Umbrella / Table Top Tree
Hello everybody, I am new here and looking for a little advice. I am already a member of a forum for people who keep chickens, but now I can see that I will getting heavily addicted to this forum as well!
I have seen the most perfect tree for the area that my chickens are allowed to free range in, but the tree was in somebodys front garden that I passed the other day. (Unfortuately this persons tree was right in front of their living room, so I didnt like to take a photo with my phone!)
It was about 4 - 5 feet high, with a straight chunky trunk. The branches all fanned out of the top of the trunk and created a large flat perfectly round 'table-top' like appearance.... just like an umbrella. It would be ideal to create some cover for the chickens to shelter under.
Anyone any ideas what this tree might have been?