- A friends garden
- autumn leaves
- Time to repot my Jade Plant?
- Lilac blooming in November!
- Bug eaters
- Variegated Shell Ginger-4430-(Alpinia zerumbet)
- Red & White
- Wasp
- Unknown small white flower
- Red rose
- White Clematis
- Purple Clematis
- White Lily-4436
- Orange Hippeastrum-4432
- Bc. binosa
- A pink teahybrid
- Just some leaves.
- A little fall color - DSC_3979a.jpg (0/2)
- hoary morn
- Little yellow spider
- A close up of the blue ginger
- Blue Ginger
- Boophane again
- After the rain. Boophane
- Frangipani
- Hoya flower-3980
- Walking Iris-2184 (Neomarica gracilis)
- waterlily
- Lady Hummer 2
- Lady Hummer
- Backlit hummer wings
- My new hummingbird feeder
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden_Index.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0656a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0655a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0654a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0653a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0652a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0651a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0650a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0649a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0648a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0647a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0646a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0644a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0645a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0642a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0641a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0640a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0639a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0638a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0637a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0636a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0635a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0634a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0633a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0632a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0631a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0630a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0629a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0628a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0627a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0626a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0625a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0624a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0622a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0623a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0621a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0620a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0619a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0618a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [1/1]
- Topeka KS - E.F.A. Reinisch Memorial Rose Garden - July 12 - IMG_0618a-Reinisch_Memorial_Rose_Garden.jpg [0/1]
- 2 Tone Cyclamen
- Just some ferns in the sun. - DSC_3742a.jpg
- Katsura (0/2)
- Red Hibiscus
- Heavy machinery has damaged my lawn.
- Male goldfinch
- Raindrop
- Flax Lily-3767
- Passiflora
- Weird & scary looking?
- S.A. Bulb
- Orchid Lc. Mari's Song
- Louisiana Iris-1913
- Re: 2 ID 4 Me Please
- Pink Hibiscus
- White Cattleya Orchids-1937
- Re: 2 ID 4 Me Please
- Weeds&Things_07302010C.jpg
- Weeds&Things_07302010B.jpg
- Weeds&Things_07302010A.jpg
- PhaelonopsisSogoGrape_08082010B.jpg
- PhaelonopsisSogoGrape_08082010A.jpg
- Re: Fenestraria rhopaphylla. . .
- Bauhinia Flower-3725
- Okay I've got this nice juicy mealworm - I think I'll soak him in the water a little bit
- One mighty hungry bird
- This is Fritz
- Pink Begonias-1808
- Red Shouldered Hawk - backyard
- At the edge of the Serpentine Barrens - DSC_3705a.jpg
- Just a fence post with morning glories - DSC_3702a.jpg
- This morning prior to the woodland trip Geraniun behind Begonia - DSC_3700a.jpg
- More from the woods for ID - DSC_3711a.jpg
- Some nature left to its own - DSC_3719a.jpg
- Had a nice woodland walk in the drizzle today - DSC_3704a.jpg (1/1)
- Had a nice woodland walk in the drizzle today - DSC_3704a.jpg (0/1)
- Pink Azalea-3796
- Holly-leaf Fuchsia-1778 (Grapthophylum ilicifolium)
- Kangaroo Paw Flower-1806-(Anigozanthos Rambubona)
- Bronze Rambler Grevillea-1768
- ID evening primrose? [1/1]
- MG2 - DSCF1203.JPG
- Morning Glory - Image1001.jpg
- Brunfelsia bonodora-1733
- Orchids in my house
- I D Please
- ID please
- Red Calla Lily
- In my Yard
- Cattleya Cross
- Blc Cross - Orchid
- True Flower Macros - Lily-Macro_9805.jpg (1/1)
- The Conductor
- Another shot of Scrub Jay
- Scrub Jay taking peanut
- Male Western Bluebird profile
- Betcha can't do this!
- Mountain Chicadee
- Male Western Bluebird drinking
- Male Western Bluebird portrait
- I'm pretty sure it's not a hairball
- Young male Ana's Hummer at feeder
- Young male Ana's Hummer approaches feeder
- White Breasted Nuthatch
- Western Scrub Jay in the deep bush
- Mountain Chicadee
- Oak Titmouse
- House Finch - male
- Beauty Berry
- Beauty Berry
- Rosemary beetle [1/1]
- Dog gone it. I missed the blooms - Sheet_001.jpg (1/1)
- Dog gone it. I missed the blooms - Sheet_001.jpg (0/1)
- Western Bluebird - male 7
- Western Bluebird - male 6
- Western Bluebird - male 5 --- adult plumage coming in
- Juvenile Western Bluebirds
- Rufous Hummingbird - male
- Western Bluebird - male 4
- Western Bluebird - male 3
- Goldfinch
- Re: Macros-Insects - Bee-on-Goldenrod_0829.jpg (1/2)
- Macro-Insects - Insect-on-Rose_9557.jpg (1/1)
- Night bloomer soon - DSC_3616a.jpg (1/1)
- Night bloomer soon - DSC_3616a.jpg (0/1)
- Honesty [1/1]
- Leaves
- Back & front facing Orebea
- Various Macros - Coneflower_0107 copy.jpg (1/1)
- Various Macros - Coreopsis-Macro_9807 copy.jpg (1/1)
- Various Macros - Lilies-Macro-Pink_9957.jpg (1/1)
- What is that in the flower pot?
- A Summer Flower
- Bush Bonanza Kangaroo Paw-3314 ( Anigozanthos Rambubona)
- Tillandsia filifolia
- A Tilly mounting idea.
- A Tillandsia
- Another Bromeliad
- Bilbergia
- Bromeliad Bench
- Calla Elliottiana
- Re: Wildflowers and Garden Flowers - Daylilies-Yellow.jpg (1/3)
- Re: Wildflowers and Garden Flowers - Kings Devil.jpg (1/3)
- Re: Wildflowers and Garden Flowers - Daylily_Peach Color.jpg (1/3)
- Are these plums?
- Wildflowers and Garden Flowers - Blue-Wildflower.jpg (1/1)
- I love . . . . .
- Bluebirds apparently don't like corn
- Cicada
- Male Western Bluebird
- Macros - Tomato-Worm_0214.jpg (1/1)
- Macros - Butterfly_0314.jpg (1/1)
- Lilium lancifolium yellow form
- Cactus Creeper V
- Cactus Creeper IV
- Cactus Creeper III
- Cactus Creeper II
- Cactus Creeper
- Re: hibiscus syriacus
- Re: California is Grape Country
- Re: Pasion Flower
- Re: California is Grape Country - Question
- Re: California is Grape Country - Question
- Re: hibiscus syriacus
- Any guesses?
- There's something rather sinister about this plant
- What is it?
- A pretty annual
- Please name this plant
- Grevillea juniperina 'molongolo'-2979
- Plumeria White & Yellow
- Red Plumeria
- Remember Boophane disticha?
- Bromeliad
- Big Spud to go with the Toms
- Amaryllis belladonna
- Two Roma with love.
- Which Flower is this?
- Lilium bulbiferum
- Wet [1/1]
- Succulent with Red blossoms
- some water plants - DSC_3562a.jpg
- Sister in Law checking on some sculpture - DSC_3530.JPG
- Poppy hill - DSC_3591.JPG
- Trip to sculpture garden - DSC_3520.JPG (1/1)
- Trip to sculpture garden - DSC_3520.JPG (0/1)
- Leptospermum-1260 'Pink Cascade'
- Oleander
- Botanical name for . . . . .
- A red Cyclamen
- I. D. please 2 attachments.
- Can anyone tell me the name of this?
- Is this Huckleberries? - Is it Huckleberry.JPG
- Pink Flower ... Zinnia?
- outskirt flowers
- Flowers - Sea World
- Allium flowers
- Cordyline dilema
- tillandsia - unknown-tillandsia-1.jpg
- Tillandsia - unknown-tillandsia-2.jpg
- What is this please unusual plant!
- What is this???? - CUTE.JPG (1/1)
- What is this???? - CUTE.JPG (0/1)
- Lc Clayton Wagley
- Day 8 of Boophane disticha
- Echinopsis pachanoi
- What is this please?
- just another Epiphyllum
- The 7 days of Boophane disticha blooming.
- Butternut Squash
- Hibiscus
- Runner beans and flowers
- Yellow pepper flower
- Butternut Squash flower and wasp
- Onion flowers
- T. polystachia flower & friend
- T. paucifolia
- A closeup of T. edithae