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  #1   Report Post  
Old 02-06-2005, 03:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A 6/2 WELCOME TO REC.PONDS :-)

Welcome to rec.ponds!

We are still here, despite the noise of attack posts.
Post any problem you may be having under another header.
We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who post
here and they can solve just about any problem.

If you get a rude answer to your post, sorry, but it part of
our ongoing problem. Just ignore it.
Someone will post a rational response to your question.
Many of us have filtered out the problem posters. Most
newsgroup readers have a way to do that.

Here is a Pond 101 page for new pond keepers ~

kathy :-)
this week ~ purple loosestrife

  #2   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 12:55 AM
Posts: n/a

kathy wrote:
Welcome to rec.ponds!

We are still here, despite the noise of attack posts.

Doing what exactly?

Post any problem you may be having under another header.
We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who post
here and they can solve just about any problem.

Ok here is one, how can youstop Carol from bringing her stinking war to

If you get a rude answer to your post, sorry, but it part of
our ongoing problem. Just ignore it.

Not really, The way I deal with a NG with a non-solvable problem is to
find another NG. The problem here in rec.ponds create a waste of
bandwidth ands extra work, the lasty 500 headers, is 90% off topics

Someone will post a rational response to your question.

All I see is wise crack responses.

Many of us have filtered out the problem posters. Most
newsgroup readers have a way to do that.

but why bother? How many on topic post you had today?
less tham 20.

How many Jabriol/Carol topics? today alone over 65.
not worth being here.
I understand Talk.Origins have blocked all crossposting from here. and
have blocklisted for their inability to avoid the
NYM shifting of one of their users.


  #3   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 01:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Welcome to rec.ponds!

We are still here, despite the noise of attack posts.
Post any problem you may be having under another header.
We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who post
here and they can solve just about any problem.

If you get a rude answer to your post, sorry, but it part of
our ongoing problem. Just ignore it.
Someone will post a rational response to your question.
Many of us have filtered out the problem posters. Most
newsgroup readers have a way to do that.

Here is a Pond 101 page for new pond keepers ~

kathy :-)=20
this week ~ purple loosestrife

  #4   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 02:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Welcome to rec.ponds!

We are still here, despite the noise of attack posts.

Post any problem you may be having under another header.
We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who post
here and they can solve just about any problem.

If you get a rude answer to your post, sorry, but it part of
our ongoing problem. Just ignore it.
Someone will post a rational response to your question.
Many of us have filtered out the problem posters. Most
newsgroup readers have a way to do that.

Here is a Pond 101 page for new pond keepers ~

kathy :-)
this week ~ purple loosestrife

  #6   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 04:53 AM
Posts: n/a

Welcome to rec.ponds!

We are still here, despite the noise of attack posts.
Post any problem you may be having under another header.
We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who post
here and they can solve just about any problem.

If you get a rude answer to your post, sorry, but it part of
our ongoing problem. Just ignore it.
Someone will post a rational response to your question.
Many of us have filtered out the problem posters. Most
newsgroup readers have a way to do that.

Here is a Pond 101 page for new pond keepers ~

kathy :-)
this week ~ purple loosestrife

  #7   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 08:47 AM
Jim Riley
Posts: n/a

[newsgroups snecked to rec.ponds and news.groups]

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 23:12:54 -0500, "Cracklin'" wrote:

"Courageous" wrote in message
.. .

This is not actually true.

rec.ponds could become moderated.

It's fairly easy to arrange, and not anywhere near as cumbersome as most
people think.

Moderation software even allows you to set up accept lists. These can be
as finicky as specific ip addresses of origin, or even hardware mac

Is it possible you can do this for rec.ponds? Perhaps we can have two pond
groups - one where those who don't mind trolls can post, and one moderated?
Is that possible? Can YOU do it? Maybe this should be discussed on NANAU
(???) or one of the Usenet abuse groups (???).

Under current Big 8 group creation rules, an unmoderated group may not
be converted to moderated However, a parallel moderated group can be
created (eg. rec.ponds.moderated). The groups don't have to have
anything to do with each other, or the moderated group could permit
cross-posts from the unmoderated group but not other groups.

Jim Riley
  #8   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

X-No-Archive: Yes

Cracklin' wrote:
"Courageous" wrote in message

Nothing can be done.

This is not actually true.

rec.ponds could become moderated.

It's fairly easy to arrange, and not anywhere near as cumbersome as most
people think.

Moderation software even allows you to set up accept lists. These can be
as finicky as specific ip addresses of origin, or even hardware mac



Is it possible you can do this for rec.ponds? Perhaps we can have two pond
groups - one where those who don't mind trolls can post, and one moderated?
Is that possible? Can YOU do it? Maybe this should be discussed on NANAU
(???) or one of the Usenet abuse groups (???).



Trolls infest groups all the time, but in MOST groups people learn to
keep their mouths shut, the trolls are ignored, and they go away.

You, on the other hand, keep inviting your personal troll to settle in
by INSISTING on taking the bait on a daily basis, to the point that
everyone has given up on you ever getting even a glimmer of a clue of
common sense.

If you would just SHUT UP CAROL, this would have been over long ago
.... but Carol *can't* shut up, she HAS to respond because everyone
else is too stupid (in her opinion) to know which posts are
pond-related and which aren't, so she has to KEEP RESPONDING TO THE
TROLL so he will keep coming back and keep being successful in
disrupting the group.


All together now, everyone please tell Carol to SHUT UP!!!!! so the
troll will not continue to be successful in his disruption.

(Sorry, Fred & Mike ... but when she starts infecting NANAU & a.c and
other groups with this expletive-deleted now, it's hard to just let
her slide by yet again. Cross-posts snecked because this has no place
being discussed there, it's garden-variety trolling enabled by one of
the most persistently insistently dense (aka "stupid") [that Brit word
that Adie likes to use that I never use but have been sorely tempted
to use with

-- DE

[auk added because Carol is fast approaching the point of being so
insistent on her idiotic troll-enabling that she's doing more damage
than the troll himself and should be accorded international
recognition of her inability to exercise any self control while she
whimpers "victim" over & over but keeps supplying the alcoholic with a
nice bottle of cheap red.]

[oh, and FYI, proposed new alt groups are discussed in alt.config, but
rec.* groups should be handled within the rec hierarchy]
  #9   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 01:40 PM
Posts: n/a

X-No-Archive: Yes

Cracklin' wrote:
"Courageous" wrote in message

Is it possible you can do this for rec.ponds? Perhaps we can have two


groups - one where those who don't mind trolls can post, and one


Is that possible?

Someone needs to look into newsgroup formation. I'm not sure, but I don't
think one can simply change a group to moderated status.

Keep in mind that moderation doesn't have to introduce difficulty to using
the group. Usually the way it works is that newcomers, who want to post,
have to have several of their posts approved by one of a group of


Once this happens, all posts are automatically approved.


Yes, I'm aware of that as I sometimes posted to a moderated women's group.
The original group had an unbearable troll and a few nasty sympathizers
encouraging the troll (sound familiar?)

Is it possible Carol is finally starting to recognize her own enabling

as we have on rec.ponds. Moderating
the NG effectively blocked the person and those "others," allowing the rest
of us to post in peace. :-))


Nah, didn't think so .... would take more than a cluestick-or-60 to
get her to stop inviting him back every day.

It's always the fault of everyone else, always theirs to deal with,
because Carol is so sure that they're TOO STUPID to recognize a troll
on their own, so Carol has to keep telling them 8 million times over
.... but it's NEVER Carol's fault for responding to him time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
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after time after time after time after time after time after time
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after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time after time after time after time
after time after time after time ......
  #10   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a

DE wrote:
(Sorry, Fred & Mike ...

and, of course, rec.pond'ers who are not filtering cross-posts and are
"innocent" in all this.

  #11   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 06:11 PM
Posts: n/a

"DE" wrote in message

You're a real BROKEN RECORD with this already DE. Where is your self
control? Pot calling the kettles black again? Stop making me the target of
your personal issues. If you have nothing constructive to say - say

You yourself obviously love this "problem" as you *FEED THE TROLL* with
every one of your endlessly CRITICIZING posts, boring repetitious
CRITICIZING!. How sad you need to do this to feel better about yourself -
and the TROLL loves it - so keep feeding him if you want him on AFN!

There are groups where you can vent you spleen and where your daily
repetitious *rant* as you call it, is welcome, and you may actually find


  #12   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Courageous wrote:
Nothing can be done.

This is not actually true.

rec.ponds could become moderated.

It's fairly easy to arrange, and not anywhere near as cumbersome as most
people think.

Moderation software even allows you to set up accept lists. These can be
as finicky as specific ip addresses of origin, or even hardware mac addresses.


You really think you know more about moderation, and the
(un)likelihood of success with it than your news admin?

You think you can retro-moderate an unmoderated group, no less one in
the rec hierarchy?

You don't even know what group to post the QUESTION to, and cross post
to NANAU of all places!

Just because moderation software is easy to obtain doesn't mean that
moderated groups are easy to set up and manage long-term ...
especially not one in the rec. hierarchy! And they are ALWAYS the
wrong answer to a troll, just giving the troll even more power than

More putting it off on others instead of doing what YOU should do, eh,

I know, let's go create a new group that everyone should have to move
to just because Carol is incapable of controlling herself! That'll
really show Jabriol, especially using auto-moderation trying to keep
out a troll! (Far easier to just filter out Carol completely, and
not even read her pond-related posts, since she keeps defending her
inability to SHUT UP.)

snicker It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you really don't
get how easily you could get rid of him, if you -- one person, Carol,
YOU -- would just SHUT UP.

x-posts modified to more appopriate groups and with apologies to
rec.ponds, whose readers are hopefully killing cross-posts now.

-- DE
  #13   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 08:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Courageous wrote:
Nothing can be done.

This is not actually true.

rec.ponds could become moderated.

It's fairly easy to arrange, and not anywhere near as cumbersome as most
people think.

Moderation software even allows you to set up accept lists. These can be
as finicky as specific ip addresses of origin, or even hardware mac addresses.


Oh, I left this one out, which is the one the "I know more than my
news admin" and "I just CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF" Carol ought to read (but
she won't; she'll just go on inviting the troll over to play and
adding more groups):

Geesh, you don't even know the intended purpose of nanau but you feel
free to post this "I can't deal with the troll" BS there even though
TROLL -- all you have to do is SHUT UP, Carol.

-- DE
  #14   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 09:02 PM
Posts: n/a

Courageous wrote:
Is it possible you can do this for rec.ponds? Perhaps we can have two pond
groups - one where those who don't mind trolls can post, and one moderated?
Is that possible?

Someone needs to look into newsgroup formation. I'm not sure, but I don't
think one can simply change a group to moderated status.

Keep in mind that moderation doesn't have to introduce difficulty to using
the group. Usually the way it works is that newcomers, who want to post,
have to have several of their posts approved by one of a group of moderators.
Once this happens, all posts are automatically approved.


You're full of it, you know nothing about actual newsgroup moderation,
even less about auto-moderation.

All that is needed here is for ONE PERSON -- YOU -- to SHUT UP.

I don't think everyone in rec.ponds is willing to go through the
newsgroup creation process in the rec hierarchy, no less move to
posting to a new group, just to get rid of ONE TROLL, when the answer
is so easy: Carol, SHUT UP and that is all it takes.

SHUT UP, Carol. Talk about PONDS in rec.ponds, period, nothing else,
no response to Jabriol and he will go away, and then people MIGHT
start reading your posts again ... maybe ... if you haven't already
made everyone so nauseous by your inability to control yourself for a
second that they can't stand to read anything you write anymore.

What, are you 2 years old, that you have NO IMPULSE CONTROL?

AUK added as you're headed for some kind of award for persistent
insistent infinite cluelessness.
  #15   Report Post  
Old 03-06-2005, 10:04 PM
Posts: n/a

"DE" wrote in message
More putting it off on others instead of doing what YOU should do, eh,

You still haven't produced all these messages I keep asking about - why
not? Because you lied or because you feel like an idiot now that you know
they all have forged headers and are all from Jabbers? You are nothing but
another TROLL DE, that's pretty plain to see. You love this and you will
continue on and on like the busy-body troll you are........ why don't you
add a few more NG and blame that on me as well? ;-)

You also have memory problems don't you? He claimed he's going to destroy
rec.ponds unless I give in to his blackmail and you know that will never
happen. So perhaps you can find someone else to troll like a good girl?


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