View Full Version : Garden Photos

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  1. Test Post
  2. Test - Pix from My Garden - IMG_00141.jpg 197 (1/1)
  3. Test - Pix from My Garden - IMG_43721cc2.jpg 214 (1/1)
  4. Test - Pix from My Garden - IMG_00841.jpg 189 (1/1)
  5. Shasta Daisy
  6. Tomato Flowers
  7. Basil
  8. Friend or Foe? - friend or Foe..JPG
  9. Wild Iris
  10. Yucca 2
  11. Yucca?
  12. Hawk Moth - hawk moth.JPG (1/1)
  13. Please ID - monkeyflower?.JPG (1/1)
  14. Honeysuckle buds - honeysuckle buds.JPG (1/1)
  15. Crossvine - crossvine.jpg (1/1)
  16. Iris - iris.JPG (1/1)
  17. More Columbines - columbines.JPG (1/1)
  18. Golden-spurred Columbine - columbine.JPG (1/1)
  19. Two Acre Wood (Changes in the wind)
  20. Tulips 2 repost with pic
  21. Japanese Iris 2
  22. Japanese Iris 1
  23. Daylily 2
  24. Daylily 1
  25. Iris 3
  26. Iris 2
  27. Iris 1
  28. Tulips 2
  29. Tulips 1
  30. Pulsatilla
  31. Some Poppy Pix 6
  32. Some Poppy Pix 5
  33. Some Poppy Pix 4
  34. Some Poppy pix 3
  35. Some Poppy Pix 2
  36. Some Poppy Pix 1
  37. my garden ...
  38. Hibiscus
  39. White wildflowers
  40. Mantis eating a hummingbird
  41. DonJuanRoses
  42. Sunlit Rose - 1 attachment
  43. What kind of Iris? - Iris.jpg (1/1)
  44. What kind of Iris? - Iris.jpg (0/1)
  45. Peonies in a vase
  46. Peony
  47. Another - Centranthus_5384.jpg
  48. My Love is like a red, red - Rose_5389.jpg
  49. Today's Garden - Centranthus_5396.jpg
  50. Azaleas 3/3
  51. Azaleas 2/3
  52. Azaleas 1/3
  53. Rose
  54. Becky's Garden
  55. Not sure about the name of the plant
  56. Clematis
  57. Bletilla striata albescens
  58. Re: stemless clivia - any ideas? - PIC_0020.JPG (1/2)
  59. Red Geranium
  60. Face of an Iris
  61. Last Iris
  62. Rose - About Face - Close Up
  63. A rose of two colours
  64. Lily of the Nile
  65. Epiphyllum Hookeri
  66. Re: stemless clivia - any ideas? - PIC_0020.JPG (1/2)
  67. stemless clivia - any ideas? - PIC_0020.JPG (0/2)
  68. ID Help please - Shade plant
  69. Garden in Suzhou, China
  70. Iris - Iris_Oregon-Black--backlit.jpg
  71. Iris - Iris_Oregon-Black--normal-l.jpg
  72. Re: Unknown herbs # 3 and #4 - attached files (1/4)
  73. 2007-06-01-A - Passion Flower_5378.jpg
  74. Black Snake - BlackSnake_0012.JPG
  75. Lavender - Lavender_0001.JPG
  76. Daylilies - Daylilies_0002.JPG
  77. Batik Iris - 1 attachment
  78. test
  79. Re: tree peony - tree peony.jpg (01/12)
  80. Re: tree peony - tree peony.jpg (01/12)
  81. diascia - diascia.jpg
  82. diascia
  83. tree peony - tree peony.jpg (12/12)
  84. A hot day - Snapshots from the garden
  85. Eristalis tenax
  86. Re: Unknown Herb #2 - attached files (1/2)
  87. Another view of mystery plant
  88. What is this plant, please?
  89. Bill Rose
  90. Unknown Herb-1 - attached files (3/3)
  91. Unknown Herb-1 - attached files (1/3)
  92. Wildflower @ Zion
  93. China Flowers
  94. Two Acre Wood (Fledglings and Birdbaths)
  95. 2007-05-28-D - Delosperma_5361_1.jpg
  96. 2007-05-28-C - Pyrethrum_5357.jpg
  97. 2007-05-28-B - Rhododendron_5374.jpg
  98. 2007-05-28-A - Paeonia_5371.jpg
  99. best plants?
  100. Schlumbergera Bud
  101. Fem Rufous
  102. Imm Male Anna's @ feeder
  103. Epiphyllum King Midas
  104. Yellow Iris
  105. Some Iris clumps
  106. Small Purple Picotee Iris
  107. Salmon Pink Iris
  108. Purple Picotee Iris
  109. Purple & wihte iris
  110. Orris
  111. Light Blue Iris
  112. Golden Yellow Iris
  113. Blue & Purple Iris
  114. Imm Male Anna's in flight
  115. Fem Rufous in flight
  116. Fem Anna's in flight
  117. Help with ID Please ...
  118. One mighty sick little bird
  119. Hummingbird turns back to me
  120. Uh-oh --- I think I better tighten the cap
  121. Backlit hummer wings
  122. Male Anna's
  123. ID Please
  124. Schlumbergera 2/2
  125. Schlumbergera 1/2
  126. Amaryllis Grouping
  127. Iris Pictures From Chelsea Garden Show
  128. Two Acre Wood (Thankful)
  129. Immature Male Anna's Hummingbird in Air
  130. No photos!!
  131. Can anyone tell me what these plants are please?
  132. Oleander flower
  133. Society Garlic blossoms
  134. Inside a Magnolia Blossom
  135. Spring flowers
  136. Garden gate (0/1)
  137. Can we keep him? - Orange Daisy_5338.jpg
  138. A Sunny Little - Dahlia_5329.jpg
  139. My vegetable garden (small) - MyGarden051707small.JPG
  140. My vegetable garden - MyGarden051707.JPG (0/1)
  141. My vegetable garden 05-17-07 - MyGarden051707.JPG (0/1)
  142. Poinsettia Flower 2/2
  143. Poinsettia Flower 1/2
  144. Osteospermum barberiae
  145. Osteospermum
  146. Pink Epiphyllum
  147. I just had a magical experience
  148. To ID please
  149. Water Lily
  150. T. xiphioides
  151. T. straminea
  152. Tillandsia palecea
  153. Mandevilla
  154. Kirchara Purple Mae
  155. Unidentified hawk
  156. Pink Hibiscus
  157. Weed or Flower
  158. Rhododendrun
  159. Poppy2
  160. Poppy1
  161. Black Iris
  162. Iris2
  163. Iris1
  164. Begonia 'Dragon Wing'
  165. flowers
  166. My orchid cactus bloomed today - orchidcactus.jpg
  167. Plant ID Needed Please?
  168. Two Acre Wood (Hummingbirds and Butterflies)
  169. Re: iris garden022.jpg [1/9]
  170. Rhododendrons
  171. Irises
  172. Hummingbird babies - getting pretty big 2
  173. Hummingbird babies - getting pretty big - 1
  174. My Iridescent Epiphyllum
  175. Orange Epiphyllum
  176. Epiphyllum area
  177. Burgundy Daylily
  178. Another Epiphyllum
  179. Another Brunsfelsia in my garden
  180. Brunsfelsia Regal in my garden
  181. Iris
  182. Oriental poppy before the HEAT gets to them all........
  183. Baby hummers 2
  184. Baby hummers 1
  185. MoonFlowers
  186. Iris bed
  187. Anyone ID this pink-berry beauty?
  188. My 'almost' hummer picture
  189. Help identify this hummer, please
  190. A-tumble-of-color 3
  191. A-tumble-of-color 2
  192. A-tumble-of-color
  193. ID pls for a foliage plant
  194. Dahlia a big AAA type in a show.
  195. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Mother's Day Sunday Service Bulletin Cover, May 9, 2004 (Framed).jpg 292852 bytes
  196. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Hosanna! Palm Sunday Service Bulletin Cover, May 4, 2004 (Framed).jpg 276575 bytes
  197. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Front Elevation, Gardens, and Church Sign F.jpg 400551 bytes
  198. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Front Elevation & Gardens Southerly View F.jpg 288179 bytes
  199. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Father's Day Sunday Service Bulletin Cover, June 20, 2004 (Framed in Color).jpg 343062 bytes
  200. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Easter Sunday Service Bulletin Cover, April 11, 2004 (Framed in Color).jpg 336834 bytes
  201. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Confirmation Sunday Service Bulletin Cover, May 2, 2004 (Framed).jpg 276691 bytes
  202. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar, Lay Reader's Lecturn, & Pastor's Pulpit as Viewed from Balcony F.jpg 290002 bytes
  203. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar, Cross, & Christmas Decorations from Back of Sancturary, New Year's Day, 2006 Portrait 01.jpg 285854 bytes
  204. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar with Poinsettia Flower Pots, New Year's Day, 2006 01.jpg 282361 bytes
  205. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar in the Sanctuary F.jpg 264520 bytes
  206. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar Cross, Bible, and Flowers F.jpg 205021 bytes
  207. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar & Christmas Decorations New Year's Day, 2006 01.jpg 323599 bytes
  208. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar & Christmas Decorations from Balcony, New Year's Day, 2006 01.jpg 290213 bytes
  209. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C. Altar & Christmas Decorations from Back of Sancturary, New Year's Day, 2006 01.jpg 273135 bytes
  210. For Padraig: God's Way of Showing the Beauty of Flowers & Gardens - B.B.U.M.C Nativity Scene New Year's Day, 2006 01.jpg 322599 bytes
  211. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Strawberry Hot Air Balloon Advertising Cheesecake.jpg 139731 bytes
  212. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Steeply Angled Treel in Vondelpark, Amsterdam.jpg 322103 bytes
  213. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - South Central Nebraska Country Church.jpg 152910 bytes
  214. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Ron & Dave's Random Acts of Tooning - Crayon Colors, October 25, 2004.jpg 144931 bytes
  215. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - River Waterfall in Wooded Setting.jpg 291862 bytes
  216. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Maui, Hawaii Waterfalls.jpg 379628 bytes
  217. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Maui, Hawaii Giant Fern.jpg 292242 bytes
  218. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Mary's River Covered Bridge, Built 1854, near Chester, Illinois.jpg 510912 bytes
  219. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Keweenaw Peninsula, Copper Harbor, Michigan.jpg 207129 bytes
  220. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - House Suburban Neighborhood seen from Space.jpg 571816 bytes
  221. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Green Hills of Maui, Hawaii.jpg 288133 bytes
  222. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Flowing Water Over Rocks and Trees.jpg 510195 bytes
  223. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Flowering Crab Tree.jpg 425335 bytes
  224. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Flowering Crab Tree & Patio Furniture on Deck.jpg 353888 bytes
  225. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - De Zwaan Windmill, Holland, Michigan.jpg 417984 bytes
  226. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Commemorative 8 Cent Stamps, National Parks Centennial Old Faithful, Yellowstone Park.jpg 216963 bytes
  227. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Commemorative 6 Cent Stamps, National Parks Centennial, Wolf Trap Farm, Virginia.jpg 232134 bytes
  228. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Commemorative 2 Cent Stamps, National Parks Centennial, Cape Hatteras National Seashore.jpg 232672 bytes
  229. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Coffee Grinder Flower Planter, Bar Harbor, Maine.jpg 256100 bytes
  230. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Christmas_Tree.jpg 124209 bytes
  231. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts.jpg 368273 bytes
  232. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Big Bad Wolf Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virgina.jpg 460838 bytes
  233. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Berberis & Ribes Tree Flowers and Berries.jpg 244098 bytes
  234. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - Aerial View of Chrysler Headquarters, Highland Park, MI, Circa 198x.jpg 1601630 bytes
  235. For Padraig: different kinds of gardens & folliage - 1995 Neon Small Car Platform Team Celebration in Front of Chrysler Technology Center.jpg 292248 bytes
  236. For Padraig: One more way to show the beauty of spring buds on trees - 1 attachment
  237. For Padraig: more innovative ways to show flowering trees - 2 attachments
  238. For Padraig: A different way to display garden flowers - 1 attachment
  239. Fem Black Headed Grosbeak
  240. My walk each day.
  241. Two Acre Wood (SQUIRREL WARS)
  242. gazanie
  243. ID This Flower, Please
  244. Tomato patch
  245. Dahlia Mable Ann
  246. From Last Year
  247. Leaving
  248. Petunia-0179-2 of 2
  249. Petunia-0176-1 of 2
  250. Male House Finch @ Feeder