#1   Report Post  
Old 18-03-2003, 09:44 AM
Graeme Hinchliffe
Posts: n/a
Default Privett Hedge trimming

I am new to gardening in general, so please excuse my lack of knowledge
in this area. My Wife and I have bought a property which has a hedge at
the border. The hedge in it's heyday was approximately 8 feet tall and
3-4 feet thick, unfortunately before we bought the property it was cut
right back to the trunks.

We have been living in the house for approximately 3 years now and the
hedge has grown back to around 1-2 feet high and at it's widest 4 feet
thick. ideally we would like to get the hedge back to 6 feet tall and
dence asap to regain some privacy on our front.

Are there any tips people could give me that would help in getting this
hedge back into a thickley built tall hedge again. I have tried
allowing it grow and only trimming the sides of the hedge not the top,
but this has left the hedge looking a bit bedraggled and it doesn't seem
to have much density to it, and seems loose.

Should I be trimming off the majority of the top growth to encourge a
more dense growth and only allowing a couple of inches of new growth
with each trim?

Also how often should I trim the hedge? I have read that you should
have it slighly slopped on the sides so allow good light to the lower
branches and stop snow from damaging upper branches, but nothing on how
to get the hedge to become more densly packed and gain height.

Thanks for your time and help.

Graeme Hinchliffe

  #2   Report Post  
Old 18-03-2003, 09:44 AM
Paul Kelly
Posts: n/a
Default Privett Hedge trimming

"Graeme Hinchliffe" wrote in message

Are there any tips people could give me that would help in getting this
hedge back into a thickley built tall hedge again. I have tried
allowing it grow and only trimming the sides of the hedge not the top,
but this has left the hedge looking a bit bedraggled and it doesn't seem
to have much density to it, and seems loose.

Should I be trimming off the majority of the top growth to encourge a
more dense growth and only allowing a couple of inches of new growth
with each trim?

Also how often should I trim the hedge? I have read that you should
have it slighly slopped on the sides so allow good light to the lower
branches and stop snow from damaging upper branches, but nothing on how
to get the hedge to become more densly packed and gain height.

Over the years your hedge has depleted the ground below it of much of its
nutrient value and ahe ground has no doubt become compacted, plus in active
growth the hedge needs loads of water.

now you want it to grow like a youngster in fres soil again!

If it were mine i'd:

1. Loosen the soil on both sides with a srtong garden fork.

2. work a good general shrub fertilizer into the loosened soil.

3. Mulch heavly with manure/mushroom compost every year

4. Install a leaky hose on a 1hr per day timer or give a really good soak
once a week.


  #3   Report Post  
Old 19-03-2003, 02:32 AM
Graeme Hinchliffe
Posts: n/a
Default Privett Hedge trimming

Over the years your hedge has depleted the ground below it of much of its
nutrient value and ahe ground has no doubt become compacted, plus in active
growth the hedge needs loads of water.

now you want it to grow like a youngster in fres soil again!

If it were mine i'd:

1. Loosen the soil on both sides with a srtong garden fork.

This could be problematic, there is a wall on one side, but I guess
loosening it up on one side is better than not at all. Is there any
risk of damaging the hedge if I hit the roots with the fork? Or are
they pretty resilient to this? Should I fork close to the base or start
a short distanct away (like I said I am new to this)

2. work a good general shrub fertilizer into the loosened soil.

3. Mulch heavly with manure/mushroom compost every year

4. Install a leaky hose on a 1hr per day timer or give a really good soak
once a week.

Should I water it even if it has been raining? or would you say this is
not necissary? only on drier weeks?

Many thanks for your hints. Give me something to get stuck in with this


  #4   Report Post  
Old 22-03-2003, 07:56 PM
Simon Avery
Posts: n/a
Default Privett Hedge trimming

Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:

Hello Graeme

GH Are there any tips people could give me that would
GH help in getting this hedge back into a thickley built tall
GH hedge again. I have tried allowing it grow and only
GH trimming the sides of the hedge not the top, but this has
GH left the hedge looking a bit bedraggled and it doesn't seem
GH to have much density to it, and seems loose.

Light feeding and generous watering should do the trick.

GH Should I be trimming off the majority of the top
GH growth to encourge a more dense growth and only allowing a
GH couple of inches of new growth with each trim?

Look at the hedge before you cut. You'll see a natural line - above
which are only straggly bits, and below is denser. Cut there.

GH Also how often should I trim the hedge? I have read
GH that you should have it slighly slopped on the sides so
GH allow good light to the lower branches and stop snow from
GH damaging upper branches, but nothing on how to get the hedge
GH to become more densly packed and gain height.

Generally you cut a hedge lightly, only trimming the outline until
it's reached the required heighth and width. Then you pick a level and
stick with it, trimming back to the same spot each time. (No more or
it'll expose brown). Once you're doing this then it'll thicken
significantly and you're well underway. 3 or 4 cuts during the

One note though - don't let it go too wide. 3' is ideal as you can
then reach from one side. My long privet hedge here is too thick at
about 5' and it's an utter bugger to trim from one side. Less of an
issue if you can get to both sides, but do keep in mind future

Once established, cut twice a year or so. More if you don't like it

Simon Avery, Dartmoor, UK Ý http://www.digdilem.org/

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