#1   Report Post  
Old 01-09-2004, 08:18 PM
Bob H
Posts: n/a
Default Wasps or ?

since the weather has been decent enough to eat outside this week,
we have had a couple of both daytime and evening meals on our patio. Now
then, either myself or my wife have been bothered by just one wasp. The
other day it was my wife who was bothered by this thing and it was
flying/buzzing over her meal, and today it was me. I watched it as it
flew over and around my meal, then landed on the edge of my plate to
taste? of what was there. It did this constantly while we were eating or
trying to eat. Once finished, no sign of said creature.

Do wasps normally do this kind of thing, or more so, is it due to the
time of year and they may be 'dosy'? I have bever noticed this kind of
behaviour before in other years.

Bob H
Leeds UK
  #2   Report Post  
Old 03-09-2004, 12:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Bob H wrote in message
since the weather has been decent enough to eat outside this week,
we have had a couple of both daytime and evening meals on our patio. Now
then, either myself or my wife have been bothered by just one wasp. The
other day it was my wife who was bothered by this thing and it was
flying/buzzing over her meal, and today it was me. I watched it as it
flew over and around my meal, then landed on the edge of my plate to
taste? of what was there. It did this constantly while we were eating or
trying to eat. Once finished, no sign of said creature.

Do wasps normally do this kind of thing, or more so, is it due to the
time of year and they may be 'dosy'? I have bever noticed this kind of
behaviour before in other years.

Bob H
Leeds UK

Hello Bob,

I have certainly noticed this kind of behaviour before. Once, when lunching
in the garden with friends, I gave a wasp its own small portion of bacon -
the food item it was interested in. It took it away some small distance and
ate it. Until I had performed this kindness, my co-diners had been
panicking and flapping at the wasp. With the wasp satisfied, calm was
restored and we were able to eat without waspish intrusion.

I cannot recall during what part of the season this occurred, although I
observed a similar recurrence about a week ago. Wasps seem to have a fairly
opportunist and catholic diet, so I suspect this happens all the time.

I imagine I am in the minority, but I am quite fond of wasps. I frequently
rescue drowning, trapped, or otherwise distressed wasps. This is despite
being stung - the last time with a bad reaction and shock. I have been
through the phobia thing with spiders - now I've learned to tolerate and at
least attempt an understanding.


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