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  #1   Report Post  
Old 16-11-2006, 11:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

Janet Baraclough wrote:
Longterm members of this group please read Judith Lea's post in the
thread Scraping the barrel.
That's why others also left.

Did misc.rural has had enough of you already? It didn't look too good
for you in there at one point last week. A tip: don't be nasty or
aggressive, rude or controlling with people and they won't get nasty
back at you. Now, don't you have something interesting to post about
your vast gardening experiences or you just want to have to yet again
poke your nose in other people's life?

  #2   Report Post  
Old 16-11-2006, 11:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message

Longterm members of this group please read Judith Lea's post in the
thread Scraping the barrel.

That's why others also left.


The change in content reminds me of a boggy place, once special, now dead
and glistening with the petrol rainbow scum of pollution. A great shame :-(

Chris S

  #3   Report Post  
Old 16-11-2006, 11:50 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

Janet Baraclough wrote:
Longterm members of this group please read Judith Lea's post in the
thread Scraping the barrel.

That's why others also left.


So Judith's a ranting loon - live with it, Usenet's full of them.
Just ignore her or killfile her.

  #4   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:18 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 125
Default An explanation of departures

Janet Baraclough wrote:
Longterm members of this group please read Judith Lea's post in the
thread Scraping the barrel.

That's why others also left.


And others who no longer contribute but lurk, as I do, because we have
an interest in real gardening, please read to what depths this dreadful
lying person has sunk to. However, as Puke has returned after
promising to go until Spring, they too no longer post and all ignore
her postings and do not reply to her posts. You will note I have not
returned to urg, and nor will I, to post about gardening matters;I
have posted, solely, to put the record straight about her malicious
lies and her attempt to lose me my position in the NHS which I have
held for 27 years. It is fortunate that it was an easy matter to
prove what a liar she is and this was aided by MULTIPLE
emails/statements which I produced to prove the contempt in which she
is held by others for her lying, together with her abusive filthy
language and postings in other newsgroups.

Puke also emailed me at my official NHS address. I did not reply to
her lying rant but passed this on to lawyers who responded

She claimed in that email to me that I had phoned her pretending to be
other people, i.e.a cleaner or asking information about URBED where she
works. I say, contact URBED's telephone supplier, perhaps B.T. and
ask them for a print out of all incoming calls, none of them will be
from me - so the onus of proof is on her. The idiot also claimed that
I was stalking her, I am not the one who goes miles out of her way to
have her bottom photographed outside a well known nursery or threatens
to visit another poster on an island off the coast of Scotland.

I want to thank all urglers, publicly, for all their emailed and
written support to me, it meant a lot to me as this is the first time I
have EVER been attacked by the likes of Puke, how many years have I
been posting on urg? I can't remember it is so long - I miss urg but I
am fortunate that many of you keep in contact with me via email and I
will be hosting the private gardening meet next year as promised. I
will email all of you privately regarding this. Your support means
more to me than you realise..

I will not tolerate this idiot's threats and malicious complaints and
if all of you, who have expressed support, in emails or on urg, want
urg to return to an expert forum, the solution lies with you.

To all of you who have emailed me expressing contempt for Puke, now is
the time to let her know that we want urg to get back to what it was,
with real experts here. To mention just one outstanding expert, David

Puke, you have replied to my posting with one of your usual idiotic,
half-witted comments, you fool nobody, back up your claims with facts,
get B.T. to give you a print out of all your calls - but watch out -
you are no longer just taking me on with your lies - everyone is aware
of what and who you are. Do not reply to this with an email to my
offical NHS email address as I will pass it on to lawyers.

Finally Puke, as I said in my earlier email, what goes around, will, I
predict, with the utmost certainty, come around and you will remember
these words.

  #5   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:21 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 159
Default An explanation of departures

Janet Baraclough wrote:
Longterm members of this group please read Judith Lea's post in the
thread Scraping the barrel.

That's why others also left.


No one's left, and no one was a member to start with....if someone chooses
to stop visiting here then so be it, it's their choice and no one else's.
More people are likely to have been put off coming here by constant airing
of dirty laundry in a public place, when email is freely available.
Anyone normal comes here *purely* to give or receive advice, it's pointless
getting into 'you said this' matches with strangers, no one can win anyway,
and moreover no one cares who 'wins' or 'loses'

  #6   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:27 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

judith lea wrote:
Puke also emailed me at my official NHS address.

It's Puce, with a 'c'.

I did not reply to
her lying rant but passed this on to lawyers who responded

Your lawyers?! You should say what really happened Judith. Go on. Say
the truth. Say that your email to my London office was passed on to me
to reply. You silly old prune you )))

She claimed in that email to me that I had phoned her

You told us that you had rang me and asked to talk to my husband. I had
confirmed that you had indeed rang, asking for my husband and that I
told you to go and fry yourself an egg.

Now go to bed. It's late.

  #7   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:34 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 125
Default An explanation of departures

La Puce wrote:
judith lea wrote:
Puke also emailed me at my official NHS address.

It's Puce, with a 'c'.

I did not reply to
her lying rant but passed this on to lawyers who responded

Your lawyers?! You should say what really happened Judith. Go on. Say
the truth. Say that your email to my London office was passed on to me
to reply. You silly old prune you )))

She claimed in that email to me that I had phoned her

You told us that you had rang me and asked to talk to my husband. I had
confirmed that you had indeed rang, asking for my husband and that I
told you to go and fry yourself an egg.

Now go to bed. It's late.

All noted, all recorded, all lies.

  #9   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:45 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 233
Default An explanation of departures

"Phil L" wrote
No one's left, and no one was a member to start with....if someone
chooses to stop visiting here then so be it, it's their choice and no
one else's.
More people are likely to have been put off coming here by constant
airing of dirty laundry in a public place, when email is freely
Anyone normal comes here *purely* to give or receive advice, it's
pointless getting into 'you said this' matches with strangers, no one
can win anyway, and moreover no one cares who 'wins' or 'loses'

That's all very well Phil, and yes we're all heartily sick of Puce and
her insults, lies and vendettas. However, I dare say you wouldn't feel
so sanguine if someone made a false and malicious complaint to -your-
employer, which is what that woman sunk so low as to do to Judith.

Afaic, Puce has proved herself several orders lower than beneath


  #10   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:46 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

Sacha wrote:
More lies, more obfuscation, less ability to confront the truth or to tell
it. IOW, business as usual for Puke.

And who cares Sacha. I'm certainly not searching for confrontation.
Don't do this to yourself because of someone who's not committed to
anything beautiful and peaceful but looks for torments in their sad and
empty life. Rise to the surface of this nasty time and share what you
need to share because I know you have lots to give. Don't fight but be
pleasant. Let it all go. Try to be happy. It's good for the soul.

Sweet mashmallows nite.

  #11   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 12:53 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

Sue wrote:
That's all very well Phil, and yes we're all heartily sick of Puce and
her insults, lies and vendettas. However, I dare say you wouldn't feel
so sanguine if someone made a false and malicious complaint to -your-
employer, which is what that woman sunk so low as to do to Judith.

Not true. Here is the third email I received from my london office
asking me to reply to because they were getting really annoyed with her
ringing and emails:

-----Original Message-----
From: Judith Lea ]
Sent: 20 October 2006 14:15
To: Nicholas Falk
Subject: Mrs. H. Rudlin - URBED Manchester

Dear Mr. Falk,

I write to make an official complaint against Mrs. Helene Rudlin of
URBED who has been sending me abusive emails on URBED email. I
telephoned your Manchester office to speak to Mr. David Rudlin to ask
him to get his wife to stop this practice but Mrs. Rudlin would not let
me speak to him and then sent me another abusive email quoting her
husband, in French, in which she purports him to say "tell her to get
stuffed and F*** off" I will give you an exact translation of that when
I attach the email at the end of this. I am attaching these emails, on
the URBED server, complete with headers so that you will have the proof

I am a member of a newsgroup gardening group, uk.rec.gardening, to
which Mrs. Rudlin is a relative newcomer and her nickname on there is
La Puce.
Mrs. Rudlin also posts on the newsgroup Demon Local and uk.
conservation where she is in communication with a known national
trouble maker for groups such as yourself. You need only to look at
Mrs. Rudlin's postings to see the foul language she uses and how she
brings URBED into disrepute.

I am a senior manager in the Health Service and Mrs. Rudlin has posted
publicly on the newsgroup, which is read throughout the U.K. and
abroad, my Chief Executive's name, my hospital and an explicit threat
that she will be contacting them to inform them that I use NHS time and
computers to post to a newsgroup. As you will see, this is my personal
email address and the address that I use on the Internet. My official
email is and it goes without saying that my
private correspondence by email is that of my email address above

If Mrs. Rudlin had not posted on URBED email, then I would not be
writing to you. The purpose of this email is to ask if she is writing
to me officially on behalf of URBED and if so why? I would address
these questions to David Rudlin but she assures me he will not see
them, that she is a director and she runs URBED. Mrs. Rudlin also tells
me that everything that is addressed to her husband , she opens and
deals with . Therefore any communication between you and he regarding
this matter would not reach him.

May I ask, officially, that you kindly reply to my question above.

Judith Lea.

Afaic, Puce has proved herself several orders lower than beneath

No. She wrote to my collegue in London, I wrote to hers. We, my London
office nor my Manchester office, have heard about her since. And thank
goodness because she started to ambarass me seriously. So now please,
PLEASE mind your own business. It's been really nice around here and I
will not fall for yet again from your constant harrassement. JUST LET

  #12   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 01:07 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

La Puce wrote:

No. She wrote to my collegue in London, I wrote to hers. We, my London
office nor my Manchester office, have heard about her since. And thank
goodness because she started to ambarass me seriously. So now please,
PLEASE mind your own business. It's been really nice around here and I
will not fall for yet again from your constant harrassement. JUST LET

Lies, yet again, I have never telephoned your London office and I WILL
send them a copy of this posting - they TOLD you to stop your nonsense.

And again, you lied, you did hear from Lawyers after you made a
compaint about me - but unlike you, I will not break usenet rules by
posting that here - you stupid woman, if you lie, you will be found out
- now, go to bed.

  #13   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 01:08 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default An explanation of departures

judith lea wrote:
All noted, all recorded, all lies.

Here. One of your emails ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Judith Lea ]
Sent: 10 October 2006 16:16
To: La Puce

Dear Helene,

Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I write to confirm
that I was unable to speak with your husband. You twice put the phone
down on me whilst I was asking you not to post inflammatory public
statements about me and using the name of my employer.

You said that David was in a meeting and then later said that he was
sitting next to you but you did not allow me to speak to him. You said
that I was a lunatic for asking to speak to him and that you would call
the Police. I informed you that I would contact URBED in London as I
could not allow you to continue in this way by posting on a public
forum an explicit threat. The telephone call is recorded and I can
play this back to URBED.

As yet I have not contacted URBED and I will not do so if your attacks
on me ceases - what you post to others is between you and them and I
will not be commenting on what you, or they, post.
Judith Lea

Now give it a rest Judith. You have contacted my colleague. I've
contacted yours. I am not what I am today for people like you walking
all over me. If you try to contact my office you'll find me because I
run it, and that despite what you thought.

If you want to post here, just do so. I have never stopped you. If you
spit or poke at me, I'll spit back and will perhaps poke harder, just
to make sure you don't do it again.

  #14   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 01:10 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default An explanation of departures

judith lea wrote:
Lies, yet again, I have never telephoned your London office and I WILL
send them a copy of this posting - they TOLD you to stop your nonsense.

No, they've asked me to deal with you Judith. Stop it now. You're
making a foul of yourself. Just stop it. Please.

And again, you lied, you did hear from Lawyers after you made a
compaint about me - but unlike you, I will not break usenet rules by
posting that here - you stupid woman, if you lie, you will be found out
- now, go to bed.

Post your proof. Please post it.; We are all waiting to read what your
lawyers have said. This is getting even more interesting.

  #15   Report Post  
Old 17-11-2006, 01:15 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 125
Default An explanation of departures

La Puce wrote:
judith lea wrote:
All noted, all recorded, all lies.

Here. One of your emails ...

You have posted all that before, it's boring.

Now give it a rest Judith. You have contacted my colleague. I've
contacted yours. I am not what I am today for people like you walking
all over me. If you try to contact my office you'll find me because I
run it, and that despite what you thought.

I will not give it a rest, you have gone too far with your lies,and as
for what you are today - you are a nothing - I WILL contact your London
office with all your postings on this thread and you can do what you
like, poke any which way you want - just remember all liars are found
out when there is written evidence.

If you want to post here, just do so. I have never stopped you. If you
spit or poke at me, I'll spit back and will perhaps poke harder, just
to make sure you don't do it again.

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