#1   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2005, 11:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Bindweed

I have been reading with interest all the postings on my never ending
problem. I've been digging down as far as I can for the past three years to
get as many roots as I can. Now that you have told me what product to use,
I am nervous of applying it as the bindweed grows where my three year old
hedge is and as said hedge gives us privacy from passers by I would weep if
I inadvertently killed it.


  #2   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2005, 10:52 PM
Posts: n/a

In message , News
I have been reading with interest all the postings on my never ending
problem. I've been digging down as far as I can for the past three
years to get as many roots as I can. Now that you have told me what
product to use, I am nervous of applying it as the bindweed grows where
my three year old hedge is and as said hedge gives us privacy from
passers by I would weep if I inadvertently killed it.

How about something like this:
take a large plastic bag - maybe the kind dry cleaners use;
stuff as much of the bindweed into it from the bottom as possible;
tie it tight at the bottom;
now push the spray end of the glyphosate can through the small hole at
the top, and pray the bindweed heavily all over;
Tie up the small hole, and leave the spray to work.
After a couple of weeks, just to make sure, spray again, and leave
another couple of weeks.
By this time it should look dead. Cut off the stems below the bag and
throw the whole lot away.
Repeat as long as the bindweed keeps appearing.
Klara, Gatwick basin
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