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  1. Help! - ID guatemalan orchid
  2. Chysis bractescens
  3. Cym aloifolium x2
  4. C skinneri 'Heiti Jacobs' FCC/AOS
  5. C luddemannia coerulea X Whiteae coerulea x2
  6. C leuddemanniana Coastal Form
  7. Blc Orange Nugget 'Kadoka' X LC Rojo 'Carson's'
  8. Blc Nugget Dr Hall X BLC Jewell x2
  9. B digbyana 'Laura' X B.d. 'Mrs Chase' x2
  10. Asctm miniatum x2
  11. Asctm ampullaceum x3
  12. Ascda Su-Fun Beauty 'Orange Belle'2
  13. Paph Salvadore Dali ???
  14. ID needed please???
  15. Screen grab - orchid data base - iData3.jpg (1/1) [84K]
  16. A new Purchase 2nd post
  17. Collection database
  18. V. Fuch's Fortune with flash
  19. V. Fuch's Fortune ?????
  20. Den. Momi Cummins - Attn Dave D U
  21. Den kingianum alba form
  22. Chinese orchids
  23. A new Purchase
  24. Then I said . . . . . . .
  25. Angraecum sedifolium
  26. Vandirea Newberry Jasmine x3
  27. V teres 'Candida' X Amesiana 'Crestwood' x3
  28. Tol Popoki 'Mitzi' HCC/AOS
  29. Slc Best Friend 'Cleopatra'
  30. Phaius grandifolium alba X tankervillae x3
  31. Lctna Peggy Show 'Hawaii'
  32. Haemaria discolor x2
  33. Epi Tangerine King
  34. Epi Red Velvet
  35. Epi secundum White Beauty
  36. Den kingianum album
  37. Den Golden Aya x4
  38. Den anosum x2
  39. Cym Woody Wilson 'Ann' X Vogelsang 'Eastborne' 4N
  40. Cym Rose Armstrong 'Sunrae' X Sleeping Beauty 'Solana Gold'
  41. Cym Lady Bug 'Drumm' x2
  42. Cym Dorothy Rowe 'Showoff' X Hazel Tyers 'Santa Maria'
  43. Ctsm Grace Dunn
  44. C skinneri 'Heiti Jacobs' FCC/AOS
  45. C luddemannia coerulea X Whiteae coerulea day3
  46. C luddemannia Coastal Form
  47. Bl Yellow Bird
  48. Asctm ampullaceum x2
  49. Ascda Su-Fun Beauty 'Orange Belle x2
  50. Greenhouse fire pictures
  51. Ascocentrum ampullaceum - 2 pics
  52. Phal Millie's Pure Heart - millie1.jpg (1/1)
  53. See rgo....
  54. Lc Carolyn Reid 'Glowing Embers' x2
  55. Lc Carolyn Reid 'Glowing Embers' x2
  56. Cym Sweetheart 'Sensation'
  57. Cym Street Hawk x2
  58. Cym aloifolium
  59. Calanthe Rozel
  60. C luddemanniana
  61. Bulb Ambrosia x2
  62. Blc Hsinying Catherine 'Hakucho' x2
  63. Bl Morning Glory H&R x2
  64. Another shot of leuchorroda
  65. Phal. leuchorroda
  66. P. Brother Tai x P. Malibu Imp
  67. Phal amabilis
  68. Mentors
  69. Lc. Barbara Belle
  70. Jumellea arachnantha
  71. Den. speciosum another shot
  72. Mini Cymbidium Unknown
  73. Vero Beach Orchid Show
  74. Bc. North Miami
  75. Hibiscus - Rose of China
  76. Good Bloom - blmorningglory.jpg (1/1) [177K]
  77. Lc. Secret Love
  78. Golden Fantasy up close
  79. Den. Golden Fantasy
  80. Also because it's a little slow...
  81. Den. speciosum 'Moonlight x Royal Purple'
  82. Den. speciosum CloseUp
  83. It's slow & quiet here, so some more of the same!
  84. Cymbidiums
  85. Lc. Rojo
  86. Den aggregatum
  87. aggregatum
  88. Lc. Gold Digger
  89. Paph (Onyx x Grand Illusion)
  90. Sarco harmanii
  91. A few new shots
  92. A Den kingianum
  93. C . aurantiaca
  94. Tolumnia Drum Village Reef
  95. Tolumnia Drum Village Reef
  96. Any guesses?
  97. Dial Snowflake
  98. Den. speciosum - Closer
  99. Another Den speciosum cross
  100. Den. speciosum a closeup
  101. Den. speciosum
  102. Dendrobium aggregatum
  103. Ping Tom
  104. Happy Birthday, Wendy!!!
  105. Sixty Five Today!! A follow up after Diana - Off Topic.
  106. Blc Liese Pigors x Lc Drumbeat 'Triumph' AM/AOS
  107. Barkeria dorotheae
  108. Dialaelia for Tennis
  109. Dendrobium for Dave D/U
  110. For the species catt lovers.
  111. Green hanging cymbidiums
  112. Lc. Barbara Belle - barbarabelle.jpg (1/1) [142K]
  113. Living wall at Rutgers - Sort of OT
  114. Bulbophyllum macphersonii
  115. large flower stalk
  116. Pescoranthes Heaven's Bank
  117. Lc. Mildred Rives - A closeup.
  118. Lc. Mildred Rives
  119. It's raining here - L. Ancibarina
  120. Den. Super Ise
  121. C. intermedia alba x C. Elizabeth Carlson
  122. Angcm. Veitchii
  123. orchids
  124. Aspley OS Show - Oberonia complanata
  125. Aspley OS Show - D. schneiderae
  126. Aspley OS Show - D. bigibbum
  127. Aspley OS Show - D. Spiral Gem
  128. Aspley OS Show - Bulbophyllum aurantiacum (schillerianum)
  129. Aspley OS Show - Dendrobium Maid of Gloucester
  130. Wildly OT, but amusing
  131. L. Santa Barbara Sunset 'Peaches' - lsbsp.jpg (1/1) [161K]
  132. Paph. Leopard Prince
  133. Pot. Spanish Eyes
  134. Blc Tainan Gold
  135. Some Catt crosses
  136. Phalaenopsis
  137. Phrag Noirman
  138. More plants at the show
  139. Vanda lamellata??
  140. Fascination of Orchids -Hearts.
  141. Fascination of Orchids C10
  142. Fascination of Orchids C14
  143. Fascination of Orchids C22
  144. Fascination of Orchids C16
  145. Fascination of Orchids-C18
  146. Fascination of Orchids C19
  147. Fascination of Orchids C30
  148. Fascination of Orchids- More Ribbons!
  149. Fascination of Orchids - P. Nitens
  150. Fascination of Orchids
  151. Fascination of Orchids H5
  152. Fascination of Orchids Show H1
  153. OK, Dave G. It happened. (3 pics)
  154. Two Cymbidium Nut Plants
  155. Sinningia leucotricha
  156. Another Shot
  157. Another Schom Hybrid
  158. Another Look
  159. Laelia Lookalike
  160. Pancake Tuesday tomorrow
  161. Blc Copper Queen
  162. Orange Epi Weed
  163. It's Orange Time - Lc. Straight Answer
  164. Peloric or Not. . . . Again!
  165. Peloric or not?
  166. re: 19WOC
  167. Last of the WOC photos
  168. More 19 WOC
  169. 19 WOC
  170. WOC Pics
  171. 19th World Orchid Conference
  172. 19th World Orchid Conference
  173. 19th World Orchid Conference
  174. 19th World Orchid Conference
  175. 19th World Orchid Conference
  176. 19th World Orchid Conference
  177. 19th World Orchid Conference
  178. 19th World Orchid Conference
  179. 19th World Orchid Conference
  180. 19th World Orchid Conference
  181. 19th World Orchid Conference
  182. 10th World Orchid Conference
  183. 19th World Orchid Conference
  184. 19th World Orchid Conference
  185. 19th World Orchid Conference
  186. 19th World Orchid Conference
  187. When to repot? 101
  188. Rhyncostylis Gigantea
  189. Psychopsis papilio
  190. Bc. Mai Kai 'Improved'
  191. Closeup of flowers
  192. L. anceps x C. Summer Stars-The whole plant.
  193. Schombolaelia
  194. Angraecum ID?
  195. Virus?
  196. Saved by 1st Ray's S/H
  197. unknown x2
  198. V Sansai Blue 'Meechai'
  199. Prom xanthina 'L & R' X 'Mountain'
  200. Promenaea xanthina 'L & R' X 'Mountain'
  201. Phal equestris basket
  202. Orchid group
  203. Neofinetia falcata.'Icy Fingers' X V 'Sally Roth x3
  204. Epc Fireball 'Enewetok'
  205. Encyclia garciana (Anacheilum garcianum)
  206. Den Starlet Beauty 'Robsan'
  207. C Joan Lines 'Jean'
  208. Blc Momiloni Rainbow 'The Gypsy
  209. Bc Island Charm 'OC'
  210. Barkeria Lindleyana x2
  211. C. intermedia
  212. Lc Barbara Belle another shot
  213. Lc. Barbara Belle
  214. L. anceps x C. Summer Stars
  215. L. anceps Santa Barbara Sunset
  216. Barkeria whartonianum closeup
  217. Barkeria whartonianum
  218. Barkeria dorotheae
  219. Zygo triste 'Deni' closeup
  220. V lamellata v remediosae x2
  221. Tol Sniffen 'Jennifer Dauro' X Onc Barbie 'Strawberry Delight'
  222. Sophronitis cernua x3
  223. Slc Carolina Sunrise
  224. Rdza secunda 'Akiikii'
  225. Phal hieroglyphica X self
  226. Phal Golden Buddha X Carmela's Wild Thing
  227. Phal amboiensis x2
  228. Paph High Charles
  229. Ornithophora radicans x3
  230. Oncidium Ruffles
  231. Lc Secret Love 'Hsinying'
  232. Lc Rosie's Surprise 'Hawaii'
  233. Lc Ptarmigan Ridge 'Mendenhall' x2
  234. Lc Newberry Pixie Cherokee
  235. Lc Mini Purple 'Tasami'
  236. Lc Jungle Beau 'LakeLand'
  237. Lc C.G. Roebling 'Sentinel'
  238. Laelia aurea
  239. Intruder in the Phals
  240. Dtps Lonnie Morris 'Nationwide' AM/AOS
  241. Dtps Kenneth Schubert coerulea
  242. Den wallisi
  243. Den Waianae Valley 'Ruffles
  244. Den Unknown Pink
  245. Den Minnie Pearl
  246. Cyc barthiorum x2
  247. Colm Wildcat Doris
  248. Catyclia Utuado Beauty X [C Gold Metal X Enc tampense]
  249. C Swan Lake 'Cimmaron Valley' AM/AOS X C Joan Lines 'Jean' AM/AOS
  250. C Portia coerulea 'Sir Jeremiah Coleman'