#1   Report Post  
Old 09-09-2004, 10:15 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a
Default Manure!

I have access to an unlimited supply of well rotted horse dung, a local
farmer who has stables has said I can take as much as I want.
I'm a bit wary, as I've read on here that it will probably contain all kinds
of seeds etc..my questions are these:
Is there any way of de-seeding it prior to use - any storage or treatments I
can give it?
I can get the stuff from the botom of the pile, which has been there for
years, will this make any difference?...obviously I don't want to create
work...is it suitable for all types of plants? - flowers? veg? hanging
It contains a lot of wood shavings which was the horses' bedding, will this
do any harm? - it has rotted down along with the dung.


  #2   Report Post  
Old 09-09-2004, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Phil L wrote:
: I have access to an unlimited supply of well rotted horse dung, a
: local farmer who has stables has said I can take as much as I want.
: I'm a bit wary, as I've read on here that it will probably contain
: all kinds of seeds etc..my questions are these:
: Is there any way of de-seeding it prior to use - any storage or
: treatments I can give it?
: I can get the stuff from the botom of the pile, which has been there
: for years, will this make any difference?...obviously I don't want to
: create work...is it suitable for all types of plants? - flowers? veg?
: hanging baskets?
: It contains a lot of wood shavings which was the horses' bedding,
: will this do any harm? - it has rotted down along with the dung.

I would just grab as much as I could, you can always pull out the weeds or
if you're really bothered, compost it first

  #3   Report Post  
Old 09-09-2004, 11:48 PM
Posts: n/a

"Phil L" wrote in message
I have access to an unlimited supply of well rotted horse dung, a local
farmer who has stables has said I can take as much as I want.
I'm a bit wary, as I've read on here that it will probably contain all

of seeds etc..my questions are these:
Is there any way of de-seeding it prior to use - any storage or treatments

can give it?
I can get the stuff from the botom of the pile, which has been there for
years, will this make any difference?...obviously I don't want to create
work...is it suitable for all types of plants? - flowers? veg? hanging
It contains a lot of wood shavings which was the horses' bedding, will

do any harm? - it has rotted down along with the dung.


I know a lot of people who will be envious of you having this supply
available (free I assume) . I am in the same position, given there are
various stables etc nearby, and also because I happen to own a tipper. OK, I
own it for other reasons, but I get a *HUGE* pile of manure in it, and when
I do I trundle slowly through town with it, trying to stop at every traffic
light and pedestrian crossing, just to amuse the locals ;-)) Around here its
free if you shovel it yourself, you pay if you get the ready filled bags,
which seems fair enough.

I wouldn't worry about weeds because you'll have weeds whatever you do.
Birds drop them in, the seeds blow in, they come under the fence from next
door etc. You can pick out the worst bits, but you'll never get it all. And
you'll always get quantities of shavings or straw from the bedding, don't
worry about it. Even if it has no fertilising value it will add humus to the

If it's possible I would put the well rotted stuff on your beds this autumn,
and keep the rest for next year when it will also be rotted down, at least
more than it is now. You may well find that it is quite hot in places, this
is due to the bacterial action, and is a good thing. It probably won't stay
hot after you shovel it though, even if you pile it up, because you will
have let oxygen in and the action breaks down. Still good stuff though, go
for it.


  #4   Report Post  
Old 10-09-2004, 12:45 AM
Posts: n/a

"Phil L" wrote in message
I have access to an unlimited supply of well rotted horse dung, a local
farmer who has stables has said I can take as much as I want.
I'm a bit wary, as I've read on here that it will probably contain all

of seeds etc..my questions are these:
Is there any way of de-seeding it prior to use - any storage or treatments

can give it?
I can get the stuff from the botom of the pile, which has been there for
years, will this make any difference?...obviously I don't want to create
work...is it suitable for all types of plants? - flowers? veg? hanging
It contains a lot of wood shavings which was the horses' bedding, will

do any harm? - it has rotted down along with the dung.


LUCKY YOU ..........if I can get Horse muck I am only too happy to pile it
in my compost bins along with grass, shredded paper and prunings, weeds,
fallen fruit etc etc ........add a bucket or 2 of urine and your bins will
be very hot indeed .........weed seeds dont survive that .......i know
because i spread loads on my compost every year and weeds dont pop up as a

  #5   Report Post  
Old 11-09-2004, 08:05 AM
Posts: n/a

I had a problem when the horse owner mized some chicken sweepings and corn
feed in with horse stuff. I had a great crop of wheat in the spring, but it
weeded out ok. just a bit tedious

Phil L wrote in message
I have access to an unlimited supply of well rotted horse dung, a local
farmer who has stables has said I can take as much as I want.
I'm a bit wary, as I've read on here that it will probably contain all

of seeds etc..my questions are these:
Is there any way of de-seeding it prior to use - any storage or treatments

can give it?
I can get the stuff from the botom of the pile, which has been there for
years, will this make any difference?...obviously I don't want to create
work...is it suitable for all types of plants? - flowers? veg? hanging
It contains a lot of wood shavings which was the horses' bedding, will

do any harm? - it has rotted down along with the dung.


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