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  #1   Report Post  
Old 01-08-2010, 11:57 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 287
Default Is there an issue with ( or

This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]

There was an assumption that Garden Banter was the problem but I think
we sort of dispensed with that argument. Is David right, though, in
suggesting that is the problem? Another suggestion is
that "highwinds" is a problem but I haven't been able to tie anything
down with them.

I've noticed differences between the feeds of Easynews and Giganews
when the original posts are from Today there have been
some postings from Bob Hobden and David WE Roberts in reply to a
"Repost due to wierd newsreader issue" where I thing DWER was the
original poster and something happened to a post via individual... Am
I right? People may be blaming newsreaders when something up the
stream is the issue.

Sacha and Vicky seem to be using and I'm seeing more
postings from them in Easynews than I am in Giganews.

This is all, of course, bovine by-product for most URGlers and so it
may remain as long as people accept that something, somewhere, is
causing posts to disappear into the ether, at least for some of us.
The lack of response does not imply discourtesy, ignorance or
whatever. It's just we haven't seen your musings.

Iechyd (or for those who cannot pronounce God's own language, Yaki)

Jake coming soon
  #2   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:22 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 297
Default Is there an issue with ( or

As you are using Agent you could almost guarantee never missing any
posts by adding more news servers to the list rather than depending on
just one or two.


Neural Planner Software Ltd
EasyNN-plus. Neural Networks plus.
SwingNN. Forecast with Neural Networks.
JustNN. Just Neural Networks.
  #3   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:34 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Is there an issue with ( or

"Jake" wrote
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]

There was an assumption that Garden Banter was the problem but I think
we sort of dispensed with that argument. Is David right, though, in
suggesting that is the problem? Another suggestion is
that "highwinds" is a problem but I haven't been able to tie anything
down with them.

I've noticed differences between the feeds of Easynews and Giganews
when the original posts are from Today there have been
some postings from Bob Hobden and David WE Roberts in reply to a
"Repost due to wierd newsreader issue" where I thing DWER was the
original poster and something happened to a post via individual... Am
I right? People may be blaming newsreaders when something up the
stream is the issue.

Sacha and Vicky seem to be using and I'm seeing more
postings from them in Easynews than I am in Giganews.

This is all, of course, bovine by-product for most URGlers and so it
may remain as long as people accept that something, somewhere, is
causing posts to disappear into the ether, at least for some of us.
The lack of response does not imply discourtesy, ignorance or
whatever. It's just we haven't seen your musings.

I've subscribed to URG through my ISP (BT) as well as NIN so will see if
there is a difference (once it settles down).
That said, it was because of problems with BT that I started using NIN in
the first place.
Bob Hobden
W.of London. UK

  #4   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 11:20 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 185
Default Is there an issue with ( or

"Jake" wrote in message
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]


My problem with a missing thread is absolutely 100% my Windoze Mail new
reader software.
I could see the thread on the Virgin news feed until I marked it as a
'watched' thread at which point it pormptly disappeared (or 'stealthed'
itself as Windows Mail seemed to know there was an unread posting in a
watched thread but couldn't display the thread for some reason).

I will check on the Virgin news feed to see if the other threads are shown
as crossed.


Dave R
No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

  #5   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 11:37 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2010
Posts: 2
Default Is there an issue with (

On 02/08/2010 10:20, David WE Roberts wrote:

"Jake" wrote in message
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]


My problem with a missing thread is absolutely 100% my Windoze Mail new
reader software.
I could see the thread on the Virgin news feed until I marked it as a
'watched' thread at which point it pormptly disappeared (or 'stealthed'
itself as Windows Mail seemed to know there was an unread posting in a
watched thread but couldn't display the thread for some reason).

I will check on the Virgin news feed to see if the other threads are
shown as crossed.


Dave R

O.K. - just fired up Thunderbird and this shows the same mixed threads
on '' so it is not specific to Windoze Male.

It must be that damned interwebby thang trying to poison our minds ;-)


Dave R

Posting via Thunderbird

  #6   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 185
Default Is there an issue with ( or

"David WE Roberts" wrote in message

"Jake" wrote in message
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]


My problem with a missing thread is absolutely 100% my Windoze Mail new
reader software.
I could see the thread on the Virgin news feed until I marked it as a
'watched' thread at which point it pormptly disappeared (or 'stealthed'
itself as Windows Mail seemed to know there was an unread posting in a
watched thread but couldn't display the thread for some reason).

I will check on the Virgin news feed to see if the other threads are shown
as crossed.

As posted on both halves of the 'missing thread' from Thunderbird I can see
the first part I posted (from news.individual) as a seperate thread from the
response I posted from Virgin.

Both threads are hidden in Windows Mail on both n.i.n. and Virgin.

However I am seeing the symptoms of 'hidden unread watched thread' only on
Virgin at the moment.

In this case I have to blame Windows Mail as the only common factor.

Truly wierd; anyone feel like looking for malformed headers in the posting
'Pland ID please' on 30/07/2010 at 18:17?


Dave R
No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

  #7   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2010
Posts: 1
Default Is there an issue with ( or

"David WE Roberts" wrote in message

"Jake" wrote in message
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]


My problem with a missing thread is absolutely 100% my Windoze Mail new
reader software.
I could see the thread on the Virgin news feed until I marked it as a
'watched' thread at which point it pormptly disappeared (or 'stealthed'
itself as Windows Mail seemed to know there was an unread posting in a
watched thread but couldn't display the thread for some reason).

I will check on the Virgin news feed to see if the other threads are shown
as crossed.

Same symptoms on ''.
So it is not specific to ''.
I will (when I get the time and motivation) fire up another news reader and
see what that shows.


Dave R

  #8   Report Post  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:28 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 269
Default Is there an issue with ( or

In message , Jake
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris).


David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]

Possible, but I'm not convinced.

There was an assumption that Garden Banter was the problem but I think
we sort of dispensed with that argument. Is David right, though, in
suggesting that is the problem?

I'm not convinced it wasn't GB injecting different versions of the same
post into the Usenet system. The alternative seems to be a news server
re-writing the references header, which isn't that likely either.
However , to the point of your post really:

Another suggestion is
that "highwinds" is a problem but I haven't been able to tie anything
down with them.

I've no direct experience of Highwinds, but I do know that there have
been a number of complaints about their service.

Easynews and Virgin both use Highwinds as the backend AIUI.

I've noticed differences between the feeds of Easynews and Giganews
when the original posts are from

It's not usual though for some posters to say that they haven't seen
some posts by other users, it's the nature of the way the news

Today there have been
some postings from Bob Hobden and David WE Roberts in reply to a
"Repost due to wierd newsreader issue" where I thing DWER was the
original poster and something happened to a post via individual... Am
I right?

I've looked back at that (I never read it before) and nothing in the
posts via NIN looks unexpected too me - no missing posts showing up, all
are threaded as expected (note I use NIN and Turnpike)).

I have DWER's original post (the one he couldn't see in windows Mail,
but then could in Thunderbird - personally I think this is likely to be
an issue with Windows Mail or it's interaction with the news server
rather than any problem with NIN)


sent on Fri, 30 Jul 2010 18:17:52

Turnpike shows there are 4 replies to that post.

I also have the message that DWER reposted by replying to his sent copy
on Sat 31 Jul 2010


This (and the 3 replies to it from) is shown here as a different thread
- this not unexpected for me as it doesn't have any references header -
replying to his sent copy didn't provide one presumably. (as it happens
Turnpike put the posts under a different thread with the same Subject
line started earlier in the week by Intel, but that just down to
turnpikes threading algorithm)

It does look and sound a bit of a mess :-) but all looks as it should
given the posting history. I can't say that NIN is showing anything up
odd to me.

Chris French

  #9   Report Post  
Old 03-08-2010, 10:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 287
Default Is there an issue with ( or

On Sun, 01 Aug 2010 23:22:16 +0100, Stephen Wolstenholme

As you are using Agent you could almost guarantee never missing any
posts by adding more news servers to the list rather than depending on
just one or two.


I used to do that but unless there's something in Agent that I've
never found (being technical but lazy), the problem is that the groups
from the different servers are all listed separately and I get totally
confused, especially with the Microsoft Newsgroups. Having tried
Giganews (and others) in the past, I've found that Easynews has the
closest to 100% delilvery rate. The "individual" postings are missing
from Giga, not Easy. The only issue I've found (recently) is that a
fair number of postings via GardenBanter don't come thru to Easynews
but most of the missing ones don't appear in Google Groups either.

I suppose the sad thing, in a way, is that more and more people will
get to Usenet through the likes of Garden Banter and Google Groups and
the purist "newsreaders" will gradually die out, like a lot of the RSS
readers of old - Windows Mail/Outlook now does it all. Trouble then is
that, gradually, providers will drop Usenet services and organisations
that deliver Usenet services to their networks will withdraw them
because of the more "populist" (I know that's the wrong word but
can't think of the right one - hope you get my drift) stuff that's now
appearing. Ban Facebook etc today, Usenet tomorrow sort of thing.

I suppose that's progress.


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