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  #16   Report Post  
Old 23-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Posts: n/a

automatic fill and drain system. A valve opens and puts in tap water
everyday (15%) And the overflow tube waters her garden. She uses no
declor. Is it possible to do this? She has done this for 3 years

Is it possible? Sounds obvious to me.

Yes, but this much of a water infusion daily, in a region that happens
to use chloramines, might be a bit dangerous. Because water districts
can change to chloramines on a whim, or even temporarily, it can happen
to the water gardener at any time.

A smaller percentage, though, should be safe in any case. To do math,
where it takes chlorine a day or so to evap, chloramine is closer to
a week. 15% daily infusion of chloramine purified water, would invite
a noticeable level in the pond.

5% perhaps?


  #17   Report Post  
Old 23-06-2005, 05:20 PM
Reel McKoi
Posts: n/a

"Derek Broughton" wrote in message
Reel McKoi wrote:

"Snooze" wrote:

## I had a well in NY. Why not use the water as it was there and
replenished with each rainfall and snowfall. If no one used it, it just
ended up in the river and then on down to the ocean.

That's _only_ true for a dug well (ie, a well that is only a few feet

Deep water acquifers take decades to centuries to recharge.

$$ Yes, our well was hand-dug and no deeper than about 8 to 10'.

It's not like there is an limitless supply of
ground water for everyone to freely use.

## That depends on where you live. I live in the mid-south. No water
shortages here.

That's the kind of attitude that is going to turn the Ogallalla region

a desert (that is, that part of it that isn't already one).

$$ I saw something about that on TV awhile back. I don't know why they
allow farmers to use this ground water (Ogllalla region) when there are
areas of the our country that doesn't need such watering to grow crops. As
for watering lawns and golf courses there - it should be outlawed. Just my

Decades of using the ground water
in the Salinas valley by the farmers as if it's a free resource has
caused salt water from the oceans to get drawn into the ground water

## I'm aware of that.

Yet you encourage the same thing to happen in your area?

## Our water here in TN comes from a small town Utility's deep well.

surrounding towns get it from the river or a huge nearby lake. Again,

depends on where you live.

Note: "deep well". That's the problem...

$$ Again, the people and the Gov. allow this Derek. Our new water co. is
not near any lakes or rivers to draw from. Then why allow them to open a
water Co. there? They also claim the deep well water is cleaner than
surface water. Cheaper to treat I suppose. We were getting utility water
from Murfreesboro before this new Co came along. It was river water and
tasted a lot better in my opinion. It was also 1/2 the price of what we're
paying for water now. I believe until we're in a serious situation people
will continue to waste water on lawns, car washings, two showers a day,
swimming pools and other non essential things. That's just the way most
people are. They have the attitude, "Let someone else conserve. I'm
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
EVERYONE: "Please check people's headers for forgeries
before flushing." NAMES ARE BEING FORGED.
Do not feed the trolls.
~~~ }((((o ~~~ }{{{{o ~~~ }(((((o

  #18   Report Post  
Old 23-06-2005, 05:21 PM
Reel McKoi
Posts: n/a

"Derek Broughton" wrote in message
And Carol, please stop adding "= name" to the end of subject lines. Half
the time you seem to be getting the attributions wrong, and for those
benighted folks who have lousy news readers, that don't properly thread
messages, it breaks the threading.

OK Derek, no problem. ;-)
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
EVERYONE: "Please check people's headers for forgeries
before flushing." NAMES ARE BEING FORGED.
Do not feed the trolls.
~~~ }((((o ~~~ }{{{{o ~~~ }(((((o

  #19   Report Post  
Old 24-06-2005, 05:15 PM
Posts: n/a

My book on Koi care written by Doc Johnson says that there is not safe
level for Chlorine exposure.

Chloramine is worse, and can be added by your local water district,
at any time, and without notice. It can also be spurious. They may
dose with it for a while, and then stop. The chemistry from local
water districts isn't constant, because they have to treat water in
response to contaminants. Any automated water system for ornamental
fish should be structured to assume the worst.


  #20   Report Post  
Old 26-07-2005, 02:10 AM
Posts: n/a

"Snooze" wrote in message

"Reel McKoi" wrote in message
She may have her own well. Just a thought. I
personally would feel I'm
wasting water doing 15% every day unless I did have my
own well. But then I
don't water my huge lawn either. I use recycled pond
water on my flowers
and veggies.

What makes you think that having your own well gives you
the right to treat water like it's gasoline. It's not like
there is an limitless supply of ground water for everyone
to freely use. Decades of using the ground water in the
Salinas valley by the farmers as if it's a free resource
has caused salt water from the oceans to get drawn into
the ground water supply.

For some, the only environmental concern about using well
water is the electricity expenditure. I live in an area
where a good sized river enters a fresh water bay. I live
less than one mile from the bay, and less than 1.5 miles
from the river. I only use natural products in my yard. My
water table is so high, that in periods of heavy rain, water
percolates up through small holes in the lawn. The problems
occur in areas where well water usage occurs faster than
nature can replace the source, such as the large aquifers in
the west, or when the water is used by large farms, or some
other source that contaminates it. There is as much water
on the earth today as there was at the dawn of time. The
only difference is how much of it is still usable.


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