower patch?
- Re: Coronation oaks
- OT - Alarm clock bird?
- Re: Coronation oaks
- Lachenalia viridiflora
- lifting bulbs from pots
- Can I grow sweetcorn in tubs?
- mulch
- Rowan trees
- Brambles
- Re: Lakeside House For Rent-16 min from Chapel Hill
- Peas for thought!
- Re: The sock puppet wins
- Planting tom seeds direct into ground?
- Lidl Parkside Strimmer
- oxlip
- rainwater butts again
- Pressure from water butt
- which colour of hat is better when gardening
- Hosepipe ban, power washer, water butt, pump - X-post
- dwarf peach trees
- Are our wild bees nearly extinct?
- water butt
- Damp proofing ?
- Suggestions for a wooden Tree Bench? and a sneaky question regarding Mint...
- 40mm hose and hose mender
- Ants !
- alan - cross posting
- ADVERT: Plant-It Vegetable Patch Kit for Children
- growing clemantines from seeds.
- attract ladybirds ?
- Propagating cases vs Heated mats