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Old 29-02-2016, 05:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default Moving an azelea

Swmbo wants an azelea that is currently crowded out between a
large azelea and a rhododenron moved into a planter - NOW!

It is about 2ft high, and in places 3ft+ across, how big is the
root system likely to be. I'd like to get it out in one big
lump, soil and all, but am concerned that the roots may spead
far and deep. Acees is also quite difficult with all the
surrounding shrubs.

I know that this is probably not the best time to move it, but
YOU tell her that! There is a logical reason behind the
order/request, in that we may move house and she has a
sentimental attachment to it (if you think that is logical -
I'm not commenting).

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales
  #2   Report Post  
Old 01-03-2016, 01:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default Moving an azelea

In article ,

On Mon, 29 Feb 2016 16:23:18 -0000, Roger Tonkin

Swmbo wants an azelea that is currently crowded out between a
large azelea and a rhododenron moved into a planter - NOW!

It is about 2ft high, and in places 3ft+ across, how big is the
root system likely to be. I'd like to get it out in one big
lump, soil and all, but am concerned that the roots may spead
far and deep. Acees is also quite difficult with all the
surrounding shrubs.

I know that this is probably not the best time to move it, but
YOU tell her that! There is a logical reason behind the
order/request, in that we may move house and she has a
sentimental attachment to it (if you think that is logical -
I'm not commenting).

Out of interest, is it evergreen or deciduous? Not that it makes a lot
of difference to what you need to do. Azaleas, like rhododendrons to
which they're related, have shallow fibrous root balls, so moving it
or potting it up it shouldn't present too much of a problem. However,
one three feet across is going to require a decent sized tub to put it
in, say at least two feet across (a half-barrel might be good*), and
when finally settled in will be heavy. Get a sharp spade and drive it
down into the soil about a foot out from the trunk; do this all round
to sever long roots. Then dig out a trench say 8 inches deep all
round, outside the circle you've just cut, and drive the spade under
the root ball to cut any deeper roots. The plant should now be free
from the soil and should lift out fairly easily, holding it by the
trunk close to the ground, but it will be heavy so mind your back! I
would then put it straight onto a largish piece of sacking, or failing
that, an opened out compost bag. Gather the bag around the trunk and
tie with string. This will hold the root ball together, protect it,
and allow you to move the azalea around without losing too much soil.
You may find it easier to work the sack or bag under the root ball
before you finally lift it out, which will allow you to drag it out of
the hole by pulling on the sack or bag, thus avoiding a direct lift,
and still protecting the root ball.

Make sure your tub has plenty of drainage holes in the bottom and that
they're not blocked off when the tub sits on a flat surface. If the
latter is a risk, use several pot-feet to ensure the tub stands
proud**. Prepare the tub by putting a layer of broken pots into the
bottom, then partly fill with fresh ericaceous compost. Remove the
sacking or compost bag from the root ball and gently place the azalea
into the tub so that the original soil surface is say a couple of
inches below the top edge of the tub. Add or remove compost from
underneath the root ball to adjust the height as needed. Stand back

Thank you Chris for a very good set of instructions/advice.
Just waiting for some dry weather (I missed the last couple of
days!), and off to sharpen my spade.

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales
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