View Full Version : United Kingdom
- Rejuvenate Soil After Cyprus Firs
- Rudbeckia Goldstrum in flower!
- Re: Storing manure?
- Re: please help-new information needed
- Smilacina
- Fig Trees
- Re: Wierd Garden day
- Council Composters??
- Re: Dahlia Advice Please
- Softening a wall
- Rosa Rugosa
- Re: BOYCOTT SCOTLAND SAY HOG ACTIVISTS Apr 26 2003 --- vote Steve Rudd PM
- Re: Sheep again
- Water Butts, do they save money...
- Snails
- spotted on T.V.
- Containerised bamboo watering
- Re: Greenfly, Blackfly
- Bottle Garden caterpillar problem
- suggestions please for back of pond plant
- Spanish bluebells
- Composting Potato Skins
- Any one need Horse Muck ????
- Goodbye cherry tree, hello Clematis
- FA Amateur Gardening Annuals
- Garden dustbin incinerators
- Horticultural Glass
- Re: . . .close pattern gardern trellises.
- O.T. Advice wanted please
- Does anyone else talk to their plants?
- Fungus or Disease on Tree
- Fungus or Disease on Tree
- What I've learnt about Thymus Vulgaris
- GQT plant of the week for 29p
- OT AD. Guinea Pig Hutch & Run
- Wisteria (pink ice) pruning advise
- Anyone built there own polytunnel ??
- Wisteria (pink ice) pruning advice
- Inspiration for garden design needed
- jasmine - help needed
- Help, Ants !!!
- Sick Bamboo Advice
- Aphids (I think)
- What apple trees do I plant..
- Fungus / Mould on seed trays
- Apple tree
- 3 Peace Hybrid Tea for £3.49 - good deal?
- London based close pattern gardern trellises?
- Identifying Verbena bonariensis seedlings?
- Source of flint cobbles
- You know what? Dogs pee there as well, that corner always stinks.
- Hi Group
- Nettle manure
- Waterproof enclosures [250mm x 250mm x 150 or 200mm]
- Is this reasonable
- A lateral thought re cats
- Idiots Guide to Trees and Flowers
- Free Greenhouse
- Unusual Garlic problem
- Wanted! Onion experts
- Can anyone identify this tree?!
- Greenhouse - new or 2nd hand?
- fuchsia
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- Pond fountain
- Passiflora cuttings - when is best and what is the easiest method?
- Which lawn rake?
- Datura metel 'La fleur lilac' cultivation
- clemetis prob
- glasgows forgotten allotments
- New Common Laurel Hedge Dying?
- Wheelbarrows?
- What I've learnt about Radishes
- Composting
- Willow Hedge???
- Power lawn rakers
- Cow or Horse the Sequel
- Asparagus knife
- For cat lovers everywhere...
- Fuschia - Caprice
- Cow or Horse?
- Newbie Weeding question
- Dwarf rhubarb? Why?
- Hopeless lawn - sow seeds or pave?
- Dying Bay Tree
- Wood Shavings On Compost ?
- legal or illegal?
- juncus invasion
- Pergola success!
- a new greenhouse
- Bye Bye
- RHS certificate by post?
- ATTN: Ophelia
- Re: What do I do now?
- Re: Saving the Uist Hedgehogs from RSPB/SNH slaughter - Update.
- Garden Shed
- Seeds
- Holm-oaks
- Conifer aphid massive infestation
- Cats any ideas update
- What digs big tunnels in the lawn?
- Bonsai O.T.
- Siting of vegetable garden
- Honey fungus and wood chips
- Feeding plants with mains automatic watering systems
- Daffodil mystery
- I've got to move my Clematis Montana
- Cat scarer that works
- About to buy a greenhouse
- How to ID Damson vrs Plum sappling?
- Jasmine
- a good gardener
- Solar lighting
- Dogwood tree cuttings
- Dahlia problem
- Aeonium -- Crop or Leave
- One wasp
- seedlings - what do i do??
- Scorched Lawn Due to overfeeding.
- cordyline and lillies
- Settling rhubard crowns
- Rubber "cloche clips" - help!
- netting over strawberries etc
- Silly question about climbing french beans:
- Pistachio tree
- fuchsia
- lawn Sand
- Worrisit? Seed.. Any ideas?
- Rejuvenating Clematis montana
- Too early for dhlias?
- Garden furniture security
- Time to take cuttings?
- Tomato problem "help"
- Fritillaria Imperialis
- Evergreen Complete query
- Any help
- Cats any ideas
- Plastic Long Tom pots
- Leylandii experiment report
- Creeping Buttercup
- Potatos
- Re: O/t Win a £6,000 Makeover
- Tomato Size?
- What's this plant?
- Should I immediately repot my new japanese maple (acre)?
- Re: Ivy, friend or foe?
- Mahogany Tree
- Composting Leaves
- Solar lighting
- Clematis wilt - thanks
- crassula ovata (was Re: sandy potting mix ?)
- Garden Vac Question
- Garden Centre Prices !!!!
- Re: O/t Win a £6,000 Makeover
- Re: O/t Win a £6,000 Makeover
- O/t Win a £6,000 Makeover
- weeds
- Plantus?
- gardening books
- Sick Cistus
- First time newbie
- Sycamore seeds
- Garden ornament theft
- Maximising Rhubarb Crop
- Anyone built there own polytunnel ??
- Greenhouse glass foam sealing tape ?? reqd for repairs
- Frost warning ??
- Aquilegia munchers
- Nemaslug
- Pebble fountain into pond
- sick azalia
- Clematis wilt
- Grass cutting
- Vegetables
- What Can I Grow in a Greenhouse?
- Mortar mix for stones part underwater
- Non-germinating bird seed.
- Humane control of rats
- Humane rat control
- Growing Chiles (Again)
- Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora'
- Replacing a conifer
- Plant identification please
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Chafer Grubs ......Insecticides ?
- Tomatoes and badly placed greenhouse
- Rose, bud or graft now
- Walls, rendering and Ground Force
- Garden Centre Pricing
- Chinese Lantern
- Yes, very interesting software.
- "Green Waste" and fence panels - long and a few questions
- Giant Vine weevil ???????
- Climber to cover a dead conifer in the wrong place.......
- Need 100 off, of potted Box hedging - Any ideas ??
- OT Where has time gone
- sandy potting mix ?
- Is it ok to put an ACER in the same container as jasmine?
- Lawn mowers
- Cats and Rabies
- Bare root roses
- Lawn problem
- parachute flowers
- Do I really need to stake this tree?
- Removing old plant from lawn
- Asparagus
- abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening
- repot a plant
- test
- Plant ID
- Protecting undergound electrical cabling?
- Leek seedlings?
- horse flies
- Advice on hops
- Can Cannas cope outdoors......
- Worried - Do I pinch out my seedlings?
- Mycorhize
- AD: A different way to read urg.
- Lawn feeding
- Feeding up a lawn during a dry spell
- West facing border
- New turf
- Badly weeded area
- Driveway oil stains
- Hoggin paths - source of raw materials?
- Dry,hot summers,cold winters
- Throwing out baby ...
- Re: Spider plants - Now Roses
- Transplanting Jersey Kale?
- Killing Clematis armandii
- garden Lights
- Smilacina sp. CLD 0383. and other woodlanders
- Bumpy Lawn
- Japanese maples (acers)
- Bloody Cats
- Chatham Island forget-me-not (Myosotidium nobile)
- French Dwarf beans in a pot
- Tahiti Lime
- Ivy + old house = potential problem?
- Effects of hot weather?
- source of logs with bark still on them?
- No plums?
- Yucca tip -hardy?
- Tree removal
- compost
- Purple sprouting
- Tomato "Mortgage Lifter
- Advice on hedging/screening
- Garden Design
- What lawn mower?
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