help to identify shrub/bush
My house was built in the 1950s and the garden I feel is from the same era with many well established hedges and trees, of which I can identify, however one such bush still puzzles me, I just cannot find a name for it! I shall give a brief description and see if any of you nice souls can help me make an identification. Here goes.......
Stands one and a half metres high by around the same wide, has large, mid green leaves from which protrudes large, creamy/yellow fern like flowers from the top & sides. It is very fast growing, in fact I am quite amazed at the speed of it's growth. ( Ithink it has stopped now) The bumble bees just love it! It reappears every year, starts sprouting around April/May. The ols stems are dark brown in colour when cut back and hollow. Twig/cane like.
Hope to hear from some of you soon.