Originally Posted by bajmoe
Just got my first allotment and I am putting in some runner beans dwarf runner and dwarf French beans, I am ok with the runner beans, but don’t know how high they will reach, do they get as high as the runner beans, I am unable to find out this info?
Thanking in anticipation
Took me 2mins on Google
Two true dwarfs are available – the plants grow about 18in (45cm) high and the pods are 8in (20cm) long. They should be grown about 6in (15cm) apart in rows 2ft (60cm) wide. A good choice where space is limited, but yields cannot be compared with their climbing relatives.
Hammond’s Dwarf Scarlet: The poplar red-flowering form which is early maturing and will continue to crop for many weeks if picked regularly.
Hammond’s Dwarf White: The white-flowering version of the popular ‘Scarlet’ – you will find it mentioned occasionally in magazines and books, but you won’t find it in the popular catalogues.