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Old 20-07-2003, 08:03 PM
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Default Undermining American workers

Los Angeles Times
July 20, 2003

Undermining American workers
Record Numbers of Illegal Immigrants Are Pulling Wages Down for the
Poor and Pushing Taxes Higher
By Fred Dickey

The perils of illegal immigration rattle around in the attic of public
policy like a troubled spirit. We pretend not to hear the dragging
chains because we don't know how to silence them, but the ghosts will
endure, especially in California. Because the nation can't control its
borders, the number of illegal immigrants grows by an estimated
half-million each year. They come because we invite them with lax law
enforcement and menial jobs. Their presence makes our own poor more
destitute, creating a Third World chaos in the California economy that
we are only beginning to understand.

Patricia Morena has no time for a philosophical discussion on
unauthorized immigration. She lives with it, or tries to. She's a U.S.
citizen of Mexican descent, and a motel maid in Chula Vista, six miles
north of the border. She's short and heavyset, and dresses with care
in tasteful thrift shop. She earns $300 before taxes, when she's
fortunate enough to have a five-day week. She's a single mom with
three children, all stuffed into a ratty little one-bedroom apartment.
The eldest, an 18-year-old boy, has taken to stealing; she thinks it's
because he's always been poor.

Sitting in the pale yellow kitchen light, she looks resigned rather
than angry. She has the fear of anyone who's 39, broke and tired:
being replaced. If she didn't have to compete with unauthorized
workers in the cheap motels that cluster just north of the border, she
thinks, she could lift her wages from $7.50 per hour to maybe $10 and
bargain for some health insurance.

But she won't ask for a raise. "If I ask for money, the bosses say, 'I
can get a young girl who is faster and cheaper,' " she says. "The
bosses have power over illegals. They know they're afraid and not
going to ask for overtime, even though I know the law says they should
get it." So Morena remains mired, one of 32.9 million people the U.S.
Census Bureau says lived in poverty in 2001.

The 1996 welfare reform act was pitched as a means for poor people to
elevate themselves through work. President Clinton said at the time
that the act was "to give them a chance to share in the prosperity and
the promise that most of our people are enjoying today."

Well, seven years later, Morena is still poor. Although she never
studied economics, she has learned a fundamental economic truth: The
only leverage unskilled workers have is scarcity of labor. Morena
can't work her way up the economic ladder because the bottom rungs
have been broken off by the weight of millions of new illegal workers.
The census bureau says the number of illegal immigrants in the country
doubled in the 1990s, from 3.5 million to 7 million, the largest such
increase in the nation's history.

So Morena soldiers on at $7.50 an hour, living with a reality that the
late Cesar Chavez, champion of the farm worker, understood back in the
1960s. Chavez, says David M. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian
from Stanford University, advocated limited immigration to protect the
wage levels of the Chicano workers he struggled to unionize. Without
such restrictions, demand for labor would fall, and with it the
pressure to pay higher wages.

The people who traditionally benefit from the Patricia Morenas and
other low-paid workers are farther up the economic ladder-businesses,
industries and homeowners. For them, stagnant low wages mean they can
hire maids, farm laborers, seamstresses, roofers and carpet cleaners
for about the same wages as they paid a quarter-century ago. That
helps industries grow cheap lettuce and make down-market shirts. It
frees up enough money for homeowners to afford those sports cars whose
price tripled even as the cost of getting their lawn mowed stayed the

Yet the relentless flow of illegal labor is now changing life for
Californians on those higher rungs too.

Apart from the proliferation of workers standing on street corners
waiting for jobs, it's difficult to see that migration from Mexico
into California during the past two decades is on a scale that
astonishes even those who specialize in making sense out of human
patterns. One such expert is Victor Davis Hanson, a professor of
classics at Cal State Fresno and the author of "Mexifornia," a recent
book that reveals the extent of the changing culture and demographics
of California. He says that no immigration in American history even
remotely compares to the one underway along the southwest border,
which, incidentally, is the longest that has ever separated First- and
Third World countries.

Today, nearly half of California's residents are immigrants or the
children of immigrants, and the state's population is projected to
increase by 52%, to 49 million, between 2000 and 2025. An estimated
950,000 Mexicans without papers live in the five-county Greater Los
Angeles area, says Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Urban
Institute public policy center in Washington, D.C. They are mostly
nested in communities of the 2.4 million Mexican-born migrants.
Statewide, there are 1.6 million undocumented Mexicans, and 4.8
million in the country, Passel says. They make up more than half of
the 8.5-million-plus undocumented persons of all nationalities.

The image of migrants popularized by their advocates is of work-tough
campesinos who cross the border spitting on their hands and eagerly
looking for shovels. That is true to a considerable extent, because a
lot of shoveling gets done. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says in
support of a new amnesty for unauthorized immigrants: "There are
approximately 10 million undocumented workers employed throughout the
country who are working hard and performing tasks that most Americans
take for granted but won't do themselves."

The second half of that sentence has been accepted as a truth for
generations. Illegal immigrants are just doing the work Americans
won't. But is it true today?

In April, I shopped for a contractor to paint my house trim. I got
three bids. One was for $1,600, about $400 less than the others. The
only condition was that payment be in cash. That wasn't remarkable. Is
there a Californian alive who doesn't know they can pay under the
table for cheap immigrant labor? You pay cash. There are no checks.
There is no tax record.

But this bargain didn't come from an undocumented worker. It came from
an established businessman with good references. I asked why the
ethical gyrations.

He vented: "If I'm going to stay in business, I have to do what the
illegals do. They never pay taxes, on profits or on their employees'
pay. Right there, I'm at a 20% disadvantage. They'll come in here with
about six guys with paintbrushes who work for peanuts, do a fair job,
and then they're gone." These competitors have driven every American
out of gardening, he added, and are doing it to house-painting,
roofing and car repair. He concluded in frustration, "What am I
supposed to do?"

Roy Beck, executive director of Numbers USA Education and Research
Foundation, a Washington, D.C., organization devoted to immigration
control, says it's not that millions of unemployed Americans "are too
lazy and shiftless to bus tables or wash dishes." What the Chamber of
Commerce and like-minded business groups really mean, he says, is that
"Americans won't work like slaves, like serfs. Americans want to be
paid and treated fairly."

"The National Restaurant Assn., for one, doesn't want their customers
to know that this system forces illegal workers to live in abject
poverty," Beck says. "It's the serfdom thing. If customers thought
about it, they'd say, 'No, I don't want people who are hidden in the
kitchen or serving me to be so poor and neglected that they might be
TB carriers, and hate my guts for not caring about them.' "

Terry Anderson, a black talk-radio host in Los Angeles, says he sees
similar displacement throughout the African American community. "I
defy you to find a black janitor in L.A.," Anderson says. "In the
'70s, the auto body-repair business in South-Central was pretty much
occupied by blacks. Those jobs are all gone now. They're all held by
Hispanics, and all of them are illegals. And those $25 jobs that
blacks used to hold in the '70s now pay $8 to $10, and a black man
can't get hired even if he's expert. It's absolute discrimination,
because there's a perception that a Hispanic works better. Well, he
works cheaper. They're in the country illegally, so they have no
bargaining power, and the wages get driven down."

The point he and Beck make is decidedly not a racial one, not black
versus Latino or Mexican versus white. Their point is about money.
Illegal, powerless immigrants versus relatively empowered American
citizens. Who among us could survive if every day, the streets outside
our workplaces were lined with people willing to do our jobs for
two-thirds or half the pay because in the world they came from, in the
world where their money is sent, half of our pay amounted to riches?

Anderson particularly despairs of the effect the scarcity of low-end
jobs has on poor youths. In May, 6.1 million whites and 1.7 million
blacks in the country were unemployed. But of those without jobs,
young people took the worst hit. The unemployment rate for whites ages
16 to 19 in the labor force was 15.4%, with 892,000 unemployed; for
black teenagers, it was 270,000 out of work, at a scary 35% rate.

These kids are the millions of potential burger-flippers and mowers of
lawns that Beck and Anderson say employers are bypassing in favor of
undocumented migrants. "There was this kid in my neighborhood-good
kid, 17 years old, and he goes down to the local McDonald's to get an
after-school job," Anderson says. "The manager tells him that because
he doesn't speak Spanish, she can't hire him because it would have a
disruptive effect on all the other workers who don't speak English. I
mean, think of that: Here's a kid trying to get a little
ahead-American born, four generations in South-Central-who's told he
can't sell French fries because he can't speak a foreign language. You
want to talk about disillusionment?"

As cheap, illegal workers flood the labor force, governments and
taxpayers are feeling the pinch. Just as one dishonest act often leads
to another, illegal labor has led to other illegalities. The most
pervasive is the untaxed cash transaction. It has created a surging
"underground economy" that has become a hole in society's pocket
through which falls many of our democratic values, and a lot of loose

John Chiang of Los Angeles, one of five members of the state Board of
Equalization, California's tax oversight agency, says off-the-books
businesses can have a "profoundly dislocating effect" on the economy.
It pushes some businesses to compete by also cutting legal corners,
and discourages other businesses from coming to California.

A study last year by the Economic Roundtable, a Los Angeles research
group, found that the underground sector in Southern California
probably accounts for 20% or more of the economy, says economist Dan
Flaming, author of the report. Nationwide, the International Monetary
Fund reported in a 2002 issues paper, underground work amounted to 10%
of the total economy.

As the underground sector surged in the '90s, an unpleasant snowball
began to gather mass. The amount of tax revenues generated by the
economy didn't keep pace with the population growth and accompanying
rise in demands for government services. That, in turn, "adds
significantly to the tax burden of honest taxpayers," Chiang says. He
estimates that the state is losing $7 billion a year in unpaid taxes.

The state Employment Development Department's estimates are somewhat
lower, at $3 billion to $6 billion annually in lost income and
wage-related taxes. Any way it's counted, that's a pile of money for a
state running a $38-billion deficit that Sacramento is attempting to
close by cutting services, raising taxes and borrowing money.

Certainly, not all of the loss is due to illegal immigrants, and the
state, with scrupulous political sensitivity, avoids placing blame
there. But Jerry Hicks, whose job until recently was to measure the
underground economy for the Employment Development Department,
reluctantly agrees that common sense would put undocumented workers at
the head of the tax-avoidance list. It's anybody's guess how much
fault lies with businesses forced to compete by dealing in cash.

That loss of tax revenue is key to understanding why unchecked illegal
immigration creates a downward economic spiral. Jan. C. Ting, Temple
University law professor and former assistant commissioner of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, says the swelling population
of poor people who have little more than manual labor to offer, and
who pay few taxes, will inevitably draw heavily on social services.
That drain will, in turn, increase taxes on businesses and homeowners,
who may depart for other states, which in turn will drive tax rates
even higher.

An often-cited National Research Council study in 1997 concluded that
each native household in California was paying $1,178 a year in state
and local taxes to cover services used by immigrant (legal and
illegal) households. The demand for such offsetting taxes undoubtedly
has increased in proportion to the numbers of illegal immigrants since

What is known is how the tax drain is changing society. As the IMF's
issue paper warned last year, the lost revenue can lead to "a
deterioration in the quality and administration of the public goods
such as roads and hospitals provided by the government."

Hospitals provide a clear warning signal. Here's how it happens: An
illegal immigrant, without health insurance, has a serious health
problem and goes to a public hospital, incurring a catastrophic
medical cost. At bargain basement wages, that patient has as much
chance of paying the hospital bill as paying off the national debt. So
the patient scribbles out a passable IOU, and disappears.

Someone else pays. America's health system draws its lifeblood from
private health insurance, and if large numbers of patients have no
insurance or can't pay, the money has to be taken from taxes-siphoned
from the state treasury. A robust society can absorb a certain amount
of those losses, but if the tax base isn't expanding as fast as the
demands placed on it, the system begins to shut down-as Los Angeles
County's has.

In 2002, 33% of L.A. County residents were without health insurance or
were grossly underinsured. The county thinks that rate is the highest
in the United States, which helps to explain why the county prepared
to close two hospitals last year because there was too much demand and
too little revenue.

Carol Gunter is acting director of county emergency medical services,
the person who has to try to run a "business" in which about a quarter
of the customers don't have the means to pay for her product, but are
entitled to its full service. So just how many emergency room patients
are illegal? Federal law prevents her from knowing because hospitals
are forbidden to ask about citizenship. What Gunter does know is that,
despite billion-dollar federal bailouts, the number of public L.A.
County hospitals recently went from six to five, and another is going
to close.

In March, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein announced she had joined
other senators in supporting a bailout bill to reimburse state and
local hospitals for emergency medical costs incurred by undocumented
immigrants. She estimated those costs in California at $980 million in
the past year. Celebration over the proposal becomes somewhat muted
when we consider that a bailout is-by sinking-lifeboat
definition-intended to overcome the effects of a leak, and her
statement mentioned nothing about patching the boat. Feinstein
declined to be interviewed on the subject.

Jim Lott, executive vice president of the Hospital Assn. of Southern
California, puts it bluntly: "We are in a [health-care] meltdown in
Los Angeles County to the extent we have never seen before."

The state can't be far behind. An estimated 20% of patients throughout
California are uninsured, with hospitals incurring $3.6 billion in
uncompensated care. Fifty-one percent of the state's hospitals
operated in the red last year.

After the "please pay cash" painting contractor left my house, I put
pencil to paper on the bids. Considering that his line of work is
labor-intensive, if I accepted the above-board bid of $2,000, probably
about $1,500 would go toward wages, and maybe 10% of that would go to
the government. If I went for the underground bid, I would get off
cheaper-and the government would lose $200. Multiply that by the
countless such transactions in California daily, and a lot of
hospitals are going to run short, and a lot of potholes are going to

Author Hanson describes the practical effect of the massive
immigration numbers: "The unfortunate message we give migrants is,
'You can work here, but only undercover, and you can't join our
society.' "

Chiang sees the same ominous divisions. "California is becoming a
dichotomy society-high-wealth, low-wealth; educated, undereducated;
and the underground economy plays a large role in creating the
unregulated atmosphere that tends to widen those social and economic

So the people on either side of the divide go to their corners. The
wealthy to West L.A. and its counterparts around the state. The poor?
"We have towns in the Central Valley that are-literally-100% Mexican,
and consist mainly of illegal migrants," Hanson says. "In those towns,
Spanish is the only language spoken; there is no industry, and the
towns are huge pockets of poverty. We can legitimately fear that this
is the California of the future."

Two small cities of about the same size in Fresno County underscore
Hanson's point. The town of Parlier in 2000 was 97% Latino, with 36%
of the town living in poverty, and a per capita income of $7,078,
Hanson says. The town of Kingsburg, whose population was 34% Latino,
had just 11% living in poverty. The per capita income was $16,137.

The dependence upon agricultural labor, which usually has to be done
by hand, puts a low ceiling on what immigrants can earn. That ceiling
could be lifted either by stemming the flow of illegal labor, or by
mechanizing the farm work. But neither is happening, which suits many
farmers just fine.

Philip Martin, professor of agricultural and resource economics at UC
Davis, says farmers could quickly mechanize labor-intensive harvesting
if it were not so cheap to hire migrants. "Back in the late '60s and
'70s, there was a fear there wouldn't be enough farm workers, so that
spurred mechanization research," Martin says. "Then there were 70-some
subsidized projects at the University of California aimed at figuring
out how to pick oranges mechanically. Today, there aren't any, because
there is plenty of cheap farm labor. There is probably a machine
available to harvest every crop grown in the U.S., but they won't be
used as long as the laborers are available at low wages."

Martin's point reveals this turned-around truism: Agriculture in
Mexico is modernizing, which forces many laborers off their jobs
there. Machines are displacing laborers in the cornfields of Mexico,
so they come north to the "advanced" United States to pick fruits and
vegetables by hand.

Because the United States makes no real effort to count its
undocumented workers, their true impact on the job market is unclear.
Common sense does say, however, that if millions of Mexicans are here
illegally, they must be working or they would go home. An estimated
$10 billion was sent back to Mexico in 2002 by workers in the United
States, an increase of $800 million from the year before, says the
nonprofit Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C.

The migrants who come north used to be regarded as sellouts or
deserters in Mexican society. Now, they're heroes praised by Mexican
President Vicente Fox for the money they inject into that faltering
economy. That is also a first, Hanson says. "Mexico is a failing
society that stays afloat by exporting human capital. If you shut that
border down, in five years you'd have a revolution, because Mexico
can't meet the aspirations of its own people."

There is no question that illegal immigration greatly troubles
Americans. The polls show it, both before and after 9/11. They want
them to go home. One poll even showed that almost two-thirds want the
military to patrol the border. Of course, they never gripe about the
cheap hamburgers or the low-cost gardening that migrants make

Yet, curiously, in a decade of unprecedented illegal immigration, the
issue has been put on the back burner by most of society's seers and

Illegal immigrants are the people we used to call illegal aliens in a
coarser time. Now, to some, even "undocumented workers" is too harsh
so they've adopted "unauthorized." To many critics of illegal
immigration, this tiptoe nomenclature is part of the problem. They say
a debate or consensus on the issue is made impossible by a barricade
of political correctness, up against which a critic is in danger of
that paralyzing accusation-racist.

Most politicians would rather swallow their tongues than talk about
illegal immigration, and Dick Morris thinks he knows why. Morris, the
former political strategist for Bill Clinton, says both political
parties, "especially the Republicans, have to know they're running out
of white people to split up. Any major politician is facing dodo bird
extinction if he or she fails to reach out to Hispanics. It scares

Hanson believes the politics of immigration is about greed and power
more than ideology. "It's one of those issues that's backed by strange
bedfellows-on the right, you have big business types who want open
borders to make money on cheap labor, and don't care about social
consequences. On the other side, you have this left-wing racist-I
think it's racist-separatist industry of Latino groups and leftist
legislators" who want more immigration because it expands their power

Quixotically, on the border south of San Diego, the U.S. runs a
version of "Checkpoint Charlie" to keep them out. Operation Gatekeeper
started in 1994 to stem the flow of illegal immigration north by
clamping down on the main ports of entry in the Southwest. In addition
to forcing many border crossers to attempt a dangerous trip across the
desert, it has had the unintended consequence of transforming a fluid
population that used to go back and forth into one that simply stays

An unauthorized worker probably would prefer to work in this country
and return home as often as possible, preserving his Mexican roots.
Gatekeeper, however, has cemented that worker's feet in the U.S. It's
not hard to understand his hesitancy to go home for a holiday or
family event if he knows there's a good chance he'll be caught on his
return. So, he does the obvious thing: He hires a coyote (outlaw
immigrant trafficker) to bring his whole family north, often one
member at a time.

So, what are the options? Close the borders and kick out the
undocumented as some arch-conservatives want? Or, on the other
extreme, open the borders completely, as libertarians and some Latino
groups tend to favor? On both counts, forget about it. Not going to
happen. And you can trash amnesty at the present time, too. The War on
Terrorism and the tension it has caused between Mexico and the United
States, plus a sour remembrance from the results of the 1986 amnesty
law, closed the book on "regularization," as Bush and Fox
euphemistically called amnesty in the fond days of their mutual
affection a couple years ago. A 2002 poll by Zogby International, a
polling firm, showed that 65% of Americans opposed a new amnesty.

When the nation tried amnesty 17 years ago, the whole idea was to
combine it with a crackdown on hiring illegal workers. Guess what? The
amnesty worked for 2.8 million migrants, putting them on the track for
citizenship; the crackdown did not, as the rising numbers of illegal
crossings demonstrate.

The first amnesty seemed likely to only lead to another, and then
another. An advocate of controlled borders is Cecilia Muñoz, vice
president of the National Council of La Raza, the group considered an
arch defender of illegal migration. Muñoz says undocumented
immigration is bad for both the country and the workers, so she
supports amnesty to make them legal, calling it "earned legalization."
Her enthusiasm flags, though, when asked if the government should
crack down on subsequent illegal immigration that undoubtedly would
follow a new amnesty.

But her convictions don't falter. "We are going to ultimately succeed
because we're all complicit in this system. We don't like it, but we
benefit" from it, and therefore should grant the laborers amnesty.

The last-gasp alternative to amnesty seems to be a "guest-worker
program." The guest-worker idea had two antecedents, one from 1917 to
1921, and another, known as the bracero program, from 1942 to 1964.
Each was started in response to farmers' complaints of wartime labor
shortages. After studying both, professor Martin is convinced that
"there's nothing more permanent than temporary workers." He realizes
the folly of inviting a poor laborer into a comparative worker's
paradise, and then expecting him to run along home when the job is

David Lorey, author of the scholarly "The U.S.-Mexican Border in the
20th Century," says the lesson of the bracero experience "is that
guest-worker programs encourage migration." He adds, "There were
horrible conditions in the migrant camps, and a lot of abuses that
resulted from this neither-fish-nor-fowl program."

In retrospect, the lasting effect of the bracero program was to draw
workers north to the border and give them a taste of American wages.
For example, in 1940, Mexicali, a Mexican border town south of El
Centro, had a population of less than 20,000 people. In 1960, it was
175,000. The programs succeeded in drawing workers, especially in
agriculture, but also left a legacy of exploitation and ineffective
regulation that has made bracero a dirty word in the lexicon of
Mexican migration.

Memories of the abuses leave Hispanic groups skittish to the idea of
guest-worker programs. But Brent Wilkes, executive director of the
powerful League of United Latin American Citizens, says that his
organization might support such a program provided the workers have
labor rights equal to those of American laborers, and have an
inside-track to eventual citizenship

However, law professor Ting calls a guest-worker program in any form
unworkable. "It's camouflaged amnesty. No one wants to use the word
'amnesty' because the American people recognize it for what it
is-admitting defeat of our immigration system. So, they say, 'Let's
call it something else. Let's call it a 'guest-worker program.' "

The vacillation over how to effectively control illegal migration
drives a senior immigration investigator right up the wall, because he
believes the bureaucracy has the answer in its own hands. The
investigator has more than 20 years' experience with the INS. Still,
he believes he must remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

Currently, he explains, the law requires an employer to make a
good-faith effort to ascertain that applicants have valid
identification. However, he considers that law a political con job
because it gives unscrupulous employers an easy out: They can't be
held responsible for not having the expertise to identify illegal or
forged documents, so anything short of those being written in crayon
can pass muster. The biggest abuses, he says, are of forged immigrant
registration cards (green cards) and Social Security cards.

What frustrates him is his conviction that a procedure is already in
place that would "immediately identify 70% of the illegal workforce."
He explains that as a part of the 1986 immigration law, a voluntary
employee verification pilot program was established, and is still
operating. Under the program, the validity of Social Security cards
and green cards can be quickly checked on all new employees by phone
or online. He says the system could easily be expanded into a
mandatory nationwide computer hookup by cross-indexing the data bases
of the immigration service with the Social Security Administration.
The effect would be that honest employers could instantly ascertain
the legality of their workforce, and dishonest employers would have no
excuse for hiring undocumented workers.

Bill Strasberger, a spokesman for the immigration service, says the
pilot program is considered successful. "Employers using it are
pleased, and so are we. It provides verification with
confidentiality." Asked if it would be expanded or made mandatory by
Congress, he laughed briefly, then said, "It really is the direction
we need to move in."

Why, then, aren't we doing it? The investigator says that Congress
refuses to make the program mandatory so as not to offend big
agribusiness and other industries that freely employ illegal workers.
These industries then take some of those profits and give generously
to members of Congress.

Beck's organization, which advocates immigration control, plans to
push for a mandatory employee-verification law. "The American people
would not stand for a massive deportation, so what we need to do is
use this program to dry up the jobs, then most illegals would
gradually go home." If such a law was enacted, he says, the end result
would be American workers gravitating to those jobs for slightly
higher wages. "You'd end up paying 25 cents more for a hamburger and a
dime more for lettuce. Big deal."

This affluent society can certainly afford more expensive hamburgers,
but can it afford the hidden costs that currently make those burgers
and fries dirt cheap? As Beck asks, "How many unskilled illegal
migrants do we allow in? Forty million? Fifty million? What is the end


  #2   Report Post  
Old 20-07-2003, 08:45 PM
Rich Greenberg
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

In article , citizenbob wrote:
Los Angeles Times
July 20, 2003

  #3   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 12:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem, what is
the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

"citizenbob" wrote in message
Los Angeles Times
July 20, 2003

Undermining American workers
Record Numbers of Illegal Immigrants Are Pulling Wages Down for the
Poor and Pushing Taxes Higher
By Fred Dickey

The perils of illegal immigration rattle around in the attic of public
policy like a troubled spirit. We pretend not to hear the dragging
chains because we don't know how to silence them, but the ghosts will
endure, especially in California. Because the nation can't control its
borders, the number of illegal immigrants grows by an estimated
half-million each year. They come because we invite them with lax law
enforcement and menial jobs. Their presence makes our own poor more
destitute, creating a Third World chaos in the California economy that
we are only beginning to understand.

Patricia Morena has no time for a philosophical discussion on
unauthorized immigration. She lives with it, or tries to. She's a U.S.
citizen of Mexican descent, and a motel maid in Chula Vista, six miles
north of the border. She's short and heavyset, and dresses with care
in tasteful thrift shop. She earns $300 before taxes, when she's
fortunate enough to have a five-day week. She's a single mom with
three children, all stuffed into a ratty little one-bedroom apartment.
The eldest, an 18-year-old boy, has taken to stealing; she thinks it's
because he's always been poor.

Sitting in the pale yellow kitchen light, she looks resigned rather
than angry. She has the fear of anyone who's 39, broke and tired:
being replaced. If she didn't have to compete with unauthorized
workers in the cheap motels that cluster just north of the border, she
thinks, she could lift her wages from $7.50 per hour to maybe $10 and
bargain for some health insurance.

But she won't ask for a raise. "If I ask for money, the bosses say, 'I
can get a young girl who is faster and cheaper,' " she says. "The
bosses have power over illegals. They know they're afraid and not
going to ask for overtime, even though I know the law says they should
get it." So Morena remains mired, one of 32.9 million people the U.S.
Census Bureau says lived in poverty in 2001.

The 1996 welfare reform act was pitched as a means for poor people to
elevate themselves through work. President Clinton said at the time
that the act was "to give them a chance to share in the prosperity and
the promise that most of our people are enjoying today."

Well, seven years later, Morena is still poor. Although she never
studied economics, she has learned a fundamental economic truth: The
only leverage unskilled workers have is scarcity of labor. Morena
can't work her way up the economic ladder because the bottom rungs
have been broken off by the weight of millions of new illegal workers.
The census bureau says the number of illegal immigrants in the country
doubled in the 1990s, from 3.5 million to 7 million, the largest such
increase in the nation's history.

So Morena soldiers on at $7.50 an hour, living with a reality that the
late Cesar Chavez, champion of the farm worker, understood back in the
1960s. Chavez, says David M. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian
from Stanford University, advocated limited immigration to protect the
wage levels of the Chicano workers he struggled to unionize. Without
such restrictions, demand for labor would fall, and with it the
pressure to pay higher wages.

The people who traditionally benefit from the Patricia Morenas and
other low-paid workers are farther up the economic ladder-businesses,
industries and homeowners. For them, stagnant low wages mean they can
hire maids, farm laborers, seamstresses, roofers and carpet cleaners
for about the same wages as they paid a quarter-century ago. That
helps industries grow cheap lettuce and make down-market shirts. It
frees up enough money for homeowners to afford those sports cars whose
price tripled even as the cost of getting their lawn mowed stayed the

Yet the relentless flow of illegal labor is now changing life for
Californians on those higher rungs too.

Apart from the proliferation of workers standing on street corners
waiting for jobs, it's difficult to see that migration from Mexico
into California during the past two decades is on a scale that
astonishes even those who specialize in making sense out of human
patterns. One such expert is Victor Davis Hanson, a professor of
classics at Cal State Fresno and the author of "Mexifornia," a recent
book that reveals the extent of the changing culture and demographics
of California. He says that no immigration in American history even
remotely compares to the one underway along the southwest border,
which, incidentally, is the longest that has ever separated First- and
Third World countries.

Today, nearly half of California's residents are immigrants or the
children of immigrants, and the state's population is projected to
increase by 52%, to 49 million, between 2000 and 2025. An estimated
950,000 Mexicans without papers live in the five-county Greater Los
Angeles area, says Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Urban
Institute public policy center in Washington, D.C. They are mostly
nested in communities of the 2.4 million Mexican-born migrants.
Statewide, there are 1.6 million undocumented Mexicans, and 4.8
million in the country, Passel says. They make up more than half of
the 8.5-million-plus undocumented persons of all nationalities.

The image of migrants popularized by their advocates is of work-tough
campesinos who cross the border spitting on their hands and eagerly
looking for shovels. That is true to a considerable extent, because a
lot of shoveling gets done. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says in
support of a new amnesty for unauthorized immigrants: "There are
approximately 10 million undocumented workers employed throughout the
country who are working hard and performing tasks that most Americans
take for granted but won't do themselves."

The second half of that sentence has been accepted as a truth for
generations. Illegal immigrants are just doing the work Americans
won't. But is it true today?

In April, I shopped for a contractor to paint my house trim. I got
three bids. One was for $1,600, about $400 less than the others. The
only condition was that payment be in cash. That wasn't remarkable. Is
there a Californian alive who doesn't know they can pay under the
table for cheap immigrant labor? You pay cash. There are no checks.
There is no tax record.

But this bargain didn't come from an undocumented worker. It came from
an established businessman with good references. I asked why the
ethical gyrations.

He vented: "If I'm going to stay in business, I have to do what the
illegals do. They never pay taxes, on profits or on their employees'
pay. Right there, I'm at a 20% disadvantage. They'll come in here with
about six guys with paintbrushes who work for peanuts, do a fair job,
and then they're gone." These competitors have driven every American
out of gardening, he added, and are doing it to house-painting,
roofing and car repair. He concluded in frustration, "What am I
supposed to do?"

Roy Beck, executive director of Numbers USA Education and Research
Foundation, a Washington, D.C., organization devoted to immigration
control, says it's not that millions of unemployed Americans "are too
lazy and shiftless to bus tables or wash dishes." What the Chamber of
Commerce and like-minded business groups really mean, he says, is that
"Americans won't work like slaves, like serfs. Americans want to be
paid and treated fairly."

"The National Restaurant Assn., for one, doesn't want their customers
to know that this system forces illegal workers to live in abject
poverty," Beck says. "It's the serfdom thing. If customers thought
about it, they'd say, 'No, I don't want people who are hidden in the
kitchen or serving me to be so poor and neglected that they might be
TB carriers, and hate my guts for not caring about them.' "

Terry Anderson, a black talk-radio host in Los Angeles, says he sees
similar displacement throughout the African American community. "I
defy you to find a black janitor in L.A.," Anderson says. "In the
'70s, the auto body-repair business in South-Central was pretty much
occupied by blacks. Those jobs are all gone now. They're all held by
Hispanics, and all of them are illegals. And those $25 jobs that
blacks used to hold in the '70s now pay $8 to $10, and a black man
can't get hired even if he's expert. It's absolute discrimination,
because there's a perception that a Hispanic works better. Well, he
works cheaper. They're in the country illegally, so they have no
bargaining power, and the wages get driven down."

The point he and Beck make is decidedly not a racial one, not black
versus Latino or Mexican versus white. Their point is about money.
Illegal, powerless immigrants versus relatively empowered American
citizens. Who among us could survive if every day, the streets outside
our workplaces were lined with people willing to do our jobs for
two-thirds or half the pay because in the world they came from, in the
world where their money is sent, half of our pay amounted to riches?

Anderson particularly despairs of the effect the scarcity of low-end
jobs has on poor youths. In May, 6.1 million whites and 1.7 million
blacks in the country were unemployed. But of those without jobs,
young people took the worst hit. The unemployment rate for whites ages
16 to 19 in the labor force was 15.4%, with 892,000 unemployed; for
black teenagers, it was 270,000 out of work, at a scary 35% rate.

These kids are the millions of potential burger-flippers and mowers of
lawns that Beck and Anderson say employers are bypassing in favor of
undocumented migrants. "There was this kid in my neighborhood-good
kid, 17 years old, and he goes down to the local McDonald's to get an
after-school job," Anderson says. "The manager tells him that because
he doesn't speak Spanish, she can't hire him because it would have a
disruptive effect on all the other workers who don't speak English. I
mean, think of that: Here's a kid trying to get a little
ahead-American born, four generations in South-Central-who's told he
can't sell French fries because he can't speak a foreign language. You
want to talk about disillusionment?"

As cheap, illegal workers flood the labor force, governments and
taxpayers are feeling the pinch. Just as one dishonest act often leads
to another, illegal labor has led to other illegalities. The most
pervasive is the untaxed cash transaction. It has created a surging
"underground economy" that has become a hole in society's pocket
through which falls many of our democratic values, and a lot of loose

John Chiang of Los Angeles, one of five members of the state Board of
Equalization, California's tax oversight agency, says off-the-books
businesses can have a "profoundly dislocating effect" on the economy.
It pushes some businesses to compete by also cutting legal corners,
and discourages other businesses from coming to California.

A study last year by the Economic Roundtable, a Los Angeles research
group, found that the underground sector in Southern California
probably accounts for 20% or more of the economy, says economist Dan
Flaming, author of the report. Nationwide, the International Monetary
Fund reported in a 2002 issues paper, underground work amounted to 10%
of the total economy.

As the underground sector surged in the '90s, an unpleasant snowball
began to gather mass. The amount of tax revenues generated by the
economy didn't keep pace with the population growth and accompanying
rise in demands for government services. That, in turn, "adds
significantly to the tax burden of honest taxpayers," Chiang says. He
estimates that the state is losing $7 billion a year in unpaid taxes.

The state Employment Development Department's estimates are somewhat
lower, at $3 billion to $6 billion annually in lost income and
wage-related taxes. Any way it's counted, that's a pile of money for a
state running a $38-billion deficit that Sacramento is attempting to
close by cutting services, raising taxes and borrowing money.

Certainly, not all of the loss is due to illegal immigrants, and the
state, with scrupulous political sensitivity, avoids placing blame
there. But Jerry Hicks, whose job until recently was to measure the
underground economy for the Employment Development Department,
reluctantly agrees that common sense would put undocumented workers at
the head of the tax-avoidance list. It's anybody's guess how much
fault lies with businesses forced to compete by dealing in cash.

That loss of tax revenue is key to understanding why unchecked illegal
immigration creates a downward economic spiral. Jan. C. Ting, Temple
University law professor and former assistant commissioner of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, says the swelling population
of poor people who have little more than manual labor to offer, and
who pay few taxes, will inevitably draw heavily on social services.
That drain will, in turn, increase taxes on businesses and homeowners,
who may depart for other states, which in turn will drive tax rates
even higher.

An often-cited National Research Council study in 1997 concluded that
each native household in California was paying $1,178 a year in state
and local taxes to cover services used by immigrant (legal and
illegal) households. The demand for such offsetting taxes undoubtedly
has increased in proportion to the numbers of illegal immigrants since

What is known is how the tax drain is changing society. As the IMF's
issue paper warned last year, the lost revenue can lead to "a
deterioration in the quality and administration of the public goods
such as roads and hospitals provided by the government."

Hospitals provide a clear warning signal. Here's how it happens: An
illegal immigrant, without health insurance, has a serious health
problem and goes to a public hospital, incurring a catastrophic
medical cost. At bargain basement wages, that patient has as much
chance of paying the hospital bill as paying off the national debt. So
the patient scribbles out a passable IOU, and disappears.

Someone else pays. America's health system draws its lifeblood from
private health insurance, and if large numbers of patients have no
insurance or can't pay, the money has to be taken from taxes-siphoned
from the state treasury. A robust society can absorb a certain amount
of those losses, but if the tax base isn't expanding as fast as the
demands placed on it, the system begins to shut down-as Los Angeles
County's has.

In 2002, 33% of L.A. County residents were without health insurance or
were grossly underinsured. The county thinks that rate is the highest
in the United States, which helps to explain why the county prepared
to close two hospitals last year because there was too much demand and
too little revenue.

Carol Gunter is acting director of county emergency medical services,
the person who has to try to run a "business" in which about a quarter
of the customers don't have the means to pay for her product, but are
entitled to its full service. So just how many emergency room patients
are illegal? Federal law prevents her from knowing because hospitals
are forbidden to ask about citizenship. What Gunter does know is that,
despite billion-dollar federal bailouts, the number of public L.A.
County hospitals recently went from six to five, and another is going
to close.

In March, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein announced she had joined
other senators in supporting a bailout bill to reimburse state and
local hospitals for emergency medical costs incurred by undocumented
immigrants. She estimated those costs in California at $980 million in
the past year. Celebration over the proposal becomes somewhat muted
when we consider that a bailout is-by sinking-lifeboat
definition-intended to overcome the effects of a leak, and her
statement mentioned nothing about patching the boat. Feinstein
declined to be interviewed on the subject.

Jim Lott, executive vice president of the Hospital Assn. of Southern
California, puts it bluntly: "We are in a [health-care] meltdown in
Los Angeles County to the extent we have never seen before."

The state can't be far behind. An estimated 20% of patients throughout
California are uninsured, with hospitals incurring $3.6 billion in
uncompensated care. Fifty-one percent of the state's hospitals
operated in the red last year.

After the "please pay cash" painting contractor left my house, I put
pencil to paper on the bids. Considering that his line of work is
labor-intensive, if I accepted the above-board bid of $2,000, probably
about $1,500 would go toward wages, and maybe 10% of that would go to
the government. If I went for the underground bid, I would get off
cheaper-and the government would lose $200. Multiply that by the
countless such transactions in California daily, and a lot of
hospitals are going to run short, and a lot of potholes are going to

Author Hanson describes the practical effect of the massive
immigration numbers: "The unfortunate message we give migrants is,
'You can work here, but only undercover, and you can't join our
society.' "

Chiang sees the same ominous divisions. "California is becoming a
dichotomy society-high-wealth, low-wealth; educated, undereducated;
and the underground economy plays a large role in creating the
unregulated atmosphere that tends to widen those social and economic

So the people on either side of the divide go to their corners. The
wealthy to West L.A. and its counterparts around the state. The poor?
"We have towns in the Central Valley that are-literally-100% Mexican,
and consist mainly of illegal migrants," Hanson says. "In those towns,
Spanish is the only language spoken; there is no industry, and the
towns are huge pockets of poverty. We can legitimately fear that this
is the California of the future."

Two small cities of about the same size in Fresno County underscore
Hanson's point. The town of Parlier in 2000 was 97% Latino, with 36%
of the town living in poverty, and a per capita income of $7,078,
Hanson says. The town of Kingsburg, whose population was 34% Latino,
had just 11% living in poverty. The per capita income was $16,137.

The dependence upon agricultural labor, which usually has to be done
by hand, puts a low ceiling on what immigrants can earn. That ceiling
could be lifted either by stemming the flow of illegal labor, or by
mechanizing the farm work. But neither is happening, which suits many
farmers just fine.

Philip Martin, professor of agricultural and resource economics at UC
Davis, says farmers could quickly mechanize labor-intensive harvesting
if it were not so cheap to hire migrants. "Back in the late '60s and
'70s, there was a fear there wouldn't be enough farm workers, so that
spurred mechanization research," Martin says. "Then there were 70-some
subsidized projects at the University of California aimed at figuring
out how to pick oranges mechanically. Today, there aren't any, because
there is plenty of cheap farm labor. There is probably a machine
available to harvest every crop grown in the U.S., but they won't be
used as long as the laborers are available at low wages."

Martin's point reveals this turned-around truism: Agriculture in
Mexico is modernizing, which forces many laborers off their jobs
there. Machines are displacing laborers in the cornfields of Mexico,
so they come north to the "advanced" United States to pick fruits and
vegetables by hand.

Because the United States makes no real effort to count its
undocumented workers, their true impact on the job market is unclear.
Common sense does say, however, that if millions of Mexicans are here
illegally, they must be working or they would go home. An estimated
$10 billion was sent back to Mexico in 2002 by workers in the United
States, an increase of $800 million from the year before, says the
nonprofit Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C.

The migrants who come north used to be regarded as sellouts or
deserters in Mexican society. Now, they're heroes praised by Mexican
President Vicente Fox for the money they inject into that faltering
economy. That is also a first, Hanson says. "Mexico is a failing
society that stays afloat by exporting human capital. If you shut that
border down, in five years you'd have a revolution, because Mexico
can't meet the aspirations of its own people."

There is no question that illegal immigration greatly troubles
Americans. The polls show it, both before and after 9/11. They want
them to go home. One poll even showed that almost two-thirds want the
military to patrol the border. Of course, they never gripe about the
cheap hamburgers or the low-cost gardening that migrants make

Yet, curiously, in a decade of unprecedented illegal immigration, the
issue has been put on the back burner by most of society's seers and

Illegal immigrants are the people we used to call illegal aliens in a
coarser time. Now, to some, even "undocumented workers" is too harsh
so they've adopted "unauthorized." To many critics of illegal
immigration, this tiptoe nomenclature is part of the problem. They say
a debate or consensus on the issue is made impossible by a barricade
of political correctness, up against which a critic is in danger of
that paralyzing accusation-racist.

Most politicians would rather swallow their tongues than talk about
illegal immigration, and Dick Morris thinks he knows why. Morris, the
former political strategist for Bill Clinton, says both political
parties, "especially the Republicans, have to know they're running out
of white people to split up. Any major politician is facing dodo bird
extinction if he or she fails to reach out to Hispanics. It scares

Hanson believes the politics of immigration is about greed and power
more than ideology. "It's one of those issues that's backed by strange
bedfellows-on the right, you have big business types who want open
borders to make money on cheap labor, and don't care about social
consequences. On the other side, you have this left-wing racist-I
think it's racist-separatist industry of Latino groups and leftist
legislators" who want more immigration because it expands their power

Quixotically, on the border south of San Diego, the U.S. runs a
version of "Checkpoint Charlie" to keep them out. Operation Gatekeeper
started in 1994 to stem the flow of illegal immigration north by
clamping down on the main ports of entry in the Southwest. In addition
to forcing many border crossers to attempt a dangerous trip across the
desert, it has had the unintended consequence of transforming a fluid
population that used to go back and forth into one that simply stays

An unauthorized worker probably would prefer to work in this country
and return home as often as possible, preserving his Mexican roots.
Gatekeeper, however, has cemented that worker's feet in the U.S. It's
not hard to understand his hesitancy to go home for a holiday or
family event if he knows there's a good chance he'll be caught on his
return. So, he does the obvious thing: He hires a coyote (outlaw
immigrant trafficker) to bring his whole family north, often one
member at a time.

So, what are the options? Close the borders and kick out the
undocumented as some arch-conservatives want? Or, on the other
extreme, open the borders completely, as libertarians and some Latino
groups tend to favor? On both counts, forget about it. Not going to
happen. And you can trash amnesty at the present time, too. The War on
Terrorism and the tension it has caused between Mexico and the United
States, plus a sour remembrance from the results of the 1986 amnesty
law, closed the book on "regularization," as Bush and Fox
euphemistically called amnesty in the fond days of their mutual
affection a couple years ago. A 2002 poll by Zogby International, a
polling firm, showed that 65% of Americans opposed a new amnesty.

When the nation tried amnesty 17 years ago, the whole idea was to
combine it with a crackdown on hiring illegal workers. Guess what? The
amnesty worked for 2.8 million migrants, putting them on the track for
citizenship; the crackdown did not, as the rising numbers of illegal
crossings demonstrate.

The first amnesty seemed likely to only lead to another, and then
another. An advocate of controlled borders is Cecilia Muñoz, vice
president of the National Council of La Raza, the group considered an
arch defender of illegal migration. Muñoz says undocumented
immigration is bad for both the country and the workers, so she
supports amnesty to make them legal, calling it "earned legalization."
Her enthusiasm flags, though, when asked if the government should
crack down on subsequent illegal immigration that undoubtedly would
follow a new amnesty.

But her convictions don't falter. "We are going to ultimately succeed
because we're all complicit in this system. We don't like it, but we
benefit" from it, and therefore should grant the laborers amnesty.

The last-gasp alternative to amnesty seems to be a "guest-worker
program." The guest-worker idea had two antecedents, one from 1917 to
1921, and another, known as the bracero program, from 1942 to 1964.
Each was started in response to farmers' complaints of wartime labor
shortages. After studying both, professor Martin is convinced that
"there's nothing more permanent than temporary workers." He realizes
the folly of inviting a poor laborer into a comparative worker's
paradise, and then expecting him to run along home when the job is

David Lorey, author of the scholarly "The U.S.-Mexican Border in the
20th Century," says the lesson of the bracero experience "is that
guest-worker programs encourage migration." He adds, "There were
horrible conditions in the migrant camps, and a lot of abuses that
resulted from this neither-fish-nor-fowl program."

In retrospect, the lasting effect of the bracero program was to draw
workers north to the border and give them a taste of American wages.
For example, in 1940, Mexicali, a Mexican border town south of El
Centro, had a population of less than 20,000 people. In 1960, it was
175,000. The programs succeeded in drawing workers, especially in
agriculture, but also left a legacy of exploitation and ineffective
regulation that has made bracero a dirty word in the lexicon of
Mexican migration.

Memories of the abuses leave Hispanic groups skittish to the idea of
guest-worker programs. But Brent Wilkes, executive director of the
powerful League of United Latin American Citizens, says that his
organization might support such a program provided the workers have
labor rights equal to those of American laborers, and have an
inside-track to eventual citizenship

However, law professor Ting calls a guest-worker program in any form
unworkable. "It's camouflaged amnesty. No one wants to use the word
'amnesty' because the American people recognize it for what it
is-admitting defeat of our immigration system. So, they say, 'Let's
call it something else. Let's call it a 'guest-worker program.' "

The vacillation over how to effectively control illegal migration
drives a senior immigration investigator right up the wall, because he
believes the bureaucracy has the answer in its own hands. The
investigator has more than 20 years' experience with the INS. Still,
he believes he must remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

Currently, he explains, the law requires an employer to make a
good-faith effort to ascertain that applicants have valid
identification. However, he considers that law a political con job
because it gives unscrupulous employers an easy out: They can't be
held responsible for not having the expertise to identify illegal or
forged documents, so anything short of those being written in crayon
can pass muster. The biggest abuses, he says, are of forged immigrant
registration cards (green cards) and Social Security cards.

What frustrates him is his conviction that a procedure is already in
place that would "immediately identify 70% of the illegal workforce."
He explains that as a part of the 1986 immigration law, a voluntary
employee verification pilot program was established, and is still
operating. Under the program, the validity of Social Security cards
and green cards can be quickly checked on all new employees by phone
or online. He says the system could easily be expanded into a
mandatory nationwide computer hookup by cross-indexing the data bases
of the immigration service with the Social Security Administration.
The effect would be that honest employers could instantly ascertain
the legality of their workforce, and dishonest employers would have no
excuse for hiring undocumented workers.

Bill Strasberger, a spokesman for the immigration service, says the
pilot program is considered successful. "Employers using it are
pleased, and so are we. It provides verification with
confidentiality." Asked if it would be expanded or made mandatory by
Congress, he laughed briefly, then said, "It really is the direction
we need to move in."

Why, then, aren't we doing it? The investigator says that Congress
refuses to make the program mandatory so as not to offend big
agribusiness and other industries that freely employ illegal workers.
These industries then take some of those profits and give generously
to members of Congress.

Beck's organization, which advocates immigration control, plans to
push for a mandatory employee-verification law. "The American people
would not stand for a massive deportation, so what we need to do is
use this program to dry up the jobs, then most illegals would
gradually go home." If such a law was enacted, he says, the end result
would be American workers gravitating to those jobs for slightly
higher wages. "You'd end up paying 25 cents more for a hamburger and a
dime more for lettuce. Big deal."

This affluent society can certainly afford more expensive hamburgers,
but can it afford the hidden costs that currently make those burgers
and fries dirt cheap? As Beck asks, "How many unskilled illegal
migrants do we allow in? Forty million? Fifty million? What is the end



  #4   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 12:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem, what is
the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

"citizenbob" wrote in message
Los Angeles Times
July 20, 2003

Undermining American workers
Record Numbers of Illegal Immigrants Are Pulling Wages Down for the
Poor and Pushing Taxes Higher
By Fred Dickey

The perils of illegal immigration rattle around in the attic of public
policy like a troubled spirit. We pretend not to hear the dragging
chains because we don't know how to silence them, but the ghosts will
endure, especially in California. Because the nation can't control its
borders, the number of illegal immigrants grows by an estimated
half-million each year. They come because we invite them with lax law
enforcement and menial jobs. Their presence makes our own poor more
destitute, creating a Third World chaos in the California economy that
we are only beginning to understand.

Patricia Morena has no time for a philosophical discussion on
unauthorized immigration. She lives with it, or tries to. She's a U.S.
citizen of Mexican descent, and a motel maid in Chula Vista, six miles
north of the border. She's short and heavyset, and dresses with care
in tasteful thrift shop. She earns $300 before taxes, when she's
fortunate enough to have a five-day week. She's a single mom with
three children, all stuffed into a ratty little one-bedroom apartment.
The eldest, an 18-year-old boy, has taken to stealing; she thinks it's
because he's always been poor.

Sitting in the pale yellow kitchen light, she looks resigned rather
than angry. She has the fear of anyone who's 39, broke and tired:
being replaced. If she didn't have to compete with unauthorized
workers in the cheap motels that cluster just north of the border, she
thinks, she could lift her wages from $7.50 per hour to maybe $10 and
bargain for some health insurance.

But she won't ask for a raise. "If I ask for money, the bosses say, 'I
can get a young girl who is faster and cheaper,' " she says. "The
bosses have power over illegals. They know they're afraid and not
going to ask for overtime, even though I know the law says they should
get it." So Morena remains mired, one of 32.9 million people the U.S.
Census Bureau says lived in poverty in 2001.

The 1996 welfare reform act was pitched as a means for poor people to
elevate themselves through work. President Clinton said at the time
that the act was "to give them a chance to share in the prosperity and
the promise that most of our people are enjoying today."

Well, seven years later, Morena is still poor. Although she never
studied economics, she has learned a fundamental economic truth: The
only leverage unskilled workers have is scarcity of labor. Morena
can't work her way up the economic ladder because the bottom rungs
have been broken off by the weight of millions of new illegal workers.
The census bureau says the number of illegal immigrants in the country
doubled in the 1990s, from 3.5 million to 7 million, the largest such
increase in the nation's history.

So Morena soldiers on at $7.50 an hour, living with a reality that the
late Cesar Chavez, champion of the farm worker, understood back in the
1960s. Chavez, says David M. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian
from Stanford University, advocated limited immigration to protect the
wage levels of the Chicano workers he struggled to unionize. Without
such restrictions, demand for labor would fall, and with it the
pressure to pay higher wages.

The people who traditionally benefit from the Patricia Morenas and
other low-paid workers are farther up the economic ladder-businesses,
industries and homeowners. For them, stagnant low wages mean they can
hire maids, farm laborers, seamstresses, roofers and carpet cleaners
for about the same wages as they paid a quarter-century ago. That
helps industries grow cheap lettuce and make down-market shirts. It
frees up enough money for homeowners to afford those sports cars whose
price tripled even as the cost of getting their lawn mowed stayed the

Yet the relentless flow of illegal labor is now changing life for
Californians on those higher rungs too.

Apart from the proliferation of workers standing on street corners
waiting for jobs, it's difficult to see that migration from Mexico
into California during the past two decades is on a scale that
astonishes even those who specialize in making sense out of human
patterns. One such expert is Victor Davis Hanson, a professor of
classics at Cal State Fresno and the author of "Mexifornia," a recent
book that reveals the extent of the changing culture and demographics
of California. He says that no immigration in American history even
remotely compares to the one underway along the southwest border,
which, incidentally, is the longest that has ever separated First- and
Third World countries.

Today, nearly half of California's residents are immigrants or the
children of immigrants, and the state's population is projected to
increase by 52%, to 49 million, between 2000 and 2025. An estimated
950,000 Mexicans without papers live in the five-county Greater Los
Angeles area, says Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Urban
Institute public policy center in Washington, D.C. They are mostly
nested in communities of the 2.4 million Mexican-born migrants.
Statewide, there are 1.6 million undocumented Mexicans, and 4.8
million in the country, Passel says. They make up more than half of
the 8.5-million-plus undocumented persons of all nationalities.

The image of migrants popularized by their advocates is of work-tough
campesinos who cross the border spitting on their hands and eagerly
looking for shovels. That is true to a considerable extent, because a
lot of shoveling gets done. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says in
support of a new amnesty for unauthorized immigrants: "There are
approximately 10 million undocumented workers employed throughout the
country who are working hard and performing tasks that most Americans
take for granted but won't do themselves."

The second half of that sentence has been accepted as a truth for
generations. Illegal immigrants are just doing the work Americans
won't. But is it true today?

In April, I shopped for a contractor to paint my house trim. I got
three bids. One was for $1,600, about $400 less than the others. The
only condition was that payment be in cash. That wasn't remarkable. Is
there a Californian alive who doesn't know they can pay under the
table for cheap immigrant labor? You pay cash. There are no checks.
There is no tax record.

But this bargain didn't come from an undocumented worker. It came from
an established businessman with good references. I asked why the
ethical gyrations.

He vented: "If I'm going to stay in business, I have to do what the
illegals do. They never pay taxes, on profits or on their employees'
pay. Right there, I'm at a 20% disadvantage. They'll come in here with
about six guys with paintbrushes who work for peanuts, do a fair job,
and then they're gone." These competitors have driven every American
out of gardening, he added, and are doing it to house-painting,
roofing and car repair. He concluded in frustration, "What am I
supposed to do?"

Roy Beck, executive director of Numbers USA Education and Research
Foundation, a Washington, D.C., organization devoted to immigration
control, says it's not that millions of unemployed Americans "are too
lazy and shiftless to bus tables or wash dishes." What the Chamber of
Commerce and like-minded business groups really mean, he says, is that
"Americans won't work like slaves, like serfs. Americans want to be
paid and treated fairly."

"The National Restaurant Assn., for one, doesn't want their customers
to know that this system forces illegal workers to live in abject
poverty," Beck says. "It's the serfdom thing. If customers thought
about it, they'd say, 'No, I don't want people who are hidden in the
kitchen or serving me to be so poor and neglected that they might be
TB carriers, and hate my guts for not caring about them.' "

Terry Anderson, a black talk-radio host in Los Angeles, says he sees
similar displacement throughout the African American community. "I
defy you to find a black janitor in L.A.," Anderson says. "In the
'70s, the auto body-repair business in South-Central was pretty much
occupied by blacks. Those jobs are all gone now. They're all held by
Hispanics, and all of them are illegals. And those $25 jobs that
blacks used to hold in the '70s now pay $8 to $10, and a black man
can't get hired even if he's expert. It's absolute discrimination,
because there's a perception that a Hispanic works better. Well, he
works cheaper. They're in the country illegally, so they have no
bargaining power, and the wages get driven down."

The point he and Beck make is decidedly not a racial one, not black
versus Latino or Mexican versus white. Their point is about money.
Illegal, powerless immigrants versus relatively empowered American
citizens. Who among us could survive if every day, the streets outside
our workplaces were lined with people willing to do our jobs for
two-thirds or half the pay because in the world they came from, in the
world where their money is sent, half of our pay amounted to riches?

Anderson particularly despairs of the effect the scarcity of low-end
jobs has on poor youths. In May, 6.1 million whites and 1.7 million
blacks in the country were unemployed. But of those without jobs,
young people took the worst hit. The unemployment rate for whites ages
16 to 19 in the labor force was 15.4%, with 892,000 unemployed; for
black teenagers, it was 270,000 out of work, at a scary 35% rate.

These kids are the millions of potential burger-flippers and mowers of
lawns that Beck and Anderson say employers are bypassing in favor of
undocumented migrants. "There was this kid in my neighborhood-good
kid, 17 years old, and he goes down to the local McDonald's to get an
after-school job," Anderson says. "The manager tells him that because
he doesn't speak Spanish, she can't hire him because it would have a
disruptive effect on all the other workers who don't speak English. I
mean, think of that: Here's a kid trying to get a little
ahead-American born, four generations in South-Central-who's told he
can't sell French fries because he can't speak a foreign language. You
want to talk about disillusionment?"

As cheap, illegal workers flood the labor force, governments and
taxpayers are feeling the pinch. Just as one dishonest act often leads
to another, illegal labor has led to other illegalities. The most
pervasive is the untaxed cash transaction. It has created a surging
"underground economy" that has become a hole in society's pocket
through which falls many of our democratic values, and a lot of loose

John Chiang of Los Angeles, one of five members of the state Board of
Equalization, California's tax oversight agency, says off-the-books
businesses can have a "profoundly dislocating effect" on the economy.
It pushes some businesses to compete by also cutting legal corners,
and discourages other businesses from coming to California.

A study last year by the Economic Roundtable, a Los Angeles research
group, found that the underground sector in Southern California
probably accounts for 20% or more of the economy, says economist Dan
Flaming, author of the report. Nationwide, the International Monetary
Fund reported in a 2002 issues paper, underground work amounted to 10%
of the total economy.

As the underground sector surged in the '90s, an unpleasant snowball
began to gather mass. The amount of tax revenues generated by the
economy didn't keep pace with the population growth and accompanying
rise in demands for government services. That, in turn, "adds
significantly to the tax burden of honest taxpayers," Chiang says. He
estimates that the state is losing $7 billion a year in unpaid taxes.

The state Employment Development Department's estimates are somewhat
lower, at $3 billion to $6 billion annually in lost income and
wage-related taxes. Any way it's counted, that's a pile of money for a
state running a $38-billion deficit that Sacramento is attempting to
close by cutting services, raising taxes and borrowing money.

Certainly, not all of the loss is due to illegal immigrants, and the
state, with scrupulous political sensitivity, avoids placing blame
there. But Jerry Hicks, whose job until recently was to measure the
underground economy for the Employment Development Department,
reluctantly agrees that common sense would put undocumented workers at
the head of the tax-avoidance list. It's anybody's guess how much
fault lies with businesses forced to compete by dealing in cash.

That loss of tax revenue is key to understanding why unchecked illegal
immigration creates a downward economic spiral. Jan. C. Ting, Temple
University law professor and former assistant commissioner of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, says the swelling population
of poor people who have little more than manual labor to offer, and
who pay few taxes, will inevitably draw heavily on social services.
That drain will, in turn, increase taxes on businesses and homeowners,
who may depart for other states, which in turn will drive tax rates
even higher.

An often-cited National Research Council study in 1997 concluded that
each native household in California was paying $1,178 a year in state
and local taxes to cover services used by immigrant (legal and
illegal) households. The demand for such offsetting taxes undoubtedly
has increased in proportion to the numbers of illegal immigrants since

What is known is how the tax drain is changing society. As the IMF's
issue paper warned last year, the lost revenue can lead to "a
deterioration in the quality and administration of the public goods
such as roads and hospitals provided by the government."

Hospitals provide a clear warning signal. Here's how it happens: An
illegal immigrant, without health insurance, has a serious health
problem and goes to a public hospital, incurring a catastrophic
medical cost. At bargain basement wages, that patient has as much
chance of paying the hospital bill as paying off the national debt. So
the patient scribbles out a passable IOU, and disappears.

Someone else pays. America's health system draws its lifeblood from
private health insurance, and if large numbers of patients have no
insurance or can't pay, the money has to be taken from taxes-siphoned
from the state treasury. A robust society can absorb a certain amount
of those losses, but if the tax base isn't expanding as fast as the
demands placed on it, the system begins to shut down-as Los Angeles
County's has.

In 2002, 33% of L.A. County residents were without health insurance or
were grossly underinsured. The county thinks that rate is the highest
in the United States, which helps to explain why the county prepared
to close two hospitals last year because there was too much demand and
too little revenue.

Carol Gunter is acting director of county emergency medical services,
the person who has to try to run a "business" in which about a quarter
of the customers don't have the means to pay for her product, but are
entitled to its full service. So just how many emergency room patients
are illegal? Federal law prevents her from knowing because hospitals
are forbidden to ask about citizenship. What Gunter does know is that,
despite billion-dollar federal bailouts, the number of public L.A.
County hospitals recently went from six to five, and another is going
to close.

In March, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein announced she had joined
other senators in supporting a bailout bill to reimburse state and
local hospitals for emergency medical costs incurred by undocumented
immigrants. She estimated those costs in California at $980 million in
the past year. Celebration over the proposal becomes somewhat muted
when we consider that a bailout is-by sinking-lifeboat
definition-intended to overcome the effects of a leak, and her
statement mentioned nothing about patching the boat. Feinstein
declined to be interviewed on the subject.

Jim Lott, executive vice president of the Hospital Assn. of Southern
California, puts it bluntly: "We are in a [health-care] meltdown in
Los Angeles County to the extent we have never seen before."

The state can't be far behind. An estimated 20% of patients throughout
California are uninsured, with hospitals incurring $3.6 billion in
uncompensated care. Fifty-one percent of the state's hospitals
operated in the red last year.

After the "please pay cash" painting contractor left my house, I put
pencil to paper on the bids. Considering that his line of work is
labor-intensive, if I accepted the above-board bid of $2,000, probably
about $1,500 would go toward wages, and maybe 10% of that would go to
the government. If I went for the underground bid, I would get off
cheaper-and the government would lose $200. Multiply that by the
countless such transactions in California daily, and a lot of
hospitals are going to run short, and a lot of potholes are going to

Author Hanson describes the practical effect of the massive
immigration numbers: "The unfortunate message we give migrants is,
'You can work here, but only undercover, and you can't join our
society.' "

Chiang sees the same ominous divisions. "California is becoming a
dichotomy society-high-wealth, low-wealth; educated, undereducated;
and the underground economy plays a large role in creating the
unregulated atmosphere that tends to widen those social and economic

So the people on either side of the divide go to their corners. The
wealthy to West L.A. and its counterparts around the state. The poor?
"We have towns in the Central Valley that are-literally-100% Mexican,
and consist mainly of illegal migrants," Hanson says. "In those towns,
Spanish is the only language spoken; there is no industry, and the
towns are huge pockets of poverty. We can legitimately fear that this
is the California of the future."

Two small cities of about the same size in Fresno County underscore
Hanson's point. The town of Parlier in 2000 was 97% Latino, with 36%
of the town living in poverty, and a per capita income of $7,078,
Hanson says. The town of Kingsburg, whose population was 34% Latino,
had just 11% living in poverty. The per capita income was $16,137.

The dependence upon agricultural labor, which usually has to be done
by hand, puts a low ceiling on what immigrants can earn. That ceiling
could be lifted either by stemming the flow of illegal labor, or by
mechanizing the farm work. But neither is happening, which suits many
farmers just fine.

Philip Martin, professor of agricultural and resource economics at UC
Davis, says farmers could quickly mechanize labor-intensive harvesting
if it were not so cheap to hire migrants. "Back in the late '60s and
'70s, there was a fear there wouldn't be enough farm workers, so that
spurred mechanization research," Martin says. "Then there were 70-some
subsidized projects at the University of California aimed at figuring
out how to pick oranges mechanically. Today, there aren't any, because
there is plenty of cheap farm labor. There is probably a machine
available to harvest every crop grown in the U.S., but they won't be
used as long as the laborers are available at low wages."

Martin's point reveals this turned-around truism: Agriculture in
Mexico is modernizing, which forces many laborers off their jobs
there. Machines are displacing laborers in the cornfields of Mexico,
so they come north to the "advanced" United States to pick fruits and
vegetables by hand.

Because the United States makes no real effort to count its
undocumented workers, their true impact on the job market is unclear.
Common sense does say, however, that if millions of Mexicans are here
illegally, they must be working or they would go home. An estimated
$10 billion was sent back to Mexico in 2002 by workers in the United
States, an increase of $800 million from the year before, says the
nonprofit Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C.

The migrants who come north used to be regarded as sellouts or
deserters in Mexican society. Now, they're heroes praised by Mexican
President Vicente Fox for the money they inject into that faltering
economy. That is also a first, Hanson says. "Mexico is a failing
society that stays afloat by exporting human capital. If you shut that
border down, in five years you'd have a revolution, because Mexico
can't meet the aspirations of its own people."

There is no question that illegal immigration greatly troubles
Americans. The polls show it, both before and after 9/11. They want
them to go home. One poll even showed that almost two-thirds want the
military to patrol the border. Of course, they never gripe about the
cheap hamburgers or the low-cost gardening that migrants make

Yet, curiously, in a decade of unprecedented illegal immigration, the
issue has been put on the back burner by most of society's seers and

Illegal immigrants are the people we used to call illegal aliens in a
coarser time. Now, to some, even "undocumented workers" is too harsh
so they've adopted "unauthorized." To many critics of illegal
immigration, this tiptoe nomenclature is part of the problem. They say
a debate or consensus on the issue is made impossible by a barricade
of political correctness, up against which a critic is in danger of
that paralyzing accusation-racist.

Most politicians would rather swallow their tongues than talk about
illegal immigration, and Dick Morris thinks he knows why. Morris, the
former political strategist for Bill Clinton, says both political
parties, "especially the Republicans, have to know they're running out
of white people to split up. Any major politician is facing dodo bird
extinction if he or she fails to reach out to Hispanics. It scares

Hanson believes the politics of immigration is about greed and power
more than ideology. "It's one of those issues that's backed by strange
bedfellows-on the right, you have big business types who want open
borders to make money on cheap labor, and don't care about social
consequences. On the other side, you have this left-wing racist-I
think it's racist-separatist industry of Latino groups and leftist
legislators" who want more immigration because it expands their power

Quixotically, on the border south of San Diego, the U.S. runs a
version of "Checkpoint Charlie" to keep them out. Operation Gatekeeper
started in 1994 to stem the flow of illegal immigration north by
clamping down on the main ports of entry in the Southwest. In addition
to forcing many border crossers to attempt a dangerous trip across the
desert, it has had the unintended consequence of transforming a fluid
population that used to go back and forth into one that simply stays

An unauthorized worker probably would prefer to work in this country
and return home as often as possible, preserving his Mexican roots.
Gatekeeper, however, has cemented that worker's feet in the U.S. It's
not hard to understand his hesitancy to go home for a holiday or
family event if he knows there's a good chance he'll be caught on his
return. So, he does the obvious thing: He hires a coyote (outlaw
immigrant trafficker) to bring his whole family north, often one
member at a time.

So, what are the options? Close the borders and kick out the
undocumented as some arch-conservatives want? Or, on the other
extreme, open the borders completely, as libertarians and some Latino
groups tend to favor? On both counts, forget about it. Not going to
happen. And you can trash amnesty at the present time, too. The War on
Terrorism and the tension it has caused between Mexico and the United
States, plus a sour remembrance from the results of the 1986 amnesty
law, closed the book on "regularization," as Bush and Fox
euphemistically called amnesty in the fond days of their mutual
affection a couple years ago. A 2002 poll by Zogby International, a
polling firm, showed that 65% of Americans opposed a new amnesty.

When the nation tried amnesty 17 years ago, the whole idea was to
combine it with a crackdown on hiring illegal workers. Guess what? The
amnesty worked for 2.8 million migrants, putting them on the track for
citizenship; the crackdown did not, as the rising numbers of illegal
crossings demonstrate.

The first amnesty seemed likely to only lead to another, and then
another. An advocate of controlled borders is Cecilia Muñoz, vice
president of the National Council of La Raza, the group considered an
arch defender of illegal migration. Muñoz says undocumented
immigration is bad for both the country and the workers, so she
supports amnesty to make them legal, calling it "earned legalization."
Her enthusiasm flags, though, when asked if the government should
crack down on subsequent illegal immigration that undoubtedly would
follow a new amnesty.

But her convictions don't falter. "We are going to ultimately succeed
because we're all complicit in this system. We don't like it, but we
benefit" from it, and therefore should grant the laborers amnesty.

The last-gasp alternative to amnesty seems to be a "guest-worker
program." The guest-worker idea had two antecedents, one from 1917 to
1921, and another, known as the bracero program, from 1942 to 1964.
Each was started in response to farmers' complaints of wartime labor
shortages. After studying both, professor Martin is convinced that
"there's nothing more permanent than temporary workers." He realizes
the folly of inviting a poor laborer into a comparative worker's
paradise, and then expecting him to run along home when the job is

David Lorey, author of the scholarly "The U.S.-Mexican Border in the
20th Century," says the lesson of the bracero experience "is that
guest-worker programs encourage migration." He adds, "There were
horrible conditions in the migrant camps, and a lot of abuses that
resulted from this neither-fish-nor-fowl program."

In retrospect, the lasting effect of the bracero program was to draw
workers north to the border and give them a taste of American wages.
For example, in 1940, Mexicali, a Mexican border town south of El
Centro, had a population of less than 20,000 people. In 1960, it was
175,000. The programs succeeded in drawing workers, especially in
agriculture, but also left a legacy of exploitation and ineffective
regulation that has made bracero a dirty word in the lexicon of
Mexican migration.

Memories of the abuses leave Hispanic groups skittish to the idea of
guest-worker programs. But Brent Wilkes, executive director of the
powerful League of United Latin American Citizens, says that his
organization might support such a program provided the workers have
labor rights equal to those of American laborers, and have an
inside-track to eventual citizenship

However, law professor Ting calls a guest-worker program in any form
unworkable. "It's camouflaged amnesty. No one wants to use the word
'amnesty' because the American people recognize it for what it
is-admitting defeat of our immigration system. So, they say, 'Let's
call it something else. Let's call it a 'guest-worker program.' "

The vacillation over how to effectively control illegal migration
drives a senior immigration investigator right up the wall, because he
believes the bureaucracy has the answer in its own hands. The
investigator has more than 20 years' experience with the INS. Still,
he believes he must remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

Currently, he explains, the law requires an employer to make a
good-faith effort to ascertain that applicants have valid
identification. However, he considers that law a political con job
because it gives unscrupulous employers an easy out: They can't be
held responsible for not having the expertise to identify illegal or
forged documents, so anything short of those being written in crayon
can pass muster. The biggest abuses, he says, are of forged immigrant
registration cards (green cards) and Social Security cards.

What frustrates him is his conviction that a procedure is already in
place that would "immediately identify 70% of the illegal workforce."
He explains that as a part of the 1986 immigration law, a voluntary
employee verification pilot program was established, and is still
operating. Under the program, the validity of Social Security cards
and green cards can be quickly checked on all new employees by phone
or online. He says the system could easily be expanded into a
mandatory nationwide computer hookup by cross-indexing the data bases
of the immigration service with the Social Security Administration.
The effect would be that honest employers could instantly ascertain
the legality of their workforce, and dishonest employers would have no
excuse for hiring undocumented workers.

Bill Strasberger, a spokesman for the immigration service, says the
pilot program is considered successful. "Employers using it are
pleased, and so are we. It provides verification with
confidentiality." Asked if it would be expanded or made mandatory by
Congress, he laughed briefly, then said, "It really is the direction
we need to move in."

Why, then, aren't we doing it? The investigator says that Congress
refuses to make the program mandatory so as not to offend big
agribusiness and other industries that freely employ illegal workers.
These industries then take some of those profits and give generously
to members of Congress.

Beck's organization, which advocates immigration control, plans to
push for a mandatory employee-verification law. "The American people
would not stand for a massive deportation, so what we need to do is
use this program to dry up the jobs, then most illegals would
gradually go home." If such a law was enacted, he says, the end result
would be American workers gravitating to those jobs for slightly
higher wages. "You'd end up paying 25 cents more for a hamburger and a
dime more for lettuce. Big deal."

This affluent society can certainly afford more expensive hamburgers,
but can it afford the hidden costs that currently make those burgers
and fries dirt cheap? As Beck asks, "How many unskilled illegal
migrants do we allow in? Forty million? Fifty million? What is the end



  #5   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 12:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem, what is
the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

"citizenbob" wrote in message
Los Angeles Times
July 20, 2003

Undermining American workers
Record Numbers of Illegal Immigrants Are Pulling Wages Down for the
Poor and Pushing Taxes Higher
By Fred Dickey

The perils of illegal immigration rattle around in the attic of public
policy like a troubled spirit. We pretend not to hear the dragging
chains because we don't know how to silence them, but the ghosts will
endure, especially in California. Because the nation can't control its
borders, the number of illegal immigrants grows by an estimated
half-million each year. They come because we invite them with lax law
enforcement and menial jobs. Their presence makes our own poor more
destitute, creating a Third World chaos in the California economy that
we are only beginning to understand.

Patricia Morena has no time for a philosophical discussion on
unauthorized immigration. She lives with it, or tries to. She's a U.S.
citizen of Mexican descent, and a motel maid in Chula Vista, six miles
north of the border. She's short and heavyset, and dresses with care
in tasteful thrift shop. She earns $300 before taxes, when she's
fortunate enough to have a five-day week. She's a single mom with
three children, all stuffed into a ratty little one-bedroom apartment.
The eldest, an 18-year-old boy, has taken to stealing; she thinks it's
because he's always been poor.

Sitting in the pale yellow kitchen light, she looks resigned rather
than angry. She has the fear of anyone who's 39, broke and tired:
being replaced. If she didn't have to compete with unauthorized
workers in the cheap motels that cluster just north of the border, she
thinks, she could lift her wages from $7.50 per hour to maybe $10 and
bargain for some health insurance.

But she won't ask for a raise. "If I ask for money, the bosses say, 'I
can get a young girl who is faster and cheaper,' " she says. "The
bosses have power over illegals. They know they're afraid and not
going to ask for overtime, even though I know the law says they should
get it." So Morena remains mired, one of 32.9 million people the U.S.
Census Bureau says lived in poverty in 2001.

The 1996 welfare reform act was pitched as a means for poor people to
elevate themselves through work. President Clinton said at the time
that the act was "to give them a chance to share in the prosperity and
the promise that most of our people are enjoying today."

Well, seven years later, Morena is still poor. Although she never
studied economics, she has learned a fundamental economic truth: The
only leverage unskilled workers have is scarcity of labor. Morena
can't work her way up the economic ladder because the bottom rungs
have been broken off by the weight of millions of new illegal workers.
The census bureau says the number of illegal immigrants in the country
doubled in the 1990s, from 3.5 million to 7 million, the largest such
increase in the nation's history.

So Morena soldiers on at $7.50 an hour, living with a reality that the
late Cesar Chavez, champion of the farm worker, understood back in the
1960s. Chavez, says David M. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian
from Stanford University, advocated limited immigration to protect the
wage levels of the Chicano workers he struggled to unionize. Without
such restrictions, demand for labor would fall, and with it the
pressure to pay higher wages.

The people who traditionally benefit from the Patricia Morenas and
other low-paid workers are farther up the economic ladder-businesses,
industries and homeowners. For them, stagnant low wages mean they can
hire maids, farm laborers, seamstresses, roofers and carpet cleaners
for about the same wages as they paid a quarter-century ago. That
helps industries grow cheap lettuce and make down-market shirts. It
frees up enough money for homeowners to afford those sports cars whose
price tripled even as the cost of getting their lawn mowed stayed the

Yet the relentless flow of illegal labor is now changing life for
Californians on those higher rungs too.

Apart from the proliferation of workers standing on street corners
waiting for jobs, it's difficult to see that migration from Mexico
into California during the past two decades is on a scale that
astonishes even those who specialize in making sense out of human
patterns. One such expert is Victor Davis Hanson, a professor of
classics at Cal State Fresno and the author of "Mexifornia," a recent
book that reveals the extent of the changing culture and demographics
of California. He says that no immigration in American history even
remotely compares to the one underway along the southwest border,
which, incidentally, is the longest that has ever separated First- and
Third World countries.

Today, nearly half of California's residents are immigrants or the
children of immigrants, and the state's population is projected to
increase by 52%, to 49 million, between 2000 and 2025. An estimated
950,000 Mexicans without papers live in the five-county Greater Los
Angeles area, says Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Urban
Institute public policy center in Washington, D.C. They are mostly
nested in communities of the 2.4 million Mexican-born migrants.
Statewide, there are 1.6 million undocumented Mexicans, and 4.8
million in the country, Passel says. They make up more than half of
the 8.5-million-plus undocumented persons of all nationalities.

The image of migrants popularized by their advocates is of work-tough
campesinos who cross the border spitting on their hands and eagerly
looking for shovels. That is true to a considerable extent, because a
lot of shoveling gets done. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says in
support of a new amnesty for unauthorized immigrants: "There are
approximately 10 million undocumented workers employed throughout the
country who are working hard and performing tasks that most Americans
take for granted but won't do themselves."

The second half of that sentence has been accepted as a truth for
generations. Illegal immigrants are just doing the work Americans
won't. But is it true today?

In April, I shopped for a contractor to paint my house trim. I got
three bids. One was for $1,600, about $400 less than the others. The
only condition was that payment be in cash. That wasn't remarkable. Is
there a Californian alive who doesn't know they can pay under the
table for cheap immigrant labor? You pay cash. There are no checks.
There is no tax record.

But this bargain didn't come from an undocumented worker. It came from
an established businessman with good references. I asked why the
ethical gyrations.

He vented: "If I'm going to stay in business, I have to do what the
illegals do. They never pay taxes, on profits or on their employees'
pay. Right there, I'm at a 20% disadvantage. They'll come in here with
about six guys with paintbrushes who work for peanuts, do a fair job,
and then they're gone." These competitors have driven every American
out of gardening, he added, and are doing it to house-painting,
roofing and car repair. He concluded in frustration, "What am I
supposed to do?"

Roy Beck, executive director of Numbers USA Education and Research
Foundation, a Washington, D.C., organization devoted to immigration
control, says it's not that millions of unemployed Americans "are too
lazy and shiftless to bus tables or wash dishes." What the Chamber of
Commerce and like-minded business groups really mean, he says, is that
"Americans won't work like slaves, like serfs. Americans want to be
paid and treated fairly."

"The National Restaurant Assn., for one, doesn't want their customers
to know that this system forces illegal workers to live in abject
poverty," Beck says. "It's the serfdom thing. If customers thought
about it, they'd say, 'No, I don't want people who are hidden in the
kitchen or serving me to be so poor and neglected that they might be
TB carriers, and hate my guts for not caring about them.' "

Terry Anderson, a black talk-radio host in Los Angeles, says he sees
similar displacement throughout the African American community. "I
defy you to find a black janitor in L.A.," Anderson says. "In the
'70s, the auto body-repair business in South-Central was pretty much
occupied by blacks. Those jobs are all gone now. They're all held by
Hispanics, and all of them are illegals. And those $25 jobs that
blacks used to hold in the '70s now pay $8 to $10, and a black man
can't get hired even if he's expert. It's absolute discrimination,
because there's a perception that a Hispanic works better. Well, he
works cheaper. They're in the country illegally, so they have no
bargaining power, and the wages get driven down."

The point he and Beck make is decidedly not a racial one, not black
versus Latino or Mexican versus white. Their point is about money.
Illegal, powerless immigrants versus relatively empowered American
citizens. Who among us could survive if every day, the streets outside
our workplaces were lined with people willing to do our jobs for
two-thirds or half the pay because in the world they came from, in the
world where their money is sent, half of our pay amounted to riches?

Anderson particularly despairs of the effect the scarcity of low-end
jobs has on poor youths. In May, 6.1 million whites and 1.7 million
blacks in the country were unemployed. But of those without jobs,
young people took the worst hit. The unemployment rate for whites ages
16 to 19 in the labor force was 15.4%, with 892,000 unemployed; for
black teenagers, it was 270,000 out of work, at a scary 35% rate.

These kids are the millions of potential burger-flippers and mowers of
lawns that Beck and Anderson say employers are bypassing in favor of
undocumented migrants. "There was this kid in my neighborhood-good
kid, 17 years old, and he goes down to the local McDonald's to get an
after-school job," Anderson says. "The manager tells him that because
he doesn't speak Spanish, she can't hire him because it would have a
disruptive effect on all the other workers who don't speak English. I
mean, think of that: Here's a kid trying to get a little
ahead-American born, four generations in South-Central-who's told he
can't sell French fries because he can't speak a foreign language. You
want to talk about disillusionment?"

As cheap, illegal workers flood the labor force, governments and
taxpayers are feeling the pinch. Just as one dishonest act often leads
to another, illegal labor has led to other illegalities. The most
pervasive is the untaxed cash transaction. It has created a surging
"underground economy" that has become a hole in society's pocket
through which falls many of our democratic values, and a lot of loose

John Chiang of Los Angeles, one of five members of the state Board of
Equalization, California's tax oversight agency, says off-the-books
businesses can have a "profoundly dislocating effect" on the economy.
It pushes some businesses to compete by also cutting legal corners,
and discourages other businesses from coming to California.

A study last year by the Economic Roundtable, a Los Angeles research
group, found that the underground sector in Southern California
probably accounts for 20% or more of the economy, says economist Dan
Flaming, author of the report. Nationwide, the International Monetary
Fund reported in a 2002 issues paper, underground work amounted to 10%
of the total economy.

As the underground sector surged in the '90s, an unpleasant snowball
began to gather mass. The amount of tax revenues generated by the
economy didn't keep pace with the population growth and accompanying
rise in demands for government services. That, in turn, "adds
significantly to the tax burden of honest taxpayers," Chiang says. He
estimates that the state is losing $7 billion a year in unpaid taxes.

The state Employment Development Department's estimates are somewhat
lower, at $3 billion to $6 billion annually in lost income and
wage-related taxes. Any way it's counted, that's a pile of money for a
state running a $38-billion deficit that Sacramento is attempting to
close by cutting services, raising taxes and borrowing money.

Certainly, not all of the loss is due to illegal immigrants, and the
state, with scrupulous political sensitivity, avoids placing blame
there. But Jerry Hicks, whose job until recently was to measure the
underground economy for the Employment Development Department,
reluctantly agrees that common sense would put undocumented workers at
the head of the tax-avoidance list. It's anybody's guess how much
fault lies with businesses forced to compete by dealing in cash.

That loss of tax revenue is key to understanding why unchecked illegal
immigration creates a downward economic spiral. Jan. C. Ting, Temple
University law professor and former assistant commissioner of the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, says the swelling population
of poor people who have little more than manual labor to offer, and
who pay few taxes, will inevitably draw heavily on social services.
That drain will, in turn, increase taxes on businesses and homeowners,
who may depart for other states, which in turn will drive tax rates
even higher.

An often-cited National Research Council study in 1997 concluded that
each native household in California was paying $1,178 a year in state
and local taxes to cover services used by immigrant (legal and
illegal) households. The demand for such offsetting taxes undoubtedly
has increased in proportion to the numbers of illegal immigrants since

What is known is how the tax drain is changing society. As the IMF's
issue paper warned last year, the lost revenue can lead to "a
deterioration in the quality and administration of the public goods
such as roads and hospitals provided by the government."

Hospitals provide a clear warning signal. Here's how it happens: An
illegal immigrant, without health insurance, has a serious health
problem and goes to a public hospital, incurring a catastrophic
medical cost. At bargain basement wages, that patient has as much
chance of paying the hospital bill as paying off the national debt. So
the patient scribbles out a passable IOU, and disappears.

Someone else pays. America's health system draws its lifeblood from
private health insurance, and if large numbers of patients have no
insurance or can't pay, the money has to be taken from taxes-siphoned
from the state treasury. A robust society can absorb a certain amount
of those losses, but if the tax base isn't expanding as fast as the
demands placed on it, the system begins to shut down-as Los Angeles
County's has.

In 2002, 33% of L.A. County residents were without health insurance or
were grossly underinsured. The county thinks that rate is the highest
in the United States, which helps to explain why the county prepared
to close two hospitals last year because there was too much demand and
too little revenue.

Carol Gunter is acting director of county emergency medical services,
the person who has to try to run a "business" in which about a quarter
of the customers don't have the means to pay for her product, but are
entitled to its full service. So just how many emergency room patients
are illegal? Federal law prevents her from knowing because hospitals
are forbidden to ask about citizenship. What Gunter does know is that,
despite billion-dollar federal bailouts, the number of public L.A.
County hospitals recently went from six to five, and another is going
to close.

In March, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein announced she had joined
other senators in supporting a bailout bill to reimburse state and
local hospitals for emergency medical costs incurred by undocumented
immigrants. She estimated those costs in California at $980 million in
the past year. Celebration over the proposal becomes somewhat muted
when we consider that a bailout is-by sinking-lifeboat
definition-intended to overcome the effects of a leak, and her
statement mentioned nothing about patching the boat. Feinstein
declined to be interviewed on the subject.

Jim Lott, executive vice president of the Hospital Assn. of Southern
California, puts it bluntly: "We are in a [health-care] meltdown in
Los Angeles County to the extent we have never seen before."

The state can't be far behind. An estimated 20% of patients throughout
California are uninsured, with hospitals incurring $3.6 billion in
uncompensated care. Fifty-one percent of the state's hospitals
operated in the red last year.

After the "please pay cash" painting contractor left my house, I put
pencil to paper on the bids. Considering that his line of work is
labor-intensive, if I accepted the above-board bid of $2,000, probably
about $1,500 would go toward wages, and maybe 10% of that would go to
the government. If I went for the underground bid, I would get off
cheaper-and the government would lose $200. Multiply that by the
countless such transactions in California daily, and a lot of
hospitals are going to run short, and a lot of potholes are going to

Author Hanson describes the practical effect of the massive
immigration numbers: "The unfortunate message we give migrants is,
'You can work here, but only undercover, and you can't join our
society.' "

Chiang sees the same ominous divisions. "California is becoming a
dichotomy society-high-wealth, low-wealth; educated, undereducated;
and the underground economy plays a large role in creating the
unregulated atmosphere that tends to widen those social and economic

So the people on either side of the divide go to their corners. The
wealthy to West L.A. and its counterparts around the state. The poor?
"We have towns in the Central Valley that are-literally-100% Mexican,
and consist mainly of illegal migrants," Hanson says. "In those towns,
Spanish is the only language spoken; there is no industry, and the
towns are huge pockets of poverty. We can legitimately fear that this
is the California of the future."

Two small cities of about the same size in Fresno County underscore
Hanson's point. The town of Parlier in 2000 was 97% Latino, with 36%
of the town living in poverty, and a per capita income of $7,078,
Hanson says. The town of Kingsburg, whose population was 34% Latino,
had just 11% living in poverty. The per capita income was $16,137.

The dependence upon agricultural labor, which usually has to be done
by hand, puts a low ceiling on what immigrants can earn. That ceiling
could be lifted either by stemming the flow of illegal labor, or by
mechanizing the farm work. But neither is happening, which suits many
farmers just fine.

Philip Martin, professor of agricultural and resource economics at UC
Davis, says farmers could quickly mechanize labor-intensive harvesting
if it were not so cheap to hire migrants. "Back in the late '60s and
'70s, there was a fear there wouldn't be enough farm workers, so that
spurred mechanization research," Martin says. "Then there were 70-some
subsidized projects at the University of California aimed at figuring
out how to pick oranges mechanically. Today, there aren't any, because
there is plenty of cheap farm labor. There is probably a machine
available to harvest every crop grown in the U.S., but they won't be
used as long as the laborers are available at low wages."

Martin's point reveals this turned-around truism: Agriculture in
Mexico is modernizing, which forces many laborers off their jobs
there. Machines are displacing laborers in the cornfields of Mexico,
so they come north to the "advanced" United States to pick fruits and
vegetables by hand.

Because the United States makes no real effort to count its
undocumented workers, their true impact on the job market is unclear.
Common sense does say, however, that if millions of Mexicans are here
illegally, they must be working or they would go home. An estimated
$10 billion was sent back to Mexico in 2002 by workers in the United
States, an increase of $800 million from the year before, says the
nonprofit Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C.

The migrants who come north used to be regarded as sellouts or
deserters in Mexican society. Now, they're heroes praised by Mexican
President Vicente Fox for the money they inject into that faltering
economy. That is also a first, Hanson says. "Mexico is a failing
society that stays afloat by exporting human capital. If you shut that
border down, in five years you'd have a revolution, because Mexico
can't meet the aspirations of its own people."

There is no question that illegal immigration greatly troubles
Americans. The polls show it, both before and after 9/11. They want
them to go home. One poll even showed that almost two-thirds want the
military to patrol the border. Of course, they never gripe about the
cheap hamburgers or the low-cost gardening that migrants make

Yet, curiously, in a decade of unprecedented illegal immigration, the
issue has been put on the back burner by most of society's seers and

Illegal immigrants are the people we used to call illegal aliens in a
coarser time. Now, to some, even "undocumented workers" is too harsh
so they've adopted "unauthorized." To many critics of illegal
immigration, this tiptoe nomenclature is part of the problem. They say
a debate or consensus on the issue is made impossible by a barricade
of political correctness, up against which a critic is in danger of
that paralyzing accusation-racist.

Most politicians would rather swallow their tongues than talk about
illegal immigration, and Dick Morris thinks he knows why. Morris, the
former political strategist for Bill Clinton, says both political
parties, "especially the Republicans, have to know they're running out
of white people to split up. Any major politician is facing dodo bird
extinction if he or she fails to reach out to Hispanics. It scares

Hanson believes the politics of immigration is about greed and power
more than ideology. "It's one of those issues that's backed by strange
bedfellows-on the right, you have big business types who want open
borders to make money on cheap labor, and don't care about social
consequences. On the other side, you have this left-wing racist-I
think it's racist-separatist industry of Latino groups and leftist
legislators" who want more immigration because it expands their power

Quixotically, on the border south of San Diego, the U.S. runs a
version of "Checkpoint Charlie" to keep them out. Operation Gatekeeper
started in 1994 to stem the flow of illegal immigration north by
clamping down on the main ports of entry in the Southwest. In addition
to forcing many border crossers to attempt a dangerous trip across the
desert, it has had the unintended consequence of transforming a fluid
population that used to go back and forth into one that simply stays

An unauthorized worker probably would prefer to work in this country
and return home as often as possible, preserving his Mexican roots.
Gatekeeper, however, has cemented that worker's feet in the U.S. It's
not hard to understand his hesitancy to go home for a holiday or
family event if he knows there's a good chance he'll be caught on his
return. So, he does the obvious thing: He hires a coyote (outlaw
immigrant trafficker) to bring his whole family north, often one
member at a time.

So, what are the options? Close the borders and kick out the
undocumented as some arch-conservatives want? Or, on the other
extreme, open the borders completely, as libertarians and some Latino
groups tend to favor? On both counts, forget about it. Not going to
happen. And you can trash amnesty at the present time, too. The War on
Terrorism and the tension it has caused between Mexico and the United
States, plus a sour remembrance from the results of the 1986 amnesty
law, closed the book on "regularization," as Bush and Fox
euphemistically called amnesty in the fond days of their mutual
affection a couple years ago. A 2002 poll by Zogby International, a
polling firm, showed that 65% of Americans opposed a new amnesty.

When the nation tried amnesty 17 years ago, the whole idea was to
combine it with a crackdown on hiring illegal workers. Guess what? The
amnesty worked for 2.8 million migrants, putting them on the track for
citizenship; the crackdown did not, as the rising numbers of illegal
crossings demonstrate.

The first amnesty seemed likely to only lead to another, and then
another. An advocate of controlled borders is Cecilia Muñoz, vice
president of the National Council of La Raza, the group considered an
arch defender of illegal migration. Muñoz says undocumented
immigration is bad for both the country and the workers, so she
supports amnesty to make them legal, calling it "earned legalization."
Her enthusiasm flags, though, when asked if the government should
crack down on subsequent illegal immigration that undoubtedly would
follow a new amnesty.

But her convictions don't falter. "We are going to ultimately succeed
because we're all complicit in this system. We don't like it, but we
benefit" from it, and therefore should grant the laborers amnesty.

The last-gasp alternative to amnesty seems to be a "guest-worker
program." The guest-worker idea had two antecedents, one from 1917 to
1921, and another, known as the bracero program, from 1942 to 1964.
Each was started in response to farmers' complaints of wartime labor
shortages. After studying both, professor Martin is convinced that
"there's nothing more permanent than temporary workers." He realizes
the folly of inviting a poor laborer into a comparative worker's
paradise, and then expecting him to run along home when the job is

David Lorey, author of the scholarly "The U.S.-Mexican Border in the
20th Century," says the lesson of the bracero experience "is that
guest-worker programs encourage migration." He adds, "There were
horrible conditions in the migrant camps, and a lot of abuses that
resulted from this neither-fish-nor-fowl program."

In retrospect, the lasting effect of the bracero program was to draw
workers north to the border and give them a taste of American wages.
For example, in 1940, Mexicali, a Mexican border town south of El
Centro, had a population of less than 20,000 people. In 1960, it was
175,000. The programs succeeded in drawing workers, especially in
agriculture, but also left a legacy of exploitation and ineffective
regulation that has made bracero a dirty word in the lexicon of
Mexican migration.

Memories of the abuses leave Hispanic groups skittish to the idea of
guest-worker programs. But Brent Wilkes, executive director of the
powerful League of United Latin American Citizens, says that his
organization might support such a program provided the workers have
labor rights equal to those of American laborers, and have an
inside-track to eventual citizenship

However, law professor Ting calls a guest-worker program in any form
unworkable. "It's camouflaged amnesty. No one wants to use the word
'amnesty' because the American people recognize it for what it
is-admitting defeat of our immigration system. So, they say, 'Let's
call it something else. Let's call it a 'guest-worker program.' "

The vacillation over how to effectively control illegal migration
drives a senior immigration investigator right up the wall, because he
believes the bureaucracy has the answer in its own hands. The
investigator has more than 20 years' experience with the INS. Still,
he believes he must remain anonymous for fear of retribution.

Currently, he explains, the law requires an employer to make a
good-faith effort to ascertain that applicants have valid
identification. However, he considers that law a political con job
because it gives unscrupulous employers an easy out: They can't be
held responsible for not having the expertise to identify illegal or
forged documents, so anything short of those being written in crayon
can pass muster. The biggest abuses, he says, are of forged immigrant
registration cards (green cards) and Social Security cards.

What frustrates him is his conviction that a procedure is already in
place that would "immediately identify 70% of the illegal workforce."
He explains that as a part of the 1986 immigration law, a voluntary
employee verification pilot program was established, and is still
operating. Under the program, the validity of Social Security cards
and green cards can be quickly checked on all new employees by phone
or online. He says the system could easily be expanded into a
mandatory nationwide computer hookup by cross-indexing the data bases
of the immigration service with the Social Security Administration.
The effect would be that honest employers could instantly ascertain
the legality of their workforce, and dishonest employers would have no
excuse for hiring undocumented workers.

Bill Strasberger, a spokesman for the immigration service, says the
pilot program is considered successful. "Employers using it are
pleased, and so are we. It provides verification with
confidentiality." Asked if it would be expanded or made mandatory by
Congress, he laughed briefly, then said, "It really is the direction
we need to move in."

Why, then, aren't we doing it? The investigator says that Congress
refuses to make the program mandatory so as not to offend big
agribusiness and other industries that freely employ illegal workers.
These industries then take some of those profits and give generously
to members of Congress.

Beck's organization, which advocates immigration control, plans to
push for a mandatory employee-verification law. "The American people
would not stand for a massive deportation, so what we need to do is
use this program to dry up the jobs, then most illegals would
gradually go home." If such a law was enacted, he says, the end result
would be American workers gravitating to those jobs for slightly
higher wages. "You'd end up paying 25 cents more for a hamburger and a
dime more for lettuce. Big deal."

This affluent society can certainly afford more expensive hamburgers,
but can it afford the hidden costs that currently make those burgers
and fries dirt cheap? As Beck asks, "How many unskilled illegal
migrants do we allow in? Forty million? Fifty million? What is the end



  #6   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 01:16 AM
Carey Gregory
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

"Mike" wrote:

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

And you quoted the whole damn thing. And you're an easy sucker for
blatantly obvious trolls. Do you have any redeeming qualities?

Look at the cross-posting, for gawd's sake. It's cross-posted to five
newsgroups, but on-topic in only one of them. Does it have to be lit up in
neon lights flashing "TROLL! TROLL! TROLL!" for you to see the obvious?

  #7   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 01:32 AM
Dave C.
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

"Mike" wrote in message
Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem, what

the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

First, I don't think the OP is a troll, as others have said. I proposed a
solution elsewhere. The article stated that 50% of California residents are
illegal. So let's pull back our troops from overseas, post them ALL on the
Southern border, and deport every single human being found in California.
Every single one. Then if they can prove they are legal, let them back in
immediately. But never remove the troops from the border, and shoot all who
are stupid enough to attempt to enter illegally. Drastic is facing the very
real possibility that all the hospitals in California will close soon as
they can no longer afford to stay open due to illegal aliens. Drastic
problem, drastic solution. -Dave

  #8   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 01:35 AM
Dave C.
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

"Mike" wrote in message
Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem, what

the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

First, I don't think the OP is a troll, as others have said. I proposed a
solution elsewhere. The article stated that 50% of California residents are
illegal. So let's pull back our troops from overseas, post them ALL on the
Southern border, and deport every single human being found in California.
Every single one. Then if they can prove they are legal, let them back in
immediately. But never remove the troops from the border, and shoot all who
are stupid enough to attempt to enter illegally. Drastic is facing the very
real possibility that all the hospitals in California will close soon as
they can no longer afford to stay open due to illegal aliens. Drastic
problem, drastic solution. -Dave

  #9   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 01:35 AM
James Curts
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

Drastic is the word. It's sure worth a try. So far the law won't handle it.

James Curts

"Dave C." wrote in message

"Mike" wrote in message
Now that you have identified (in absurdly great detail) the problem,

the solution?

(I know, I know, I'm top posting. Just live with it.)

First, I don't think the OP is a troll, as others have said. I proposed a
solution elsewhere. The article stated that 50% of California residents

illegal. So let's pull back our troops from overseas, post them ALL on

Southern border, and deport every single human being found in California.
Every single one. Then if they can prove they are legal, let them back in
immediately. But never remove the troops from the border, and shoot all

are stupid enough to attempt to enter illegally. Drastic is facing the

real possibility that all the hospitals in California will close soon as
they can no longer afford to stay open due to illegal aliens. Drastic
problem, drastic solution. -Dave

  #10   Report Post  
Old 21-07-2003, 01:03 PM
Jeff Cochran
Posts: n/a
Default Undermining American workers

The perils of illegal immigration rattle around in the attic of public
policy like a troubled spirit.

I had things rattling around my attic until I baited for them. Gone

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