Originally Posted by Deepa P-G
Hi, we are looking for some advice about what to plant in our steeply sloped garden- we have an area that the previous owner used as a dump site and is full of rubble and all sort of detritus. Unfortunately we can't get a digger into the garden and want to find shrubs (preferably evergreen) that would make this area look attractive rather than unsightly. We are in a rather windy valley but anything growing would get full sun. At the moment we have brambles and weeds and are desparate to make it look better- HELP!
Hi Deepa P-G I think the most important thing is to make absolutely sure that the bank is totally free of both brambles and perennial weeds first, if you do this and do this well, you'll save yourself alot of hard work and heartache later on ?
You dont say how large this bank is ? but try to think groups of plants, the overall effect will be far better. As long as you prepare a planting pocket, I wouldnt worry too much about the rubbish, obviously remove what you can and them I'd be inclined to 'blind' the bank with some type of organic matter, this will do several things, firstly, it will look good, also it will help conserve moisture and also redce the incidence of seedling weeds !
As far as plants go, the list is endless but try to think foliage and texture and let flowers be a bonus, that way youll have interest all year !