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Old 29-04-2006, 03:57 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a
Default Orchids

Could anyone out there please let me know if it is possible to take
cuttings from an orchid plant. I have tried but each time it just
dies. Thanks Sue

  #3   Report Post  
Old 29-04-2006, 05:39 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden
Posts: n/a
Default Orchids

"gary croft" wrote
after Sue wrote:

Could anyone out there please let me know if it is possible to take
cuttings from an orchid plant. I have tried but each time it just

According to my big book of propagation which hasnt let me down yet the
following is the only advice given (you may need to do a more detailed
search depending on the species)

"the easiest way to propagate orchids is by division. Orchids rhizomes
swollen bits from which the leaves appear called pseudobulbs. when
orchids, each section should have two to three healthy pseudobulbs. You
cut out and discard the old ones which are no longer producing leaves. the
division should be potted up separately into orchid compost and kept
slightly warmer than normal for the first month or so, while they get
established. Water sparingly to avoid the risk of rotting"

Good luck! hope this helps..

It actually depends on what sort of Orchid we are talking about, the above
is certainly correct for Cymbidiums but won't work for Phalaenopsis. In my
limited experience orchids are always healthier when grown into big plants
even if they start to look untidy with roots outside the pot but the bigger
growing ones will eventually need to be split up as above. As it says, don't
just take one bit and expect that to grow on, split the plant as you would a
herbaceous perennial.
If you cut off a bit without roots and try to grow it (a cutting) I don't
think it would work. (Might do in a Lab)
If you tell us what sort of orchid you are talking about we could perhaps
give specific answers.

Saw some lovely Disa's today, chap grows them hydroponically and also
germinates and grows from his own seed. Don't you just hate some people. :-)
Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK

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