- Help! - ID guatemalan orchid
- Chysis bractescens
- Cym aloifolium x2
- C skinneri 'Heiti Jacobs' FCC/AOS
- C luddemannia coerulea X Whiteae coerulea x2
- C leuddemanniana Coastal Form
- Blc Orange Nugget 'Kadoka' X LC Rojo 'Carson's'
- Blc Nugget Dr Hall X BLC Jewell x2
- B digbyana 'Laura' X B.d. 'Mrs Chase' x2
- Asctm miniatum x2
- Asctm ampullaceum x3
- Ascda Su-Fun Beauty 'Orange Belle'2
- Paph Salvadore Dali ???
- ID needed please???
- Screen grab - orchid data base - iData3.jpg (1/1) [84K]
- A new Purchase 2nd post
- Collection database
- V. Fuch's Fortune with flash
- V. Fuch's Fortune ?????
- Den. Momi Cummins - Attn Dave D U
- Den kingianum alba form
- Chinese orchids
- A new Purchase
- Then I said . . . . . . .
- Angraecum sedifolium
- Vandirea Newberry Jasmine x3
- V teres 'Candida' X Amesiana 'Crestwood' x3
- Tol Popoki 'Mitzi' HCC/AOS
- Slc Best Friend 'Cleopatra'
- Phaius grandifolium alba X tankervillae x3
- Lctna Peggy Show 'Hawaii'
- Haemaria discolor x2
- Epi Tangerine King
- Epi Red Velvet
- Epi secundum White Beauty
- Den kingianum album
- Den Golden Aya x4
- Den anosum x2
- Cym Woody Wilson 'Ann' X Vogelsang 'Eastborne' 4N
- Cym Rose Armstrong 'Sunrae' X Sleeping Beauty 'Solana Gold'
- Cym Lady Bug 'Drumm' x2
- Cym Dorothy Rowe 'Showoff' X Hazel Tyers 'Santa Maria'
- Ctsm Grace Dunn
- C skinneri 'Heiti Jacobs' FCC/AOS
- C luddemannia coerulea X Whiteae coerulea day3
- C luddemannia Coastal Form
- Bl Yellow Bird
- Asctm ampullaceum x2
- Ascda Su-Fun Beauty 'Orange Belle x2
- Greenhouse fire pictures
- Ascocentrum ampullaceum - 2 pics
- Phal Millie's Pure Heart - millie1.jpg (1/1)
- See rgo....
- Lc Carolyn Reid 'Glowing Embers' x2
- Lc Carolyn Reid 'Glowing Embers' x2
- Cym Sweetheart 'Sensation'
- Cym Street Hawk x2
- Cym aloifolium
- Calanthe Rozel
- C luddemanniana
- Bulb Ambrosia x2
- Blc Hsinying Catherine 'Hakucho' x2
- Bl Morning Glory H&R x2
- Another shot of leuchorroda
- Phal. leuchorroda
- P. Brother Tai x P. Malibu Imp
- Phal amabilis
- Mentors
- Lc. Barbara Belle
- Jumellea arachnantha
- Den. speciosum another shot
- Mini Cymbidium Unknown
- Vero Beach Orchid Show
- Bc. North Miami
- Hibiscus - Rose of China
- Good Bloom - blmorningglory.jpg (1/1) [177K]
- Lc. Secret Love
- Golden Fantasy up close
- Den. Golden Fantasy
- Also because it's a little slow...
- Den. speciosum 'Moonlight x Royal Purple'
- Den. speciosum CloseUp
- It's slow & quiet here, so some more of the same!
- Cymbidiums
- Lc. Rojo
- Den aggregatum
- aggregatum
- Lc. Gold Digger
- Paph (Onyx x Grand Illusion)
- Sarco harmanii
- A few new shots
- A Den kingianum
- C . aurantiaca
- Tolumnia Drum Village Reef
- Tolumnia Drum Village Reef
- Any guesses?
- Dial Snowflake
- Den. speciosum - Closer
- Another Den speciosum cross
- Den. speciosum a closeup
- Den. speciosum
- Dendrobium aggregatum
- Ping Tom
- Happy Birthday, Wendy!!!
- Sixty Five Today!! A follow up after Diana - Off Topic.
- Blc Liese Pigors x Lc Drumbeat 'Triumph' AM/AOS
- Barkeria dorotheae
- Dialaelia for Tennis
- Dendrobium for Dave D/U
- For the species catt lovers.
- Green hanging cymbidiums
- Lc. Barbara Belle - barbarabelle.jpg (1/1) [142K]
- Living wall at Rutgers - Sort of OT
- Bulbophyllum macphersonii
- large flower stalk
- Pescoranthes Heaven's Bank
- Lc. Mildred Rives - A closeup.
- Lc. Mildred Rives
- It's raining here - L. Ancibarina
- Den. Super Ise
- C. intermedia alba x C. Elizabeth Carlson
- Angcm. Veitchii
- orchids
- Aspley OS Show - Oberonia complanata
- Aspley OS Show - D. schneiderae
- Aspley OS Show - D. bigibbum
- Aspley OS Show - D. Spiral Gem
- Aspley OS Show - Bulbophyllum aurantiacum (schillerianum)
- Aspley OS Show - Dendrobium Maid of Gloucester
- Wildly OT, but amusing
- L. Santa Barbara Sunset 'Peaches' - lsbsp.jpg (1/1) [161K]
- Paph. Leopard Prince
- Pot. Spanish Eyes
- Blc Tainan Gold
- Some Catt crosses
- Phalaenopsis
- Phrag Noirman
- More plants at the show
- Vanda lamellata??
- Fascination of Orchids -Hearts.
- Fascination of Orchids C10
- Fascination of Orchids C14
- Fascination of Orchids C22
- Fascination of Orchids C16
- Fascination of Orchids-C18
- Fascination of Orchids C19
- Fascination of Orchids C30
- Fascination of Orchids- More Ribbons!
- Fascination of Orchids - P. Nitens
- Fascination of Orchids
- Fascination of Orchids H5
- Fascination of Orchids Show H1
- OK, Dave G. It happened. (3 pics)
- Two Cymbidium Nut Plants
- Sinningia leucotricha
- Another Shot
- Another Schom Hybrid
- Another Look
- Laelia Lookalike
- Pancake Tuesday tomorrow
- Blc Copper Queen
- Orange Epi Weed
- It's Orange Time - Lc. Straight Answer
- Peloric or Not. . . . Again!
- Peloric or not?
- re: 19WOC
- Last of the WOC photos
- More 19 WOC
- 19 WOC
- WOC Pics
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 10th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- 19th World Orchid Conference
- When to repot? 101
- Rhyncostylis Gigantea
- Psychopsis papilio
- Bc. Mai Kai 'Improved'
- Closeup of flowers
- L. anceps x C. Summer Stars-The whole plant.
- Schombolaelia
- Angraecum ID?
- Virus?
- Saved by 1st Ray's S/H
- unknown x2
- V Sansai Blue 'Meechai'
- Prom xanthina 'L & R' X 'Mountain'
- Promenaea xanthina 'L & R' X 'Mountain'
- Phal equestris basket
- Orchid group
- Neofinetia falcata.'Icy Fingers' X V 'Sally Roth x3
- Epc Fireball 'Enewetok'
- Encyclia garciana (Anacheilum garcianum)
- Den Starlet Beauty 'Robsan'
- C Joan Lines 'Jean'
- Blc Momiloni Rainbow 'The Gypsy
- Bc Island Charm 'OC'
- Barkeria Lindleyana x2
- C. intermedia
- Lc Barbara Belle another shot
- Lc. Barbara Belle
- L. anceps x C. Summer Stars
- L. anceps Santa Barbara Sunset
- Barkeria whartonianum closeup
- Barkeria whartonianum
- Barkeria dorotheae
- Zygo triste 'Deni' closeup
- V lamellata v remediosae x2
- Tol Sniffen 'Jennifer Dauro' X Onc Barbie 'Strawberry Delight'
- Sophronitis cernua x3
- Slc Carolina Sunrise
- Rdza secunda 'Akiikii'
- Phal hieroglyphica X self
- Phal Golden Buddha X Carmela's Wild Thing
- Phal amboiensis x2
- Paph High Charles
- Ornithophora radicans x3
- Oncidium Ruffles
- Lc Secret Love 'Hsinying'
- Lc Rosie's Surprise 'Hawaii'
- Lc Ptarmigan Ridge 'Mendenhall' x2
- Lc Newberry Pixie Cherokee
- Lc Mini Purple 'Tasami'
- Lc Jungle Beau 'LakeLand'
- Lc C.G. Roebling 'Sentinel'
- Laelia aurea
- Intruder in the Phals
- Dtps Lonnie Morris 'Nationwide' AM/AOS
- Dtps Kenneth Schubert coerulea
- Den wallisi
- Den Waianae Valley 'Ruffles
- Den Unknown Pink
- Den Minnie Pearl
- Cyc barthiorum x2
- Colm Wildcat Doris
- Catyclia Utuado Beauty X [C Gold Metal X Enc tampense]
- C Swan Lake 'Cimmaron Valley' AM/AOS X C Joan Lines 'Jean' AM/AOS
- C Portia coerulea 'Sir Jeremiah Coleman'