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  #1   Report Post  
Old 03-07-2003, 12:09 AM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

Wednesday, July 2, 2003 11:32:0 p.m

Kenneth Roth, executive director of the HRW, has written to US State
Secretary Colin Powell urging him to stop all US ambassadors from
“bullying” small and poor countries into signing ICC immunity
agreement with the US.

Roth disclosed that an assistant state secretary informed foreign
ministers of Caribbean states that they would lose the benefits for
veterinary programs if their governments did not sign the immunity

“Because most ICC-member states are democracies with a relatively
strong commitment to the rule of law, the threatened aid cutoffs
represent a sanction primarily targeting states that abide by
democratic values,” Roth said.

“US officials are engaged in a worldwide campaign pressing small,
vulnerable and often fragile democratic governments to sign bilateral
agreements with Washington. As you know, these agreements will exempt
270 million Americans and foreign nationals working under contract
with the US government from the authority of the court. While we
believe the agreements the United States is proposing violate the ICC
treaty by going beyond the letter and spirit of Article 98, I am not
writing to argue the unlawfulness of these instruments,” said Roth in
his letter to Powell dated June 30, a copy of which was posted on the
ICC website.

“Whatever the administration thinks of the International Criminal
Court, its tactics in pursuing these bilateral agreements are
unconscionable. Other governments can plainly see that punitive
measures are being used primarily against poor and relatively weak
states with few options other than to give in to the United States.
Signing an agreement will put an ICC state party in breach of its
legal obligations and at odds with other important national interests.
This raw misuse of US power makes the policy all the more
objectionable,” Roth wrote.

“We urge you to bring an end to the vendetta against the ICC that US
diplomats around the world have been compelled to carry out. This is
an initiative that is likely to do far more harm to the United States
than it could ever do to the court. This campaign is creating a legacy
that will tar the Bush administration for years to come. With
everything else taking place in the world today, the United States
ought to adopt a wiser approach to the ICC,” Roth wrote.

  #2   Report Post  
Old 04-07-2003, 07:08 PM
Charles Hawtrey
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 23:53:23 +0200, Torsten Brinch

“Whatever the administration thinks of the International Criminal
Court, its tactics in pursuing these bilateral agreements are
unconscionable. Other governments can plainly see that punitive
measures are being used primarily against poor and relatively weak
states with few options other than to give in to the United States.
Signing an agreement will put an ICC state party in breach of its
legal obligations and at odds with other important national interests.
This raw misuse of US power makes the policy all the more
objectionable,” Roth wrote.

Your logic seems to be that other countries have an inalienable right
to US financial aid, regardless of their positions on issues of
interest to the US. I do not see anything wrong with providing aid
only to countries that act in our interest.

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

I don't know why you people seem to think this is magic,
it's just this little chromium switch here... Ah you people
are SO superstitious...
  #3   Report Post  
Old 04-07-2003, 08:09 PM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 17:11:32 GMT, (Charles Hawtrey)

On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 23:53:23 +0200, Torsten Brinch

“Whatever the administration thinks of the International Criminal
Court, its tactics in pursuing these bilateral agreements are
unconscionable. Other governments can plainly see that punitive
measures are being used primarily against poor and relatively weak
states with few options other than to give in to the United States.
Signing an agreement will put an ICC state party in breach of its
legal obligations and at odds with other important national interests.
This raw misuse of US power makes the policy all the more
objectionable,” Roth wrote.

Your logic seems to be that other countries have an inalienable right
to US financial aid, regardless of their positions on issues of
interest to the US.

Not really. Careful, lest you make yourself a strawman there,
noone seems to have expressed any such view.

I do not see anything wrong with providing aid
only to countries that act in our interest.

I do not see anything wrong with payment for services.
Just don't call it aid then.

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

  #4   Report Post  
Old 04-07-2003, 09:56 PM
James Curts
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

"Charles Hawtrey" wrote in message
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 23:53:23 +0200, Torsten Brinch

"Whatever the administration thinks of the International Criminal
Court, its tactics in pursuing these bilateral agreements are
unconscionable. Other governments can plainly see that punitive
measures are being used primarily against poor and relatively weak
states with few options other than to give in to the United States.
Signing an agreement will put an ICC state party in breach of its
legal obligations and at odds with other important national interests.
This raw misuse of US power makes the policy all the more
objectionable," Roth wrote.

Your logic seems to be that other countries have an inalienable right
to US financial aid, regardless of their positions on issues of
interest to the US. I do not see anything wrong with providing aid
only to countries that act in our interest.

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

I don't know why you people seem to think this is magic,
it's just this little chromium switch here... Ah you people
are SO superstitious...


Your reply was somewhat refreshing. A large portion of the world have lived
on American gratuities for so long they have come to demand it. It is soon
becoming apparent to many that the current man occupying the presidential
office is not nearly the uneducated bloke they thought.

Shock that it may be to their narrow little mental processes many of them
may have to start supporting their own careless habits. The two faced
actions of many countries and exemplified by our good friend, France, will
become more in line and forced to developed a more valid standard of
integrity and credibility if they wish to remain at the free feed trough.

Thanks for putting it pretty clearly

Right now I must join some folks in a very pleasant afternoon of remembrance
and celebration.

Take care

James Curts

  #6   Report Post  
Old 04-07-2003, 11:20 PM
James Curts
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

"Torsten Brinch" wrote in message
On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 17:11:32 GMT, (Charles Hawtrey)

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

No, that's a misunderstanding. The ICC was set up exactly to avoid
that kind of impunity, by giving the ICC the ultimate jurisdiction.

Otoh, by officially refusing to sign and indeed fighting the ICC bully
tooth and claw, the Bush Administration is saying loud and clear to
the world, that -it- would refuse to surrender an American suspect to
the ICC even if the Court found the U.S. investigation or prosecution
to have been a complete sham.

In essence, US reaction to the establishment of an International
Criminal Court has been to try to force through the establishment of
international law as one for American citizens -- and another for the
rest of the world. It is a classic case of American double standards,
easy to see for the rest of us, but strangely invisible to Americans.

Your problem is that you picked the wrong goat herd to follow and will live
with resentment for your remaining days.

The Americans are doing quite fine, thank you. At long last we have a man at
the helm that will curb the free hand outs and say back off to many of the
world's shills. Is your little bunch on the Excrement Cut List too?

Right now I must join some folks in a very pleasant afternoon of remembrance
and celebration.

Take care

James Curts

  #7   Report Post  
Old 04-07-2003, 11:56 PM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 21:22:58 GMT, "James Curts"

The Americans are doing quite fine, thank you.

The U. S. National Debt Clock:

  #8   Report Post  
Old 05-07-2003, 12:20 PM
Gordon Couger
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

"Torsten Brinch" wrote in message
On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 21:22:58 GMT, "James Curts"

The Americans are doing quite fine, thank you.

The U. S. National Debt Clock:

Divide it by the GNP and it look better than it has most of my life.


  #9   Report Post  
Old 05-07-2003, 12:20 PM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Sat, 5 Jul 2003 02:33:24 -0500, "Gordon Couger"

"Torsten Brinch" wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 21:22:58 GMT, "James Curts"

The Americans are doing quite fine, thank you.

The U. S. National Debt Clock:

Divide it by the GNP and it look better than
it has most of my life.

Been there, done that. Data does not show
what you say they do. What now, Gordon?

  #10   Report Post  
Old 05-07-2003, 08:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

As good as the American policy is, it does not go far enough. We ought
to announce in advance that if any American citizen is bound over for
trial to the ICC, that the American military will invade Holland,
rescue the prisoner, and burn the ICC buildings to the ground with the
kangaroo judges in them. If the prisoner has been harmed or spirited
away, Holland should have all its dikes destroyed, locks and dams
blown to bits, and left to drown in its perverted, drug-hazed,
hellbound misery. The same for those presumptuous *******s in Belgium
and their arrogant claim of jurisdiction over the whole world.-Jitney

  #11   Report Post  
Old 05-07-2003, 08:08 PM
James Curts
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

"jitney" wrote in message
As good as the American policy is, it does not go far enough. We ought
to announce in advance that if any American citizen is bound over for
trial to the ICC, that the American military will invade Holland,
rescue the prisoner, and burn the ICC buildings to the ground with the
kangaroo judges in them. If the prisoner has been harmed or spirited
away, Holland should have all its dikes destroyed, locks and dams
blown to bits, and left to drown in its perverted, drug-hazed,
hellbound misery. The same for those presumptuous *******s in Belgium
and their arrogant claim of jurisdiction over the whole world.-Jitney

Well, perhaps moderated a bit but, yes, and include some other cull nations
as well

James Curts

  #12   Report Post  
Old 05-07-2003, 08:20 PM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 18:05:10 GMT, "James Curts"

"jitney" wrote in message
. com...
As good as the American policy is, it does not go far enough. We ought
to announce in advance that if any American citizen is bound over for
trial to the ICC, that the American military will invade Holland,
rescue the prisoner, and burn the ICC buildings to the ground with the
kangaroo judges in them. If the prisoner has been harmed or spirited
away, Holland should have all its dikes destroyed, locks and dams
blown to bits, and left to drown in its perverted, drug-hazed,
hellbound misery. The same for those presumptuous *******s in Belgium
and their arrogant claim of jurisdiction over the whole world.-Jitney

Well, perhaps moderated a bit but, yes, and include some other cull nations
as well

--Rire d'un Américain! s'écria J.-T. Maston, mais voilà un casus
belli!... (De la terre à la lune, par Jules Verne)

  #13   Report Post  
Old 06-07-2003, 07:56 AM
Charles Hawtrey
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 23:00:53 +0200, Torsten Brinch

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 17:11:32 GMT, (Charles Hawtrey)

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

No, that's a misunderstanding. The ICC was set up exactly to avoid
that kind of impunity, by giving the ICC the ultimate jurisdiction.

Have you actually read the relevant part of the Rome Statute? The bar
for "ultimate jurisdiction" as you call it is set so high that it is
effectively useful only when the case of a state with no central
government. A state that wishes to shield violators can easily do so
by setting up a sham trial that follows the formalities of its legal
system. Theoretically the trial could be declared a sham, but in
practice the shielding state can easily avoid this by making a good
show. Few would be so naive as to conduct a transparently obvious
sham trial.

I think that many supporters of the ICC are so taken with the nobility
of the idea that they have not bothered to find out what the Rome
Statute actually says. For example we often hear that the ICC will
have jurisdiction over only the worst crimes. Yet the Rome Statute
says that even attacks against _vehicles_ can fall within the
jurisdiction of the ICC! It is not even specified that the vehicle
need be occupied at the time.

I don't know why you people seem to think this is magic,
it's just this little chromium switch here... Ah you people
are SO superstitious...
  #14   Report Post  
Old 06-07-2003, 11:48 AM
Torsten Brinch
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 05:53:15 GMT, (Charles Hawtrey)

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 23:00:53 +0200, Torsten Brinch

On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 17:11:32 GMT,
(Charles Hawtrey)

The ICC is noble in principle but unworkable in practice. The guilty
can easily evade justice by having sham trials in their own countries,
while well-meaning peacekeepers will be subject to an endless
annoyance of frivolous prosecutions.

No, that's a misunderstanding. The ICC was set up exactly to avoid
that kind of impunity, by giving the ICC the ultimate jurisdiction.

Have you actually read the relevant part of the Rome Statute?

Yes of course.

The bar
for "ultimate jurisdiction" as you call it is set so high that it is
effectively useful only when the case of a state with no central

You write this as if anyone bothering to read the statute will
realise that in cases of states with a central government,
the ICC has effectively no ways of exercising its ultimate
jurisdiction. I can't read it that way.

A state that wishes to shield violators can easily do so
by setting up a sham trial that follows the formalities of its legal
system. Theoretically the trial could be declared a sham, but in
practice the shielding state can easily avoid this by making a good

And it is easy to set up a good show, you would say, eh? :-)

Few would be so naive as to conduct a transparently obvious
sham trial.

True. There would need to be put a whole lot more hard
effort into it.

  #15   Report Post  
Old 07-07-2003, 10:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Default US Bully: Sign war crime immunity agreement, or lose veterinary program aid

In essence, US reaction to the establishment of an International
Criminal Court has been to try to force through the establishment of
international law as one for American citizens -- and another for the
rest of the world. It is a classic case of American double standards,
easy to see for the rest of us, but strangely invisible to Americans.


Oh, quit bleating and whining, you tortured bitch. Nobody but a fellow
Euroweenie wants to listen to your pseudomoral bellyaching. Just shut
your dirty mouth and do something useful for once.-Jitney
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