- Dendrochilum williamsii
- Dendrobium bulbophylloides
- Cymbidium goeringii
- Coelia bella
- Trichopilia Elizabeth Ann
- Nice Phrag. - phragmipediumstpeter.jpg (1/1) [153K]
- Spathoglottis kimballiana
- Bletilla striata albescens
- test
- Bulb. sp. in bud
- Phrag. wallisii
- Paph. philippinensis
- Dendrochilum filiforme
- Cypripedium calceolus var parviflorum - 2 photos
- C. gaskelliana
- Lc. Canhamiana
- Trichopilia marginata
- Pelorism? x2
- Rhododendron fallacinum
- Paphiopedilum javanicum virens
- The nightlife at Mt K
- Eria robusta x 2
- Cryptostylis aff arachnites x 2
- Coelogyne moultonii x 2
- Bulbophyllum sopoetanense
- Bulbophyllum catenarium
- Cyp. kentuckiense from the side view
- Cypripedium kentuckiense
- LAST ONE - Website Update Inside - Paphiopedilum acmodontum 'Round Top' - lovely pale pink and chartreuse
- Odontocidium Ecuador - lovely spots
- Odontoglossum Black Diamond - dark wine colored blotches
- Paphiopedilum niveum - pure as the driven snow
- Oncidium concolor - yellow head-turning ruffles
- Pleione species - glowing pink fabulousness
- Sarcochilus harmannii - White faces of happiness
- Rhynchostele cervantesii - spectacular glowing pink/purple
- Trias picta - odd triangular pink spotted flower - Bulbophyllum relative
- Masdevallia notosibirica - undulating waves of pink
- Goodyera oblongifolia - Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid - from Mt. Tam, Marin County
- Dickasonia vernicosa - Lovely cascading crystalline white flowers
- Dendrophylax lindenii - famous 'Ghost Orchid' from southern Florida
- Dendrobim schrautii - frilly orange lip
- Cryptochilus lutea - beautiful strange yellow flowers
- Centroglossa macroceras - lovely mini crystal bowls
- Corallorhiza maculata - lovely spotted 'saprophyte' from Mount Tamalpais
- Cochlioda noezliana - spectacular orange/aurea form
- Chrysocycnis schlimii - extremely rare Stanhopea relative
- Calypso bulbosa v. occidentalis - cute pink terrestrial from the northern hemisphere
- Bulbophyllum sumatranum - Lovely spots, stripes, and rusty red tones
- Bulbophyllum smitinandii - golden tones and odd angles
- Bulbophyllum hamatipes - cute bowlegged yellow species
- Bulbophyllum affine - lotsa flowers!
- Bulbophyllum affine - stunning stripes
- Bulbophyllum aff. mastersianum - luscious gold and red
- Please help identify! (1/1)
- Please help identify! (0/1)
- Vanda luzonica
- Paraphalaenopsis serpentilingua (2 plants)
- Oncidium leleni
- Lemboglossum maculatum
- Laelia tenebrosa
- Epidendrum ilense
- ABG Bog Gardens
- A few from ABG - Cymbidium chloranthum
- C. Heathii a closeup
- C. Heathii
- Paph niveum
- Paph primulinum
- Broughtonia sanguinea v aurea
- Broughtonia sanguinea
- Paph. Hsinying Majakun
- vinicolor paphs
- Paph. philippinense
- Paph. Vanda M. Pearman
- Paph. Lynleigh Koopowitz
- Paph. niveum
- Paph. bellatulum
- Phrag. Schroderae
- Phrag. wallisii
- Phal. Dotty Woodson
- C. Tsiku Wedding
- Angraecum hybrid
- Cirr wendlandianum
- Another White - paphdeperle.jpg (1/1) [111K]
- A Nice White - catthawaiianweddingsong.jpg (1/1) [159K]
- Purple & Pink Vandas
- Orchid Group Shot x2
- Nakamotoara x2
- Kirchara Purple Mae
- Den loddigessii basket
- Coelogyne ochracea x2
- C. Kathleen Clark - in camouflage!
- Asctm ampullaceum v auratum
- Ascda Princess Mikasa
- Beauty and the beast
- Plocoglottis acuminata X 2
- Paphiopedilum sanderianum Long Langsat x 4
- Paphiopedilum sanderianum Burial Cave X 5
- Mulu panorama 3 and paphs in situ x 3
- Mulu Airport
- Malaxis punctata x 2
- Liparis aff aurantiorbiculata 3
- Lecanorchis multiflora X 3 myco-heterotrophic growth
- Coelogyne verrucosa
- Coelogyne swaniana x 3
- Coelogyne peltastes
- Bulbophyllum auratum
- Opening of C. Kathleen Clark
- Vanda crossed with Ascda.
- Beallara Tahoma Glacier x Miltonia William Kirch
- Kirchara Purple Mae
- Cym. Gwen Sherman
- Den Summer Sunrise
- Pelatantheria insectifera
- Pelatantheria ctenoglossum
- Vanilla planifolia
- Vanilla Buds
- Kirchara CloseUp
- Kirchara Purple Mae - Another repeat?
- Another shot of Cym. Gwen Sherman
- C. percivaliana x Lynn Spencer
- Vanda hybrids x 2
- Spathoglottis plicata 1b
- Renanthera sp aff storeii
- phalaenopsis bellina 1
- Grammatophyllum scriptum 2
- Dyakia hendersoniana x 2
- Dendrobium Gatton Sunray x 2
- Dendrobium dearei Borneon frm = ovipostoriferum x 2
- Cycnoches pentadactylon
- Cycnoches herrenhusanum x 2
- Catasetum NOID x 2
- Bulbophyllum elephantinum
- Bulbophyllum putidum
- Another Brunsfelsia in my garden
- Paph. World Tour
- Cyp. acaule
- Dendrobium wentianum x 2
- First flowering of aerides X 3
- Den aggregatum
- Cym. aloifolium-simulans
- Ansellia africana
- Acianthus pusillus
- Acianthus pusillus colony
- Vanda tessellata x 2
- Vanda luzonica 1
- Papilionanthe aff teres
- Nepenthes ampullaria X 2
- Arundina graminifolia x 2
- Hummer Chicks at 15 days old. Last one.
- Hummer Chicks at 13 days old.
- Hummer Chicks Pics 4 Y'all & Gene
- Wendy....I want more H-bird Pictures!
- Sarchochilus Cherie X hirticalcar
- Galeandra dives x 3
- Dendrobium cucumerinum x 2
- Cycnodes Wine Delight x 2
- Dendrobium Anns Rainbow Surprise
- Habenaria dentata x 4
- Stealing Eric's thunder
- Bc. Sunny Delight 'Maj'
- Brassavola perinii
- Help with archives?
- Onc. Perrera's Choice
- Onc. Ole CLOSE up
- Onc Ole cross
- Onc. Kitty Crocker cross
- Onc. Native Dancer
- A Chain of Blooming Tolumnias
- Orchis Cactus - "Orchid Cactus - resize.JPG" 159.4 kBytes yEnc
- Vanda ustii
- Vanda tesselata X 2
- Paraphalaenopsis denevei
- Thecopus secunda x 4
- Vanda sumatrana
- Vanda luzonica x 2
- Vanda noid
- Psychopsis papillio
- Phalaenopsis borneensis
- phalaenopsis bellina x 4
- Paphiopedilum stonei x 3
- Malleola sp aff insectifera 1
- Dendrobium sp aff lampongense x 2
- Peaks at the nursery x 2
- Dendrobium dearei Borneon frm = ovipostoriferum x 3
- Dendrobium capitaliflorum
- Dendrobium bracteosum Alba x 3
- Dendrobium bracteosum Pink X 3
- Calanthe vestita
- Maxillaria tenuifolia
- Maxillaria tenuifolia
- Den kingianum alba?
- Cym No Name
- Cymbidium Unknown
- Cym Unknown
- C. percivaliana x Lynn Spencer
- Cym madidum close up.
- Cym madidum
- Acianthus fornicatus - 2 photos - 2 files [1/1]
- Eriochilus autumnalis - 2 photos - 2 files [1/1]
- Acianthus amplexicaulis - Acianthus amplexicaulis.JPG [1/1]
- Eplc. Hsinying Orange 'Ching Hua'
- Orchids of New Guinea
- Blc. Ronald Hausermann
- Epicat. Rene Marquez
- Cym. Blue River
- Just opening
- My Jungle *G*
- Borneo - nasties in the jungle 4
- Borneo - nasties in the jungle 3
- Borneo - nasties in the jungle 2
- Borneo - nasties in the jungle 1
- Question for the travelers and bush walkers
- Borneo: Unknown 'Saprophyte' from Kinabalu
- Borneo: Trichotosia ferox - orange fuzz for days!
- Borneo: Trichoglottis smithii - my new favorite Trichoglottis
- Borneo: Trichoglottis collenetteae - more spotting to die for
- Borneo: Pteroceras fraternum - spectacular spotting
- Borneo: Phreatia species - flower closeup
- Borneo: Phreatia species - elegant habit
- Borneo: Pholidota sigmatochilus - crystalline white with green column
- Borneo: Phalaenopsis fuscata - love that scalloped lip!
- Borneo: Paphiopedilum volonteanum - Droopy petals
- Borneo: Paphiopedilum javanicum var. virens - Habit shot
- Borneo: Paphiopedilum javanicum var. virens - simply stunning
- Borneo: Oberonia species - high in a tree
- Borneo: Malaxis punctata - Glowing hot pink flowers
- Borneo: Liparis lobongensis - cute orange flower
- Borneo: Hippeophyllum species - interesting growth habit
- Borneo: Flickingeria xantholeuca - Interesting creamy yellow
- Borneo: Habenaria lobbii - striking green terrestrial
- Borneo: Cryptostylis clemensii - interesting terrestrial
- Borneo: Coelogyne swaniana - white necklace orchid
- Borneo: Coelogyne cuprea - gorgeous copper orange
- Borneo: Chelonistele lurida - Brilliant yellow/orange patterns
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum taeter - interesting bloom habit
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum sopoetanense - Lovely peachy yellow flowers
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum ovalifolium - single flower - cute cute!
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum ovalifolium colony
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum membranifolium - flower closeup
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum membranifolium - Large flowered orange species
- Borneo: Bulbophyllum claptonense - brilliant orange
- Borneo: Anoectochilus albolineatus - jewel orchid flowers
- Borneo: Anoectochilus albolineatus - jewel orchid
- ID 4 me please
- Bulbophyllum macphersonii
- Hummer Chicks at 6 days old
- Off Topic - Nest in Cage
- Graham Fibbed!
- New species: Elijah nichols-tansonii